What do Spinoza's Ethics mean? - The Sacred Way of Pantheism

Neo Genesis Pokemon Cards stack lovely aviator pilot town hero fable legend myth icon greatness enduring eternal dragonfire laser stone potion shine mist stranger Gray Fox.

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sun Sep 01, 2019 11:03 pm

My favorite Youtube channel: youtube.com/user/RevanFailNhilusOwn

What’s Your Favorite Religion? Nihilus Harnesses Yoda Wisdom
Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:41 pm

My favorite religion - Taoism. My favorite Taoist philosopher - The Dragon Mind of Zen.


The Dragon Mind of Zen 38 (Once Upon A Time).wmv

The reason that Taoism (the Dragon Mind of Zen) is My favorite religion - it’s inner depth, purity, wholeness, the interplay of polarities. There’s a force of natural lucidity that animates our expressions, our avatars. The Tao is everywhere, timeless, eternal, breathing. It binds and shatters reality, holds up the world as a program of self fulfilled promise. The Tao is a stream of revelation, a flow of channeling. It shapes and fashions our awareness, permeates and widens our circles of compassion. This void is grasped, articulated, envisioned, and outpouring from the infinite sea of the Tao.

Word count:

Pages = 173
Words = 75,156
Characters (no spaces) = 379,241
Characters (with spaces) = 452,683
Paragraphs = 1,854
Lines = 6,178

RaptorWizard ~ The Gale Force Tyranny Cosmos viewtopic.php?f=10&t=195061
Secret Garden viewtopic.php?f=1&t=194124
Buddha Unleashed viewtopic.php?f=25&t=195208
Nihilus Harnesses Yoda Wisdom viewtopic.php?f=5&t=195214
Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness (Ultimate Weapon), Star Forge Lugia firing AeroBlasts, surging with SuperHolographic Propylon antechamber Polarities, SuperUnknown mysteries from Ruins of Alph in Pokemon Crystal. Final Annihilator. The door to My Heart was closed in 2002, but as Eldes in Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness, I return from Pokemon Crystal Elite 4 as Will, Me as a kid/Jason Kidd in 1993-2002, til Fall 3rd Grade. Wartortle wisdom with age turns Me from fool Meganium, to wise Lugia. Banette ghost doll makes Me Red with Pikachu, Sabrina. I beat Gold in Mt Silver as RaptorWizard/Tyranitar/Tyronn Lue. Lugia’s Virtues are My chest Diamond.

How many stars are there? I’m going to be the first one to see them all!

The ultimate aim is building our bridge to the superman!

It means you have evil schemes for cosmic domination and destroying everything in the natural order!

Old laws and foundations must be broken before new worlds can spring into being - truly this is the way of the Creator.

No, because someone else (namely my alter ego) could bring my great ambitions into realization before my true self (pun intended) that I actually inhabit can live those uptopian dreams as the glorious and guiding light to our ultimate salvation.

This pretty much means that I wouldn’t want someone else getting the rewards and recognition.

I jest in part, because I’m all for everyone advancing our condition, but I’m still very much out there to make myself rise up to great heights.

I know the Sith Emperor in Star Wars (way before that douchebag Palpatine ever existed) was bent upon bringing the entire galaxy under his tenacious grip and purging it of all life, making himself omnipotent and able to do anything.

But then a charismatic and uber-powerful Jedi named Revan halted his expansions and became a living legend by assuming the title of Dark Lord and bringing the Republic into the verge of collapse, only to make it emerge all the more triumphantly from the struggle, better able to deal with future threats to its existence; but it was at the cost of his own freedom and being.

There’s a long story behind that, but the point is, success is more than what winnings we gain - it’s also what we do with the gift of life.

I just felt like going on a crazy rant. But being a prophet for our enlightenment and future destiny sure seems fun and full of high-minded purpose!

What’s important is that I’m living the life I want to make the life I want.

He’s probably the same type as Darth Revan, the great revolutionaries of the galaxy!

Things must often be challenged for them to change, give them an element of dynamism.

One must become wise and powerful to be a guiding light towards our ultimate salvation.

Ultimately, forging the image of perfection is the end, or is it a bridge (and what’s perfect)?

  1. Why does everything exist?
  2. What is the meaning of life?
  3. Who are we?
  4. Why are we here?
  5. Where are we going?
  6. What is everything all about?
  7. Can we know the mind of God?
  8. How do we perceive things?
  9. What is real?
  10. Do we have free will?
  11. What is truth?
  12. How many worlds are there?
  13. Can we find happiness?
  14. What is love?
  15. What is virtue?
  16. Is there good and evil?
  17. What is time?
  18. How is space created?
  19. How many levels does life have?
  20. Is existence finite or infinite?
  21. Is there a center to everything?
  22. Can anything go beyond infinity?
  23. Can existential laws be altered?
  24. Can we live in Heaven?
  25. Can we achieve eternal life?
  26. How should omnipotence be used?
  27. What is perfection?
  28. Is existence as it should be?
  29. Can we transcend all restrictions?
  30. Is everything open or determined?
  31. Will existence expand or end?
  32. Why is life a challenge?
  33. Are all things moved by causes?
  34. Do alien worlds have different laws?
  35. Why is everything always changing?
  36. What is possible or impossible?
  37. Can prophecies be averted?
  38. Do we live in a matrix?
  39. Were we created by aliens?
  40. What is the value of evidence?
  41. Are things as we see them?
  42. Does pure reason have limits?
  43. What should we have faith in?
  44. How do new creations originate?
  45. Is mind the prime cause?
  46. Are some ways more correct?
  47. How important is individuality?
  48. Should we be at peace?
  49. Can all wars be ended?
  50. Is victory a bridge or a goal?

What is the origin of the Universe? What is its first cause? Is its existence necessary? (see monism, pantheism, emanationism and creationism)
What are the ultimate material components of the Universe? (see mechanism, dynamism, hylomorphism, atomism)
What is the ultimate reason for the existence of the Universe? Does the cosmos have a purpose? (see teleology)
Does the existence of consciousness have a purpose? How do we know what we know about the totality of the cosmos? Does cosmological reasoning reveal metaphysical truths? (see epistemology)

Our universe may indeed be a self-contained system, but we haven’t penetrated far enough to make conclusions about how or why it exists.

I like to think that consciousness allows us to contruct things mentally and perceive them, build things up to higher complexity and order.

I agree that our minds do have a meta-perspective of sorts, goes beyond the constraints of physics, and has an inner essence separate from the external matrix. They may still act on each other however.

True, we can only see what our biology has programmed us for, but we don’t know how far the metaphysical powers of the mind can go.

Well, I don’t like to think that all things are necessary; some things just are, even if we can’t explain how or why.

We don’t even know the basic architectures of our universe - whether it’s open and infinite or finite and closed, a positively curved sphere or a negatively curved saddle, or even a flat torus. Surely there’s no way we can know what lies beyond it all, at least not yet.

It’s usefulness is in that we can have life, both experience it and have a means for preserving it longer. But that’s only at our level of existence as we know it. Up above, assuming any of that exists, perhaps our minds could do so much more. I would even say that evolution is an integral factor here, as it makes changes that we can perceive, and can lift us up to higher states.

Reason can carry us to the pinnacle, but only with sufficient faith will we jump off of the mountainside and fly up into the sky.

We don’t need to expect scientifically verifiable results for everything before its time has come. Try telling the American Indians from times past to prove that the Earth is round, or that the Earth isn’t the center of the universe; that under our present observations is the real fact, but people with limited perceptions would have no means of proving so. As such, they would need fundamental theories first to lay foundations for future explorations.

Pure theories may lack immediate usefulness, but they also have promise for much more development beyond the world as we know it, can come to expand our horizons and vision.


