Do you folks still doubt me about platonic forms?

You can not get existence to work for you but instead you learn to adapt to how it impacts upon you
You can be perfectly logical and sympathetic and still get fucked over by it despite your best efforts
But being of a neutral disposition and being capable of adaptation makes the experience less painful

Reflections of eternal forms in a reality that contains only us in our own reality, and to have each individual do this in their own reality as well.

The trick is not that this is impossible, it’s already being done … the trick is to get us out of co shared realities.

If you’re paying enough attention, we are already co hallucinating our reality together, take out the @co@ part, and we go from hell to paradise.

The largest impediment to us getting there is attachment to dominating an actual being for glory.

When people start waking up, they realize that in co hallucinated realities, everyone loses.

Thought travels faster than light. It is the fastest and most powerful thing that exists.

Like I told trixie, you need two things:

You need to be perfectly logical

You need to be perfectly sympathetic

If you have those two things, existence is yours

The hardest part is to be sympathetic to all intelligent beings

The trick is that you, posting the same thing over and over, will not suddenly make it possible.

I already explained this to you but I guess you forgot…We hallucinate reality only to a certain extent. A bus looks different to everyone. Yet the outcome is always the same…walk in front of a bus and see what happens.

I would argue the largest impediment is the actual laws of physics, which are in such a way that we don’t have god powers.

Or, when certain people, Ecmandu’s, wake up to the laws of physics, Ecmandu wins.

Thought travels at 216 miles per hour and no faster than that.

Existence is already mine since as YOU know already, I never consented to it.

Or, unintelligent ones especially.

No detail once again as usual merely repeating mantra like what you have already said multiple times before so I think you dont know what the answer is
Being logical and sympathetic is not good enough unless everyone is and some choose not to be which is why free will is a problem that you can not solve
And thought does not travel faster than light because it is actually electromagnetic signals in the brain and electromagnetism is the whole light spectrum

Thought can traverse galaxies in nanoseconds …

Light cannot.

If it hasn’t come to pass, nobody was logical or sympathetic enough.

I can’t explain better how existence works

I could write some 1000 page treatise, but that’d be a waste of time.
Existence will not tolotate the threshold of 100% consent violation for all existents

Imagination is more important than knowledge

Six of those statements are total nonsense and the other one is not yours anyway

I’m trying my hardest to explain colors to a blind person. There’s no translation that works.

I have access to different dimensions than you of trixie do.

You’ll always be able to state that my posts are nonsense until you get those senses.

It’s not my fault you don’t have them, it’s not my fault i can’t explain them to you.

It’s not your fault either.

Blind people take it on faith that colors exist.

I hate faith. I don’t want you to believe what you haven’t seen. I’m not looking for groupies or followers to that regard, I loathe the very concept.

I am nevertheless trying to explain things.

This is not like trying to explain colours to a blind person you should be able to do it relatively easy . You dont have access to different dimensions
But it is your responsibility if you cannot properly explain your philosophy [ which you cannot ] You are explaining nothing even if you think you are
I am very sceptical about you having an IQ of I80 [ I am not the only one who thinks this ] on the basis of your contribution to this and other threads

Still, certain things you say just don’t add up.

First you said that “Existence will not tolerate the threshold of 100% consent violation for all existents”

But it’s already doing that. Since 100% of us did not consent to be here anyway. And 99% of us didn’t consent to go to public schools.

Second if you are capable of seeing these dimensions, and the rest of us aren’t, how is anyone supposed to even get god powers? When even you don’t have them apparently. Also another absurd thing is that these dimensions apparently are some kind of brand new sense sensation, that is not taste, sound, touch or smell or vision so you can’t explain what they look like.

Third, you say you been to hell for 4 million years, yet can’t remember hell well enough to describe it in detail, so how do you know it was even 4 million years.

I do have access to spiritual planes of existence that are very unique. I also have an extremely high spatial IQ, above 180. My actual IQ is around 160, not 180… I have a handicap in one area where it was about 100, maybe even below that, but I can’t remember what the name of that area was.

Maybe that area was memory?

