Feminism is Anti-male

Hey, I’ve given you a clue in case you’re actually interested in advancing beyond the “I’m not a feminist, I want true equality” phase. The rest is up to you.

Here, another clue:

dailystormer.name/feminism-a-jew … emininity/

So surely then you wouldn’t trample on men’s opportunity to apply violence to dominate women and take away their rights, because women have an equal opportunity to do so to men, they just lack the ability, cause as you stated, men and women are different in ability:

There is no basis for equal rights between men and women, because rights are ultimately based on violent enforcement, and men are the ones who supply (or refrain from supplying) almost all violence.

Women can only obtain rights by lying and manipulation (feminine coercion) to obscure this fact, and their keeping of these rights is thus parasitic.

Oy Vey, the fascists and alt-rightists are taking over ILP with their hate thoughts against women along with everybody else. The future of the world along with the west is matriarchal, stop fighting against progress you hate mongers!

Actually, I’m just sarcastically mocking these evil fascists and alt-rightists by pretending to espouse their clearly false and delusional beliefs.

In reality, I am a full on supporter of the ZOG, a progressive, leftist, a feminist, and a proud cuckold, just like you.

Modern feminists are insane.

Pffft, spare me the condescension.

Rights aren’t ‘ultimately based on violent enforcement’, they’re based on a combination of ethics, and groups organizing themselves to protect their self-interests.
Violence is one of the ways we defend the rights of ourselves and others, another is talking people out of violating them.
Perhaps violence is one of the most affective ways of upholding rights in the short term, but not always in the long term, sometimes it’s necessary, other times it can do more damage.
Violence is a means, rights are an end, an end rooted in our social psychology.

It sounds like you believe all people are amoral psychopaths…which’s a very peculiar belief, at odds with mainstream psychology.
Which’s not necessarily a bad place to be, I hold a few beliefs that’re at odds with mainstream psychology, and science myself, but just so you know, you’re fighting an uphill battle here, against not only psychology, but common sense, what most people say they know about themselves, their friends and family, and how they feel.
Unsubstantiated declarations and condescension will get you, nowhere.

Some people are psychopaths, perhaps you are, but I, and many others, are not.
People are social, and antisocial animals.
Few people are wholly antisocial, and no one is wholly social, most are some combination of the two.
This may come as news to you, but empathy, sympathy, guilt and shame are real emotions, and having a conscience is a thing…but so is sadism, and indifference to peoples suffering.

If men, and people in general, were incapable of experiencing these feelings, or of having a conscience, women wouldn’t be able to ask men for more rights than were and are given to slaves and cattle, let alone than are given to themselves.
Both men and women have some capacity to care for one another, and many women still do, in spite of the damage caused by feminism, which’s why it needs to abolished.
We need a movement that upholds the rights of both sexes, or none at all.

I don’t believe you, you’re a fascist agent of destruction sent to destroy our global social utopia with your hate mongering.

There is a moral and just application of violence then there are other forms that are not, the trick is general social consensus…

Ah, at last an honest lib.
That’s exactly what modern liberals want, matriarchy, they just don’t have the cojones to come right out and say it, congratz.

It is man’s inherit violent and primitive competitive nature that is holding us back from a technological futuristic social utopia, men in some way need to be neutralized so that they don’t endanger the progress of civilization itself. Thank God (Elohim) for feminism, women will lead our future to global progress and men should learn from them.

Gloominary, every single point you made that was relevant was addressed in the text in the first post I made to you. So no reason for me to waste time arguing. I didn’t link it for shits and giggles, you know?

Those who are genuinely interested in the truth tend to find it on their own.

Women weren’t historically oppressed the way slaves were, instead they were treated like big children, with fewer freedoms, and responsibilities and burdens than men.

In the 19th century women couldn’t vote, but at the time, the benefit of the vote came with the cost of the draft.

There were fewer job opportunities for them, but this just meant men had to provide for both them and themselves.
Women’s work certainly wasn’t easy, but at least it was safe, whereas some men’s work, such as coal mining, policing and soldiering took years, or decades off their life expectancy, and most of men’s work was backbreaking, which’s at least part of the reason why women averagely outlived men by about five years in 19th century USA.
Women don’t outlive men by as much as they did yesteryear, but because jobs are less dangerous and physically demanding than they were a century ago, not because women are shouldering much more of the burden, by and large they still shy away from such jobs.