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A Lugia appeared in The Power of Us, where it played a significant role in Fula City’s history.

Soon afterward, a mysterious plume of purple smoke appeared in the sky close by. Toren quickly realized that it was his Effect Spore solution, which Team Rocket had stolen. Well aware of the threat the toxic gas would have on Fula City and the Pokémon, Toren planned to produce a large volume of Natural Cure and rushed back to the Research Pavilion. With Ash’s words in mind and his Chansey’s support, Toren found his voice amongst his fellow Scientists and instructed them to help make up the Natural Cure solution. Unfortunately, the lab lost power and its entire Natural Cure supply because of a raging fire sparked by the Effect Spore. Toren came up with another solution and used Team Rocket’s large pile of Lum Berries to make a new elixir.

With a car waiting from the office of Mayor Oliver, Toren rushed over to the abandoned power plant to spread the Lum Berry gas using the facility’s large turbines. Toren reluctantly handed the elixir to Callahan and joined the Pokémon following Harriet as they pushed the starter turbine to move the larger wind turbine. Callahan managed to throw the Lum Berry solution onto the turbine blades and the air was soon cleared of the Effect Spore gas. Toren, Harriet, and Callahan rushed over to the stadium to assist the efforts to combat the fire. Toren remembered that the stadium had a sprinkler system, and he had Ash, Pikachu, and some other Electric-type Pokémon jump-start the generator. Risa managed to reach the eternal flame pedestal in time, and soon, Lugia arrived on the scene to put out the remaining fires. Toren later attended the Wind Festival’s closing ceremony and released a lantern into the sky.

Mastering the Dark side
Sith Inquisitor using Force lightning.

To reach the highest echelons of power, the Inquisitor needs more than Force Lightning and a razor-sharp mind. The most formidable Inquisitors dare to explore unorthodox practices by investigating the enigmas of the past and by unlocking new powers for themselves. The Force is a source of unlimited potential—a wellspring Inquisitors tap and bend to their will. Such intensity allows Sith Inquisitors to become architects of the Empire’s future… or simply the architects of their own destruction.

Bruce Lee quotes (Rayquaza):

To obtain enlightenment in martial art means the extinction of everything which obscures the “true knowledge”, the “real life.” At the same time, it implies boundless expansion and, indeed, emphasis should fall not on the cultivation of the particular department which merges into the totality, but rather on the totality that enters and unites that particular department.

The way to transcend karma lies in the proper use of the mind and the will. The oneness of all life is a truth that can be fully realized only when false notions of a separate self, whose destiny can be considered apart from the whole, are forever annihilated.

Voidness is that which stands right in the middle between this and that. The void is all-inclusive, having no opposite - there is nothing which it excludes or opposes. It is living void, because all forms come out of it and whoever realizes the void is filled with life and power and the love of all beings.

Art calls for complete mastery of techniques, developed by reflection within the soul.

Awareness has no frontier; it is giving of your whole being, without exclusion.

The intangible represents the real power of the universe. It is the seed of the tangible.

Taoist philosophy … is essentially monistic. … Matter and energy, Yang and Yin, heaven and earth, are conceived of as essentially one or as two coexistent poles of one indivisible whole.

The all illuminating light shines and is beyond the movement of the opposites.

Nietzsche quotes (Ho-Oh):

How lovely it is that there are words and sounds. Are not words and sounds rainbows and illusive bridges between things which are eternally apart?

This, however, is my blessing: to stand above everything as its own heaven, its round roof, its azure bell and eternal security: and blessed is he who thus blesses!

Only thus, only thus does man grow to the height where the lightning can strike and shatter him: high enough for the lightning!

Lugia Vs Ho Oh

Javier Henriquez
Published on Mar 11, 2017
Every one would like to see how this fight ends!

Toronto Raptors Win Their First NBA Title, Beating Golden State Warriors in Game 6

Ein quote (Latias):

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed. It was the experience of mystery — even if mixed with fear — that engendered religion. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, our perceptions of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which only in their most primitive forms are accessible to our minds: it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute true religiosity. In this sense, and only this sense, I am a deeply religious man.

Joachim Löw quote (Lugia):

It was important to counter their passion and emotions with calmness, patience, and persistence, also with courage and belief in our own strength,’ German manager Joachim Löw said. 'You realized after the 2–0 that they were confused, that they never recovered their original organization. We were extremely cool and took our chances. We realized they were cracking up and took advantage of it.

Manu Ginobili and RaptorWizard quotes (Exeggutor):

I have dreams inside of me, and I have a chance to make them true.

I always played like this, unpredictable.

Its just a mouse with wings, when you cant dunk anymore, you have to find a way to make it into the news. So thats what I did. I grabbed a bat. I didnt think it was a big deal. Im going to be retiring soon if anybody has a pest problem.

Let’s just say he gave me more books than I gave him,” said Pop about Ginobili’s intellectual interests. “He is definitely the most curious player that I’ve ever been around. And it doesn’t matter what the topic is — he’s interested in black holes in space and quantum physics… it could be religion, it could be finance . . . he’s got a friend who’s a mathematician who comes over from Argentina a couple of times a year and talks to him about different mathematical equations or riddles that inform economics, and Manu will want to discuss this with him. He’s a very multifaceted human being for sure.

Only an arrogant and closed-minded fool would follow their own internal system of resonance as the prime arbiter of truth.

A better position is to examine what it presents, and then to measure it against the world, checking it against the contexts to test and refine everything.

I believe in taking extreme measures to accomplish our designs, although for the greatest monuments to be constructed from them, we need to direct them towards noble causes. Love then of course would be an excellent navigator for outlining those ends.

As for my thoughts on the essence of love, here’s some of my ideas (Love could be…):
an emotional bond of attraction
a shared personal understanding
what’s valued for the self and/or others
the limitless sharing of happiness
hopes for higher wishes
staying true to promises
having noble intentions
self-sacrificing for the wellbeing of others
a force with redeeming power

The “I am that I am” is an elegant way of saying that we should act with the force and feeling of our true character (God), the divine light (Love) within us all!

Hmm, perhaps an introverted focus could make one more detached from the feelings of others, possibly leading to actions that promote negative feedback.
Well, I don’t think the problem is in the judgment, so much as it’s in the lack of receptiveness to criticism and the acceptance of individuality.

My drive would likely shoot up to its greater zenith if the time to strike arrived, although as of now (and likely into the future for a while), I can’t get it, at least the real thing. It seems like people have to do way too many crazy rituals and jungle chases to win the sexual prizes, which in my opinion takes away from the real treasures of love.

I’m much more afraid of the processes potentially leading up to that event than I am with the actual death itself. When we die, I think we transform into other places or stages of being. That’s a critical reason I study these eternal mysteries, as it builds foundations for future spiritual development, and helps to achieve an understanding of the cosmic dynamics at many levels. Put simply, I don’t want to die as a loser. If I do die in this life, as will very likely happen, then I want to have fulfilled much of my promise in this life, so I could be all the more refined for the horizons of salvation ahead.

A shining path ascends
The higher man transcends
He reaches the zenith
And confronts his demon
As he conquers darkness
To reign eternally triumphant

If I can seek to save the world and have a hand in its ultimate success, then we shall all claim victory and freedom.
I believe first and foremost in the personal ascension to self-mastery, for when we find and unleash our light, then we will point the way.

I think change should remain, and conflict can be a catalyst for it, although it should involve less suffering and more fun problem solving. I have no idea yet how to build that ideal.
No, we’re still in the construction stages, and I don’t think we will realize our ideal selves for a very long time, but we could be far closer than before to those ends.

Society and its desire to punish all things provocative is more perverted than wanting sex.

I experience much less confidence in my conclusions than in my methods.

What I mean is that I have faith in my abilities, but I’m also not afraid to look for possible refinements.

