Will machines completely replace all human beings?


This half-time is lasting eons.


Had an epiphany and a climax and a mental spike when this song came on while playing grand theft auto.

Divide. And conquer. For the sake of the whole.


I haven’t watched this video although it looks like it might be amusing, but it doesn’t look like it will be about machines replacing human beings? So that was disappointing in a way as I had been hoping to discuss that. But you do have 3000 posts, I assume you don’t just post irrelevant links or you’d have been banned(?) so is there some philosophical content in the vids? Or are you just feeling relaxed?

My posts were only loosely associated with machines completely replacing all human beings. The fact that only some lyrics contained in those songs do connect to some leap-frog logic, is on me. Then again, it is the half-time show. Like . . . metaphorically . . . as to our timeline in human history . . . In relation to our mechanical relations … and the star we call a sun’s age . . . damn, that’s convoluted.

Stop. I’m an asshole.

I want to be the first bionic man. Symbiotic re . . . la . . . . tion . . . .ship. Can you hear me say that to you over this?

So NO! Machines won’t replace what is destined to dissapear, change, evolve, re-create, anyway, no.

I’m hungry for pre-man ape meat, which by the way, is what has added to my asshole irrelevancy. And oh by the way, ban me please. But delete the threads I asked to be deleted first, pleeeeease.

Yes, I am relaxed. Thank you for asking . Bleep Bleep Bloop.

Interesting post, and welcome (back?) to ILP.

Computers can technically feel, see, hear, and even sense phenomena that we can’t via any number of electronic sensors. Their potential on that end is almost as limitless as imagination. But you might ask whether they can sense in the same way that human beings do. Another question is do AI need to apprehend the world like a human? Many creatures experience the world with sensory systems that are radically different from ours. And the most fundamental question seems to be: what is consciousness?

Do conscious beings need to share the same biological idiosyncrasies for each to have a concept of good?

I think there is a long and bumpy road ahead of us with respect to AI, and I do not yet think there is one inevitable outcome.

Try thinking more about a human becoming more like computer than a computer showing human emotions that are convincing.

The liver “senses” the lack of insulin, but we do not feel this, there is no associated conscious experience. Computers work in a similar way. They do not feel, see or hear.

They don’t. See above.

They need to if they are to understand human language.

It has been said that that is the only question we can answer: what we don’t understand so well is “what is matter?”

They need to be able to feel.

That depends on whether a conscious has been established within the computer (a map of the terrain from which to choose behavior).

A disappointing start to the day, but I suppose I will have to take the rough with the smooth.

Does anybody have anything interesting to say? I was hoping Onlyhumean might respond.


Yes, indeed. Thanks for the direction to the Urban Dictionary. I shall submit my own definitions eventually to cover such idiotic techjunkies who wait with bated breath for their mechanical upgrades. While science progresses toward ‘human robots’, the tech enthusiasts should enjoy some time in a sensory deprivation chamber in transitional preparation for life without human interaction.

:slight_smile: great reply. I agree MM

All I can do is shake my head in disappointment for such shortsightedness. They really are retarded in their ‘thinking’ that technology equals evolutionary gains.

Can you explain what was great about it? I might be missing something, but like most of the posts here MM’s contributions seem to me no more than mildly deranged ranting.

MM is looking for the word which means “a person made retarded by technology” … that’s someone who can proficiently use technological devices but who cannot understand other people or effectively interact with them.

What’s the appropriate word?


I suggest no need for such a word, because the days of cyborgs will eliminate that need. A picture of a world divided by two: machines and human beings is inconceivable, because, a self programmed machine is anthitetical to the conception=creation. The materials will wear out, and have to advance to perpetual re-creation on all fronts, material, computational, and communicational, among others.

It is conceivable, that such a product, will, after all be only be possible with a functional, degradable shell, because of the existence of ultimate , incalculable, ultimate limits, which can not be overcome, regardless of the idea of the nihilization of such limits by computer systemic ultra machines.

These limits are beyond the transformational capacity of programming, the transformers will ultimately cohere with teleological-astronomical limits, and as such, will be subject to the laws of transformational degradation, and obsolescence.

The most advanced machines will when reaching this limit of transformational calculus rapidly degrade into the dust, from which the evolutionary progression will re-start from basic carbon one called organisms.

Retention of information in hyperspace like the current cloud, may be possible, and that could conceivably re-integrate with what we call, the soul.

But a transitional term of description gives no merit, because such transition is overly unknown, as far as a spatial-temporal configuration is concerned, it’s variables too many, and logically unsignifignified-insignificant.

It sounds like you’re confusing the signified and the referent, there. A brown horse may be just a concept in my mind, but it can also be a horse.

That’s a fairly blanket statement; how do you know our qualia aren’t the result of algorithmic processes in our brains and CNS? If they are, it’s a matter of drawing a level of complexity and consigning some existent living beings to “non-conscious” (which we do). If not, what do you propose they are - is consciousness an ineffable mystery, a testable proposition, the ground of existence itself?

And if a machine could act in a way indistinguishable from a conscious being, would it not be advisable to err on the side of caution and ascribe it corresponding rights?

I agree that the greatest obstacle to language learning is a lack of direct lived experience in the world, but I’m also aware (as should we all be) that a lot of my knowledge has no lived experience to back it up either.

The difference between lived and unlived experience is certainly a a matter of hyperbole because, only at the very limits of life, with a transformational process leading qualia to quanta, can result in less unknown variables,where the difference results in near
ultimate entropy.

The re-integration of feedback systems devolve
toward identifiable concepts, where ultimately the
potential regressive-progression reverts to identifiable systems toward the use of more general languages.