Why did we stop inventing gods?

Yes. Inventing gods has never been stopped. The opposite is true: More and more gods have been invented. :wink:


Faith is not wanting to face reality.


Trust but verify.

You are likely listening to your Father Complex.
At least I think that that is what Jung and Freud would say.

Science cannot ever prove the non-existence of god.
It is not to them to prove or disprove the delusion that some have.
It is to the deluded to show that they are not so.


You completely misunderstood me.

I was saying that you are out of touch with the times and that religious people do not believe Luther’s nonsense from 500 years ago.

He does not want to face reality (for example the fact that he does not know you at all).


What Mags means by “false idols” IS what I mean by “»scientific« gods”.

And all science is Occidental science.




Then show how they can be known.


Whatever that link is, it doesn’t show much on my screen.

So, who knows what your reply means.

Whatever that link is, it doesn’t show much on my screen.

So, who knows what your reply means.
It shows Joyce Meyer a modern Christian, basically saying what you said is 500 year old thinking.


You think that a fundie minority is ‘Christianity’ or even worse, it is ‘religion’. :open_mouth:

Mostly all who fly the cross think our gain of knowledge in Eden was a sin. Original sin.
They reject that the moral sense that comes from the knowledge of good and evil, which is basically all knowledge, as all knowledge is either good or evil, is good.

This view is counter to the original Jewish view of Eden as our place of elevation.

“Instead of the Fall of man (in the sense of humanity as a whole), Judaism preaches the Rise of man: and instead of Original Sin, it stresses Original Virtue, the beneficent hereditary influence of righteous ancestors upon their descendants”.

dish.andrewsullivan.com/2013/10/ … -theodicy/


Change the subject. No surprise.


Earth is 4.54 billion years old, with an error range of 50 million years.

This being the case, it would appear to me, considering how long it took for humanity itself to evolve into who and what we are today, and into who and what we will be -coming…

…we are definitely worth saving, as a whole. We’re far from perfect but still - WE ARE - I mean we have existence.
What a waste it would be to destroy all of those billions of years, don’t you think?
I’m not a nihilist of THAT kind.

I have many gods myself - the stars, the trees, the oceans, a few good men lol, the wind, the rain, the planets, the moon…

Joyce Meyer is a woman who apparently thinks logic is a tool of Satan

I believe Joyce Meyer should obey me and do all of my commands.

…an army of constantly newly-created gods to suit every taste… can’t let that control over the masses slip back into the masses’ hands now, can they!

I am not a fan of any named religion GIA, as they’ve built up centuries in learning how to exploit in the name of the Meccas and Vaticans of this world.

Knowledge of something cannot be good or evil in itself only how such knowledge is applied

Only after I spoke to your notion of who Christians are.
I guess you missed that.