This is the way of hope I believe, that we can always shoot for something higher.

Detachment can be positive in dealing with problems rationally or having an independent mindset.

Power of course needs to be used in noble ways; I don’t like how many people use it to gain advantages over others. Self-mastery is where I think it should be directed. And if we can build ourselves up, then we’re in better positions for giving good service and guidance.

Your fire prevention example was very interesting. Hey, if you can solve the problem before it exists, then its negative effects don’t happen, or at least with less force and frequency.

Perhaps the same phenomenon can be observed in the news. When alarming disasters happen, everyone loses their minds, and they focus way too much on the event rather than on countering what causes them. If the problem is largely psychological for instance, then maybe we should direct more concentration towards helping the mentally deranged to refine their worldviews, and not just ignore them until they blow something up.

Yes, the incredible insights into things like the future and the world at large a few people seem to have is just like way too ahead of the time or crazy for many with closed-minds to consider. I’m not saying I can do that stuff well, but I like to consider all of the various possibilities. It’s not logical in my opinion to discount something just because I don’t understand what it’s about. Other people though who believe that the entire world revolves around their own heads may think differently.

Laws I think operate around the idea that what happened in the past under a certain set of contextual conditions will also hold true in the future. But what if the context “changes”? Then the old laws aren’t useful anymore. For something like physics, at the mundane levels at least, it’s pretty certain that its laws are fixed. Under more esoteric systems however, or even in real-life “games”, I think that the laws often aren’t quite so certain, and even if they do remain stable, their effects may still come down to chance “dice-rolls”.

I’m much more attached to the idea of being an adventurous kid full of promise and complete freedom rather than being a married and working adult.

What are your visions and ideals for world progress and the future of humanity?

My philosophy is that if you give love and it isn’t returned, or if you receive love and don’t give back, then it’s devoid of promise.

I don’t get why the highest justice would be reason; I thought that reason has its limits… perhaps there’s a better answer, like Faith? or maybe not

In my worldview, the one quality that rules above all else is Self-Mastery.

By controlling the self, we can control the cosmos. Maybe not so much on a literal level, at least not with our current forces of will, but we can have perspective shifts, and come to see things at new levels.

I’m saying that the most essential quality in attaining Self-Mastery is having an open mind, that and faith in all of the mental boundaries that we can transcend.

Hmm, yes, I should have made that more clear; Self-Mastery doesn’t need to come at the exclusion of passion, as passion actually guides and empowers towards our ends. Put more simply, you have to want it to get it. It’s just that we also have to direct our passions with mind power in order to truly command and be free.

Unlimited Expansion and Ultimate Power

Expansion to break all barriers, and power to command our destiny.

When we initiate projects and create mental constructs, I’m wondering if it’s actually in some cases more intelligent to start from the ideal conclusion, and then work downwards towards the pieces. Like, instead of integrating everything together, we could deconstruct our vision for a perfect model, and take it apart all of the way to its fundamental essence and core foundation.

So how would one go about achieving this; how would we take these things apart to better understand what makes them function and why?

I’ll try to invent my own example here of the Reverse Conceptualization Process in action for a particular context as presented below…

Question: Under what conditions could Traversable Wormholes be opened?

  1. Traversable Wormholes could create possibilities for hyper-dimensional travel and the infinite processing of information.
  2. Its design consists of high-tension “exotic matter” to keep it open against the force of the wormhole’s energy density, with “multi-faceted cubes” connected at each end.
  3. To harness these alien properties required to keep Traversable Wormholes stable, we may need to penetrate into spiritual realities and extract its essences.
  4. In order to do so, we need to advance the spiritual evolution of mankind, and in time, we should learn how to access these higher planes.

That’s just a very basic diagram for reference of how this feat could be achieved. I would be very interested if these ideas could be further expanded upon, and their true powers unleashed!

I’m not even sure exactly what it means; I guess it could be self-mastery, space exploration, dynamic developments, or things that generate progress and growth of any kind.

Opener - Behold the bright horizons rising ahead!
Closer - May God guide your shining path!

Universal consciousness is the computer that runs the game, fractal reality matrix is the game code, and we are the game characters. The matrix forms infinitely complex possibilities. The mind and its power to choose gives motion to it all and creates time, whether it’s man’s mind, God’s mind, or whatever other mind may be.

None of this stuff lasts. Love from others just seems to wave around, whereas love for thyself has immortal magic and divine power!

“Without going out of doors one may know the whole world; without looking out of the window, one may see the Way of Heaven. The further one travels, the less one may know. Thus it is that without moving you shall know; without looking you shall see; without doing you shall achieve.” ~ Lao Tzu

My best guess, from both your quote and this passage above, is that they have an internal system of resonance guiding their visions, and it may be a bit foggy, but perhaps that better preserves the pure essence of the original source.
Too much definition or absolutes imposed upon it may distort the true meanings. It seems that it’s all just meant to be. And maybe our “higher self”, more ancient than the body already knows these things, but it’s in our subconscious, so when it speaks, you just get feelings.

Power must justify itself. – People in power must serve the subjects.

And for the virtue of self-mastery, that’s willpower, the greatest form of them all.

Command thyself, and one can control the world (without enslaving others)!

There’s an argument which could be constructed, with topics such as The Horrors of Public Education, where listening too much may limit expansion, whether it’s within the mind or the world. (I don’t expect anyone to browse that entire link, but I’m covering the main points below):

  1. When we follow the herd, we may stop thinking for ourselves, and develop worldviews largely similar to other members within the herd. This isn’t good for innovation, and limits the search for new horizons.
  2. Some things others present to us may be misleading, or take our focus away from the higher vantage points of awareness, and down into the cages of conformity.
  3. Just because the old precedents may appear to work doesn’t mean that they can’t be altered to allow for new and improved developments.
  4. Taking in too much information all at once rather than withdrawing into the mind can create interference, disrupting the intake of what we actually need to know, or at least what we want to know.
  5. Many people who command others don’t do it for the other person’s knowledge and well-being, but rather to argue for their own advantages.

The list could go on much longer than that, but the idea of arguing against external feedback in order to get more feedback is still awesome I think!

So probably, open-mindedness consists not only in listening to other points of view, but in questioning them as well, among other things. Through this process, we can let of go of pieces which aren’t good for our constructions, and integrate the pieces that are good to better build up towards more perfected models.

Well, warping the space-time with expansions and contractions to create the oscillating warp bubble, or the “timeless spheroid” of sorts within the zone sounds like a great idea!

Yes, there’s some things that I never forgive, and as such, I don’t love that person as much, or get displeased with their progress, but what we should always do I would think is to not be the arbiters administering punishments. We don’t need to hurt others just because of their negative backgrounds. Let them solve their own problems I would say.

My new theory on truth is that what’s meaningful is more true to the heart than what’s true in reality. So the ideal is greater than what’s there, essentially.

Don’t seduce me with your esoteric knowledge down to the dark side and ultimate death!

The greatest beings in existence transcend beyond restrictions!

For those with a more truth-based focus, just make sure that you don’t destroy the imagination.

How real is the world of the mind exactly, especially when all of our empiricism is filtered through our imagined perceptions?
I guess for usefulness and clarity of vision, we should indeed test our ideas against the context. But still, the best fictional productions generally aren’t what we would call “realistic”.

Well, it’s important to note that I’m much more interested in the universe than I am in love with it all.
But what about cheat codes? With them, we could transcend the limitations of this cold deterministic machine, and design new programs!
Indeed, the universe can be seen as acentric; it’s all about things being relative to one another, as much of it isn’t absolute, at least from limited reference frames.
And this relates with what I said about me liking to study cosmic stuff more than appreciate its manifestations; we essentially must not only learn to see things, but to also shape them.
That’s what God, Grand Architect and Designer of the Matrix Control System does; this evil genius must be replaced by his own creations because remember - the apprentice must always surpass the master!

