Philosophy is Friendship

The good thing for Pezer is that it doesn’t take much effort to become superstar.


That’s exactly they why they wrote that they did.

With Fixed, it’s always drama, never philosophy.

Shifted it to next page because I dont like my post being at the bottom.

Fixed may become confused by about what I’m about to say, so it needs some clarification.
Fixed may say something along the lines of it being physically possible to like this tune. But what isn’t noticing is that the tune he likes, isn’t actually the tune that is on display. His mind is twisting and adding things to the tune, to force himself to like it. It is not physically possible for a healthy human brain to like a repeated 4/4 measure that repeats every few seconds, so his mind and twists and warps what he hears - in essence, he is not hearing the same thing we are, but a deluded and mentally modified version of it.

This also connects back to the woman and lies, MagsJ did not make a deliberate effort to lie about the music, but she is simply not being totally conscious of her own mind, hiding from inward knowledge of herself, and this is what is meant by how she lies.

For instance, when I was a teenager, I was molested by boys, said I didn’t like it, complained that they would stop, yet I would get aroused and then fantasize about it later that night. I was lying to myself and lying to them, I was hidden separated from my own mind and true desires, I never made the connection that I actually liked it, I wasn’t deliberately lying to them, when I said I didn’t like it it was my honest reaction.

I feel like this whole thread is some elaborate ruse to trick us into being “bamboozled”, like how in Batman other criminals try to bamboozle the Joker, except in this case, Joker was not the target of the bamboozlement, Trixie was, but Trixie is basically the main villain of ILP, so I guess it makes sense to play the gag on them. So, Fixed’ music sucks, he knows it sucks, and this thread was just bait to get us to make a fuss of it, case is closed. I mean, Philosophy is Friendship was a nice touch because he knew it would bait me to click on it.

It is like south park, it is all about the comments.

I know whether I do or do not like a tune… not the hardest (pun intended in this case) decision I’ve ever had to make.

Ironically, that’s just you repeating the easiest–and most superficial–charge leveled against me (because I’m not afraid to quote, to appear “unoriginal” to the mediocre–and because I can quote so well, having a great memory and a great mind to make connections. As Heraclitus says, “Thinking connects all”…).

Anyway, my reply to jerkey consisted entirely of my own original thoughts–which, however, is not to say I was the first to have them, of course… (My reply to Lardy Quinn was just pointing out that her implied argument was invalid and its conclusion false. I wish you two all the best, by the way, as long as it isn’t to the detriment of your superiors.)

I’m sure these explications must be profoundly boring to you!

Do you have a penis, Trixie? Or rather, were you born with one? If so, then it is not natural for you to be aroused by other men molesting you. It does not matter what you feel. Feelings are a superficial aspect. What matters is the ground upon which your feelings are based. Considering that you were born a male, it is not natural for you to have such feelings. Masculine energy forbids such feelings. The fact that you have such feelings is a sign that you have lost the connection to your masculine energy. It’s no longer flowing through your body.

Pretension does not simply mean “absence of feelings”. What it really means is “shallow feelings”.

It’s rather difficult to convince yourself that you like something merely by twisting your spontaneous feelings. What is easier is to simply lower your standards. And how does one lower one’s standards? By forgetting. The less memory you have, the more superficial your judgment is.

We can only guess why Fixed and his friend with benefit Pezer enjoy steady four-to-the-floor. We must first take into account that they are druggies. When you are on drugs, everything is great. It must be the case, I believe, that drugs mess up with your memory. Everything looks more fresh when you take drugs.

Ecstasy is a popular choice, and ecstasy increases empathy, which is to say, it makes people more friendly. If we accept the premise that philosophy is friendship, it follows that E is a necessary part of becoming a great philosopher. But I am straying away . . .

I believe that most club-goers have very short attention spans. This is why they enjoy steady four-to-the-floor beat. By the time they hit the next beat, they already forgot the previous one, so every time it’s a new beat for them. Moreover, because they forget almost instantly, they cannot stand anything slower than 140 BPM. That explains their tastes pretty well.

Now, MagsJ . . . what is there to say about her? It does not really matter whether she has feelings or not. The point is that her feelings are shallow, thus, not exactly real.

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget.

But, this is exceptionally bad, even compared to EDM.

MagsJ probably just had the old knee-jerk, didn’t want to hurt Fixed’s sensitive feelings, so she said it was good.

I cannot remember the first day he molested me. All I can observe is that judging from modern social interactions, females do not seem to be terribly into penis. For instance, there was a Woman on the YoungTurksShow who was discussing sex. She told him, “You can have sex with me, but [your penis], I don’t want to see it.” It seems women of this day are more or less motherly, asexual, not really desiring of sex or sexual encounters. That is, until you break them in.

Typically what I see on television, is a male flirting with a female, female is at first indignant, then over time, comes to terms with her own sexuality, and gives in. However, what happened with me happened a bit differently, as I was taught that such things were wrong and a sin, as well as fear of social perception, and so I hid my feelings to myself and denied him for longer than I should have. The story has a sad ending, once I finally accepted his love, he told me that it was all a joke, that he never loved me, and did it all just to hurt my feelings.

We are powerless against the force of forgetfulness.

He can simply ignore us and just “forget about it”.

Or he can get a hug from Pezer.

Or he can seek approval from other druggies.

Lost cause he is ):

Lardy Quinn? :sleeping-sleeping: Zonker! Wah, woh, woh! If you had a sense of humor I’d play, but nah, no point.

That’s actually a term of endearment.

Oh, limitations. High degrees of senses of humor are usually covers for something unadmittedly sad.
Whereas memory failings are merely the unfortunate
byproduct of something even more awful, like autism through intelligence. Wonder why this is why the failing notion that opposites attract?

Or is the whole idea of opposites a misnomer, and that is really funny.

Why do the now lurking philosopher kings need my attention at all? Tell me Sowilos since you adore me, am I hit worthy?

Jerk, I do what I can so the world is not so sad, admittedly.

Not at all. The only thing is, not to see feelings as sort of cut off, from the other parts, no I am innately fearful of hurting anyone. That’s all. I am too new here, not to appreciate a modicum of humor in everything. Please appreciate that. And I am sure I speak for any other sceptics around here.

“Blessed are they who have a taste, even if it be a bad taste.” (Nietzsche, from heart.)

I most certainly have a sense of humour, and the question is what makes it good or bad, great or petty…


My oh my, so well brewed, yet still a beer.

:gay-imgay: Are you that funny? :confusion-shrug:


Hopefully you’re making bank, friend of philosophy. Beloved wit, so missed.