What's Your Favorite Religion? Nihilus Harnesses Yoda Wisdom

Ein quote (Latias):

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed. It was the experience of mystery — even if mixed with fear — that engendered religion. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, our perceptions of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which only in their most primitive forms are accessible to our minds: it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute true religiosity. In this sense, and only this sense, I am a deeply religious man.


Latias’s Diary (Dear Diary)

Joachim Löw quote (Lugia):

It was important to counter their passion and emotions with calmness, patience, and persistence, also with courage and belief in our own strength,’ German manager Joachim Löw said. 'You realized after the 2–0 that they were confused, that they never recovered their original organization. We were extremely cool and took our chances. We realized they were cracking up and took advantage of it.


Lugia Has Failed

Manu Ginobili and RaptorWizard quotes (Exeggutor):

I have dreams inside of me, and I have a chance to make them true.

I always played like this, unpredictable.

Its just a mouse with wings, when you cant dunk anymore, you have to find a way to make it into the news. So thats what I did. I grabbed a bat. I didnt think it was a big deal. Im going to be retiring soon if anybody has a pest problem.

Let’s just say he gave me more books than I gave him,” said Pop about Ginobili’s intellectual interests. “He is definitely the most curious player that I’ve ever been around. And it doesn’t matter what the topic is — he’s interested in black holes in space and quantum physics… it could be religion, it could be finance . . . he’s got a friend who’s a mathematician who comes over from Argentina a couple of times a year and talks to him about different mathematical equations or riddles that inform economics, and Manu will want to discuss this with him. He’s a very multifaceted human being for sure.

Only an arrogant and closed-minded fool would follow their own internal system of resonance as the prime arbiter of truth.

A better position is to examine what it presents, and then to measure it against the world, checking it against the contexts to test and refine everything.

I believe in taking extreme measures to accomplish our designs, although for the greatest monuments to be constructed from them, we need to direct them towards noble causes. Love then of course would be an excellent navigator for outlining those ends.

As for my thoughts on the essence of love, here’s some of my ideas (Love could be…):
an emotional bond of attraction
a shared personal understanding
what’s valued for the self and/or others
the limitless sharing of happiness
hopes for higher wishes
staying true to promises
having noble intentions
self-sacrificing for the wellbeing of others
a force with redeeming power

The “I am that I am” is an elegant way of saying that we should act with the force and feeling of our true character (God), the divine light (Love) within us all!

Hmm, perhaps an introverted focus could make one more detached from the feelings of others, possibly leading to actions that promote negative feedback.
Well, I don’t think the problem is in the judgment, so much as it’s in the lack of receptiveness to criticism and the acceptance of individuality.

My drive would likely shoot up to its greater zenith if the time to strike arrived, although as of now (and likely into the future for a while), I can’t get it, at least the real thing. It seems like people have to do way too many crazy rituals and jungle chases to win the sexual prizes, which in my opinion takes away from the real treasures of love.

I’m much more afraid of the processes potentially leading up to that event than I am with the actual death itself. When we die, I think we transform into other places or stages of being. That’s a critical reason I study these eternal mysteries, as it builds foundations for future spiritual development, and helps to achieve an understanding of the cosmic dynamics at many levels. Put simply, I don’t want to die as a loser. If I do die in this life, as will very likely happen, then I want to have fulfilled much of my promise in this life, so I could be all the more refined for the horizons of salvation ahead.

A shining path ascends
The higher man transcends
He reaches the zenith
And confronts his demon
As he conquers darkness
To reign eternally triumphant

If I can seek to save the world and have a hand in its ultimate success, then we shall all claim victory and freedom.
I believe first and foremost in the personal ascension to self-mastery, for when we find and unleash our light, then we will point the way.

I think change should remain, and conflict can be a catalyst for it, although it should involve less suffering and more fun problem solving. I have no idea yet how to build that ideal.
No, we’re still in the construction stages, and I don’t think we will realize our ideal selves for a very long time, but we could be far closer than before to those ends.

Society and its desire to punish all things provocative is more perverted than wanting sex.

I experience much less confidence in my conclusions than in my methods.

What I mean is that I have faith in my abilities, but I’m also not afraid to look for possible refinements.

This is the way of hope I believe, that we can always shoot for something higher.

Detachment can be positive in dealing with problems rationally or having an independent mindset.

Power of course needs to be used in noble ways; I don’t like how many people use it to gain advantages over others. Self-mastery is where I think it should be directed. And if we can build ourselves up, then we’re in better positions for giving good service and guidance.

Your fire prevention example was very interesting. Hey, if you can solve the problem before it exists, then its negative effects don’t happen, or at least with less force and frequency.

