a new understanding of today, time and space.

I think part of the confusion in philosophy is the failure to
see that philosophy has two sides, two parts to it and because
of this, we make philosophical mistakes. These mistakes lead
us to make wrong or false conclusions…for example, properly
understood, there is a objective/subjective question, but that
question of the objective/subjective, only exists within the
technical side of philosophy…the one side of philosophy is
the technical side, the logical side of deconstruction, the language
games, the logical positivism, if X is this, then Y is this side of
philosophy, the limits of knowledge… the philosophical side
that is technical, logical, mathematical…

and it is good, but it is not the only side of philosophy…

we have on the other side of philosophy, the existential side,
what am I to do? What is the meaning of life? What should I
hope for? What values should be my values?

these questions of philosophy are the personal side of philosophy…
the anguish cries of of existence that keep us up at night…
on this side of philosophy lies hope, fear, terror, joy, sadness…

on the technical side, lies the questions that are impersonal and don’t
rock our world… on the personal questions lie the questions that rock
our world…

I clearly stand on the side of the personal, existential philosophy
but we must be clear when we think or write about philosophy,
that we understand what side of philosophy we are engaging with,

think of it this way, technical philosophy is the “hard” side of philosophy,
like math and physics and chemistry are the hard sciences and
the soft side of science is psychology, sociology and political science…

philosophy exists in the same way, we have the hard side and the soft side…
their goals, methods, means are quite different on each side of the equation…

college is helpful for the hard side of philosophy but to question
one place in the universe doesn’t require college, it just takes
the strength to question or to doubt oneself……

and so I follow the path of Socrates and not follow Plato or Aristotle,
because Socrates was about the existential questions of life and
Plato and Aristotle were about the technical aspects of philosophy…

and this is why I follow Kierkegaard and Nietzsche and not follow
Kant or Hegel… for K and Nietzsche wonder about the meaning of
existence and Kant and Hegel are about the technical aspects of

so who you follow revels your inclination side, technical or

so who do you follow?


Human beings are a science formula… E = Mc2…
and we are part of this formula as everything is part of this formula…
and in our vanity, our ego, we are convinced that we are the only conscious
beings alive, the only one who knows of existence…every other animal
exists but they don’t know they exists, whereas we know…….

This consciousness is what separates humans from all other creatures…
or that is what is believed, in our vanity……

when I was younger, I suddenly realized the “truths” of this world…
I would die… and everyone around me would die…… and all life
will, at some point, die… leaving a desolate and empty universe…

and I cried from this knowledge, of the empty and lonely universe to come…

but this was before I discovered time… the universe is billions of years old
and will continue for billions of years more and the tears I shed, was for a universe
billions of years from now… after I realized that, I didn’t feel quite so bad…

so the next connection I made was that time needed to be added to
the formula of existence, so we needed to add time to E = Mc2…

and then if we add time, we have added space… so E = Mc2 must
be a formula that includes time and space…so some mishmash of
formula’s must be engaged to fully understand life and human beings……

this is the technical side of philosophy…… but this isn’t all of philosophy…

the tears I shed over the empty universe is also philosophy…


The two different points of human philosophy are
individuality and collectivism… people’s philosophy
and needs revolve around these two points…
individuality or collectivism…….

and how do we reconcile these two points?

for we must try to achieve a collective society for we
are social creatures and we discover who we are by
comparing and contrasting ourselves with others in the polis…

but we must find our individuality within the polis/the collective…
how do we engage with both prospects?

for quite often, this individuality threatens to tear down the collective…
and the collective threatens to destroy individuality in the name of the security
of the society…

I may be a party of one, but I don’t see the need for conflict between the needs
of the one and the needs of the many……. we can work for, engage with each
on their own level……… you can be an individual in the midst of a collective society…

and that should be the goal, the destination to be reached…… to engage with
our individuality in the midst of society……

but to do so means we cannot legislate in stone……. we cannot be so inflexible
that we cannot adapt and change…………we must learn to dance while
we conduct the business of the people……….

society must be allowed to exist, but the needs of the individual must also
be allowed to exist……. this “pas de deux” between the state and the individual
is the goal of what we are searching for the proper mix between individual
and the state…….

so, the future of government is to learn to dance with the individuals within
that society………


So one of the questions we must work out, is the proper
relationship between government and the individual…

what does the individual need and what does the state need?

The individual needs the benefits of society, the clean roads
and the hospitals, the schools and regular garbage pick up…
for government does the things for individuals that if we had
to do them would simply take up our entire day… government
does the dirty work so we don’t have to and thus we are left
with time to achieve our own goals… whatever they be…

Government needs security and order and taxes to keep
and maintain that security and order……. to keep individuals
safe so they can get on with their task of driving the society…

society/state is the substructure of existence… it allows the mail
to be delivered and the snow to be plowed and a place
for children to learn the skills necessary to become individuals,
not citizens and not consumers/producers…… but individuals…

and in return, we individuals engage each other to improve ourselves
and that is the goal of being an individual… we go from birth
to death and in between is about us as individuals, becoming
who we are……. but we must sacrifice some of our freedoms
in order to become who we are… there is a cost to every action
and the cost of us becoming is in the certain freedoms
we lose and the price of society is paid in taxes…….

we are limited in our actions… we cannot yell fire in a crowded theater
and we cannot harm by actions or inaction, other people…… the rules,
the game of society must have certain rules to function…and these rules
must protect those who cannot protect themselves, thus we have laws
protecting the young and the old and the disabled.

so we don’t have absolute freedom, we have enough freedom to engage
in our goal of becoming human, fully human…where instincts no longer
rule our lives and we have control and a say over what is to become of us…
not only politically, but economically and socially…… it is not enough to
just be able to vote politicians out of office or to buy or not to buy a product…
we must have a voice, a say in what happens to us and we must have some
control over what forces we can control… as we cannot control natural
forces like gravity or evolution, we must have control over our choices…
this is why I argue for direct, direct democracy… we can no longer
hold to indirect democracy or representative democracy as it no longer
represents us… as it has been usurped by money in which “our”
representatives are bought and sold like cheap cars………

the phrase “government of the people, for the people, by the people”
is not an empty phrase, meaningless babble which we can ignore…….

this phrase, “government of the people ………” is the essential phrase
that we must adhere to…… in the people’s hand like the power of government
and not with special interest or large corporations or wealthy individuals…

and in a “government of the people, by the people, for the people”
we can have a say in our engagement with becoming better human beings…
but it is not enough to have a government of the people if we are still
held in tyranny by economic means as we are today…it is an entire package…
to find our individuality, we must fight for it both politically and economically……

you want to be free as an “individual”, we must eliminate profits/money
as a goal to be desired…as long as we practice nihilism by our pursuit
of profits/money, we shall be held hostage by economic and political

the path to our becoming free, to become individuals, begins with
with the governmental and economic forces that negates human beings
and their values…and we must fight with every resource at hand to
remove, eliminate businesses and their pernicious hold on all levels
of society, from ground up………

the tyranny that is affecting all of us isn’t governmental tyranny, but
economic tyranny. How all our lives is being dominated and controlled
by big business and we must fight that, tooth and nail……

to become an individual, you must be free of those forces which
hold you hostage to their demands…this why the current climate
leads us to saying that big business and big government is dominating
our individual lives… once we reduce big business, we reduce its affect
on government……. you want to equalize the current state of America,
so that it is much more of a balance between individuals and government,
you must begin by reducing big business and its pursuit of the theology
of Mammon…

to restore the individual to the rightful place of being a dance partner
with government, we must remove the interloper into our dance, big business…


Immediately I point out how abstract and “general” these descriptions/assessments are. My interest is more in folks taking the manner in which they have come to understand and define nihilism “down to earth”; to intertwine a world of words into actual human interactions.