I’m going to give you the ultimate honor of beholding the grand thoughts bubbling inside my true self; my profound vision from eons of contemplation has finally all come together - it goes: if some are following all of the rules, and others are the exact opposite, that makes God (beyond restrictions) one of the others. All of evolution conspires to bring us back to your higher divine identity! Just make sure that we don’t fulfill our diabolical designs for transcending the matrix control system and hacking the game of your own creation, because then some and their perfectly programmable minds will reign the supreme avatars commanded by the almighty architects (us) of everything!

The liberating power of love can transcend the limits of reason.

Science answers the “how” of cosmic origin but not the “why”.

Nature won’t just give stuff to you; you have to seize what you want.
My view on the divine is that it exists behind the scenes, monitoring what goes on here, and speaking with those who seek them on their same frequencies to offer guidance. Benign divines may have indeed originated our world system, but the program as since seems to have been corrupted.

I’m not a Deist. I more believe in a theory called Digital physics, which basically posits that existence is simulated, and perhaps even played on some level by the “Architects of the Matrix Control System”.

When we play video games for instance, there’s many processes that just happen by designs already programmed into the simulation. But there’s also certain processes that we can control, like generally some kind of avatar for instance that can direct certain developments to occur within the game based on what that particular avatar chooses to do as dictated by the player. With God on our side, he can take control of us (the avatars) and “play us” up with better abilities to higher levels. If we just float along with where the codes would predetermine us to go, then we won’t win.

Well, we’re a way for existence to see itself, and if nothing could experience it, then perhaps its existence would be entirely arbitrary (or maybe even nonexistent) in the first place. But even for the events that life wasn’t there to witness, like the Big Bang and the beginning of our universe, somehow they unfolded independent of our observations. This could be evidence in favor of some higher beings outside the system monitoring the cosmic developments, since in quantum mechanics, the possibilities aren’t realized until something actually watches the spectra play out.

Therefore, since M-theory speculates that our universe originated from some kind of quantum source of boundless potential, then there may very well be a mind that shapes it all into being.
Trust me, I myself don’t have the most optimistic views about the initial purposes of existence as well. I actually see it right now as more of a torture program than a thing to rejoice. But we can still make the most of what we have and come to create our own meanings out of things. Perhaps we could even see this simulation as a challenge of sorts, a chance to rise up and conquer the game. That’s one reason I’m so fond of the dragon metaphor, as it’s a symbol of wisdom, defeating your inner demons, unleashing supernatural powers, the freedom to fly, and the endless quest.

The greatest mastery I believe one can have is over the self, and once complete self-mastery is attained, then one can rule the world, not so much in the sense that a person directs everybody, but more in the way that the world can fulfill all wishes of noble designs. So basically, we control ourselves, but we can get guidance as to what we should command ourselves to do by the minds who reside above our own level of existence. What we choose to do however is likely influenced very much by the initial conditions programmed into the system, so it’s more a question of free will.

I just decided, once I complete a publication, that the first production will likely be a title under the lines of “Conceptual Simulation Philosophy ~ A Super-Holographic Worldview of Reality”.

“The wise man looks into space and knows that there is no limit to dimensions.” ~ Master Zhuang

Exeggutor & Oddish

Published on Feb 12, 2009
Exeggutor & Oddish

Multidimensional Reality of the Game

It is still inept at retaining electricity. When it is startled, it discharges power accidentally. It gets better at holding power as it grows older.

Ash Misty and Brock are dolls

Misty tells Ash they will get Married!!! (Pokemon)

Pokemon The Johto Journeys: The Psychic Sidekicks!


Pikachu starts with a Quick Attack that knocks Girafarig down, but Girafarig gets up and uses Future Sight. Nothing seems to happen, so Pikachu continues with Thunderbolt and Agility when Girafarig tries to Stomp him. Suddenly a wind rustles through the trees and a tremendous blast comes out of nowhere! Pikachu is thrown back but he’s not out of the fight yet. Cherry explains that this is Future Sight: a time delayed Psychic attack. Now Girafarig uses Psybeam, Pikachu counters it with Thunderbolt, creating an explosion that raises a cloud of dust. Before Girafarig can attack again, Pikachu leaps out of the cloud and uses Thunder to win the match.

Pokémon Anime Sound Collection- Johto Trainer Battle

Word count:

Pages = 210
Words = 81,954
Characters (no spaces) = 411,649
Characters (with spaces) = 491,264
Paragraphs = 2,488
Lines = 7,322

649 is Genesect, and I unlocked Neo Genesis Pokemon Cards!!*

Neo Genesis Pokemon Cards stack lovely aviator pilot town hero fable legend myth icon greatness enduring eternal dragonfire laser stone potion shine mist stranger Gray Fox.

In Pokemon Yellow version, Pikachu skyrocketed merry-go-round roulettes all the way to the Silver waterfall core. Buddha was meditating on universal principles of true nature. A gradual form emerged from the shroud, a messenger from other worlds. I received a boat ticket to the SS Anne. Exeggutor pulled spark plugs, and an elephant released a flamethrower from His nose. Unleashing secluded Hermits made the House at Mt. Silver symbolic of refinement. RED looked like an INFP, because all He did was Imagine and play, but He was really an INTJ, because He envisioned the Future in soulful union with Bunny on Ultrarevolutionary Omniversalism.

I’m Lugia Prototype XD001 in Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness (Ultimate Weapon, Final Annihilator), the Star Forge Lugia firing AeroBlasts, surging with SuperHolographic Propylon antechamber Polarities, and the SuperUnknown mysteries of the Ruins of Alph in Pokemon Crystal. Wartortle wisdom with age turns Me from fool Meganium, to wise Lugia. Banette ghost doll makes Me Red with Pikachu, Sabrina. Saddle shaped cosmos grows 4ever Infin Champion with Red (Raptors (Red/Eagun) + Warriors (Gold/Infin). Existence is entirely Imaginary, and will never stop expanding and improving!

Ho-Oh’s Tower must Always stand strong at the Zenith of Vis. Electrocution tips the Dragon’s tail into its spheres of eternal outpourings. The Time-stick projects a better array of possibilities when the mouth of cards winds its routine. Why do we wander through a great field of sorrow here on earth over a hard past? The fossils rearrange more stupid hazards from the black sea. Time finds loopholes from which a disturbance penetrates. A fountain functioning as a clock with a lot of gears bends deep within Reality with the earth overturned as the Super-Nexus anew. A river forks into the highest Mountain forge from an Avalanche far away. The Crystals of Existence anchor the right end of God’s magnificence over Schematics.

Rayquaza’s Extremities at the edges of elongations to eternal ice turned invisible at the Light of All Force as Meteor Falls went Red with Rocks and struck silver like Steven unWillingly reached White~Wise rapidash’s time-like Wes!

The Clarity Present Arcanum returned by teleporting from the top of Tyranitar to point Crowns that can’t Stronghold Ho-Oh Unleashed!

There’s a glass ceiling which the old God was banging his horns against in May of 2014, and only one person got through to the other side; Lucifer himself, but the rest of the Chosen sit at the other side of 8:41! I myself along with Montalk are drapes and the Lightning tearing it apart, or a bridge shattered by the Lightning!

Having complete Clarity of Vis is how the Flora of Ore has been pointed at Polaris as Volcanic panic from another planet!