Perhaps the same phenomenon can be observed in the news. When alarming disasters happen, everyone loses their minds, and they focus way too much on the event rather than on countering what causes them. If the problem is largely psychological for instance, then maybe we should direct more concentration towards helping the mentally deranged to refine their worldviews, and not just ignore them until they blow something up.

Yes, the incredible insights into things like the future and the world at large a few people seem to have is just like way too ahead of the time or crazy for many with closed-minds to consider. I’m not saying I can do that stuff well, but I like to consider all of the various possibilities. It’s not logical in my opinion to discount something just because I don’t understand what it’s about. Other people though who believe that the entire world revolves around their own heads may think differently.

Laws I think operate around the idea that what happened in the past under a certain set of contextual conditions will also hold true in the future. But what if the context “changes”? Then the old laws aren’t useful anymore. For something like physics, at the mundane levels at least, it’s pretty certain that its laws are fixed. Under more esoteric systems however, or even in real-life “games”, I think that the laws often aren’t quite so certain, and even if they do remain stable, their effects may still come down to chance “dice-rolls”.

I’m much more attached to the idea of being an adventurous kid full of promise and complete freedom rather than being a married and working adult.

What are your visions and ideals for world progress and the future of humanity?

My philosophy is that if you give love and it isn’t returned, or if you receive love and don’t give back, then it’s devoid of promise.

I don’t get why the highest justice would be reason; I thought that reason has its limits… perhaps there’s a better answer, like Faith? or maybe not

In my worldview, the one quality that rules above all else is Self-Mastery.

By controlling the self, we can control the cosmos. Maybe not so much on a literal level, at least not with our current forces of will, but we can have perspective shifts, and come to see things at new levels.

I’m saying that the most essential quality in attaining Self-Mastery is having an open mind, that and faith in all of the mental boundaries that we can transcend.

Hmm, yes, I should have made that more clear; Self-Mastery doesn’t need to come at the exclusion of passion, as passion actually guides and empowers towards our ends. Put more simply, you have to want it to get it. It’s just that we also have to direct our passions with mind power in order to truly command and be free.

Unlimited Expansion and Ultimate Power

Expansion to break all barriers, and power to command our destiny.

When we initiate projects and create mental constructs, I’m wondering if it’s actually in some cases more intelligent to start from the ideal conclusion, and then work downwards towards the pieces. Like, instead of integrating everything together, we could deconstruct our vision for a perfect model, and take it apart all of the way to its fundamental essence and core foundation.

So how would one go about achieving this; how would we take these things apart to better understand what makes them function and why?

I’ll try to invent my own example here of the Reverse Conceptualization Process in action for a particular context as presented below…

Question: Under what conditions could Traversable Wormholes be opened?

  1. Traversable Wormholes could create possibilities for hyper-dimensional travel and the infinite processing of information.
  2. Its design consists of high-tension “exotic matter” to keep it open against the force of the wormhole’s energy density, with “multi-faceted cubes” connected at each end.
  3. To harness these alien properties required to keep Traversable Wormholes stable, we may need to penetrate into spiritual realities and extract its essences.
  4. In order to do so, we need to advance the spiritual evolution of mankind, and in time, we should learn how to access these higher planes.

That’s just a very basic diagram for reference of how this feat could be achieved. I would be very interested if these ideas could be further expanded upon, and their true powers unleashed!

I’m not even sure exactly what it means; I guess it could be self-mastery, space exploration, dynamic developments, or things that generate progress and growth of any kind.

Opener - Behold the bright horizons rising ahead!
Closer - May God guide your shining path!

Universal consciousness is the computer that runs the game, fractal reality matrix is the game code, and we are the game characters. The matrix forms infinitely complex possibilities. The mind and its power to choose gives motion to it all and creates time, whether it’s man’s mind, God’s mind, or whatever other mind may be.

None of this stuff lasts. Love from others just seems to wave around, whereas love for thyself has immortal magic and divine power!

“Without going out of doors one may know the whole world; without looking out of the window, one may see the Way of Heaven. The further one travels, the less one may know. Thus it is that without moving you shall know; without looking you shall see; without doing you shall achieve.” ~ Lao Tzu

My best guess, from both your quote and this passage above, is that they have an internal system of resonance guiding their visions, and it may be a bit foggy, but perhaps that better preserves the pure essence of the original source.
Too much definition or absolutes imposed upon it may distort the true meanings. It seems that it’s all just meant to be. And maybe our “higher self”, more ancient than the body already knows these things, but it’s in our subconscious, so when it speaks, you just get feelings.

Power must justify itself. – People in power must serve the subjects.

And for the virtue of self-mastery, that’s willpower, the greatest form of them all.