I would never ask a woman, or anyone for that matter to smile.
It’s just not my style.
The author of this article seems to think this is something only men ask of women.
While I know women ask their boyfriends to smile, and I’m sure some women occasionally ask their male colleagues to smile, perhaps it is something men ask more of women than vice versa.
So because some men expect certain things of women, some times, this is evidence ‘the patriarchy is alive and well’, apparently.

And do many women not have expectations of men?
Do many of them not expect us to shave?
I’m sure women have said to their male colleagues, gee, you would look way more handsome if you shaved, or cut your long hair, it’s just not documented by the MSM, which’s demonstrably ruled by female supremacists.
Do many women not expect us to handle mice, spiders and other vermin, or burglars, and when they do, do we think to ourselves, gee, I guess the matriarchy is alive and well?
Do many women not expect us to pick up the check, fix the car, the drain and so on and so forth?

What the MSM has been suggesting since about early 1970s, when female supremacists took it over, is that only men have expectations of women, just because they’re women, on account of their sex, and women needn’t fulfill any of them.
But the reality is women have about just as many expectations of men.
And it’s only fair that the less men can expect from women, individually and collectively, the less women can expect from men.

The reality is, there was never such a thing as patriarchy.
Society and women always expected about just as much from men, or perhaps even a hell of a lot more, than they do from women.
Whatever powers men were given, were given to them with the expectation they would use them to protect and provide for women and children, and when they started showing signs they couldn’t or wouldn’t fulfill this obligation, they lost them, and everything with them.

Most interesting post Ive read on ILP in years.
Very well argued.

Here’s an incomplete list of female privileges:

When a man criticizes women, it’s sexist, when a woman criticizes men, it’s feminism.
Women have a movement championing their rights and issues, men, by and large, do not.
Feminists run colleges, universities, the media and have rewritten the laws in women’s favor.
Men are made to look idiotic, immoral and irrational in movies and on television, especially sitcoms.
Women are now significantly outperforming men in education, even tho women and men’s iQs are averagely equal.

Women win the majority of custody battles.
If it’s a woman’s right to choose whether to have an abortion, or to be its mother, if she chooses to have the child, shouldn’t it be solely, or at least primarily her responsibility?
A woman can make you pay for child support for a child proven not to be biologically, genetically yours, so long as she conceived it while she was married to, or even just cohabiting with you.

Generally we feel more sorry for women than we do for men.
In relationships, and in general, women are encouraged to be needy, men are encouraged to be needless.
Women’s life is valued more than men’s, hence when disaster strikes, it’s women and children into the life raft first.

Men are discouraged from hitting women, even when women hit men first.
A woman’s word is worth more than a man’s, apparently, hence the ‘me too’ movement’?
Generally men do more time for the same crime, even when they have the same criminal history as women.
There’s thousands of battered women’s shelters in the US but not a single battered men’s shelter, even tho there are thousands of battered men.
Female on male domestic violence isn’t taken seriously, by society, nor the state, even tho in all probability it occurs just as frequently as male on female domestic violence.

It’s men who pick up the tab for everything.
It’s Wives who take their husbands ‘to the cleaners’.

Women live longer than men.
Women commit suicide less than men.
Women’s health issues matter more than men’s.
Men take the majority of the dirty, back breaking jobs.
Men work about an hour or two more than women per day averagely.
It’s mainly up to men to fix and maintain everything, from automobiles to plumbing.

I bring all this up not to say men always get the short end in male/female relations, the way feminists say the reverse, but just to say both sexes face discrimination and a unique set of challenges, but perhaps men more so, because feminism has blinded both women, and men to men’s issues.


A male asks his female colleague to smile…how awful.

We’re at a point now where the slightest ‘infraction’ committed by men against women makes national headline news.
And we’re suppose to believe women and society have absolute 0 expectations of men…none whatsoever.
A man asks a woman to smile, meanwhile millions of women are asking men to bail them out financially, ‘defend their honor’ from other men/come to their aid and rescue, pick up the tab, or not bitch and moan as much as many of them do, to man up, it’s just not making headlines, because the media unambiguously does not give two shits about men, which’s part of the reason why more and more men, and people in general are turning away from it.
The MSM just does not represent working class, white men.

Feminism ought to be designated a hate movement, because that’s all it does, 24/7 around the clock is hate on men, on college campuses and in MSM.

Meanwhile, in the middle east:


Sigh, first world problems.

That being said, it’s not as if men aren’t stoned to death for committing adultery in West Asia, they are, you just don’t hear about it, because patriarchy, right?
Gotta maintain the narrative.