Also, how extreme they are. As though nihilism must be made applicable to everything. The laws of nature? Mathematics? the empirical world around us? the logical rules of language?

Nope, we are told. To the true nihilists, all are meaningless and absurd. And both existentially and essentially.

Me, I’m more for narrowing down what specifically is construed to be meaningful or as existing in the course of living our lives from day to day.


From my point of view, however, moral nihilism revolves around situating existing values out in a particular historical, cultural and experiential context. Contexts understood from the particular vantage point of “I”. And then assessing the extent to which these values can be demonstrated [deontologically, ideologically, theologically etc.] to be the obligation of all rational and virtuous men and women to share.

You attack capitalism as the antithesis of rational and virtuous human behavior. Others attack socialism [or your own set of values] in much the same way. Okay, how then is it to be demonstrated once and for all who is closest to the “best of all possible worlds” here. My point instead is that value judgments of this sort are the existential embodiment of dasein, conflicting goods and political economy.

Instead, in my view, you take the discussion back up into the clouds:

In my view, a classic “world of words” “general description” that is not made applicable to a particular context in which existing values held by existing liberals and conservatives are challenged from a perspective like mine.

Note for me any well-known political narrative of the day that does not basically argue the same thing?

How is this not just one more particular set of political prejudices? Accusations that those who embrace Trump’s conservative agenda can then turn around and level at the liberals?

But that’s the point. It’s the being able to believe that it is either one or the other set of values that would appear to motivate the objectivists. It is this wholistic frame of mind that allows them to embrace the “real me” in sync with the “right thing to do”.

It is to this mentality [left or right] that I introduce the components of my own narrative: moral nihilism.

I simply put a positive spin on it by suggesting that from this perspective one can then champion the idea of “moderation, negotiation and compomise” as the “best of all possible worlds”.

The rest is then political economy: the role that political and economic power plays in sustaining human interactions out in the real world.

Until you start seeing this as a frame of mind that all political idealists are able to make regarding all that they deem to reflect positive values, I’ll probably never persuade you [or them] that it is in fact the psychological reward of being able to ground “I” in one or another Whole Truth that is of fundamental importance here. It is not what is believed but that something is believed that counts most of all.

Or, rather, so it seems to me here and now.

It is what the idealists and the ideologues and the objectivists have to lose here, that I tend to focus on. No one wants to think like I do.

Peter Kropotkin: a perspective that is just arbitrary as my perspective? all values, all viewpoints are
just as arbitrary as the next value or the next viewpoint…you cannot give me
any more of a reason to “believe” your viewpoint, then I can convince you of my
viewpoint…every single on of us, stands on some arbitrary mountain and proclaim
ourselves “king of the hill” and the hill is, desein or conflicting goods or what is
best for society…but at some point, at some point, we have to get off the hill
and do something, believe something even if that something is illogical and
stupid and lacking any context…yes, values are arbitrary and there is no
way around that…your view is just as arbitrary as my view as arbitrary
as anybody’s view… now, you can either let that freeze you into doing nothing,
believing in nothing or, or you can just make an arbitrary decision to accept these
values for no other reason then it sounds good.

to stand on the hill of desein, conflicting goods, political economy is just
as arbitrary as any hill I wish to stand upon… it may be “up in the clouds”
or whatever, and it may be objectivist you may decide, but I cannot see
any valid reason for picking any viewpoint over any other viewpoint unless,
unless we just arbitrarily decide upon some values and then so be it…
those values we arbitrarily decide upon, see Kant by the way,
and then we live and die by those arbitrary values…

and at no point do we reach a point where we can definitely say,
yes, these are the values of mankind and for all time…
it is just another mountain we stand upon and shout for our
arbitrary values… yes, yes, we get it… but what is our alternative?

to call everyone who doesn’t agree with you “objectivist”, doesn’t solve
anything… it doesn’t answer our questions, it doesn’t answer the question
that demands an answer…I grapple with this question of values
and their arbitrariness every single day… and I get no closer to the
truth… values are simply an arbitrary decision… both societal and
individually… yes, I get that and so what?

at some point, we must act upon values which are arbitrary and debatable,
ok, so be it…we cannot hold everyone/anyone to our standards, be it
liberal or be it desein or conflicting goods or political economy…
for every standpoint we take is arbitrary… make no mistake,
your viewpoint is just as arbitrary as mine… the question becomes
do your answers solve the questions that need answering?

I say no…… you are just as hung up upon your viewpoint as the
rest of us “objectivist”… it is the nature of the beast…


One might say that the “world” is “cold” or “harsh”
or “indifferent”… but the world is none of these things…
the world is and we then attribute to the world some
ideas or values or viewpoint that seems to match whatever
the world seems to be to us… so, a tree falls in a forest, it just does,
there is no value or viewpoint we can attribute to the act…
let us say, that tree almost hit me, it was mean or vicious or
deceitful or whatever value we care to say, but the tree isn’t
any of those things… it is simply being a tree… with no understanding
of anything outside of itself… it falls because it is a tree…
to make it anything more then a tree doing tree things is to
humanize that tree…to create a viewpoint that doesn’t exist…

the tree is just a tree… nothing more, nothing less…

now we might try to turn that tree into something more then a tree,
it might have feelings or we might say it was a good tree… but frankly
to add features to the tree is to make a false claim about the tree…

the tree doesn’t know or care about you, the tree doesn’t have any feelings
of any kind toward you or your world……

so when we say “the world is a cruel world” we are just taking our emotions,
adding to the world beliefs and feelings that doesn’t exists, we humanize the world
in a way that doesn’t exists……

the world isn’t cold or inhuman or indifferent or mean or cruel or anything…
the world isn’t anything… it just is… and we take our thoughts and put
into the world…

humans and their society can be cruel or mean or indifferent,
because humans and their society have a choice… it can decide…
to say the world is cruel is really to say, human beings are cruel
or human society is cruel… of course, you then have to make clear
what it means to be “cruel”……. but my idea of cruel maybe quite
different then your idea of cruel… so, we get approximations of what
“cruel” is……

so we have in the society vs the individual clash… society wants/demands
certain things and the individual wants/demands certain things………

part of the confusion between this society/individual clash is the difference
between the very words society uses and the individual uses…

so the society may claim that the individual has a “duty” to society,
but what does the word “duty” mean, exactly? it may be different from
person to person and from person to society…

I disagree with the comment that the individual has a “duty”
to society… but more on that in a minute……

which has a greater “duty”? the society or does the individual?

