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Peter, paper or plastic? I always go with plastic grocery bags myself.


Nice avatar you have. Is it a Max Stirner avatar?

Yes, it is.

@ Otto West.

Shouldn’t the following plastic statue be changed (rebuilt) into a paper statue?

Yes, it is.

Hmm, I thought that statue was cast iron or something. Either way it signifies bigotry and needs to be removed. I’m sure all the openly communist city council people in Seattle would be thrown into a tizzy over its removal. We should create a thread of openly hostile leftist statues in the United States that needs to be removed. Fair is only fair, right?

Yes, you are right. I was just joking a bit.

Yes, you are right again. Fair is only fair.

And this statue of an extreme left-winger, extreme terrorist, mass murderer should have never been built. But it has been built like many others of the same kind have been built, and all of them are statues of the extreme left-wingers.

Get rid of it!

But wait a bit!

Please note that all that removing will lead to more violence and more destroyed belief and trust in traditional aspects of the young nation USA, thus to the risk that the nation will be destroyed sooner than generally expected.

[size=50]That is not what you are looking for, is it?[/size]

The Democratic liberal left wants to dismember and gut our history, our Constitution, our freedoms, and our ways of life, but I won’t let them.

No to open borders!
No to eradicating our history!
No to American companies going overseas!
No to ending our freedoms of speech, of assembly, of privacy!
No to the corporate global socialist agenda!

I’m forgetting some major no points. :-k

Not until other than either/or resolution is sought in terms of what the requirements are. The statue has merit and destroying it may disserve a time when options may not be categorized as logically exclusive. Capitalism may not be vindicated or categorically be denied only much later when the issues may be clarified s to their actuality or fake-ness. No one really knows except those who assert revision as the basis for their opinions.

Ideology , economic theory and politics are not always an easy mix.

@ Meno

Perhaps, you now know why I asked you several times already in July 2017:

Source. viewtopic.php?f=33&t=192210&p=2671040#p2671168 .

Source: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=192622&p=2671669#p2671669 .

Source: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=192622&p=2671724#p2671724 .

You answered not more that this (and this was not really an answer to my question either):

Source: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=192622&p=2671724#p2671698 .

You have the dual citizenship privilege, which also means a dual nationality privilege. You are not a spy, are you?


Of course I am not a spy, but I might as well admit an allusion to ’ The Spy in the House of Love ’ by Anais Nin, as an example of how words can be twisted to mean other things.

I am trying to refer to the dilemma on the Charleston spech, as to how difficult it is to be in the middle, whereby the effect is either magnified, or diminished, according to whose impression one tries to rely on. That said, the speech touched on an important mainline dilemma facing the whole world, of seeking some view on whether to align to globalism or regional nationalism. Divided, one gets the sense of being a spy in the opposite camp. It has not been this severe, as a test of identifiable assumptions into the nature of types and affiliations, and using a prefabricated architecture of excluding the middle, only resurfaces the issue at a later time

Perhaps there is no ultimate answer to it I only through exercising prejorative power, to will a character ,which has strong binding forces of such identification.

Within duals of all kinds, where the.third appears as a center of an ideal state, the whimsical nature of its myth can be at times appear as a twilight, at other times a dawn, the tragedy.od its.birth innately hiding as a tour-de-force, exploding at any time, especially in times extreme doubt the facts versus.the.contrively faled truisms.

Internal dulalities, sub-specie exist regardless of the size of any group.

In former times, there were the dualism of nations and regions, later the dualism of nationalism and regionalism, then the dualism of internationalism and nationalism, then the dualism of globalism and regionalism that has become what it has always tended to: the dualism of globalism and nationalism. So the last dualism is the current one.

The goal of globalism is the destroying all nations, thus also all cores of the nations (families for example, especially because of the tradition, genealogy, history etc. - everything that constitutes a nation). “Antifa” and other extremely violent organizations are of course paid by the globalists (glozis).

You are diviced? “Divided” is not the correct word, I think, because you are not really devided. You are privileged because of your dual citizenship, which still means a dual nationality. If you were divided, you would have decided for only one citizenship (nationality).

That having been said, the goal being the destruction of nationhood will cause the destruction of personal identities, if nationhood is a major criteria of that.

How does novels like 1984 forecast a world with gross personal identical, non-descript identities for such goals? Is such a forecast of techno-repression based on the effects of science having such an effect,rather then one based on politically motivated planned goals? In other words , does science and the humanities , conflate to an indistinct point?

That would go a way to explain Trumpism’s apparent inseparability between levels of ‘reality’.

I am writing this to give some credence to Trump being a post modern politician.

I got You. Until there is no choice, one cannot choose.

At that point of not choosing, one has to be chosen.

At what point such being chosen becomes a recognizable set,[ (Cantor&the common vernacular of being set, or set up-), becomes useless, senseless, or in the Leibnitzian language=Indistinct, - the logic of that language will be reduced phenomenologically to exclusive use ]. Eidectically, Nothingness will comprise of pure will, the unseen substance.

The above is just musing, not for a democratically formed understanding, no need to take notice, although random choice, may incurse, into it.

Couldn’t sleep, needed to think things through, in reference to divisiveness, conscious awareness of ,
Universals, in particular to choosing, by way of rational decision , OR, as in my case a gut level feeling between one or the other- globalism or, regionalism. Can it ever really rise to the level of an absolute choice, or need it always retain an element of relative doubt, hence generating some degree of privilege?

Is Trump crazy, as some surmise, in not being able to get this through, except by some inverted aphorism?
Could computers ever get this across, thereby surpassing human intelligence? Or, if they fail, will others be deprived of a utility of choosing , and remain as determined to be privileged?

Need not they be forever subjugated, and their true freedom forever be expressed in commercially available venues?

So elegant you are, to be able to incite such violence in a soul grasping, yet unable to retort likewise, from the roots, the genealogy to the expressed, or unexpressed multiform effects. I cannot see it in terms of repetition, unless continuing to invoke the logarithm of difference. So must I continue be chained to a rock, with viscious birds eating at my liver?

Where to from the cubism of Ulysses, to the underworld of remembrances of time before, ad absurdum? Why were the gods so weak as to end in that tragedy, especially papa Zeus? He was a horny toad, that is why, his excesses deprived his soul of seminal constructive thinking, unable to control the formation of a whole bubble, thereby like cancerous duplications, we have come to live in a myriad, soap bubble world. Each reflected in other bubbles, that is until the burst, so quickly. Until children blow many others.

And vice versa: the destruction of personal identities (as well as family or other “core” identities) will cause the destruction of nationhood.

Are you sure that you got me?

I think so. Another double entendre: for to get you:

1 to understand

2 to defeat or overcome

I meant the former

Since I think I understand You,rather then overcome You, it is just the beginning

Beginning are initial moves to set mood, position, and atmosphere, in order to get to a credible way to seek a superior point from whence, debatable and different positions can be brought to line. The way to get to this line, Kant be important thing, and not whether one position or the other is
the superior attained goal.

The reason is, that what matters most is the way to get there, the recipe, were it to be lost.

So far.its.still debatable or the other is of.more primary concern: mind over matter, or the other way:
If you don’t mind, it won’t matter

It’s actually a tripartite meaning, the last meaning of ’ to get’ is to receive, being a more literal form of gaining more then merely understanding,
-to literally receive something.

#-o to artistic license. :evilfun:

Yeah, thats why it was qualified as an inverted aphorism.