How Transsexualism occurs

This ain’t a knee jerk response, I’ve thought about this.

I don’t think they spray babies with any conspiracy chemicals making males transgender.

I think it is females who no longer sexually function, females are like no longer attracted to males by default.

And how do you suppose that happened?

I am not sure exactly. Females are no longer attracted to masculinity in males though.

That might be partially true, but that certainly isn’t the only thing going on. You think that only females changed in some way? Males certainly seem very different to me.

They have most certainly feminized, I am living testament, but I am not sure the medical industry is to blame. At most, they are only to blame in the extent of women flushing their hormone pills in the toilet, making the estrogen of the tap water higher. I dont believe there is a grand conspiracy of the medical industry to feminize society. I believe that is the lawmaker’s and media’s job. The medical industry only feminizes society in the sense that it forbids nurses to have sex with their patients (something I would like to see changed in the nearby future.)

As is common, you fail to understand how easy it is to affect/infect society.

If you had a very securely hidden, inexpensive, and simple means of altering the world toward your preference, would you do it? Even if you wouldn’t (and I’m sure that you would) over thousands of years, such means are discovered and very many choose to do exactly that, infect the world with their preference (almost everyone falls to that temptation).

I think that it was in the 1980’s when a doctor was discovered who had been replacing all of the sperm donations in the bank with his own. Many before him and many after have been discovered infecting society in a variety of ways; drugs, diseases, organic chemicals, “cyanide in the aspirin”, … basically anything that might work as they are taught to see themselves as being above society in general (as are a great many groups). And sterilizing the population has been an excepted priority since WW1. Confusing their senses, making them more “liberal” and chaotic, is an indirect, and thus hidden, means to infect society with the long-time preference of reducing the population growth while also altering its make up.

Yes, you feminize, ostracize, and disable the males with what has historically been referred to as “The Sword of God” (the “invisible god/manipulator”). Then you take their women and other property as your own. As they say, “Disease makes God perfect”.

The “medical industry” isn’t to blame, but rather those who cleverly see means to spread their own preference via medical advancements (such as pheromones altering the senses and retroviruses altering the DNA itself). Technology advancements (the opiate of governments) add even more to the insidiousness of the game with surveillance, hypnosis, and nano-manipulations. The public makes it inexpensive and easy to spread. Who would give up such a temptation?

It doesn’t take a “conspiracy”. It merely takes an opportunity.

There is no mass pheromone conspiracy from the medical industry. How would that even work anyway?

As I said, it doesn’t take any conspiracy. It only takes opportunity.

And you seem to think that you know how it all works.
Who told Adham that he was naked?
… I did.

I used to think like that, but don’t we eventually get to nothing underpinning it all. I mean that, if you keep changing sexuality from life to life, how would the soul determine what its sexuality it ultimately is, i.e. such to be say a female in a male body? It would be more expedient in nature for souls to have no predetermined faculties, the same as it has no information outside of a given life-cycle. In each life [if we have more than one] we would thence be free of memories [and all info], such to become potentially anything.

On another level, if the soul is the spiritual body we obtain upon entrance/birth into the other-world, is that not the same [eternal] soul we began with? Ergo there is no improvement, and hence no teleology thereof. Its a bit like how one could become a great artist or vase maker x n, but nothing really changes the soul, …it is eternal!

Our sexuality is simply the way we are weighted ~ calibrated, and it is whatever we think it is or know it to be in our hearts. Or in other terms, it is how our brains are calibrated physically. So all sexuality is natural, just different weights in nature. Has nothing to do with souls.

In alchemy souls are androgynous anyway, which sounds about right to me. Life simply tips the weights towards male or female, and on another scale tips the attractions respectively on its four polar points, e.g. female attracted to female.

life is like a bunch of skyrim quests, they mean absolutely nothing after you’ve done them.

Note I listed the following;

  1. Variation in the DNA pattern due to chance changed or damage, etc. [genetics]
  2. Neural connections during fetal development.

The cross-wiring of neural connectivity happened to the nature of the physical anatomy of the neurons and their process of connection during fetal development. This is the fundamental cause.