I would suggest that the society has a greater “duty”
to the individual then the individual has to society…….

why? think about society… what is the society made of?
individuals…the society cannot function without individuals
but the individual can function without society, its not very pretty,
but it can be done…………

we can replace society with government and get the same result…
so, we have society/government that is made up of individuals…
the goal is to create a society/government within which individuals
can become who they are…………

so, what does that society/government to look like?

government must be the tool of the people, individuals,
government does the dirty work, the chores that make it
possible for people to engage in their own vision of what it means
to be human……… we can have a socialistic society and still reach
our goal of having a society in which we find our own truths…….

it is not about having a government that can be drowned in a bathtub,
but about government actually working for the people…… if we control
the government, we can set it to task that are too much for single
individuals to do… there is a pothole in my street, it would be too much
work for me too personally patch that pothole and still conduct my business,
whatever that business is, but we have government to take care of that business…
so by having the government working for us, we can take care of what we need to
take care of…government no longer tells us what to do, we tell the government
what to do…this idea of democracy is where we take control of our government…
power is no longer in the hands of the bureaucracy or in the branches of government…

we, the people, in order to form a more perfect union……….

government of the people, government for the people, government by the people…

so how do we make this happen?

the first step, as always is awareness… we must become aware that there
is a choice, we can decide to reclaim our government… make government of
the people, for the people, by the people…………we can no longer trust those
who say, follow me… for I know best… don’t follow them, follow your own
mind, your own heart…if you want the government to be of the people,
then you must act and be an agent of change… fight for government
that is just a tool for what we want and what we need……….

the next step is to understand that we are in this together… it is not
about you vs me, it is about us banding together to get those things
done that need to be done… we need to educate our young…
and the cost of educating them is nowhere near the cost of
having an uneducated America………… one man, one vote…
regardless of the man’s wealth or title or status… the poorest among
us get the exact same power as the richest man in America and by
taking control of our government we can make that happen………

Kropotkin… poor deluded Kropotkin……… that can never happen…

and I say unto you, the world doesn’t exist, for we make it so…
the tree’s are just trees and the sea is just the sea and they do their thing…
but we humans, we make the world evil or cruel or indifferent… we value
and we judge and create opinions about things and the world…
the world doesn’t know or care what we decide about it……

if the world is cruel or indifferent or evil, it is us that is cruel or
indifferent or evil… the world isn’t but we are……

we decide or give meaning to what the world is, we act
to make the “world” better or nicer or cleaner…

and we can create or make the society/government better, different
or even if we choose, not exist…… that is our choice… that is the
great answer of human existence… we have the choice… we can decide
what kind of world we live in and what kind of government/society we want…

decide then you need to make your decision as to how to achieve your goal…
but it takes all of us to reach the goal… individual decisions lead to
an overall group actions……………. you say the world is corrupt… I say it is
corrupt because you allow it to be corrupt… we can end corruption by simply
exercising our ability as human beings to act, engage with who we are
and what are our possibilities…….corruption only exists because we allow it…

but Kropotkin, you fool, there are forces in the world, holding it hostage,
keeping us in chains, so, why are you being a passive person to being held
hostage? I choose to fight being a hostage even to death…… why are you
so afraid? Ok, my dear confused Kropotkin, there is no chance of winning against
the forces allied against us… So, who cares if we can’t or don’t win…
I would rather fight and die being a hostage then being a hostage that
is indifferent to being a hostage……… we make the world what it is…
what world do you want to make it into?

all that it takes is two things, first courage… then second more courage to
think about the possibilities and the possibility for change……
we must plan and then act… become aware of the possibilities
then try to create the possibility of change…….



A tree may be a tree is a tree is a.tree , but when it does , and some unfathomable day, its buried under all the dirt, grime and amnesia of the past, it turns into a diamond.

scene: courtroom…
the action: someone is charged with a crime:
and the final summation is this:

I have been charged with a crime… the state as decreed that
a crime has been committed and there must be a trial to discover “justice”…
to see that “justice” will been done…

but this case is not about “justice”. this case rises about the mere
notion of “justice”… for we must think about this case as a case
against everything our modern state stands for… the judge and
the police inside this courtroom stand for something that isn’t talked
about or understood… this case is about something other then
the mere act of “Justice”… I stand here today and will make a
startling call… I say, to reject the case againt me on grounds different
then just innocent or guilty…for I stand here, as a partisan of something
that is exhibited here… the court, the Judge says justice is what is going on
here but I say unto you, that is not what is going on here…

The Judge, the DA says, that a law has been broken and the guilty
must be punished… but I say, that something greater then the law
is being broken here… The Judge says, that the laws are created by
you… but that is a lie… you didn’t create the laws and you didn’t
have anything to do with the creation of the law…think about it,
the entire basis of the judicial system is that laws are created in
the “peoples” name…but I say to you that they are not……the entire
governmental system we have is based upon a lie…

or said another way, the government doesn’t work for you, you work
for the government… the judge and the police working in this courtroom
don’t work for you… the Judge can tell me how to talk, how to act, how
to exists and if I don’t follow him, the police in the courtroom are authorized
to act for the judge to punish me……and at what point does the judicial system
work for me? One might say, the laws created by the legislators are the
basis of the right of the judicial system to tell me what to do, but once
again, I say a lie is being told…….

if the government is bought for by special interest and big business
and the legislators work for them, who exactly works for us?
certainly not the legislators and certainly not the President who
is also bought and sold by special interests like the NRA and big
pharmaceuticals that have bought Washington and our state capitals……

if no one works for us, the people, then by what right should we
be held to obey laws? If we no longer have a government of the people,
government for the people, government by the people, then by
what right should we obey that government……. the very same
argument that our founding fathers used against England, now exist
for us to use against the government that rules us, that we serve,
that holds us in bondage…if we no longer have a government
that serves us, then we no longer have a government that we must
listen to, we no longer have a government we must obey…
the allegiance that is demanded of us by the government is null and void
because the very foundations of the government is tainted. For we no longer
have a government that is, of the people, for the people, by the people…
and that nullifies our allegiance to the government…the court will claim
that my argument is outsides of the bounds of this case and you must,
must think only of the crime committed but I say unto you, the very
heart of this case lies within the fact that our very allegiance demands
that the government and the courts and the very policemen in this courtroom
work for us and we do not work for them… and as this is not the case,
you must, you must find me innocent…… for this case is not about some
petty crime committed and the search for justice for that crime…
no, I say unto you, that this case is systematic of a larger crime committed
against the citizens of this country……. if you no longer have an say or control
over the government of which this court is part of, then the allegiance that
is demanded of you is forfeited……. the larger crime is that this courtroom
has control over you and that the government has control over you…
either the system works for you or the system doesn’t…

and clearly you as an individual, has no say or control over what happens
in the government, then the government has lost your allegiance to it……
for it is no longer a democracy, it is a dictatorship………. and that is
what we have today… a dictatorship… deny my words all you want,
but recall how your legislators and the president and the judicial system
no longer answers to you or even cares about what you want and you have
no say over the government… that is a dictatorship………

