Eventually Empathy will Trump Emnity





Reminds me of a topic Confucius wrestled with …



There’s hope it just cannot be realized while this civilization still exists and can only be fulfilled when it is destroyed. I’m a firm believer that the civilization we live in cannot be reformed or improved in any kind of meaningful manner. For me it is immature thinking you can reform that which is unreformable.

For me that potential cannot be realized until the slate is wiped clean and can only come about with this civilization being wiped out across the globe.

Your comments reflect the attitude of some of the people with their hands on the levers of power. Like the child in the sand box who destroys the toy taken away from him … if I can’t have it … nobody can.

The odds of the scenario you describe coming to pass are increasing with every passing day.

I am an optimist and prefer to perceive the cup as half-full rather than half-empty.
But mine is not blind optimism rather I have presented my thesis with arguments and evidences.

The major difference is that they want to destroy the world to create a global government that manages a technological global civilization with the eradication of nation states. I don’t want any of that.

For me I just want a return to nature with human beings going back to their primitive roots in living. I choose a natural existence over an artificial one. I’m glad I can illustrate the difference here.

It surely comes off as blind optimism to me.

Communists have to be optimists. They have no other choice - except death, caused either by a bullet or by Gulag. Their “arguments” and “evidences” are not more than merely ideology (modern religion), in praxis: terror, thus death again. When their terror system crashes, they are so much depressed that it is not possible ot find them on the surface of this planet. So in reality, communists are those pessimists who are using optimism as a mask for power reasons.

Anymore I would describe myself as a moderate socialist stuck in between the extremity of capitalism and communism, of course both systems have effectively killed off moderate socialism movements where they don’t exist anymore. At any rate I despise both capitalism and communism. In both systems you end up a slave in one form or another if you’re not born into wealth. Both systems have wreaked havoc on the globe socially, politically, culturally, and economically. If your only choices are choosing between those two systems you in reality have no choice whatsoever. Interestingly enough under both of those systems the terms are dictated by the barrel of a gun.

Arminius … you’re a genius! :slight_smile: … notwithstanding your access to that yuge data bank. :slight_smile:




  1. Both C’s have had … and continue to have … “guns in their hands”.

  2. Observers have often conflated offense with defense and vice versa.



Please remember details confuse me. :slight_smile:

I am apolitical, thus not bothered to be a communist or otherwise.

But as Schopenhauer has stated, the true blind optimists are theists especially those of the Abrahamic religions who so optimistic they will have eternal life in heaven/paradise as promised by an illusory God. And Schopenhauer sarcastically declared, if that is theistic optimism, then he [Schop] is a pessimist.

Believing in an illusory and impossible God is blind optimism which as a whole enable and is complicit to greater enmity in terms of terrible terrors, violence and all sorts of evils.

Prismatic … what a ‘drift’ from your first comment in this OP. :astonished:



Just finished reading the article I referred to in my last post.

A smile came to my mind’s heart … here’s some words I posted yesterday …



… and here are the words of someone who has a much better command of the English language … quite colorful indeed …



Others like Aminius was drifting off course, I am bring it back to topic.

You will note, the Abrahamic religions claim their God is compassionat, loving, benevolent but that is only towards their own believers [note especially Islam]. Such religions undermine empathy on a universal levels and a religion like Islam inspires its followers [SOME] to commit terrible terrors, violence and all sorts of evils.

Theists are indirectly complicit to the terrible terrors, violence and all sorts of evils committed by their fellow theists. Theists who aggressively defend the existence of God as real when in fact God is illusory and an impossibility provide indirect moral support to evil prone theists to commit evils in God’s name.

Hope the wind changes direction soon. :slight_smile: … and carries this topic back to where it started :slight_smile:

If not … that’s OK too … undoubtedly all comments have some value to someone or something. :slight_smile:

I will stick with my earlier post that pets and circus bears receive more empathy than human beings have for each other.

Understanding American politics currently I am starting to understand our politics resembles reality television now in a form of media headlines entertainment which in turn makes it more palpable for the uneducated moronic idiots that make up the majority of the population.

Of course real lives and human suffering hangs in the balance with all of this but this is America where nobody really cares about anything other than their own monetary bottom line.

I would say it is humorous to watch and observe if not also very painful.

What do you mean by the word “yuge”, Pilgrim-Seeker Tom?





many orders of magnitude larger than “huge” … :slight_smile: