Will machines completely replace all human beings?

Man created machines in order to rationalize and did not consider that this could mean being replaced not only economically but also biologically.

By the way:

Stephen Hawking says humanity will likely be wiped out in a thousand years if it doesn’t colonize the stars.


this is pure predictive and evil programming. humans are so brainwashed with darwinism that they don’t even realize that they are being led to the slaughter house. I trust that the black military budget (gobbling up trillions of taxpayers’ money) is close to achieving UFOs that can take cyborgs and extreme AI away. And we should encourage that. Thats the only peaceful solution possible. cyborgs and AI are not suited for our realm. If they stay, they would only parasite our 3d reality and destroy it completely as a result. They keep masses amused with the advanced IT gadgets but thats a distraction because in this dire economic picture humans have become useless eaters.

the main problem that I see everywhere (and it is scary) is that most people project the future using the same cavemen-like premises that are leading us toward the precipice instead of recognizing that all current premises must be abandoned completely, that they do not serve any purpose anymore. The end of the paradigm will end with BANG if people do not wake up.

I recommend richard duncan, UK prominent transhumanist and speaking of the transhumanist agenda that regards us as cattle, at the bases conference, and warning us that only 10-15% of population will be welcome in the club. Agenda 21 is here…

^ Again, do I have to read this whole thread to know what that means?

I would say: “1% of the population will be welcome”.

(By Richard Duncan do you mean the author of the Olduvai theory?)

We have the “hardware” of the cavemen and the “software” of the transhumans.

So what shall we do?

What we must do …
The word ‘must’ is a giveaway. It revives the Kantian controversy whereby hundreds of years of controversy should be revisited, so that history can teach us.
The hardware will overcome the software in any case, and if we do not learn from history, all the software will merely melt away.

For instance, what is good in a run away post apolaptic world, where technology’s remains will be either tun amok artificially implanted beings, replicating and adapting humanity, enslaving them in a post Bachause nightmare?

Science would not be thought anymore, because humanity may be crossbreed with animals , reminiscent of the film ,‘Dr.Moreau’, minus the happy Hollywood ending.

Scientists would also be incorporated into a world of mechanical intelligence, where they are no longer needed.

So a return, an Eternal return of diminishing functions of harmonic elements, based on sound rather then sight be incorporated in a new mass re evaluation of an alternate universe from the earliest get go, with the wrongly abandoned premises.

If, the programmers do this now, and not wait until they are made dispensable, then there is a chance the sheeple will follow the new line.

Other than that option, the future is bleak, and the run away brace new world will turn chicken.

Are you sure? This would mean that human beings will have to culturally start again or to die out.

What do you recommend then?

I am a fatalist, or better said, a determinist. If you buy a Hegelian development scenario, then, as the future which has been described many times over, is to be believed, thenthe outcome is perhaps almost inescapable.

I am not as optimistic as some who categorically present an absolute need to escape planet earth
within a thousand years. Reminds me of the saying,
'Live your life as if it was the first day of our life, and the last.

As the virtual world closes us in into an imaginary landscape, in stead of escaping, we must act now to create much more utility in the world.

Specifically, we simply must bring back style at any cost, even impoverishment can be done with style.

Art needs to return in a big way into the ghettos, the poorer the more stylish, the more significant it becomes. Now is the time for the extreme liberal 1%
, instead of demonstrating for another form of escapism -session, as that motion was recently financed by a home grown Billionaire in California, they should grab the bull by it’s horns, and with other
privileged people, work within the system statewide,
to counter Federal moves to further disenfranchise.

That would be a good beginning. And perhaps become a model for other states, after all California is one of the most, if not The most significant state in the union,

Why are you so fatalistic? Although, realistically said, it is not a good beginning if human beings are not needed anymore.

:slight_smile: this is funny…

Can you imagine computers on an Internet forum discussing “Will biological life supplant all computers?”

There is AI all over the cosmos … And they’re just like us.


The modern science is an Occidental science and has conquered the whole world. So even if the genocide will be continued and finally completed, the techn(olog)ical results of the Occidental science - especially the machines - will be there, and then it will depend on the Non-Occidentals or the machines whether science will be continued or not.

Maybe science will “die” in the same manner as Faust in the second part of Goethe’s tragedy “Faust”.

An interesting development int he field of translation:
newscientist.com/article/21 … late-with/

Slightly sensationalist headline, but an insight into the working of neural networks.

I could make an Ai better than any scientist could. I just dont for ethical reason, don’t know if a soul will enter a computer machine.

Thank you for the information. Do you think that it is a “giant leap”?

Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling said that nature casts up its eyes in the human being. So I am saying that culture casts up its eyes in the current phase of the Occidental culture, which means the trend to transhuman beings.

Not really, I think it clarifies that symbolic “thinking” (quotes due to vaguely-defined words) can be an emergent property from algorithmic programming. I don’t think there’s likely to be a big leap, though, so much as small steps that make it harder to agree on what machine intelligence entails and where we draw legal and moral lines.

I agree. But do you think that the capabilities of machines are overestimated at the present time?

By whom? I’m sure many capabilities are underestimated by many, and many overestimated too. What’s the most important group to consider - the common understanding, the understanding of policymakers, that of technicians, that of the shadowy cabal running the world? :slight_smile:

In my opinion, machines have already to a good extent replaced human being. We are all expressing our natures hooked up to this web, we’re ‘online’, and recent studies have shown that a majority of people are more disturbed by lack of wifi than lack of sex or even to a point food.

Human beings have not been replaced, but integrated in a nonhuman, perhaps supra-human web of interwoven human drives and effort.

On the OP’s issue I’ll say this: it is certainly not cheapness, economy that makes species dominant: rather the opposite -waste, excess, capacity to squander and still come out on top. Look at who and what rules now and has always ruled. The peacocks tail ‘paradox’, aka self-valuing.

In as far as mechanical beings may or may not become dominant, I dont believe they can attain joy, thus neither the desire to become dominant; I think that discussion is irrelevant to the future.
What is deeply relevant is fighter-machines. As we’ve seen, “terminators” are being built, not in walking, but in flying and most scarily in dog-form.

That’s real, barbaric countries may be controlling their populations with invulnerable machinal dogs. Scary prospect.