The judge demands I speak about the case, the trial ongoing right now,
but of course he does, he is part of a system that doesn’t care or want
any response from you… the courts, the bureaucracies, the police,
the president, the congress, who exactly works for you? No one…
for they have been bought and sold by the highest bidder…
Justice in this country is no longer justice for it is influenced
by money, titles, influence, status… and if those things can influence
justice, then we have no justice…

if money buys laws and has legislators doing big money business, then
you have no say, no control over the congress, then why must
government have our allegiance? We cannot and must not offer our
allegiance to a government, to the courts, to the police, if they
do not work for us…as they must in a democracy……

they have lost our allegiance, but the judge and the DA both claim
that this leads to anarchy, to chaos, to the loss of order… good,
for if we live in a dictatorship as we now do, then I will take
anarchy over a government that no longer serves the people……

either we take the proposition seriously that "government
is of the people, for the people, by the people, or we don’t and if we don’t,
then a dictatorship is all we deserve.

it is not about some petty crime committed that is on trial, but
the entire system… for I say unto you, if the system no longer deserves
our allegiance, then they cannot, cannot try me for a crime committed because
this government is no longer my government and my allegiance is no longer
given…yes, they can force me into jail… but it isn’t about whether I am in
jail… this entire trial is about whether the government should have our allegiance
and I say, no, not until it is “government of the people, for the people, by the people”…

the court and this judge can send me to jail by force, and I cannot stop that, but
if force is all the government has, then it has lost my consent… don’t accept their
flimsy argument that by voting innocent, you will cause anarchy or chaos… that
is another lie… the truth is I am not fighting to destroy property and I am not fighting
to tip over cars and burn them, no, I am fighting for a government that the people
have control over and that the people have a say over… I don’t work for the government
and you don’t work for the government… they work for us… they serve us…
and we the people, we are in charge… and that is what I am fighting for…
vote me innocent and send a message…the message is simple and clear…
because it isn’t about my guilt or innocence, but the message is about
saying no to a government that we have no control over and have no say about……

we must say no until we can say yes… and that yes means, we have a “government
of the people, government for the people, by the people”… not the dictatorship
we have today… democracy in name only is not a democracy…

we can no longer have representative democracy because sooner or later,
the representatives become servants of those who can buy the representatives,
not the people… take that first step to becoming free of a dictatorship…
and say no…… until we have a true democracy, a democracy that is
of the people, for the people, by the people, say yes to that, but
say no to our current dictatorship…… vote innocent to begin the long
battle to reclaim the government for the people…… a crime has been committed,
but the crime is the lie of how our current government works for us… that
is the crime…………

one might say, my call is a “radical” one and every call for
control over our lives is a radical one because it is radical
to those who have control over our lives… big business and
special interests like the NRA…my call is certainly radical for them
because it means they will lose their control over the government,
over the judicial system, over the police state we have today…

my call for us, the people, to control our lives is a radical one to be
sure, but to do otherwise is to be silent over our dictatorship,
to do nothing is to assent to the current dictatorship and I will never
give my assent to our current dictatorship… for that is what it is…
if the people don’t have any control over the system and have no say
over the current system, then we have a dictatorship…not a democracy…
it can’t be any simpler then that…

if someone can call up the president and because of wealth or influence
or title gets an interview with the president, then we don’t have
a democracy, we have a government of the wealthy, by the powerful,
for the influential… because I cannot call up the president and get
an interview with the president and you can’t call up the president
and get an interview with him… it means wealth, power, influence
has control over and a say with the government…that is something besides
a democracy……… and I believe with all my heart that we live in a democracy
and if we don’t, then the system of government, our judicial system,
our bureaucracies no longer warrant our consent……. the court will of course
act without any regard to my or to your wishes, but that is because the court
system is no longer a part of a democracy, it is bought and sold just like
the politicians and the court system simply works for those with money or
a title or influence………….

I am innocent, but that is irrelevant to the court system… because justice
is no longer the goal, but control and domination of the people is the
point of the judicial system and it does it bidding very well……

I am innocent, but that isn’t the point… justice is no longer the point…
democracy is no longer the point… so what is the point?

To deny you any control over or any say over our government…

I stand innocent… but that is irrelevant in this modern day and age…


one might say, Kropotkin, my god, you are all over the map…
but I am not… my contention is everything, everything is connected.
whether we see it or not, it is connected…a true democracy,
one we certainly don’t have today, is vital to our question of
who we are and what is possible for us…

my “court” appearance points out that that every action taken
is taken in context of all… the crime I “committed” is done
within the context of all our lives, within the context of our
goverenment/social experience…just as the court, the judge
demands I only talk about the crime committed and anything
else is out of bounds, but a crime isn’t committed in isolation,
separate, apart from everything else, any more then
an finger injury is separate from or isolated from, apart
from the body… as the finger is part of the body and anything
that happens to a finger, happens to the body, we have actions committed
that are part of the whole, crime or otherwise that is connected to and
is a part of the whole…

a child being hurt is a crime against all of society, not just the child…
and that leads to the point of accountability…in a democracy, we,
each and every single one of us is accountable for actions taken by
any other member of the “tribe”…and that “tribe” is everyone…

but Kropotkin, you are wrong… am I?

take actions taken, we say that the president is not accountable
for actions taken, in other words, the president is above the law,
he is unaccountable for his actions…if any one person can escape
accountability in a democracy, then there is no accountability
in an democracy…a democracy is about all of us, we give, take, receive,
and are accountable, together………

democracy and justice are intertwined, they are the same thing,
about equality for everyone…if we treat anyone different
because of wealth or title or status or influence, we deny democracy
as we deny justice……

But Kropotkin, that is an impossible high standard you are setting,

yep, it is…but isn’t it time we try to reach for the impossible instead
of just accepting the easily done………

and how do we reach the impossible?

by each of us reaching for the best in us……
each of us improving ourselves… instead
of going for the lower values, the instinctual values,
hate, anger, lust, greed, destruction, we reach for the higher
values of love, hope, charity…

for every team, a baseball team, a track team, a football team, it requires
actions, a commitment from each of us to achieve our goal… and each member
of the team can improve the team by simple reaching for the goal of being
the best person they can be……

an example of this, I ran cross country and track in high school…
my best mile time was as sophomore was 4:58… I didn’t run the mile
as a junior or senior… but if I did, I could have improve the team, not
by winning the mile event, but by improving my time to 4:50… by improving
my own time, by making me the best runner I can be, I help the team…

it is by my own personal improvement that I help the team and the same
is true of society and within government…

by making me the best person I can be, I am helping society regardless
if I “win” any events or not… it isn’t about the win or loses, it about becoming
the best person possible…and that idea of “best” is helping society
doing what societies should do, survival…but Kropotkin, earlier you
advocated for the individual, not the society, you can’t have it both ways…

it isn’t having it both ways, it is an acknowledgment of the role of the
individual and the role of the society and the intermixing of both…

I cannot become the best runner I can possible be in isolation, apart
from everyone else… my time of 4:58 is meaningless if it isn’t
contrasted or compared to someone else’s time… If someone else ran
a 4:50, then I have a contrast to my time and I can work on my improvement
with a goal in mind, a goal created by the contrast and comparison with
some other times in the mile…as an individual, it is by my work on
myself that helps create a better society………

I can use other people to compare and contrast my self with others
that helps me define who I am…compare and contrast myself
with Hitler and I look pretty dam good, compare and contrast myself
with Gandhi and I suck… but I can use Gandhi as a measure of compare
and contrast to improve myself whereas if I use Hitler as a compare
and contrast, that will lead to failure……….

and we use the polis as another means to compare and contrast…
even if we don’t know what our goal is, we can use society understanding
of “good” and “evil” to compare and contrast to find a goal… not necessarily
the goal we should have, but a goal nevertheless…

to make this clear, there is no black and white here, there is no good or evil
here… there is only shades of gray and it should be understood as such……


one might ask, given the structure of the world and its
just is what it is, how are we to find meaning, purpose in the
world? if the world is nihilistic, then how are we to find meaning?