Oh and by the way, the media criticizes parts of West Asia for practicing female genital mutilation, but what about the millions of infant boys who’re having their genitals mutilated AKA male circumcision in our own backyard?
Again, more proofs college campuses, the media, politicians and society as a whole, does not give two fucks about men’s rights and issues.

If something affects women or people in general?
Great, let’s look into it.
If something affects men alone?
Fuck em!

I wonder what working class white men are guilty of today?
Better check the headlines, I can’t wait.

I guess the patriarchy owns the press too, if it was really impartial, 98% of its content would be dedicated to slamming stupid white men, instead of the paltry 75-80% we get now.


Throughout much of European history at least, women were not in any reasonable sense, oppressed.
In the Roman Republic/Empire, they were legally and socially protected from physical and sexual abuse, and albeit socially protected from mental and emotional abuse.
They were free to divorce their husbands and remarry whomever they chose.
They were free to own property, engage in business, and live and travel independently.
They were educated nearly as much as boys, and could take just about any job, except for jobs in the military, politics and a few others, because these jobs were perceived as being especially masculine activities, and in the case of the military at least, they were probably, objectively right.

In the modern, western era the bar has been lowered to admit women into the military, so perhaps the Romans had the right idea, the bar shouldn’t be lowered in order to accommodate them, as doing so makes our military less effective, consequently costing lives.
And politics, at least for the Romans, was perceived as an extension of the military, or vice versa, and thereby also a strictly masculine domain.
Politicians gave the orders and laws, and the military carried them out.
The bar shouldn’t be lowered for firefighting and policing for that matter either, or any other job where women collectively have a significant, objective disadvantage, most especially jobs where lives are on the line.
There is such a thing as taking equality to absurd lengths.
And the same goes for men too, should we find something women are substantially better at.

While there were many jobs available to women, from the likes of waitressing, acting, to the likes of scribing, many women were encouraged to be stay at home moms…but there’s reasons for that.
Altho contraception and abortion existed in Ancient Europe, because it wasn’t nearly as effective, and because infant morality was significantly higher, women spent much of their lives being pregnant and weening small children at home, and so the vast majority of them simply did not have the time, energy or skills to be as career driven as men, at least if they wanted a family, which most of them did, and were encouraged to, just as most men did, and were encouraged to.
And likewise men were discouraged from being stay at home dads/encouraged to be the sole or primary bread winners.
Still many Roman women worked when they could, to help support their families, or to better themselves.

So even tho only men were legislators, officially anyway, clearly they were legislating with their mothers, sisters and daughters welfare in mind, in addition to their fathers, brothers and sons welfare.
And of course the wives of rich, powerful men were able to privately influence what they did in public.

Without contraception and abortion methods improving in the early-mid 20th century, most 21st century would have to be stay at home moms as well, no matter the ideolog(ies) in place.
And staying at home isn’t all bad, on the contrary, it was much safer and in many ways, and less physically demanding, which’s part of the reason why women outlived men by a few years.
And men were also equally if not moreso discouraged from being stay at home dads.
Women also had 24/7, around the clock access to the household and its contents, like food, drink and access to the hearts and minds of their children, slaves and other members of their household, which they could poison and blacken against their men, if they so desired, a kind of domestic power men lacked.

Now Ancient Greece might be another matter, the way they treated women was in some respects more Asiatic than properly European, which makes sense, given they were in closer proximity to West Asia, which has a appalling track record of infantilizing women/treating them like invalids.
But throughout much of Europe and European history at least, women were never oppressed.

The feminist narrative is a fallacy, one that demonizes men and has damaged male/female relations for decades, perhaps centuries to come.
Mainstream feminism isn’t equality between the sexes, we’ve always had that in the west.
Men and women’s roles may’ve differed to some extent, but not as starkly as in other regions of the world, and women’s abuse was rarely, if ever permitted, they were never treated like children, invalids or worse, slaves, not remotely.

Feminism is, or at least has gradually become cancer.
It is the tyranny of women over men, masquerading as equality.
Feminism is a reaction to a collective crime that was by and large, never committed, at least not on European soil, and isn’t being committed, they then use as a justification, a pretext to oppress men.
There never was a patriarchy, or even if there was to some extent, it was largely benevolent towards women.
But today we live increasingly in a matriarchy that demonizes, and subjugates men.

or, it’s getting better and it’s only anti-male because it’s pro-male in a savage garden. It’s a movement of strong women in the pursuit of social-engineering strong men.