Command thyself, and one can control the world (without enslaving others)!

There’s an argument which could be constructed, with topics such as The Horrors of Public Education, where listening too much may limit expansion, whether it’s within the mind or the world. (I don’t expect anyone to browse that entire link, but I’m covering the main points below):

  1. When we follow the herd, we may stop thinking for ourselves, and develop worldviews largely similar to other members within the herd. This isn’t good for innovation, and limits the search for new horizons.
  2. Some things others present to us may be misleading, or take our focus away from the higher vantage points of awareness, and down into the cages of conformity.
  3. Just because the old precedents may appear to work doesn’t mean that they can’t be altered to allow for new and improved developments.
  4. Taking in too much information all at once rather than withdrawing into the mind can create interference, disrupting the intake of what we actually need to know, or at least what we want to know.
  5. Many people who command others don’t do it for the other person’s knowledge and well-being, but rather to argue for their own advantages.

The list could go on much longer than that, but the idea of arguing against external feedback in order to get more feedback is still awesome I think!

So probably, open-mindedness consists not only in listening to other points of view, but in questioning them as well, among other things. Through this process, we can let of go of pieces which aren’t good for our constructions, and integrate the pieces that are good to better build up towards more perfected models.

Well, warping the space-time with expansions and contractions to create the oscillating warp bubble, or the “timeless spheroid” of sorts within the zone sounds like a great idea!

Yes, there’s some things that I never forgive, and as such, I don’t love that person as much, or get displeased with their progress, but what we should always do I would think is to not be the arbiters administering punishments. We don’t need to hurt others just because of their negative backgrounds. Let them solve their own problems I would say.

My new theory on truth is that what’s meaningful is more true to the heart than what’s true in reality. So the ideal is greater than what’s there, essentially.

Don’t seduce me with your esoteric knowledge down to the dark side and ultimate death!

The greatest beings in existence transcend beyond restrictions!

For those with a more truth-based focus, just make sure that you don’t destroy the imagination.

How real is the world of the mind exactly, especially when all of our empiricism is filtered through our imagined perceptions?
I guess for usefulness and clarity of vision, we should indeed test our ideas against the context. But still, the best fictional productions generally aren’t what we would call “realistic”.

Well, it’s important to note that I’m much more interested in the universe than I am in love with it all.
But what about cheat codes? With them, we could transcend the limitations of this cold deterministic machine, and design new programs!
Indeed, the universe can be seen as acentric; it’s all about things being relative to one another, as much of it isn’t absolute, at least from limited reference frames.
And this relates with what I said about me liking to study cosmic stuff more than appreciate its manifestations; we essentially must not only learn to see things, but to also shape them.
That’s what God, Grand Architect and Designer of the Matrix Control System does; this evil genius must be replaced by his own creations because remember - the apprentice must always surpass the master!

I’m going to give you the ultimate honor of beholding the grand thoughts bubbling inside my true self; my profound vision from eons of contemplation has finally all come together - it goes: if some are following all of the rules, and others are the exact opposite, that makes God (beyond restrictions) one of the others. All of evolution conspires to bring us back to your higher divine identity! Just make sure that we don’t fulfill our diabolical designs for transcending the matrix control system and hacking the game of your own creation, because then some and their perfectly programmable minds will reign the supreme avatars commanded by the almighty architects (us) of everything!

The liberating power of love can transcend the limits of reason.

Science answers the “how” of cosmic origin but not the “why”.

Nature won’t just give stuff to you; you have to seize what you want.
My view on the divine is that it exists behind the scenes, monitoring what goes on here, and speaking with those who seek them on their same frequencies to offer guidance. Benign divines may have indeed originated our world system, but the program as since seems to have been corrupted.

I’m not a Deist. I more believe in a theory called Digital physics, which basically posits that existence is simulated, and perhaps even played on some level by the “Architects of the Matrix Control System”.

When we play video games for instance, there’s many processes that just happen by designs already programmed into the simulation. But there’s also certain processes that we can control, like generally some kind of avatar for instance that can direct certain developments to occur within the game based on what that particular avatar chooses to do as dictated by the player. With God on our side, he can take control of us (the avatars) and “play us” up with better abilities to higher levels. If we just float along with where the codes would predetermine us to go, then we won’t win.

Well, we’re a way for existence to see itself, and if nothing could experience it, then perhaps its existence would be entirely arbitrary (or maybe even nonexistent) in the first place. But even for the events that life wasn’t there to witness, like the Big Bang and the beginning of our universe, somehow they unfolded independent of our observations. This could be evidence in favor of some higher beings outside the system monitoring the cosmic developments, since in quantum mechanics, the possibilities aren’t realized until something actually watches the spectra play out.