I would suggest that we find meaning in the attempt to better ourselves…
I believe that meaning can be found in our search to attempt to find
our best time in the mile… meaning is found in trying to get from 4:58
to 4:50… in that attempt we find our meaning, our purpose… in finding
our better nature, our better angels of Lincoln, we find our meaning,
our purpose…if I am less angry, if I have less greed today then yesterday,
I can find meaning and purpose in that… it isn’t much, I agree, but
given all the other choices, it might be the best we have…

given all the nihlism out there, moral and otherwise, we can rise
above this nihilism with our attempt to achieve some goal or destination…

given the dehumanism of capitalism and communism and Catholicism,
(putting god ahead of humans denies, devalues human beings)

we must reject ism’s and ideologies for something else and perhaps that
something else is our attempt to rise above nihilism, rise above instinctual
actions and become who we are by a reexamination of our values…

it is in that reevaluation, a reexamination of our values, that we find our
meaning, our purpose…it is no different then trying to go from
4:58 to 4:50 in the mile… or perhaps being able to climb a mountain
in Tibet or just climb that big hill in the county park… it is about
achieving or accomplishing something that we haven’t done before…
it is in the effort to achieve or accomplish that gives us our meaning,
our purpose…if I overcome some childhood indoctrination, I have
achieved or accomplished something of value, I have understood values
that are more appropriate to my age, my values must grow with me…
in other words, childhood values of believing in Santa Claus is fine while
being a child, but not useful or necessary when an adult… my values
must correspond to my place in life…my values must match my current
experience in life…when I am an adult, I must have adult values…
I must engage with values that are needed by an adult…
childhood indoctrinations do not help me cope with or understand
or allow me to engage with being an adult… adult values for adults……

and that is the meaning and purpose of life, to find values that we can engage
with that works for our particular experience or position in our current place in life…

the time of 4:58 is my childhood time, trying to get to 4:50 is my adult time…it is
that engagement that I must expend my energy on…….

but Kropotkin, you are wrong, as wrong as wrong can be…
but by what values do you judge me by?

as every value is relative, why not pick a value that encourages us to
engage in bettering ourselves…… for in bettering ourselves, we improve

Kropotkin, you are foolish and wrong… perhaps, but how do we judge
values? by what standard can we agree to judge values? Our choices of
what standard we choose is flawed and relative…no matter what values,
we pick or choose, it is flawed or relative… there is no place
where we can stand and be objective about anything…there is no
standard we can choose and say, this is “objective”… there simply isn’t
such a place… and this means whatever values we choose is the values
we choose……… and I for one, have set as a value where meaning and
purpose is found in trying to get from 4:58 to 4:50……….

I am now old and can no longer run very far, back issues prevent me
from really running, but I can make my choice in some other area…

I can choose to become a less angry person or I can choose values
which include love, peace, hope or charity… and when I go from
hate and anger and violence to peace, love and charity… I am going from
4:58 to 4:50… I am improving my times and thus helping the team…
individual improvement such as seeking our better angels is an improvement
to the team, the team of the human race, the team of life…

Kropotkin… you are being childish, corny, maudlin, sentimental…
perhaps in your viewpoint, but your viewpoint isn’t the final standard
by which we decide such matters and my viewpoint isn’t the final standard
by which we can decide such matters… that there is no final standard
viewpoint or some way to judge such matters “objectively” is the point…

my viewpoint is just a valid as your viewpoint and there is no way to “objectively”
judge between them… so why not choose to improve your time from 4:58 to 4:50?


It never ceases to amaze me how folks reconfigure the manner in which I construe individual values judgments as being rooted by and large in the confluence of experiences one has encountered over the course of the life they live, into insisting that I am arguing just the opposite: that value judgments are “arbitrary”.

In other words, how can someone read the points that I make here – viewtopic.php?f=1&t=194382 – and then make the claim that I argue that “I” here is embracing sides arbitrarily? As though I am suggesting that we pluck our own values at random from value tree.

Instead, my point is that those on both sides of an issue can think the conflict through thoroughly and come up with reasonable arguments for or against abortion, for or against gun control, for or against Trump’s wall.

And that narcissists and sociopaths, in rejecting the existence of God, are not being necessarily irrational in insisting that morality revolves around that which they construe to be in their own selfish interest.

I am merely suggesting that political prejudices are derived at least as much from the lives we live as from any wisdom that philosophy might impart to us.

Instead, people choose philosophy or God or ideology or political idealism or accounts of nature precisely because psychologically this allows them to jettison once and for all the idea that values are either arbitrary or all equally valid. “I” then comes into sync with some “core” self that is then able to think through to the optimal frame of mind.

Unless of course I’m wrong. And I am certainly not suggesting that if you don’t share my own assessment here that you must be wrong.

There have of course been hundreds and hundreds of moral and political objectivists down through the ages that would level this precise charge against me.

I must be wrong. Why? Because they have already found “the values of mankind for all time”. And even though they have plopped themselves down all along the political spectrum, to the objectivist they will insist that they and only they have come to embody the true values able to bring “mankind” in sync with their own rendition of The Republic. All the others are still grappling with the shadows on the cave wall. Only they see the light shining bright from outside the cave.

Unless I am simply misunderstanding you.

That’s not why I call them an objectivist. Agreeing with me isn’t the point because I clearly recognize that even my own point of view here is no less an existential contraption rooted subjectively/subjunctively in dasein.

Instead, my argument is that with regard to “I” at the intersection of identity, value judgments and political economy, I deem someone an objectivist if they insist that their own moral and political values reflect either the optimal conclusions or are in fact the only rational conclusion there can be.

Again, from my frame of mind, arbitrary is the wrong word. Instead, our values are situated – situated existentially – out in the particular world that we were “thrown” into adventitiously at birth: historically, culturally and experientially.

My own difficulty here is that in thinking of all this as I do, I have thought myself down into a hole I am now unable to extricate myself from.

Iam: Again, from my frame of mind, arbitrary is the wrong word. Instead, our values are situated – situated existentially – out in the particular world that we were “thrown” into adventitiously at birth: historically, culturally and experientially.

