Anarchist Nihilism

[An aristocrat!] who advocated the self determination of peasants and working class some 200 years ago. What is wrong with this picture? First of all, that it should be, of all people, a nobleman - what an irony! Second, the standard of living has improved a lot in the last 200 years. An average person has a lot more freedoms and luxuries than ever before (maybe even a little too much). 200 years ago, they didn’t even have flushing toilets or antibiotics - things that we take for granted today. Heck, today, even illegal immigrants have a shot at good life! What government oppression are you talking about?

P.S.: So why aren’t you out there helping the refugee invasion like your fellow anarchists are doing all over?

No Borders at Union Square Rally
British Anarchists Help Migrants Storm Channel Tunnel … unnel.html
Activists and Refugees at French Border
Greek Anarchists welcome refugees in Lesbos

I have nothing in common with mainstream anarchists and for you to lump me up with them just shows your ignorance Pandora. Believe it or not I despise all mainstream anarchist groups and that should of been obvious if you took the time to read my original post of this thread.

If you even bothered reading my thread Nihilistic Interpretations On Racism And Multiculturalism you would know that I have nothing but disdain for government enforced multiculturalism or multiracialism concerning integration practices.

Let that take you off your ignorant high horse a notch.

I’m not a Marxist, communist, liberal, or even a capitalist for that matter. Your attempts at labeling me such is infantile and futile.

Government oppression doesn’t exist? :laughing: Standard of living has improved for who?

Such a simplistic view of hierarchy. How embarrassing for you.

So what do you do now? Just wait for the apocalypse, attend prepper meetings and subscribe to Survival magazines?

Tsk, tsk. You sound quite unappreciative, you know. Why don’t you visit a local history museum and see how your ancestors have lived comparatively? The problem is not with the standards of living but with an attitude.

Was I trying to impress? Is this what you’re all about? Getting attention and approval?
How does the concept of ‘embarrassment’ even fit into your paradigm to justify you using it?

The reason why you have nothing in common with mainstream anarchists is that you are only an anarchist within your own mind. As when it comes to actually
doing something you prefer to do nothing. Now you claim to be violent and chaotic yet when was the last time you actually did something violent and chaotic
in the name of anarchy. And till you actually start committing acts pertaining to it you cannot claim to be one because unlike nihilism which is merely a state
of mind anarchy actually involves overthrowing the established order. And that cannot be achieved merely by thinking about it which is all that you are doing

Is that so? What do mainstream anarchists accomplish actually that I don’t? How do you know what acts I have and have not committed?

At any rate you don’t really need to attack an enemy that has every intention of killing and destroying themselves. That’s the beauty of today’s environment. Very soon around the world all the world governments are going to flatline where the beauty of it all is because of themselves living off of their own excesses. They just barely have a pulse now as the time draws near.

You obviously know nothing about combat. You don’t ambush the enemy until they’re at their most vulnerable and weakest.

We’re not there quite yet…soon, very soon…

Apocalypse is such a traditional quaint word. I prefer global economic collapse or the disintegration of civilization. It has more of a better ring to it.

My dear if you only knew what I do with my spare time. I of course am not going to tell you.

We should be appreciative for our slavery and captivity? Well, if that doesn’t define a particular train of thought concerning civil obedience I don’t know what does. Of course you got that whole slave herd and mentality thing going for you down pact.

You’re a boring little prude.

I ask you when was the last time you did something violent and chaotic in the name of anarchy and you cannot give a simple answer
You also keep repeating your mantra about the total collapse of civilisation - something for which there is zero precedent in history
but which you think will happen anyway. Now you claim that it will be soon but when exactly is that now ? Before or after you die ?

There was zero precedent of a globalized world before fifty years ago and yet here we are. If you are too ignorant that you can’t see a collapsing environment all over the world then frankly you’re lost to me and not worth the effort concerning expenditure of energy.

I don’t have to tell you shit. You and Pandora want to focus this entire thread on me personally without even discussing the subject of this thread that it entails. You’re both annoying pests.

Actually the subject of this thread is about reconciling your nihilistic beliefs with your anarchist beliefs so is personally about you

I rest my case. Not worth the expenditure of energy. I see hanging out with the KT crowd it hasn’t took you very long to pick up their traits of ignoring subject materials going straight on with personal attacks only.

I don’t mind fighting or personal attacks myself but at least I try to stay on subject and point when I go into either.

Go back to KT where you belong where there you can all masturbate each other’s objectivist hysterias. Take Pandora with you.

Now I have never attacked you as all I have done is ask you simple straightforward
questions pertaining to your anarchist beliefs which you cannot apparently answer

It’s the way you go about asking your questions that are indeed insulting. Don’t play coy with me.

If you want to discuss what I describe as Anarchist Nihilism that is fine. You will however cease engaging me about my personal life.

A civilized anarchist!

Do you want us to send you a list of questions first, so you can sort out which ones hurt your feelings and which do not?

Are you actually asking others to be easy on you? To play…ahem…fair?

“Insulting”…that’s another word that belongs in the “embarrassment” family. I don’t know why an anarchist is even using these words.

This is what I have never understood about “anarchists”. They call for something like global economic collapse or breakdown of society and all that their fantasizing minds correlate with that (see photos above), yet simultaneously are idealists/utopians that are seemingly blind to reality in one form or another, resulting in situations like the above. I call it the Underpants Model for Civilization (See: Underpants gnomes)

If you only knew what I would do to people in an isolated dark alley way that I don’t like left to me alone five minutes in the dark. :laughing:

Oh, I’m sorry, not the answer you were looking for? :evilfun:

No, you can try to hurt my feelings all you want. I could care less really. I was merely articulating my dismay for your guys lack of respect concerning the general conversation of the thread at hand. Rather than discuss the topic you guys are all trying to make the whole subject about the Joker personally.

This is the kind of behavior I would expect out of immature teenagers not full grown adults but…