Hitler was a leftist

National socialism of Germany was a mixed economy much like modern China is today.

Economies can’t function properly in extremes whether they’re purely socialist or capitalist.

Extreme capitalism or socialism by themselves simply doesn’t work. The world needs more moderate mixed economies with checks and balances.

“Extreme capitalism” does not and has never existed. And it cannot exist, because capitalism by definition requires a level playing field and institutions to protect against fraud and theft, i.e. a justice system, police, certain laws, and jails.

Anarcho-Capitalism so called is just a myth, and a stupid one at that.

If leftism were removed from modern capitalism, it would work out just fine. And by “leftism” I do not mean sane laws against theft and fraud, which includes laws against corruption such as against monopolies. Free markets (i.e. classical liberalism i.e. sane (non-religious) conservatism) with reasonable and limited laws against crime is the way to go. Socialism is never the answer.

Capitalism and socialism is the same old bullshit because the same people (plutocracy/oligarchy) controls both. Only fucking clueless idiots believe in either seriously.

Muh socialism, muh capitalism! A majority of people are screwed under either system.

I care about my group surviving and about destroying those who threaten the survival of my group.

leftist, rightist, uppist, downist, call me whatever you want

At least in capitalism you have the average person able to own property, access to a free market of goods and jobs, and improve their life situation over time. Capitalism is based on the principles of property rights, individual rights, and free markets. Meritocracy. That works out a lot better for a lot more people than does socialism/communism.

Yep, you don’t care to understand, to think; just a chimp in the jungle with his tribe. That is all you can see.

If you cared about understanding and thinking you wouldn’t be having the positions you have.

At this point I’m a firm supporter of organized crime like a power structure reminiscent to the mafia. I don’t identify with any politics or government really, I only identify with my own self interests and survival. I do support hierarchy but only one that I benefit from. As a general rule I don’t support anything that doesn’t benefit me which can be said of a lot of things in the world.(New belief of mine contrasting to older anarchist ideals I use to cling to, not anymore.)This is my highest aspiring ideal for what it is worth. (Probably not much for you.)

Nonetheless I am no fan of the eradication of the west or white European people. This we can both agree on.

In capitalism everybody is renters where private ownership is a grand illusion for the gullible, under socialism all so called private property in reality is state property. (Under capitalism there is the illusion of private property, under socialism there is not even the illusion.)

In capitalism you rent from corporate and banking fiefdoms that practically own the government, under socialism you rent from the state or government that owns everything and everybody. Notice in both the appeasement to central authoritarianism that only differ slightly from each other.

I get the distinct feeling Void is a young man, he’ll change his mind a couple hundred more times on things as he gets older.

All I can say is that Republicans are proud to be the better leftists.
So many of them have been successfully reconstructed into leftists after having been deconstructed for decades.


New age socialism is just disguised as crony capitalism. Actual capitalism, void of monopolies, faded out decades ago.

At a fundamental level there isn’t much difference between organized crime and the government.

Pretty much, now we’re on the same page. Why don’t I support any political or government assembly? Quite simple, because I can’t control it and it doesn’t benefit me.

Going into our ancient past gangs have always existed and at one point before centralized government competed against even monarchies. The crux of the matter is that all governments or states historically in origin started out as violent gangs that after they eliminated all the other competitors pronounced themselves centralized governments.

And governments can be owned by corporations because of apathetic, apolitical profiteers like yourself, who profit from all the states benefits but have no power to add anything to it.

The more people become retards like yourself, no offence, the more government can be owned by smarter and less lazy people.

Its not a matter of good vs evil, there are no such things, there is just taste and power. If you have the power to enforce your tastes, you’re set. If you don’t, you’ll be likely to see the world as evil.

Thats extremely explosive material, way too explosive to expect it to be read by anyone on the left camp.

I would share it with people if I didn’t know they would get suicidal and blame that on me.

Except I have no desires to rule or control people in all facets of their lives, that’s a government’s agenda, I do have no problem profitting off of other people’s stupidity or misfortunes however. A majority of stupid people have always existed and this will never change, you might as well profit off their expense.

Concepts of good and evil mean nothing to me.

I read this the other day at work… and not having time,
I just ignored it till now…

Now in all my years reading various thread, I believe this may be the most
ignorant thread I have ever read…

I was going to come up with a response but I realize that this
thread is so ignorant that I would need a book to sort out all
its lies, misinformation and sheer stupidity… I will briefly point out that
the author Dinesh D’Souza is a radical right wing, (I was going to write thinker
but that would give him far too much credit) ideologue who blames liberalism
for everything that has gone wrong on planet earth over the last 1000 years…

I will point out that Mr. D’Souza has been convicted of a federal crime and
has a less then a moral approach to his personal life… which is typical of those
who act as moral guardians for the rest of us… a very flawed man
who think’s that we should do as he says, not as he does…

then after thinking about it, I realize that it didn’t matter what I wrote because
those faithful who believe in the gospel won’t ever change their mind…
they have faith (and nothing more) that their religion is the only truth…

this is not a political question, but a religious one… being a true believer that
conservatism is the one and only true religion… no evidence of any kind
will cause a true believer to doubt their faith… so it is pointless to offer evidence
that Hitler was a right wing maniac because a true believer won’t believe it anyway…

so this thread really belongs in the religious forum because it is about the faith
of the religious have in their political beliefs… conservatism is about the
godly fighting against the atheist and other unbelievers… it is a religious message,
not a political one… and on that basis, I shall leave it… and I leave it because
it is not about truth or evidence or even being honest… this thread is a lie of epic
proportions and I just don’t have enough time in my life to correct such idiocy and
stupidity that this thread is about…


The left is no better than the right, both are flawed models politically and socially.

By all means however stay trapped in your binary dualistic form of thinking, it helps nobody in the end scheme of things. It means very little difference either way.

Exactly. The official government merely has the biggest stick, forcing other, anti-government (criminal) organisations to operate secretly.