My own difficulty here is that in thinking of all this as I do, I have thought myself down into a hole I am now unable to extricate myself from.
K: Do not think of me as being unmindful of your situation… I too have
been down the rabbit hole (more then once) and oftentimes the solution
looks dam near impossible, but I think that the answer lies in the act of
allowing all possibilities… which really means, rethink your position,
rethink all possible solutions, or in fact, do as I have done on some occasions
is to simply ignore the difficulties and move on and then the solution/solutions
presented themselves after I had moved on…

in other words, don’t exclude anything… solutions are often hiding
in places we don’t think of…

or you could go completely the other way, and go over every single
possibility and as you dismiss them, you, by process of elimination
are left with the only solution left…

I like to think of it as a detective story… a crime has been committed
and as a detective, it is your job to answer the question of who, what, when,
where, how and why? you are researching all possibilities into the crime…
beginning with what crime was committed? use this devise as a tool to
reexamine your thinking…… or as Nietzsche said, reevaluate your values,
your understanding of what is important and what is unimportant…

begin your tale from the beginning and leave nothing out… the funny thing
quite often, for me anyway, the solution I was looking for was already there,
I, for whatever reason, missed it… usually because of ego reasons…
my ego is the biggest roadblock I have to some understanding of I am looking for…

maybe the roadblock you are in is because you are in a different place now
and it is a roadblock because you haven’t adapted or changed to meet
the new conditions? I can’t say, I can only say, I am on the same road
you are on, just in a different place along the road…….

maybe the values that once drove you are no longer values you need
or want? I have discovered that I have gradually lost some values simply
because I am in a different place now, I am old and being old, I don’t
need all those extraneous values… as I grow older, my needs, wants,
desires are becoming simpler, less complicated, really, pretty basic…
and I must adapt to the ever changing reality of Kropotkin……

remember the old saying, grow or die…


seeing the existential hole Iambiguous has found himself in,
I find myself in sympathy to his plight…I too have found myself
in a existential hole with no visible way out… it isn’t a pleasant
feeling and at time have left me with the profound wish to be just like
everyone else…this life is constructed so that one can travel your entire
life without the need to have a single philosophical thought…one can go from
birth to death and never see the underlying philosophical issues that
surround us on a daily basis…

these underlying philosophical issues have encompassed my entire life,
but for most people, they are unnoticed, unseen, unrecognized…
but for me, they are the key issues I have to grapple with,
the Kantian/Kropotkin questions of existence…
what am I to do? What should I hope for? What can I know?
Upon what should we expend our energy upon? What values should we hold?
The key question I pursue aren’t just individual questions but are questions
about what values should we hold collectivly? It is not enough to engage with
our own values but we have to engage with the values of society, the state…

it is not just me, but us…for if was just me, the question of philosophical
underpinnings of human beings wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but it isn’t about
me, it is about all of us and the question of existence becomes far more
complicated when we bring in the rest of humanity, in fact, I have even
brought up the idea that we are not just human beings, but we are a member
of that tribe called life…and I hope this idea that we are part of something
bigger continues to engage us more and more…


let us try to recap to see where it exactly puts us…

we are born into a complex system of ism’s and ideologies.
these ism’s and ideologies can be social or economic or political…
or some combination of all three………

I was born in 1959 and thus I was born into an American society that
was capitalistic (but had socialistic additions to it and it still does)
I was born in the Midwest which means I was born into a religious culture,
my parents were not that religious but believe me, everyone else was…

because of the crisis of the Great depression and the second World War,
society was rigid, this means everyone had their place and people
goal was to fit into this rigidity… the path people took was the same path
and they had the same goals… the goal was called “the good life”
which meant a house in the suburbs, two cars, a TV, kids…(lots and lots
of kids, I grew up in a family of 4 and we had one of the smallest familes
in the neighbood) a white picket fence and a dog name spot and a cat named
missy… the idea of the stepford wives comes from the fact that it
was based on the this goal and everyone went all in on this goal…

and we know from our understanding of equations, that the sides
must be equal… so on one side you have everyone attempting to conform
to this “ideal” and what is the other side of the equation? The beatniks and
that entire group which called bullshit on the American “dream”…
the beatniks didn’t exactly create an alternative vision, but
they certainly opposed the 1950’s conformity to values and goals
which seemed to be empty and sterile, according to the beatniks…

the 60’s came which really didn’t happen until 1966 or so and lasted until
1974…the dream of the 60’s was to build upon the opposition of the
beatniks… it was to find your own dream and follow it……
and it was easy because of the various forces in operation at the time…
which came about because of the general understanding/feeling that
society was corrupt and didn’t care about the “people”…
many factions came into being, the civil rights movement which
had started in the 50’s and thus was the driver of the women’s
movement and the Gay’s, the Stonewall riots was in 1969, no coincidence,
at every point people rebelled against what they perceived as
injustice against certain people because of their race, color,
sexual orientation… ( a drive that continues to this day)

what this really means is that people have been fighting for their own
vision of what it means to be human (at least in the U.S) since
the 50’s and still the battle continues……

and today we have the ongoing battle… still being fought…

but why? Why should the battle be ongoing? I am quite certain that
the battle should have been won decades ago… but it took
a great deal of time before certain battles were won…

for example, homosexuals have the same rights and privileges as I do, to
marry and love whomever they want and yet, the battle continues,
but once again, why? why should some have rights and privileges
that others do not have?

for example, take the attempt by the right to disenfranchise voters…
voting, the basic political principle for which American fought and died
for over 200 years, and the right wishes to take this right away… but why?
the answer is simple, the attempt to maintain and control power which
is money……. the right doesn’t even attempt to hold itself to the same
“lofty” ideals of the Nazi’s in trying to control and dominate its citizens…

and where does all this leave us?

the lesson in all this is really that the need and desire for power and money
leads one group of people to attempt to control and dominate the other
segments of society. It is just another example of what this drive
for money/power leads us to, the attempt to disenfranchise people.
the need to create inequality to maintain power/money……

and this is done in various names, capitalism is one such name,
and American exceptionalism is another such name…….

ism’s and ideologies which drive people to attempt to
create inequality which is injustice…

but that leaves us with the question of how to escape this inequality/injustice
which we have called ism’s and ideologies?

but that isn’t the only question here… how to gain freedom not only from
ism’s and ideologies but from all forms of the forces that dominate our lives?

I have noted other aspects of these forces which control our lives,
natural forces such as gravity and evolution and religious forces such
as Catholicism and political forces such as our representative democracy
which is a false form of democracy and must be destroyed, and
economic forces such as communism and capitalism which demand
the individual be sacrificed to allow that system to achieve its
goal, be it the accumulation of wealth or the creation of the worker state,
(the religious is no different in that the individual is sacrificed to allow god
to achieve the final goal of creating the achievement of a paradise in heaven)

each system is more then willing to sacrifice individual members to achieve
its final goal, be it religious or political or social……

and how are we to gain our freedom in the midst of these
forces that demand our sacrifice and dominate our lives?

that is the real question! how is freedom possible when we
are born, live and die in the midst of various forces that
we have no control over and have no say over and is more
then willing to sacrifice us in the name of that system!

the modern question is simple, how to achieve freedom from
the modern forces which we know as ism’s and ideologies,
capitalism and communism and Catholicism.

and I haven’t even listed the other natural forces of evolution
and gravity among others which also take away our freedom…

for I can’t see how we can even escape these natural forces for which
we have no control over or no say over……

modern life is very limited by these forces, both natural and
social that have left us with virtually no freedom… how do we find
freedom from those social forces such as capitalism
or communism or natural forces such as evolution and gravity?

