DNA wise ALL humans are born with a POTENTIAL to be Evil

You are the one who has constipated and merely hand waving views. You have absolutely no idea. You can and you will never give any proof or eviddence for you stupid “statements”, because they are completely false. There is no gene for morality, for ethics, for philosophy. All what humans can do when it comes to good or evil is to learn what it means, and that is also the reason why it is absolutely useless to educate little children before they have reached the age of the acquisition of the adult langiuage. Language (I mean the adult language - not the “baby talk”) is required for e.g. the learning what good or evil means.

Your alledged “tendency” does not exist. It seems that you have never learned what morality means - as if you have never been young. If a human who has reached the child/adult border, thus an adolescent age of about 14 yearsr or some years more (it depends on each case), and does not knwo what morality in the sense of a good-and-evil-system means, then this human will probably never leran what it means. That is the point.

You are trying to drive a wedge between me and him. I gave given explanations too. It seems that you do even not know what explanations are.

Again: You are the one who has not given any explanation. All what you are telling here about this subject is mere nonsense. What you are telling here is similar to the nonsensical statement that “babies” would be “atheists”. That is false. There is no gene for religion, for theology, for ethics, for philosophy. Your “statements” are completely false.

That are no studies but mere nonsense !

Is it possible that your developmental age is less than one year? You just do not know what “good” and “evil” mean.

I suggest you start learning your first language again before you judge about things you have absoluetly no idea of.

It is most effective.

Again and again: You are the one who has unhealthy constipated views. You have absolutely no idea of morality, ehtics, logic, definitions, … and so on and so forth.

You have no arguments, and so (of course) you start insulting all those who counter your false “statements”. That is typical for you, the “progressed human” (so your self-evaluation is false too).

You are merely misusing Kant’s philosophy.

You “statements” in this and another thread referring to the same subject indicate that you know almost nothing about moral and ethics, not much about Kant’s philosophy, and, moreover, nothing at all about genetics, learning, children, education.

I have helped, thus supported you in some other threads where you said some true words about Kant. But in this and another thread referring to the same subject you are really talking illogical, incoherent nonsense about things you know almost nothing about, in some cases even nothing at all.

You are always blabbering your condemnations of my views without any proper arguments nor justifications. That is not the way for any credible intellectual and philosophical discussions.

Btw, I have spent always 3 years full time basis studying Kant and his philosophy so your views i.e.
you know almost nothing about moral and ethics, not much about Kant’s philosophy, and, moreover, nothing at all about genetics, learning, children, education

appear to be silly and stupid from my perspective.

Btw have you read extensively or not.
If you have read widely you will note most of the good texts has a large section Bibliography.

Have you read this thread?
Note I have built up my hypothesis with my own views and at the same time supported with justified views from other sources.

Obviously! if you are representing Christians’ views I definitely would expect you to quote from what Jesus said. I will note your personal views [as far as I am aware is not credible at all] on this but that would be secondary.

As mentioned above, I suggest you start a petition to condemn all those authors who had a Bibliography section in their books.
I presume when you discuss Physics, you will ignore the theories of Newton’s, Einstein’s, Bohrs’ and other reputable Physicists and will only argue your own knowledge and views.

From above;
I presume when you discuss Physics, you will ignore the theories of Newton’s, Einstein’s, Bohrs’ and other reputable Physicists and will only argue your own knowledge and views.
No sane intellectual person will trust your gnat view on Physics and Psychology if you do not refer to accepted theories of the past.

It is not ‘promote’ but ‘support’ my hypothesis. Have you ever presented an academic thesis? If yes, do you mean it does not have a Bibliography at all. If that is the case, it should go into a dustbin.
Show me one credible thesis [Masters or PhD] of the modern era where there is no reference to the theories or ideas of others.

So what? Such discussion are open to any one who is interested. If no one is interested then let it be so. No worries.

How would you know? And think about what precedence actually causes in society. But more than that, consider that THIS is NOT society at large. THIS is a Philosophy site wherein you seriously need to think more than worship what others have said.

You appear to misunderstand what a bibliography is for. It merely serves to show that you were not lying when you quoted someone. It, in no way, supports the truth of your own assertions. And it certainly doesn’t provide forgiveness of the requirement to define your terms when referring to scientific evidence.

A bibliography in no way represents rationalization for assertions being made in the thesis.

You seem to be caught up in the whole “name dropping” thing used to impress and influence the apes. You really should hold that off, and especially the “patting yourself on the back” bit, until you have provided a solid foundation for your claim. You could have 18 PhDs, 4 Nobel Prizes, and certified letters from Mother Teressa and the Pope, yet none of that would mean anything at all to me or the thinking people on any Philosophy site. You are playing the Fascist.

DNA wise All humans are almost GAURANTEED to be evil.

But how evil? This particular planet, world, and daily life circumstances make them very evil.
At this point, the only way out of this hell is the DnA machine.

Evil is only a social construct.

No. If there was a button that said lighting your foot on fire for a very long time, or getting heavenly spas, it would be evil to push the foot on fire button.

No, it would not be evil, it would be stupid or ignorant or it could save your life or another. We name actions as evil because they endanger , harm or kill family, another individual or society. It is a label for a degree of antisocial behavior. It is a socially constructed label for undesirable action. It is based on herd/pack reactions to a member being highly dangerous to the whole. All social creatures have this. It is not a huma thing and it is just part of life. Life cannot ever be perfect.

Noone enjoys their foot on fire, and Nihilism doesn’t exist.

You can say that not enjoying your foot on fire is a social construct, and good and bad doesn’t exist, but it doesn’t make it so.

You are the one who is „always blabbering“ his „condemnations“ of other „views without any proper arguments nor justifications“. So you are also the one who is not capable of prticipating in „credible intellectual and philosophical discussions“.

Note: I have quoted your problematic statements which can be found in all your threads.

So it seems that you will have to spent probably more than 30 years from now on in order to undertand what Kant was talking about. Your errors are not a ressult of Kant’’s philosophy but of your false interpretation and consequently of your false derivations from it.

If Kant lived today, he would be the first one who agreed with me and said to you: "Du bist nicht vernünftig, sondern doof oder zynisch“.

"Aufklärung ist der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit. Unmündigkeit ist das Unvermögen, sich seines Verstandes ohne Leitung eines anderen zu bedienen. Selbstverschuldet ist diese Unmündigkeit, wenn die Ursache derselben nicht am Mangel des Verstandes, sondern der Entschließung und des Mutes liegt, sich seiner ohne Leitung eines anderen zu bedienen. Sapere aude! Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen! ist also der Wahlspruch der Aufklärung.“ - Immanuel Kant, Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?, 1784.

"Der Mohammedianism unterscheidet sich durch Stolz, weil er, statt der Wunder, an den Siegen und der Unterjochung vieler Völker die Bestätigung seines Glaubens findet, und seine Andachtsgebräuche alle von der mutigen Art sind.“ - Immanuel Kant, Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft, 1793, 4. Stück, 2. Teil, § 2, A 269, B 285.

"Der Mensch ist ein Tier, was eine Erziehung nötig hat.“ - Immanuel Kant, Reflexionen über die Anthropolgie, 1798.

What you are doing here in this webforum is just the oppositie of what Kant wanted his readers to do.

And what you are saying about "silly and stupid“ is nothing else than your self-description. You have given no single argument for your silly and stupid „statements“. Note: You are the one who has opened this thread. So you have to give coherent arguments for your subject. But you have given no single one. That is in fact silly and stupid.

Yes. And the worst thing is that he - by doing that - is almost always misusing a dead phiosopher. :wink:

Where did I say enjoy???

If you don’t enjoy it, it’s evil. Nihilism doesn’t exist.

The discrepancy is when it comes to killing. Can we say for sure if the victim enjoy’s it or doesn’t enjoy it, he could rebirth into heaven or hell 50/50, and some say, forcing that chance is Evil.

But I say, the entire world is evil, because they are forcing that chance by not devoting all energies to studying the afterlife, in order to determine and possibly that outcome. And I say society, is guilty of putting us in a living hell.

So you are a religious person that worships evil and good

I dont worship evil, I worship pleasure.

And why do I worship it? Because I have none of it whatsoever.

You cannot worship one with out the other . The fact you identify evil as you do, is worship.

So if I identity an inbound missile, about to blow me up, I am worshipping the missile as well? If I identity the random guy who robbed me, I am worshiping him too?

Correction; {}
“Btw, I have spent {almost} 3 years full time basis studying Kant and his philosophy …”

I admit I do not know German.
If you insist in using German, then there is something wrong with you.

So far, you have not justified where I am wrong at all.

Just show me, like;
Prismatic567 stated ‘Y is true’ but
the truth as justified is “X”.

Btw, don’t bring language to mess up the issue,
-any difference in terms of language can be reconciled.

Note this;

A certain range of acts that are negative to the well-being of humanity had existed since eons ago and getting worse.

The point here is we need a concept to capture the moral significance of these actions and their perpetrators to enable humanity to address the related effectively.

So evil [defined] as a concept in this sense is not a social construct like institutionalized religions, various ideologies and the likes.

What I have presented is to trace evil [as defined] acts to their ultimate root causes within the DNA and the fetal development of the neurons in the brain.

If humanity were to focus on these ultimate root causes then there is a good possibility of preventing and reducing evil acts within humanity in the future.

At present most people are merely fire-fighting the issues of evil acts by focusing on the secondary causes.