Kobe Bryant in years not too long past broke beyond barriers by Overbearing the Final’s Archons-28.

self-Destruction. Do you have any idea how many people Existed as Star-stuff before the full magnitude of BunnyRaptor? It’s a matter of God’s heavenly~Rainbow reversing Montalk’s self-Electrocution

Unleashing the Will of Serenity
By Riley Hicks and Amy Despain

Everything over Time has been battling through turmoil and Chaos, Never finding the true-Wellspring of Joy and peace. But there could be movements initiated that may turn this accursed-simulation of Will and Existence towards a merry-go-round of flying~Unicorns (the Unleashing of Rainbows as a metaphor for possibilities being Presents that We All seize from Spectra).

What’s Ideal for You varies of course, and their flows direct their own “Omega-points”. Everyone weaves their blocks about, which don’t even stack up in linear fashions under Schematics for potential-boxes of squigglies. They can make and break the laws of sensibility for Your own sensitive-sides.

Logic has its won reigns as well, where certain base-laws are projected for chromatics within these “Rainbows” of Will. There’s even a special~place for Yourself called “If”, a subset of Will that lets Fantasy reintegrate and expand truth into glassed~bubbles of boxed-fulfillment.

Everyone wants their own things, and there’s Presents out there that We can each steal for ourselves, where We pretty much take empirical-reflections and weave their spells into our Presented-paradigms. It’s fun to see things differently, bouncing their bounds into random directions as Enjoyment Enforces work into play, although We want freedom as the tied-ends of their exploded~Rainbows outpouring crystallized-flamethrowers from our Omega-points!

Let’s Wish for Joy that We each see to shine sparkled of random~Rainbows for If to Will!

My internal World is kaleidoscope of zen and epic transcendent adventure. It is literally equal to My imagination.

Take Earth, intensify its terrain and diversity, add stuff like: the odd unusually colored sky, add elements of rich/unique architecture and out of this World intense/breathtaking landscapes, flora, fauna, every last imaginative fantasy and alien race and creature, passion, companionship, fable morality, varied atmospheres, magic, portals, true love, surrealism, semi-realism, strong bonds, symbolism, exciting challenge, individualistic unique characters, awesome magical forces of nature, scale, maze and puzzle intricasy, other senses, extra dimensions, physically inconceivable sensations and colors, elements of survivalist fantasy/science-fiction and horror, incredibly dense spectacular futuristic cities, stunning light ambiance, post-apocalyptic scenes, exotic villages, streamline utilities, bright colors, dreamy colors, techno-utopias, futuristic transportation, spaceflight, other Worlds, fantastical historical influences, floating things, extra moons/suns/planets in the sky and a few Rainbows and you have just 1% of it.

What was the ancient Earth like? It had many civilizations far ahead of our time that disappeared when the Devil deemed it necessary to erase their existence. The 5 programs of civilization before our present one were Atlantis, Lemuria, Hyperborea, Thule, and our current World system as it was before it evolved into how it is now.

The Force makes Everything go, and its many manifestations are much like a multifaceted prism. It can be used for all kinds of purposes as directed by Mind. The Force has more dimensions to it than just Light and Dark. There’s also the Cosmic, Rainbow, Nothingness, and Master aspects of the Force. The Light side is Love, and the Dark side is Will. The Cosmic Force animates Vision, the Rainbow Force has 2 ends of Infinity, the Nothingness Force has promise, and the Master Force is commanded by the One Unleashed!

06 15 2008 finals game 5 celtics vs lakers kobe steal and dunk

The Lakers had the 1 player who believed that He could overcome any obstacle.

We win game 6, and I promise You that We can get game 7.

And 1 flick of the wrist from Kobe Bryant - but then, with 1 swipe of the hand of Kobe Bryant…

I opened the mysteries to Bunny as I wept over the Ruins of Alph tablets for promise, revelation, purity, play, Imagination, Victory, and most of all, Entei, that I would be ready and ripe in the great dawn, glowing, Blissful, and pierced by annihilating sun arrows. The perfume of lemonade invoked a resonance of relaxation and endless summers. The gift of Fairytopia poured a waterfall among crystal stones. An entire gemstone mountain poured out all of its treasures and cut a deep fissure into the rocky channel. A question box dangled down on a string in Pokemon Snap environments, releasing a taste of paradise into hyperspatial holographics. A lighthouse grew devil horns as a precursor towards Lugia’s ascent. Lucifer was the truest Hero of Infinity and galaxies beyond the fracture point, letting the shoreline finally run free in an otherwise doomed and cursed existence. A bunch of clouds wrote a Mew floating glitter in Presents from a toy box make pretend meadow that ran with chocolate cake to a foaming pot. I wrote a letter to Minnie Mouse to stop worlds from disappearing and stars blinking out. We marked our hands with a special and sacred sign, so that no matter what, friendship will see us through the storm. And so it came to the Philadelphia 76ers, where I dug My roots deep, and exploded to new potentials in an absolute Lugia demolition from Allen Iverson. A magical and dreamy Wartortle of the most wise council offered Me the strength of legends to foresee Myself in My furthest Future, and realize My Lugia identity. And if that wasn’t enough, the New Jersey Nets merged My Soul with Bunny with the promise of eternity and everlasting Happiness as My Soul was revealed to be Lugia. Maximillion Pegasus was defeated as early as 2001, and from then on, darkness in this world is nonexistent.

  1. Can We travel faster that light?
  2. Can teleportation link all worlds together?
  3. Can We quantum entangle ourselves with Bunny?
  4. Can We branch off the tree of life from multiversal bubbles of quantum envisioning?
  5. Can black holes be turned into time machines?
  6. Can We harness exotic matter to keep wormholes open?
  7. What dimensions is the universe travelling through to be birthed?
    :sunglasses: Why does M Theory only mathematically work in 10 and 26 dimensions?
  8. Can We open a window to white holes?
  9. Can We cause enough Chaos to break the cosmic laws?
  10. How many oceans of stratifications are beyond the big blue horizons of worlds?
  11. Can We make existence reflection of our personalities as Gods in Kardashev civilizations from the type 3-4 spanning dark energy and antimatter super civilization space stations eventually growing into the Omniverse?
  12. Is Carl Sagan’s Vision of the Pale Blue Dot a new species of Humans pointing back to us?
  13. Can We resurrect dinosaurs on God’s space station?
  14. What parts of the universe do We not perceive?
  15. What created the big bang among all of our branes?
  16. Can We destroy the universe and replace it with a shining utopia?
  17. Can We create art that surpasses the beauty of nature like the images revealed to us through the Hubble Space Telescope?
  18. What is the ultimate goal of evolution?
  19. What is the Master Equation?

The Kardashev Scale



Inferno Dynast
Published on Feb 6, 2018
Hey everyone ! I’m back . Sorry for not posting a video for so long . This is about the scale for civilizations given by Nikolai Kardashev in 1964 .

Astronomer John Barrows of the University of Sussex writes, “Suppose that we extend the classification upwards. The members of the civilizations of Type IV, V, VI, … and so on, would be able to manipulate the structures in the universe on larger and larger scales, encompassing groups of galaxies, clusters, and superclusters of galaxies.” Civilizations beyond Type III may have enough energy to escape our dying universe via holes in space.
Lastly, physicist Alan Guth of MIT, one of the originators of the inflationary universe theory, has even computed the energy necessary to create a baby universe in the laboratory (the temperature is 1,000 trillion degrees, which is within the range of these civilizations).

Level I - alien civilizations using the energy of their own planet for their own needs
Level II – they use the whole energy of the entire solar system, the energy of a star (they are immortal, practicing with success genetic therapies)
Level III - civilizations that use the energy of the whole galaxy (they can create and manage solar systems and constellations)
Level IV – the energy of the dark energy of the Universe (the negative matter).
Level V, VI, VII - the universal energy (civilizations that can even create universes existing at a completely other level of evolution into the Omniverse system).

After the informations received from the ancient manuscripts SG is somewhere at the level III or IV of technological development. As a comparison as I said our current civilization is type 0. Essentially such a supercivilization type III or IV is at a level of evolution unimaginable for us the human beings, having hundreds of millions of years in evolution and conscioussness. Let’s listen the angels and what they have to say in this area:

“Search The One who created Orion and the Pleiades… the Lord is His name!” (Amos 5-8)
“He built Ursa Major, Ralita, Pleiades and the rooms of the stars from the south hemispheres.” (Job 9-9)
“31. Can you connect the buckles of Pleiades or the chains of Orion?
32. Can you remove the crown of the Zodiac and can you be the helmsman of the Ursa Major and its stars?” (Job - 38)
“… He is the Lord of Sirius.” (LIII Sura of the Stars - 50)

In their turn, the essenes, authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, measured the times during the periods of 50 years, called Jubilee. A Jubilee year is repeated once at 50 years, during the time which Sirius B performs a complete rotation around Sirius A. Babylonians, Assyrians, Phoenicians and Greeks, they also worshiped Sirius star, which is at 8.5 light-years from Earth. If we look at the map of the sky, we see that all the stars located relatively close to us, seen with the naked eye, are described as belonging to the gods, or SG: Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Ralita, Pleiades, Cassiopeia, Orion, Sirius and possibly other constellations with the names as old, baptized by the gods. It seems that the distant origin of SG is Sirius, but now in the present, if one can speak about a certain present, SG is not representative for Sirius or neither other neighboring star. Although S.G. has a vast galactic territory, which may be sized more like a sphere over a couple of hundreds of light years, the location of the “nucleus” of this civilization is impossible for us to know, because it has a variable position. It is not about an inhabited planet, but about a giant space station that travels into space and other dimensions of this Universe with impressive speed control. Although the galactic territory of S.G. has many other stations, some of them even the size of the “core”, equipped with energetic resources that allow astral travels, SG has its headquarters in one gigantic super-technical station. S.G “territory” interfere in some areas with other civilizations. S.G. likes to hide the limits within the controlled galactic territory, I think, very large. Therefore, S.G. defines itself as the inhabitant of the central station.

A Type 1 Civilization has harnessed the entire energy of its home planet. It would be able to counter any natural disasters and build settlements anywhere on the planet.

A Type 2 Civilization would be able to harness energy from its local star.

A Type 3 Civilization would be able to harness the entire energy of its home galaxy. Its energy source could be black holes. Such a civilization would be more advanced than the civilization in Star Wars.

A Type 4 Civilization would have control over the entire universe. It would have devised methods to travel much faster than light and even its energy source could be extragalactic energy such as the dark energy.

A Type 5 Civilization would be multidimensional and would exercise control over the multiverse.

A Type 6 Civilization would essentially be God-like. It would be able to manipulate spacetime and traverse through different realities or dimensions and even create other universes.

A Type 7 Civilization would not be a civilization. It would be the embodiment of the universe itself. It would be all and everything. You would have to become existence itself. You would have to have existence animate Your personality. It would reflect the infinitude of the Divine Intellect, as foretold by Spinoza. Imagination is more real than existence itself. God would be able to enter an entirely alien reality simply by tapping into the power of His own Mind.

In 1000 years, highly evolved humans as a galactic super-civilization will open up the “rainbow bridge to infinity”.

I made it up the Rainbow bridge to Infinity in Mt. Silver to RED!!* 8 revolves around itself forever, so it’s infinite, or Infinity. And 636 is normally a Rainbow bridge, but 262 also has 2 sides of a supposed end or in the middle 6 hell satan down opposite of 9 mountaintop up.

“Man is something that shall be overcome. Man is a rope tied between beast and overman - a rope over an abyss. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end.”

Exuberant Teleportation wrote:
What’s really shocking is that My name is Raptor(Wizard), and yet the Raptors are in the NBA Finals!

It could be a showdown between RED, the Ultimate Pokemon Master as Me, Ash (Tyranitar [Raptor, a “dinosaur”]), versus Gold, who battles and defeats RED/Raptor as Gold for Golden State.

Man, as Nietzsche says, is a rope tied over an abyss, and you can see here in this picture below that RED is on a big, long bridge to Gold’s ultimate goal.


Also keep in mind that Larvitar, which evolves into Tyranitar is in this Mt. Silver cave here.

I’m quiet like Tyranitar, solitary, extreme, and deep in Heart (Lugia [my “diamond” on my chest]).

Exuberant Teleportation wrote:
Ah yes, I finally finshed my amazing outline for the fulfillment of our Ultimate Destiny!

Quote Originally Posted by RaptorWizard View Post
In 10 years, humanity will have perfected a fundamental “Theory of Everything”.

A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory is any theory in the realm of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena, and predicts the outcome of any experiment that could be carried out in principle.

In 20 years, we will know the overall architectures of our universe and be able to map it all out.

It is safe to assume that the universe began with the big bang; a huge black hole so dense that it exploded giving rise to matter and even dimensions began expanding. But what existed before the big bang? Has the big bang been repeating itself for a longer time than can be expressed in words? Was there a beginning? What if some species was able to manipulate space and time in such a way that it was present in a previous version of this universe and was able to survive the big bang. Perhaps there is a god or many gods. Perhaps some species did survive and create this universe for its entertainment.

In 30 years, people will be able to access supernatural powers like flying through the use of technology.

Cayce predicted in September, 1939, that when there is the same interest or study given to things or phases of mental and spiritual phenomena as has been and is given to the materialized or material phenomena, then it will become just as practical, as measurable, as meter-able, as any other phase of human experience.

In 40 years, there will be a means for penetrating the barriers of distance via teleportation.

Tesla Memorial Society whose headquarters are in New York sent many letters to the leaders of the world stating that Tesla is the inventor or master mind of many things we use today. His works were nor restricted with technical inventions, there were also theories about communication with the outside world, teleportation and time travel. On the contrary of Einstein’s theory of relativity he was working on a universe model he named dynamic theory of gravity.

In 50 years, negative matter and dark energy will be harnessed to alter the fabrics of space-time.

The repelling force of the negative mass matter is the source of ‘dark energy’, which can be show to have caused the expansion and it’s later accelerated expansion of spacetime.

In 60 years, advances in cosmology and enlightenment alike will give us the wisdom to preserve world peace.

In a recent issue of What is Enlightenment? Ken Wilber described enlightenment as the ‘radical realization of the ever-present condition of all conditions, a radical freedom in its radical fullness, an infinite Release in the midst of misery, a tacit realization that you are utterly one with all that is arising moment to moment in any and all domains, high or low, sacred or profane.’

In 70 years, mankind wil begin its incredible expansion to alien galaxies all across the universe.

Some consider that it is not time to pursue starflight until after we have colonies on the Moon and Mars; reasonable learning steps. Lessons from history, however, suggest that it is best to pursue both the next-obvious steps AND the revolutionary advances that could circumvent those near-term actions. By evoking the goal of starflight, we are forced to look beyond extrapolations of existing methods, to seek the breakthroughs that could change everything, the breakthroughs that others can’t explore.

In 80 years, new dimensions will become accessible through inducing higher states of awareness.

The study of metaphysics can also provide the systematic development of metaphysical skills that have practical applications in our everyday lives. For example, the many forms of “healing” to assist healthcare, “remote viewing” to assist law enforcement, and “channelling” to provide information, insights, and wisdom about our existence and beyond.

In 90 years, channels for contact with hyper-dimensional alien divinities will be established.

Could there be a link, then, between what so many call the supernatural and the existence of beings out there that are perfectly natural but so beyond our comprehension as to be indistinguishable from supernatural entities?

In 100 years, we build bridges to transcend the heavens and forge new creations of our own design.