One might suggest that this domination of these forces that
doesn’t allow us any freedom or escape is the reason we feel
trapped or in despair in our modern times…if there is no escape from
these forces and no possible freedom, what might be the possible
reaction of people? Why it is clear from many of our modern social
problems such as drugs and other addictions… we attempt to escape
the modern straightjacket of ism’s and ideologies via the addictions and
the millions of people who have simply stopped caring because they
realize on some level that they have no power, no influence, no control
and no say in the forces that control and dominate our lives…

millions lead lives of quiet desperation because they know they
have no influence and no control or no say in the forces that
exist in their lives… think about your life… do you really
have any say in what happens to you? No, no you don’t…
and as long as we exists within the ism’s and ideologies
of representative democracy and capitalism and communism
and Catholicism, we won’t have any say and have no control
over our lives… we are simply disposable pieces of flesh
that are sacrificed in the name of the ism’s and ideologies
of our times…………

so, the question still remains, how to become free given
the nature of forces that control and dominate our lives?

so, how do we escape capitalism and Catholicism and communism
and all the other forces of social/political/economic forces
that control and dominate us today?

that is the question for our modern times…

and that is why this is called the “modern” times because
we are the first group of people to finally understand that
we are held hostage by the ism’s and ideologies of our time…

never before have people understood that they were dominated
and controlled by the forces of ism’s and ideologies of their time…

so how do we escape?


I can hear some say, OK, Kropotkin we get your point, so what
is the solution?

and even asking that question leads us the wrong way…

the “solution” doesn’t lie within my hands or my answer,
it lies within you!

the question is to awake you to where exactly you are…

it isn’t about me or what I say, but it is about you…

what are your possible solutions to this questions of
how do we escape the domination of the ism’s and ideologies
that dominate our lives…….

what possible answers might you have to escape
the ism’s and ideologies of the modern age.


Now for many, the escape from some limitation or ism is to
escape into another ism or ideology… for example,
for many the escape from the force of evolution is to
escape into the ism of religion… but that is one escape
from one ism to another and it cannot achieve freedom…

for example, to escape evolution in which we are programmed
by evolution to have certain fairly fixed operating principles…
for example, evolution has programmed us to be social, have
certain needs and desires which all humans have, to have fairly
similar growth… which means we evolve as we age in roughly
the same way, my childhood indoctrinations are similar to yours
and we enter our teenage years with in the same way and
our adulthoods is roughly the same, we try to find and create
a family situation… home and hearth as it were…
and as we age, we face similar growth and changes……

the human existence is far more alike then it is dissimilar…
and that is caused by evolution… but how do we escape that
similarity caused by evolution? we escape into another ism,
religion… in which we are also “chained” to certain factors…

think of a religion at random, Buddhism for example,
one is reincarnated over and over and over again,
we have no choice or control over this, but to escape
reincarnation, we must become enlighten and that allows us
to escape the burden of reincarnation… or think of Christianity…
we are given only two choices… to accept god/jesus or to become
condemned for all time to exist in hell…… that really isn’t a choice, is it?
how do we escape this?

or take capitalism, we exists as pawns of large scale capitalistic forces,
the invisible hand of god as it were, and how do we escape that impersonal,
damaging force of capitalism? we can’t… at this moment, there is no alternative
ism that allows us to escape capitalism… but any escape into another ism is to
simple leave us in the exact same place as capitalism… we have not control
or say within capitalism and that is true of any alternative ism we might suggest…
including communism or any religious escape or any other social escape we might think

No, the answer cannot be just another ism or ideology like escaping
evolution force into a religious ideology/force………

so, what is next?

I have suggested that we might find meaning in overcoming personal challenges
such as my track suggestion which is finding meaning in turning to our challenge to
go from my best mile time of 4:58 to 4:50… we can find meaning here in
overcoming personal goals and destinations…

we can find meaning in gaining mastery over some aspect of our life…
such as learning a new language or to travel to new lands or to
study math or philosophy… personal goals/destination such as this
is one possibility to escape the ism’s and ideologies that control our lives…

and the personal goal/destination is certainly one possible method to
gain escape from the ism’s/ ideologies of our lives…

but let us group think… what other possible means of escape from
the ism’s and ideologies that we might turn to?

we could begin by understanding the dangers and damages that
conforming to ism’s and ideologies brings…

we cannot escape the natural forces of gravity or evolution…
but we can reject the conforming forces of social or economic
or political forces that dominate and control our life……

not by escaping into another ism or ideology but by rejecting
ism’s and ideologies…….

we simply learn to live without any ism’s and ideologies…

imaging life without isms or ideologies…

we simply exists to achieve our own personal goals of
improvement…we raise a family, not to benefit
society or some cultural goal, but to simply raise a family…

we reject ism’s and ideologies to something else…
which is to live without any ism’s or ideologies…
we cannot escape ism’s and ideologies by escaping
into other ism’s or ideologies…….

the next step of human evolution is to live life without
ism’s and ideologies…….

we respond to human needs of basic necessities by simply
working, not to some artificial goal of making money or
to gain status, but to simply allowing us to gain the necessities of life
without sacrificing ourselves to some ism or ideology as we do today…

I go to work simply to gain the essentials of living and my meaning, my
purpose in life is found by pursuing such personal goals as lowing
my mile time from 4:58 to 4:50 or some other personal goal…….

the meaning/purpose of life is found not in the acquisition or the ism
of materialism, but in my choice……… the possession of wealth or materialism
as practice today is a hinderance to the real goal of finding out what it means
to be human and to practice/achieve our own goals/destination…

what this means is that the burden of the question of what is important
falls to the hands of people…… no longer are you forced to reduce
your needs or desires or wants to the greater needs of the ism or ideology that
is in practiced right now…… you no longer become a tool of that ism or ideology
or a pawn to be sacrificed if necessary to the goal/destination of that ism or ideology…

in other words, we drop the unnecessary and soul crushing demands
of ism’s and ideologies… we simplify life… by removing
ism’s and ideologies and return to live life for the benefit of
individuals and society…….

so, we now see what this does… as we are, by evolution, social
creatures and we have no choice over this, but we can accept this
and take control over this by making our actions to be accountable
to be a benefit to society, to the polis which exists to, as the Greeks
understood it to be, the polishing stone of becoming human…
we do not become human independently, apart from other human
influence, we become human by our comparison and contrast to
other humans…it is in our interaction with other humans,
that we become humans and we must engage with other humans
to become fully human…and this is what the Greeks knew to be true…

and so any actions we take must be understood within the confines of
the benefit or gains to the society/polis that helped us become human…
so if I spend the day cleaning up the trash in a park, I directly benefit
society and by extension, myself……… for we cannot become without
the direct influence of society and so our actions, however personal,
must influence and improve society, so that we gain as individuals
from that………… if I make society better in some fashion, I make it
easier to become fully human because I need society to become fully
human…….but this can be done without, without any need or recourse
to any ism or ideology……. it can be freely done once we understand
that we cannot exist without society, we cannot become human without
society and the polis… social creatures that we are………

so I have a dual goal, one of personal nature and one of a society’s nature…
and if we benefit both, we gain as a single individual and as a society……

so by helping the old lady cross the street, we help the lady
and we benefit society… by cleaning up the neighborhood
park, we benefit personally because we have benefited society…

and all this is done without any recourse to any ism or ideology…
without any claim to god or some other ism or ideology like
capitalism or communism……

we simply see a need and we answer that need…
if people are homeless, we answer that need by helping
them get housing because if we in some fashion improve
or help society, we directly help ourselves…….
no ism or ideology necessary………