The way I can describe it…

I’m like a shaman on major steroids

The problem with sensation and it’s cognition is that it can’t be thought on a linear level.

As the horizon of a black hole gets progressively nearer , there happens a stretch of space-time, where sensation behooves what is considered normal .

As a consequence, there is little to be said whether an event tales place millions of years ago or seconds ago.
Cognition becomes immeasurably difficult.

But its the same problem of having to validate a 1% reality for a 99% , the perceptions that are processed from opposite ends construct wildly different resulting effects.

It might be, I hold almost everything in my short term memory buffer, which it’s not really designed for.


Existence only exists because - non existence: isn’t

All of this is the opposite of: isn’t

I explained earlier why motion occurs …

In order for there to be an “is”, there must be otherness… now otherness causes infinite divisions.

When an infinity is necessarily counted by the substrate, the system feeds back on itself and causes motion - because infinity cannot be counted. The process of holding an infinity causes motion … I give the equation infinity = motion.

Existence has no choice but to exist, and motion has no choice but to occur.

In order for motion to occur, there has to be a continuity of processing, an identity … without identity existence can’t exist. Since an existent cannot come from nothing, existents have eternal forms … templates from that which doesn’t change.

Now, this identity is not everything, as identity needs other to exist to perceive itself.

It’s tautological that no beings want there consent violated by the definition of consent.

The subset of existence that is aware they exist are all having their consent violated against their consent .

Existence cannot unexist, and since the only subset that’s aware of itself of existence doesn’t want its consent violated against its consent, existence will manifest non consent violating realities, in the same way that existence has no choice but to exist.

The problem: what’s the right template?

This I can tell you for sure: if you try to make all humans into female lesbians against their consent, with power behind it, you will be sent to consent violation yourself (hell)

The problem we all face, living in a world system where we violate consent no matter what we do, is how to get out of that karma.

I am an embodiment of existence working it’s own problem… I have access to crazy power, but you must understand, I cannot use it to make robots that bring me peace or I will be sent to insane hell.

You don’t know that yet.

To be one with existence as it’s subset of self awareness, you must be working the problem of solving every possible consent, and not just yours.

This job is so hard, it can tear your spirit asunder.

It is the most dangerous job in existence.

Failure is hell.

If you don’t care about a 100% consensual non zero sum reality, then you will not face as severe consequences as those that do, but make a minute error.

I’m in the existence reconstruction business trixie, and there is no more dangerous a job.

If all humans were sane, they’d be doing the same thing I’m doing, but, I accept that humans have trouble with this path. If humans could even sit down and accept that had the world been a better place in the past, nobody alive today would have been born, we’d be much further along. Instead, they defend everything to defend their own existence.

They are not yet awake.

Existence is not aware of what actually exists because it is simply a state of being and not an actual mind with cognitive ability
Human beings not wanting their consent violated is not something that Existence can know or stop because it is not self aware
There are two absolutes : Existence [ space / time / energy / matter ] and motion . Everything else is optional [ including us ]

I said we are a subset of existence in my post.

I stated logic about existence that is more powerful than any other possible being.

One thing existence as logic not aware of itself does is not contradict. So you can appeal to logic to change circumstance.

That’s what I was saying.

This is completely wrong because existence and logic have nothing to do with each other
So if that is the foundation on which your entire argument rests it has just been falsified

This is very paradoxical as it is debatable.

The basis of logic is existential in as my h it pertains to flight or flight early beginnings of survival.

How to measure an opponents strength by way of approximation ?

It is learned. Then it becomes evolutionary reflexive after so many mutations, wherein logic becomes a programmable characteristic under lying either fight or flight.

Logic and existence are in this way are Coded for those who do not have the conditions nor the time to relearn all the variables.

Existence has everything to do with logic.

Logic dictates that the definition of non existence or nothing at all is: isn’t

This is everything except: isn’t

Logic is the reason existence even exists

Logic is the most powerful thing.
Logic is not aware that it exists.

The most powerful referent is not a self aware being.

Logic is the basis of existence and is more powerful than any being that can be imagined.

Don’t pray to god. Learn logic. Learn the logic without emotion and learn the logic of emotion.

That is what makes power.