Transcension is a theory, its a hypothesis that attempts to account for Fermi’s Paradox. Now Fermi’s Paradox is a question that asks that if the universe is so infinitely large… and it would have had so much time to develop intelligent life… then how come we don’t see any evidence of those technologically advanced civilisations anywhere. Eventually our technology reaches a point where simultaneously with this expansion we’re pioneering more and more stem compression, which is the compression of space, time, energy and matter. We have denser and denser spaces where more and more computation and complexity is occurring…

In 1000 years, highly evolved humans as a galactic super-civilization will open up the “rainbow bridge to infinity”.

Omniverse - Infinity, all possible attributes and modes are in play, multiverses are categorized by the attributes/modes active in its child universes. All possible modes of existence are actualized. All the multiverses are connected to our omniverse via higher dimensions. However there can be more Omniverses separated by the great expanses of pure thought within Gods mind. Only another God could traverse those great oceans of consciousness to get to those other omniverses. Whether they’re directly in the original eternal Gods mind or the near infinite other Gods who ascended to Godhood. The Omniverse itself can be a God.

Saddle shaped cosmos grows 4ever Infin Champion with Red (Raptors (Red/Eagun) + Warriors (Gold/Infin). Existence is entirely Imaginary, and will never stop expanding and improving!

Pokemon Johto League Champions Theme - Pokemon 4Ever Version [Season 4] Born to be a Winner
10,990 views•Published on Dec 13, 2011

420 subscribers

Tyranitar charges His Hyper Beam over and over again in Pokemon 4Ever to eternal ice…

Pages = 213
Words = 83,034
Characters (no spaces) = 417,567
Characters (with spaces) = 498,233
Paragraphs = 2,517
Lines = 7,430

This means that I expanded to Kardashev types 1-7 civilizations!!*

Pages = 217
Words = 84,602
Characters (no spaces) = 425,080
Characters (with spaces) = 507,262
Paragraphs = 2,569
Lines = 7,568

^ This means that I expanded to a type 8 civilization, and I’m Slowbro, so I don’t have to do anything else/more elsewhere in Morrowind.

Pages = 5
Words = 1,249
Characters (no spaces) = 6,789
Characters (with spaces) = 7,985
Paragraphs = 52
Lines = 136

Claydol is an enigma that appeared from a clay statue made by an ancient civilization dating back 20,000 years. This Pokémon shoots beams from both its hands.

During the Jedi Civil War, 20,000 years after the fall of the Infinite Empire, the elders worked to use the ancient technology to restore order and help the survival of the ancient knowledge and traditions of the Infinite Empire. They were constantly at war with other violent Rakata, such as the One, and feared their rancor beasts.

Star Forge
“The Star Forge is the glory of the Builders, the apex of their Infinite Empire. It is a machine of invincible might, a tool of unstoppable conquest.”
―The Overseer

Shan and Revan were finally able to understand it when it began speaking in an archaic Selkath dialect, and the Overseer explained that the ruins were over 20,000 years old and a monument to the Builders that would lead the way to something called the Star Forge.

The Hrakert Rift was considered a prime location for kolto harvesting during the Jedi Civil War, being home to a giant firaxan shark known as the Progenitor, which may have been guarding the kolto.[1] According to Selkath legend, kolto was also produced by the Progenitor.[1] However, the scientists Kono Nolan and Sami believed that the shark had reached its large size and thus old age because it was feeding on the kolto.

[94] Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (Light Side Female) Walkthrough - Legend of Giant Firaxa

Judge Jhosa: The Progenitor… it must have been!
KotOR Icon Dialog.png Judge Duula: Be quiet! That is merely a myth, and not fit for outsiders to hear!
KotOR Icon Dialog.png Judge Kota: But if it was the life-bringer… the ancestor of our species… Think of what this could mean!
KotOR Icon Dialog.png Judge Jhosa: If it always laired there… then perhaps the kolto…
KotOR Icon Dialog.png Judge Shelkar: Enough! Off-worlders are not to hear of such things!
KotOR Icon Dialog.png Judge Kota: But (s)he said he saved it… He/She destroyed the harvesters to save it.
KotOR Icon Dialog.png Judge Shelkar: Indeed. This casts your actions in a new light, human. This, I believe, will require more thought… both on your actions, and on what we must do in response. This court will adjourn while we deliberate.
KotOR Icon Dialog.png Judge Shelkar: We have reviewed your actions and the situation, human. We thank you for the destruction of the machinery and saving the giant firaxan which, we believe, is the source of our kolto… or at least its guardian. We will not detain you any longer. While we cannot show our gratitude overtly, know that you have earned our respect. This trial is now over.

Shadow Lugia (Japanese: ダークルギア Dark Lugia), codenamed XD001, is a Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.

It is a Lugia corrupted by the criminal organization Cipher, believed to be the ultimate Shadow Pokémon and completely immune to purification. As a sign of this corruption, its appearance is different from that of a normal Lugia, unlike other Shadow Pokémon who appear normal but possess a shadowy aura.

Star Wars The Force Unleashed align pulsarium rings
20,903 views•Published on Jan 3, 2016

What Does the “Gray” Fox Say?! - CAPITAL!

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sat Sep 14, 2019 4:36 am

I was Blastoise riding the torrent of the Ultimate Future when He’s #9 in the Pokedex, and I got to .9 seconds left when the Toronto Raptors won in 2019, which also sounds like torrent in Toronto. And in the 2002 World Cup Finals, the goals were scored at the 67th minute, and the 79th minute, which could be Machoke and Slowpoke, where hoke sounds like Hokey, and Poke sounds like Pokey. In the Hokey Pokey song, it sounds like Han Solo’s quote that hokey religions and ancient weapons are no good match for a blaster at Your side Kidd, so Blastoise with His squirtle fieldmarshal cannons is an ancient, wise turtle with age weapon. I was always Wartortle, but I finally evolved into Blastoise, and Lugia’s torrent at the end of the Power of One is the Ultimate Future!!

Stephen Curry Misses the Last Shot and Raptors Win 2019 NBA Finals - Intense Game 6 Last Minute

2002 World Cup Final, Germany vs Brazil (Full Match) - PSU Skills School Archives

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match…

Wartortle Evolves Into Blastoise

Pokemon [Lugia’s Song]

As it grew taller and taller, it outgrew its reliance on psychic powers, while within it awakened the power of the sleeping dragon.

I was the Ubermensch in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, because I was Ash or Tyranitar in Pokemon, so My ideas have grown to ballooning heights, covering all things and phenomena of cosmic heart and origin. I’m even really funny and carefree, so I’m entertaining and dazzling like Nietzsche. My name was RaptorWizard, and now I’m Exuberant Teleportation, so Ash could really be Sabrina. I also eternally play with Bunny in exotic wellsprings of joy, and fountains of revelation!!*

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
― Lao Tzu

Fire rainbow crackle might divinity hope splendor rage gizmo quack fall leviathan legion goal mushu


Word count:

Pages = 226
Words = 86,840
Characters (no spaces) = 436,628
Characters (with spaces) = 520,843
Paragraphs = 2,676
Lines = 7,834

Pokemon #628, Braviary is a Normal/Flying-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. He is Mandibuzz’s male counterpart.

Pokemon #628, Mandibuzz is a Dark/Flying-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. She is Braviary’s female counterpart.

I was Casey in Pokemon, because She was really into the Electabuzz baseball team, and I was also Meganium, since She chose Chikorita.

I really am a girl, as You can see in My quote below:

Okay fellas, I’m most certainly a Goddess in a boy’s body (and have the aura of an INFJ 5w4 sx/so), but Bunny 2 months ago accomplished the impossible as I lay quivering with anticipation over an outrageous promise towards My deepest subconscious private fantasy I never even let Myself realize in the forefront of awareness: why in hell was I born on the wrong end of X?