if people are starving, then we aid them however we must
and this means we must, must take the overall needs of society
into account and this means, we no longer allow individuals massive
wealth or to bow our needs to the ism of materialism… which is the
goal of achieve massive wealth to the destructive overall health of society……

to achieve personal wealth is to damage society… for to achieve
such massive wealth in the name of some impersonal ism such as
capitalism is to declare an ism to be of more importance then
our individual lives…… to make people the means instead of the goal…

to engage in the pursuit of such wealth is to engage in creating
income inequality which damages society… by putting the individual
above the needs of society… personal goals/destinations which put
the individual above the needs of society must be discouraged and stopped…
for it is only within the aid of society that we can achieve our human nature,
to become human, fully human… we must not engage in ism’s or ideologies
but engage in what is both best for us personally and what is best for society
at large… for we are connected directly in the society and if society
suffers, we suffer, and if society flourishes, we flourish… it is that direct…

but to accomplish such a goal, we must become aware of and have
a understanding of what it means to exist within a society, within
a polis…we can achieve nothing on our own, we cannot become human
without society, without the polis…… for we are forced to do so by
millions of years of evolution… we cannot escape that fact…

so let us work with that fact, that certainty of evolution…

we can find freedom within the choices allowed to us by the various
forces that dominate our lives… we must accept evolution and gravity
as a force in our lives because we have no choice, but we can change
the human forces such as capitalism and communism by negating that
which negates us personally…by working toward something positive,
by creating, to avoid nihilism that is capitalism and communism,
we discover our possibilities in the act of creation… this is the power
of ART…… another brick in the wall…too many people
only see one brick or maybe two, but the fact is, we are
captives of many different and diverse bricks like evolution
and gravity and capitalism and religion and other ism’s…

but we can escape the many and diverse bricks by
removing the chains of ism’s and ideologies……
living without any recourse to a ism or ideology…

it is difficult to envision oneself without any recourse to
an ism or an ideology, but that is the quest… to reevaluate
oneself without any recourse to ism’s or ideologies…

are you brave enough?


i dunno what to tell ya, man, so i’ll just drop a quote that can move mountains if you understand how and why it is so powerful:

“The solution of the problem of life is seen in the vanishing of this problem.” - wittgenstein

now ya can’t do this until you have an understanding of what language is doing in philosophy, and ya can’t know this until you let go of philosophy. this is what W meant when he posed the problem of getting beyond the limits of language in order to be able to see where those limits are. we have to accept that some things are ‘unspeakable’ on that account, and this is largely what philosophy tries to do; declare that it is able to be clear about what it attempts to do, without being able to get beyond itself and identify what can be clearly said.

i say simplify… but that’s the anarchist-nihilist in me speaking after having spent twenty years traversing the maze of philosophy. if you want a simple thinker who you can trust, see maximus stirner. and in fact, it was W who led me to stirner after i watched him systematically strip philosophy of everything it was worth. i was that fly in the bottle that W showed the way out.

yeah so there are no ‘isms’. these things are spooks in your head. we have a positively charged void that we call a universe, and things move and bump around in this void, and that’s the whole story. elegantly simple, yes? it’s no mystery why democritus laughed and heraclitus cried; democritus wasn’t a philosopher… heraclitus was.

vanish the problem of life, krackpotkin. vanish it, and cry no more!

ninja smoke bomb

I understand what you are saying Promethean…

let us continue: let us reevaluate this…

we have both humans and life having the same needs and desires
and wants… as programed by evolution… for that is what evolution
is, a program listed in our DNA……

we, humans and life, must have food, water, shelter, and education and procreation …
we humans, because of our complexity have a complex education system
but animals too educate their young, lions educate young lions
and dogs educated dogs to be dogs and some life like tree’s are
already programed by evolution to be tree’s

we cannot achieve our program that has been programed into us alone…
that is a basic fact of life, we cannot get our basics of life without
assistance from society… we cannot acquire food or shelter or an education
without society… that is what is meant to be dependent upon society, the polis…
we achieve such basic drives as demanded by evolution and we have no control over this…

so how do we achieve this? the answer is not within the ism’s and ideologies
of our life… we can achieve this without recourse to ism’s and ideologies…
without recourse to some dehumanizing, nihilistic ism……

but Kropotkin, how do we achieve our goals without some ism like
capitalism which forces people to do the dirty work of society for
little pay and even less status…… we recognize that society is the
only way for to become human, fully human and so, we help society
to be able to aid us in becoming human by aiding society…

what exactly does that mean?

One day a week or once every two weeks, we take on the ugly jobs
of civilization… we sweep the streets, we can be the policemen of society,
we become the agents of the society needs by playing a role within that society…

as some people are for whatever reason, unable to act in certain roles…
as I am hard of hearing, I cannot be a airplane controller, you need to hear
to do that, but I can do other roles within society… and that is what is important……

as Marx pointed out, to be a farmer in the morning and to be a policeman
in the afternoon… for one day a week and given our current population…
even one day every two weeks or possible one day every month… but we
can do the roles necessary for society to exist, to do the dirty jobs in return
we get the essentials of life, food, water, shelter, education, the ability to
procreate… and we also get to engage in the personal quest we have to
become ourselves…… but this means we must not engage in the
ism’s and ideologies that demand us to be certain roles and it is within
these dehumanizing and negation of who we are, that must be fought…

the goal is no longer personal covetousness that marks modern society today,
the goal is no longer the accumulation of materials such as property or wealth,
but in achieving personal goals such as going from 4:58 to 4:50… this
but we need society to achieve our personal goals, we cannot survive without
society…that is a statement of fact…

and so in return to our being able to achieve our personal goals,
we must return to society enough of our time and goods that
allow society can provide to us the security and ability to reach our goals…

we achieve our goals by aiding society in reaching its goals…

we are not subject to society and society isn’t subject of us…
we are simply partners in a mutual achievable goal of
reaching a point where we can help each other achieve our
respective goals…

we give up and in return society gives us the ability to achieve
our personal goals……. but we cannot achieve our goals if
only a few people have 90 percent of all the wealth in the world…
that is not sustainable and certainly doesn’t put us in a position to
reach our personal goals……… we must reevaluate what it means
to be a part of society…….

we must once again, work within what we really need as
human beings… we really only need certain things…
food, clothes, shelter, education, the ability to procreate…
the reality is, that human needs are really quite simple…
but we cannot include the rampant materialism of today…
that isn’t one of the basic needs of human beings and by
reducing, we can then achieve something far more important
then just a new couch or a new car or a new TV… For they
aren’t necessary, they are simply part of an addiction we have
to greed…

we must rethink what is the goal of human beings…
is materialism really a necessary for human beings?

NO, most definitely not……. but then what is important?
the necessity of life… food, water, shelter, clothes…….

and so, we can achieve the basics, we must reject the
current addictions we have to materialism, to goods…

and after that, we can find meaning without recourse to any
ism or ideology……. simplify our lives by removing the all that
garbage we have collected in ism’s and ideologies……

return to the basics…………and find meaning within
our own personal objective of engaging in what is important to us…

by finding our own personal meaning or goal within the confines
of achievable goals that can only happen without the
nihilism of ism’s and ideologies……
