How Transsexualism occurs

…via medical intervention.

#-o Such narrow-minded views arose when one insists on thinking solely from one ‘gnat’ brain and mind.

Often it takes revelation of the simple truth to cut through all of the BS rationalizations and obfuscations.

Wasn’t it you who just said on another thread:

You haven’t rationalized anything. I’m not even sure what you mean by this. I am disappointing in you James, now here me and Prismatic have given you a detailed scientific explanation and that’s all you can say.

What do you mean medical intervention? Circumcision? There are non-circumcized transsexuals so you can’t blame it on circumcision. Do you blame transsexualism on vaccines?

You haven’t actually said what your beliefs are.

I suppose I am a true transsexual because whenever I get aroused, I always have this overwhelming impulse to either sit or lay down and be penetrated. It was like that even when I was little. And it doesn’t actually matter if the one of my affection has a dick and balls, it could be a woman with no dick and balls and yet deep down I just want her to penetrate me, metaphorically.

I still don’t think I am a completely dysfunctional male. On rare occasions, I just want to please a female and make her happy, by grabbing her and humping in her from the back, and of course making thrusting motions as well, and in these moments I feel like a dog.

But not a happy dog, because in these rare moments, either society, social norms, or the fact that the girl still lives with her parents, ruins that beautiful moment from ever happening.

Back to my wading through perdition.

It went over your head (somewhat expected). I wasn’t the one rationalizing.

The state of your instinctive drives is more in the hands of the medical world, not merely the media/psychological world (and certainly not your natural DNA).

You shouldn’t be proud that your teachings go over people’s heads. Especially when you make no effort to explain them. No you are falling into the depths of madness and solipsism.

It wasn’t an issue of pride.

Here is the diagram explaining how to make a free energy machine. With my dying breathe, I give this to you.

Oup? Go over your head? I guess you aren’t up to my intellectual standards.

Yes. He was the one. Of course. :wink:

Judging on what you have posted, point is you are so ignorant on this subject and had never bothered to educate yourself on the relevant knowledge in relation to the topic.

The possibility of variations from the majority can happen during the following;

  1. Variation in the DNA pattern due to chance changed or damage, etc. [genetics]
  2. Neural connections during fetal development.

The genetics factor is a possibility but this is not established nor have been clearly proven yet.

However what is most likely is the neural connectivity during fetal development that vary from the majority.
If you understand the nature of neurons and the various aspects of neuroscience, you will likely accept this possibility as very tenable.

Any authorized medical intervention is normally effected after psychological confirmation of the mental elements.

Your propensity to boast in such a manner is very revealing of your own psyche. Is it even possible for you to discuss anything without throwing demeaning insults at your opponent?

First, you do not know what is “most likely”. And what is most likely changes as society changes, learns more of how to manipulate and control the population.

What to do about “the greatest problem of the human race”: Over Population.

… and retroviruses (affecting the next generation prenatal embryo and foetus development).

Who said anything about authorized? And authorized by whom exactly?
Let me guess: You are one of those who believes that the greater portion of the iceberg is above water?

This ain’t a knee jerk response, I’ve thought about this.

I don’t think they spray babies with any conspiracy chemicals making males transgender.

I think it is females who no longer sexually function, females are like no longer attracted to males by default.

And how do you suppose that happened?

I am not sure exactly. Females are no longer attracted to masculinity in males though.

That might be partially true, but that certainly isn’t the only thing going on. You think that only females changed in some way? Males certainly seem very different to me.

They have most certainly feminized, I am living testament, but I am not sure the medical industry is to blame. At most, they are only to blame in the extent of women flushing their hormone pills in the toilet, making the estrogen of the tap water higher. I dont believe there is a grand conspiracy of the medical industry to feminize society. I believe that is the lawmaker’s and media’s job. The medical industry only feminizes society in the sense that it forbids nurses to have sex with their patients (something I would like to see changed in the nearby future.)

As is common, you fail to understand how easy it is to affect/infect society.

If you had a very securely hidden, inexpensive, and simple means of altering the world toward your preference, would you do it? Even if you wouldn’t (and I’m sure that you would) over thousands of years, such means are discovered and very many choose to do exactly that, infect the world with their preference (almost everyone falls to that temptation).

I think that it was in the 1980’s when a doctor was discovered who had been replacing all of the sperm donations in the bank with his own. Many before him and many after have been discovered infecting society in a variety of ways; drugs, diseases, organic chemicals, “cyanide in the aspirin”, … basically anything that might work as they are taught to see themselves as being above society in general (as are a great many groups). And sterilizing the population has been an excepted priority since WW1. Confusing their senses, making them more “liberal” and chaotic, is an indirect, and thus hidden, means to infect society with the long-time preference of reducing the population growth while also altering its make up.

Yes, you feminize, ostracize, and disable the males with what has historically been referred to as “The Sword of God” (the “invisible god/manipulator”). Then you take their women and other property as your own. As they say, “Disease makes God perfect”.

The “medical industry” isn’t to blame, but rather those who cleverly see means to spread their own preference via medical advancements (such as pheromones altering the senses and retroviruses altering the DNA itself). Technology advancements (the opiate of governments) add even more to the insidiousness of the game with surveillance, hypnosis, and nano-manipulations. The public makes it inexpensive and easy to spread. Who would give up such a temptation?

It doesn’t take a “conspiracy”. It merely takes an opportunity.

There is no mass pheromone conspiracy from the medical industry. How would that even work anyway?

As I said, it doesn’t take any conspiracy. It only takes opportunity.

And you seem to think that you know how it all works.
Who told Adham that he was naked?
… I did.