Geography of a woman

Well, that old Sikkh gentleman seems to be an exceptional case.

With love,

No. They are like modern US.

no attachment from the past and no expectations from the future also. It is good in some ways but bad also in more ways.

With love,

That does not follow as a conclusion from your opening post.

First of all, i already mentioned that those conclusions are not mine. I am just reporting those.
Having said that, i still do not think i sidestepped from the OP.

with love,

They are like non industrialized nations, having to make do with what nature gave them.

Naah, I never cared how others see me. You either like me or not. I care how I see myself wether I like me. And I do not see myself as a Senior at only 52. Junior sure, :slight_smile: :slight_smile: .
My original post was jest BTW.

At 52, you are still one year senior than me.
Having said that, I never get the feeling that I am old, at least till now. Though, I certainly feel maturity in me now.

With love,

I was just saying this: “That does not follow as a conclusion from your opening post.” Not more. I was merely referring to your statement in the opening post and nothing else. With humor. So, to me, it was just irrelevant whether you or another person originally mentioned what you wrote in the opening post. What I wanted to know from you was the answer to the question (in other words) : Why US and not Pakistan?

I meant *I haven’t gotten past 22.

My male friend in Pakistan agreed with the last line, but he wasn’t happy about it :neutral_face:

This kind of categorizing is a nigh-perfect reflection of the mentality of modern society where femininity is celebrated and the little masculinity that is left is ostracized and tried to be made ashamed of itself.

Yes, women are wildly beautiful after 70.

Yes, men are ruled by nuts, all men are so simple and base and controlled by their sexuality they can be summed up in one short sentence about their simpleness and baseness and submission to their genitals.

Females are so mysterious and complex and beautiful and intelligent and everything else virtuous, while males are not.

Imagine if the reverse happened: 10 lines celebrating men and masculinity and one line reducing women to simple, base sexual objects?

What would be the response?

My guess is, THIS:

The writing was done in humor, jest, tongue in cheek, not to be taken seriously. Its not flattering to either gender but, done with humor to both.

You know, I wouldn’t even mind it if it was GOOD humour. But females don’t have a sense of humour, they never had to develop one because they never had problems with attaining popularity or seducing males.

It’s so unfunny that it seems to me that no real effort was put in the humour part, as if the primary intention was to celebrate women and shit on men. Whatever.

It’s not funny when you look at the bigger picture, and start to notice all the pervasive and subtle ways men are constantly mocked, put down, the subject of jokes and of anger and classified as idiots. We have vilified the male, and made him look like an pansy and an idiot, to further the “feminism” that is so highly regarded in our culture. We do it on TV and in the media, we are constantly celebrating the female and are not noticing that less men are going to college and finishing. Men actually feel the weight of all of it because the constant bombardment makes them feel like trying to be a better man is futile, and he should just accept his role as the clown in his family unit, in his work and most certainly in his society.

Feminists often make the mistake of valuing their equality over that of the male, belittling him and punishing him for the sins of their fathers. They often mistake paternalism for being “Male” driven because of the name but in today’s society that is certainly not the case. It is the female who general makes a rule of hard paternalism before a male, in order to protect and shelter those she feels are weaker because, of course, she is the only one who understand what it means to be oppressed (according to her).

We are oppressive of men now, we label them and make unwarranted assumptions about their intentions and their being before we have even gotten to know them. It’s unfair and unjust.

Oh when those tables have turned :eusa-naughty:

See, attitudes like that are exactly what I am talking about. What has Arbiter of Change ever done as a man that draws that ire? Why do you feel the need to point at him and make him feel like the stereotypes and judgments are warranted?

When do we stop mocking individuals and putting them in boxes with labels and start treating each human being as equal?

Most Feminists should stop lying to themselves and see that what they really want is to dominate and flip the tables. That should NOT be the goal, they have lost sight and become exactly what they supposedly despise. The oppressors.

It was not about him, it was about the specific part of the comment:
" as if the primary intention was to celebrate women and shit on men."
Take a look at some older texts, plays or stories, Shakespeare for just one author. Ridiculing and jesting about women was a standard for centuries. Women were not taught to read or even write. If women saw a play or was read a story it was expected that she be demurely embarrassed or gently laugh. If a man can not accept the humor as gently as women are/were expected to, then he is no man , he is only a male human. Of course that is only my opinion. BTW. I am not a feminist.

Not flattering? It calls 70+ year old women wildly beautiful and adventurous for fucks sake. Every single line is meant to emotionally appeal to the female public.

Wasn’t ridiculing and jesting about men just as if not even more commonplace throughout history? Come on Krissy, let’s play WHO’S THE BIGGEST VICTIM.

The history argument is a tedious one. Only a small percentage of males in history were taught to read and write. Most were as poorly educated as women. Women have always been somewhere in the middle, never in the best positions, like men, nor in the worst, again, like men. Politically motivated feminists of course will only mention that females were never in the best positions.

What’s funny is that I would actually agree that a good portion or even a majority of males ARE ruled by their genitals, but to praise and flatter females to the point of lying for 10 lines straight and then take a dump on men, a dump which isn’t even amusing… that was just a lame ending. Like I said, just imagine if somebody praised men for 10 lines straight and then called women ‘cum dumpsters’ or something like that. It wouldn’t even be fun, just stupid and insulting, even if it was true for some women.

Shakespeare made equal fun of men. Malvolio from ‘Twelfth Night’ comes to mind, and there is one in almost every play that shows so many weak aspects of man to be ridiculed. MacBeth’s wife has to kill the King because he lacks the balls and what fate becomes him? In each play, there is a male character that is mocked and belittled far more often than women actually.

It’s clear that the original joke was celebratory of women and belittling of men. Had the tables been turned, it would not have been funny.

A man degrading a man, a man degrading a woman . Humor… So what you say is it is ok for males to jest about males and women but god forbid women jest about men and women, it is castrating… You can not even see the ridicule of women in the post you are focusing on the male. Please reread where I said it was not flattering to either. If you honestly think that women have no sense of humor about themselves , then you live in a really small world.