Anarchist Nihilism

Why Socialists, Marxists, And Communists Make Piss Poor Anarchists.

There is nothing worse than a group of fake pretend anarchists telling you how you should act, live, and think in the name of political correctness but all the while ironically calling themselves non-political.

Anarcho-Capitalists Are Not Anarchists.

Anarcho capitalists are not anarchists. At best they’re neofeudalists and are best grouped with their stupid cousins known as libertarians that believe in limited government.

Essentially they expect to enforce private property and keep landowners hoarding over their industrial or commercial work plantations through anarchy. How does that work out exactly?

They’ll have a volunteer police force just as they’ll also have volunteer workers to slave for them on their privatized fiefdoms?


Market Anarchists Are Not Anarchists At All.

So called market anarchists think they can have the benefits of market economics and currency under government in an environment of anarchy. This is not feasible.

Money, currency, and credit within historical origins are government abstractions where it takes a government to enforce them into existence or circulation.

Money, currency, and credit are enforced top down where market economics revolves around a command economy.

Simply put, money, currency, and credit are incompatible with anarchism.

As of yet I’ve never met a so called market anarchist explain to me how money, currency, or credit can exist within anarchy.

The true aims of money, currency, and credit is to control or dominate others through centralized power by the issuance in standards of value-worth.

As of yet bartering is the only anarchist method of trade and this goes with bartering negotiations of labor also.

Anarchist Nihilists believe that civilization should be destroyed before in our ongoing captivity it destroys us and all life on the planet. It supports a preemptive strike on civilization and the state worldwide. Anarchist Nihilists perceive it to be an inevitability that civilization will destroy itself and the entire world under the control of the state where the destruction of both is more desirable.

There is no social, economic, political or otherwise reform of civilization by the state that will liberate us from our existential captivity.

In order to liberate ourselves from this captivity in creating an entirely new clean slate Anarchist Nihilists perceive it in our best interests in terms of survival to destroy civilization and the state altogether.

The aspirations of civilization under the state is a feminine one and it is no coincidence why there appears to be a war on masculinity or men in general concerning today’s world. The rise of feminism in this postmodern world is no coincidence since it is mostly feminine aims that guide it with a small minority of men that enforces. Most of the oppressed in this world are males not women contrary to feminist state propaganda initiatives. It then becomes no surprise that the voices of today’s rebels, revolutionaries, and insurrectionists are primarily males. It is no surprise that most women do not support any rebellion, assault, or insurrection against the modern world considering they have the most to lose if it was destroyed and disbanded along with everything to gain by keeping the status quo as it exists now. As I’ve discussed elsewhere women are obedient to authority where they have an inability to question, criticize, or reject it. Women socially and within sexual dynamics of behavior are attracted to power, influence, or raw control that they perceive as security. It then goes on to presume that the Anarchist Nihilist movement ideologically and existentially naturally will comprise mostly of men which is fine if not inevitable because of current various environmental factors involved in today’s complex world.

It will be mostly men that takes charge in leading a rebellion, insurrection, and revolt against civilization for men stand to lose the most if it continues to exist overtime.

Let us destroy civilization and the state along will annihilating all of its individual cohorts or institutional demagogues thereby creating a new transfiguration of power where afterwards we shall show in illustration the error of women everywhere.

Once the old power structure is destroyed and a revolutionary new one emerges women will do what they do best substituting the old structure for a new one that they’ll readily obey themselves to as this is what they constantly do.

The nightmare, ideology, and philosophy of the world’s elite is transhumanism guided by an oligarchic technocracy.

The goal of these minority of individuals that controls the entire world currently and its infrastructure is to create a super technological automated totalitarian police state worldwide in their image. Reading future social-economic forecasts for this future they want to create is quite interesting. It says a majority of all traditional jobs men have had historically will become technologically obsolete and that most future jobs will mostly be comprised by women. Once again we see the feminine nature of civilization as it constantly seeks the uplifting of women at the impoverished expense of a majority of men leaving them to total penury.

The present and future will consist of a majority of unemployed or impoverished men in excess living in isolated idleness as outcasts. Overtime many men will be forced into public welfare, the streets, prisons, or much worse.

Will you in your weakness turn to god or religion? There is no god and even if there was one all evidence tells us that such a being doesn’t give a shit about us.

Will you in your weakness turn to government or its politics? It has already been made abundantly clear that we males in majority are sacrificial lambs of the state and its aims.

Will you in your weakness as disposable excesses of the male population sign up to fight in a government world wars as soldiers? To die as sacrificial lambs in wars they utilize to cull us with as cannon fodder in reducing our populations for their benefit?

No, we excess disposable men in this new technological paradigm of captivity should take time within our forced exile to band together, organize, and revolutionize our entire mental perceptions in targeting our angst or rage to the real enemies of us all globally.

I say let us form a grand brotherhood and rise out of the ashes of our collective exile as a phoenix more stronger or menacing than ever before. Let us take the world by storm and deliver our own retribution by armed redistribution along with destroying that entire paradigm of civilization that causes our captivity to begin with. Let us destroy that future nightmare of a world before it becomes reality.

In capitalism almost everyone is a mercenary.
It makes life meaningless. Life becomes based on money.
Human “innocents” keep this system and fight to protect it.
Self destruction in a sophistic style.

That is exactly what I have been saying about civilization for so very long.

Hey, artistically, this could also be an idylle, couldn’t it?

Why limit yourself to fantasy art? Just pack your bags and move to a place like Homs, in Syria.

Get yourself a taste of the real deal.

You’re ruining this boys childhood.

I’ll tell you why I wouldn’t. First off, I hate all religions which includes Islam and Muslims.

Secondly, I want to stick around in western society that I’ve grown up in so that when the day it crumbles I’ll be able to witness western females like yourself full of entitlement along with the gimme attitude get ripped to shreds by angry mobs.

To witness women like yourself knocked down off their pedestals would be epic and I wouldn’t want to miss that.

Finally, western civilization as it exists now needs to be destroyed, cleansed, and culled. If I can take part in any small way I will stick around for that also. Any questions?

It’s not so much about me and other women being on a pedestal as it is you and men like you being impotent. Bringing women down will not automatically make you a man. Your logic is similar to men who look for docile women in Asia, for someone to make them appear as a man - in comparison. Which excuses them from stepping up to a challenge. To be a man is to want to overcome what is in front of him, not to drag (or seek) the other lower in order to make oneself bigger.

How conveniently picky we are, aren’t we? People throughout history have used whatever was available at hand in order to get what they wanted. Those who were too rigid in their principles/ideals failed. You’re not taking a part in it. You’re wishing.