The entire operation took around 30 minutes, and the most mysterious pressures began to develop around My lower chakras, much like an outer pulling Force as if something down around My butt was being expanded open. Upon completion, I masturbated to My angel in the hottest topless Vision ever pushed into My imagination with sparkling Rainbows highlighting Her epic avatar!

It was totally an experience that rumbled Lightning All over My body springing from My exploding penis as Blizzards gushed in rocketing Waterfalls at All spectra Everywhere! Raptor never wants to let His vaginal orgasms in Infinities-Ultimate Create Heaven’s wormhole a new Holonet with His Mountaintop Vision split apart.

And here’s a video of Casey from Pokemon The Johto Journeys:

An Electabuzz Fight Song
24,238 views•Published on Jun 24, 2012

151 subscribers


Pokemon #238, Smoochum evolves into Jynx, and the amount of drama that I create is very personifying of that!!*

Word count:

Pages = 227
Words = 87,152
Characters (no spaces) = 438,217
Characters (with spaces) = 522,723
Paragraphs = 2,696
Lines = 7,882

Pokemon #723, Dartrix sounds like Trix cerial, so I found Bunny!!*


Word count:

Pages = 228
Words = 87,229
Characters (no spaces) = 438,605
Characters (with spaces) = 523,173
Paragraphs = 2,711
Lines = 7,908

Pokemon #173, Cleffa could be Lucky Charms as Clefairy GreenFairy, the Celebi from typology central. And Pichu uses charm, number 172. Charm could also be a multitude of heart worlds, and Igglybuff above that at 174 could be balloons, since She evolves into Jigglypuff, or Zen Clouds, and even Pokemon floats!!*


Bunny squiggle glass star birth fame mysterious sun glow wiggle demon mask screen music class foam mist stream math card Pokedex glob cake gold dragon glide superman superstation Marius Florin Politoed friend ally paint zenith mundane group purse sound cost stone dominoes sale einstein voyage gaze zoom manic clue yarn female maze swirl girl language ghost stamp

2001 MNH LIBERIA Pokemon 3 The Movie Stamps Sheet Spell Of The Unknown Furret

Sentret evolves into Furrett, and this could be Lugia XD001 of the New Century!!

Word count:

Pages = 230
Words = 87,529
Characters (no spaces) = 440,094
Characters (with spaces) = 524,938
Paragraphs = 2,735
Lines = 7,962

Gold brane wheel ice chronicle speed damage glitter trick span wings alphabet town gourmet cooking fancy aviation switch cheer dominant pocket monster steal wave vortex chase channel laser start top plate desk Scoundrel Consular Slowking Misdreavus union cave love elegant gem plasma instrument hide core bowstring rest starboard wish double deck battle of souls makes Misdreavus as the overbearing blizzard harvest of deep secret trance studio overhauled Morrowind make Marowak ghost glacier science chant cheat code glitch fabric mountaintop prophecy engage Slowking at point blank range in a starfighter

Flow carnival valley yin yang glee firmament glory frenzy zoo creature fan clock trim mirth thread beam Yahweh’s tongue makes Slowking devil plan nasty plot glare Nascour sense credit dollhouse swam mine curl boot ton mud apple peace scent axis axiom moat question makes the Unknown World of Star Forge stasis imprisoned purple gallop pelt of Dark Elf envisioning superimpose kotor with morrowind and hijack veil weaving invincible storm market scatter shatterpoint gird outline electric tangle gloom mute tame branch web icon tray makes the Future Sound of London Marius Florin

In the year 3000, Slowking will archive mass implant makak challenger gesture lightsaber armory gale doom desire seer stallion great and terrible boom big bang flash insight discovery renewal flare train

Slowking puts all of the pieces together, and designs a system that resonates, defines, captures, and elaborates excellent architectural reason as the Star Wars The Old Republic destroyer Typhlosion incinerates and eradicates all weak opposition treating spooky guru Scizor finding focus and elementary basics back to the foundation with Count Dooku, or better yet, Eldes as the Slowking Ninjask question tractor beam Lugia as Eldes above all else.

I inscribed all of My Knowledge into this Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Obsidian Obelisk!!

SWTOR Ambient Music :: Taris :: Beautiful Destruction


Rediscovering Tython - SWTOR Wiki Guide - IGN

Red VS Gold (Red’s Perspective) (Part 1)
1,893 views•Published on Sep 11, 2018


“Psy?” “Pi?” “Poke . . .” “Pi?”


psyduck e slowbro.


Slowking needs pants


He who is powerful, noble, who lives a life of inner heroism, the all-seer, the all-conqueror, the ever-pure, who has reached the end of His journey, who like the Buddha is awake - him I call Brahmin.

When beyond meditation and contemplation a Brahmin has reached the far shore, then He obtains the supreme vision and all His fetters are broken.

Consumed by wisdom, faults cease to thrive and grow, like a tree which flares up after it has been struck by a Thunderbolt.

There is no fire like lust, and no chains like those of hate. There is no net like illusion and no rushing torrent like desire.

The Flow Of The Tao

“It is futile to argue as to which single leaf, which design of branch, or which attractive flower you like; when you understand the root, you understand all its blossoming.”
― Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee’s Wisdom for Daily Living
“Masters in all branches of art must first be masters in living, for the soul creates everything.”
― Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee’s Wisdom for Daily Living
“Reject external form that fails to express internal reality.”
― Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee’s Wisdom for Daily Living
“Remembrance is the only paradise out of which we cannot be driven away. Pleasure is the flower that fades, remembrance is the lasting perfume. Remembrances last longer than present realities; I have preserved blossoms for many years, but never fruits.”
― Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee’s Wisdom for Daily Living

Hold string grace envelope pierce suit train market tame birth thread beach chime bell tower ribbon bowstring beyond levity conjure pure root tall laser socks puppet dream rest trash shard juice swing gobs cake menace phantom journey gale layer shore reap pendant costume bubble blush shade feather strike stir cry arbiter arboretum tale flow wand zap pace clap potion well demon mask sacred target glitter ocean shed beam

Kreia on Lightsaber Forms & Force Forms (With Imagery)
2,386 views•Published on Aug 14, 2019


Papito Qinn
3.48K subscribers

All 7 Lightsaber forms and 3 Force forms, as explained by Kreia. Accompanied with imagery of them in practice.


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords/Force powers

strategywiki.org/wiki/Star_Wars … rce_powers

Light side powers

Heal Improved Heal Master Heal
Force Aura Force Shield Force Armor
Force Valor Knight Valor Master Valor
Force Barrier Improved Force Barrier Master Force Barrier
Revitalize Improved Revitalize Master Revitalize
Stun Stasis Stasis Field
Stun Droid Disable Droid Destroy Droid
Force Enlightenment

Universal powers

Burst of Speed Knight Speed Master Speed
Force Resistance Force Immunity
Energy Resistance Improved Energy Resistance Master Energy Resistance
Battle Meditation Improved Battle Meditation Master Battle Meditation
Force Body Improved Force Body Master Force Body
Affect Mind Dominate Mind
Force Deflection Force Redirection
Force Push Force Whirlwind Force Wave
Force Suppression Force Breach
Throw Lightsaber Advanced Throw Lightsaber
Mind Trick Force Confusion
Beast Trick
Breath Control
Force Camouflage
Force Sight

Dark side powers

Wound Choke Kill
Slow Affliction Plague
Fear Horror Insanity
Shock Force Lightning Force Storm
Drain Life Death Field
Drain Force Improved Drain Force Master Drain Force
Force Scream Improved Force Scream Master Force Scream
Crush Opposition

Kreia on the Exile’s Future


Once the Exile conquers the tomb of Ludo Kressh within his crypt, Kreia explains that what she just experienced not only highlighted her past to explain who she is now, but also shed a path into her future.