However this fundamental cause can be exacerbated by various secondary causes due to various damages, chemicals, poisons, drugs or whatever.
So the point is even if you get rid of all these secondary factors, there will be still be cross-wiring and transsexualism.

There were already transsexuals long before there were modern insecticides and other chemical pollution that affect the brain and fetal developments.

Thus I am not wrong you are ignorant of the fundamentals of neurons, neural connections and neuroscience.

No. That isn’t the “fundamental cause”, merely a critical link in the chain.

Even medical things happen for reasons.

Very damn few, despite propaganda.

There you go again.

There you go again with that “state” of yours.

Here is the anatomy and mechanics of the brain and its neuron 101 for you; … /overview/
in = mine

Note hundredth of the thickness of a human hair and because they are so closely packed there is a great tendency for mis-wirings.

That some neurons failed to find their supposed target is due to the complexity of the the inherent complex and sensitive neuronal structures and the very delicate process. Thus there is a natural percentile of errors and mis-connections.

Btw, the natural percentile of mis-connections is not specific only to the above mentioned issues, but also relevant to transsexualism and many other physical qualities and mental functions of humans plus across the animal world [long before your pesky insecticides] since million of years ago.

There is always a natural consistent percentile with certain mis-connection relative each specific issues and we don’t hear much about transsexualism in the olden days was because it was a taboo in many societies and thus many transsexuals in the olden day were forced to suppress their inherited impulses.

I suggest you update more on the above related neuroscience so you do not ignore the fundamentals.

It’s sad that you think that you are presenting actual valid argumentation.

The plausible deniability scam:
“It’s so complicated neurons just make mistakes.”

Then the typical placation and blame-shifting scam:
"Oh, it has always been that way. It’s just those nasty forefathers of yours who have caused it to be hidden."

“Oh, and look what my schmoozer says about it…”
Not that it matters or that I care, but who the hell is Janice Wood? :confused:

Did you forget to throw in the diversion:
“You’re just a paranoid conspiracy theorist.”

… literally.

And still can’t get control of that egocentric compulsion of yours:

Please keep it pleasant guys…

So you are the tree of knowledge I guess.

The truth is, nobody knows how many transfolk there were in the old ages, they didn’t exactly come out and say it, unless they wanted to get locked in the insane asylum.

On certain asian island nations, the population of Transwomen is 1/3 of the population, that’s how it has been for as long as time itself. They even celebrate it over there, it’s like an honor. I can’t find the link to it though, Google search sucks monkey dick.

Amorphos, souls are feminine, the only way to feel disconnected from your body is through femininity, you cannot leave your body while in a masculine frame of mind. Death and sleep are feminine.

I wonder if there was a specific point in human history at which transsexualism or transgenderism came to exist or like lesbianism and
homosexuality is something which has always existed. Transgenderism requires both psychological evaluation and genital modification
and these services are relatively recent ones. So I think for those reasons it cannot have always existed. But that does not necessarily
mean that no one before the twentieth century ever experienced body dysmorphia. Just that they in all probability could not do any
thing about it as the means to do so were simply unavailable to them

Eunuchs in india used to cut off their own dick and balls.

And I am referring to their mental states not their bodies.

Also feminine minded males can grow boobs (not gynomecastia or beer boobs, but female looking boobs.) without any external assistance from pharmaceutical hormones.


You people are all seriously very fucked up.

Very intellectual and informative reply that contributes to our intellectual understanding and the discussion.

Obviously you don’t understand the story.

Thus proclaiming that people have always been that way and the only change is them coming out, is invalid.

When such things are being promoted, there are all kinds of justifying and rationalizing rumors and pseudo-science. A black preacher used to preach of how so many blacks were thrown overboard while transporting the slaves from Africa to the US, that sharks to this day still follow that route in hopes of being fed. Watch any modern movie concerning any part of history to modern day and almost every woman will be a super genius sage with super powers and skills such as to beat up any male with one hand.

In order to alter the future to your preference, infect the children with your fantasies.