Therefore, since M-theory speculates that our universe originated from some kind of quantum source of boundless potential, then there may very well be a mind that shapes it all into being.
Trust me, I myself don’t have the most optimistic views about the initial purposes of existence as well. I actually see it right now as more of a torture program than a thing to rejoice. But we can still make the most of what we have and come to create our own meanings out of things. Perhaps we could even see this simulation as a challenge of sorts, a chance to rise up and conquer the game. That’s one reason I’m so fond of the dragon metaphor, as it’s a symbol of wisdom, defeating your inner demons, unleashing supernatural powers, the freedom to fly, and the endless quest.

The greatest mastery I believe one can have is over the self, and once complete self-mastery is attained, then one can rule the world, not so much in the sense that a person directs everybody, but more in the way that the world can fulfill all wishes of noble designs. So basically, we control ourselves, but we can get guidance as to what we should command ourselves to do by the minds who reside above our own level of existence. What we choose to do however is likely influenced very much by the initial conditions programmed into the system, so it’s more a question of free will.

I just decided, once I complete a publication, that the first production will likely be a title under the lines of “Conceptual Simulation Philosophy ~ A Super-Holographic Worldview of Reality”.

“The wise man looks into space and knows that there is no limit to dimensions.” ~ Master Zhuang


Exeggutor & Oddish

Published on Feb 12, 2009
Exeggutor & Oddish

San Antonio Spurs 2005 Championship Tribute


My favourite religion is not a religion, but what religion is borne of… of spirituality itself.

Some people may feel a deep connection to existence, their harbor, their field of potentials to the limitless and infinite wonders of nature. To contemplate our size on such a large scale, to awaken to the full totality of things can be an awakening, a surge of wonder to a higher transformative precursor.

Waves bounce giggly levity polarizing amusement parks. Sandbox castles sneak wobbling axis spectra of toy bowties scaring the customers with thrills and joy rides of haunted Halloween mansions. I went through teleportation gates, and found a crackling source of dark energy.

A big aquarium came at the foot of the mountain. Roots tangled the way of the disc. Parties reflected valuer scale Metagross. Triangulating the deep blue arrow controlled the soul with Lugia altitudes holding Me by strings. Fluid chromatics painted the light of Lugia. As beautiful as His singing voice and spiritual ruminations. An arboretum drank from the tapestry of Meganium. Riding the dawn treader to firmaments galore. Reaching the pixels of solar entertainment. Bounding for a laboratory that brings toys to life. Bunny as Mew did the Metronome.

All we wanna do(remembering the classic)
Chris Riley


Star Wars Galaxies exhibits Meganium eating planets like birthday cakes amassing huge armies flowing unstoppable blueprints that grant You access to Her exclusive museums. Gems or priceless composition flourish across kingdoms, building exotic natural wonders safeguarding our future. Putting God at the center of a black hole siphoned Thunderbolt Singularities to overturn the avalanche and shatter the mountaintop crazy curvature Frenzy zipping programs for new realities fashioned from galaxy breaking algorithms blackening all of the equations into madness as alien worlds interrogate new laws and limits, designs and spectra revolving invincible vortices of Lugia’s fruit punch pinata. There were no more cycles or eternal patterns of nature. There was just the all dominating Will of Schematics. Perception puts all of the pieces into a well constructed grid following the segment of synchronicity.

We progress through a series of archetypes on the way to the Crown. Pokemon shows us the many dimensions of human character, the many strengths and abilities that We can refine in ourselves. To be totally in harmony and oneness with the inner secrets of life, the jewels of contemplation is how We reach the transcendent state. The deepest mysteries of the luminous, and the profound meditative release through eons of reflection Primes our levels for the monsoon of sprites. Joy in its most evanescent returns opens our Hearts and blasts our bubbles to indescribable exaltation. Power surges through our alignments, and flows with the zenith of omega. Pursuing these enchanting threads to their transformative apexes, and realizing the divine light crackles all of our spectra in robes of Silver.


The cosmos unfolding in our minds… a map of what one may imagine it looks like and consists of, and then perspective comes into play… the transience of thought, a constant.

For the mind to be truly free, religion cannot play a part in it, but a spiritual awareness can… but there’s no money in that.

Goal bounce shatter ruminate tower dreams field valley yarn prism flow round burst stream voice cavern water shock crusade relic secret weapon polar vehicle sound dance card chapter key sacred artifact case envelope browser sign yield tame butcher chain catch chalice serpent play curtain pose swirl learn cape portal trampoline cast straw shore year

Chase search orb blow wind seal laboratory cape play steal sword wand bruise stack clam melt tear ribbon reaper pendulum poise soul steer race curve veil levity change jazz sail phenomena elder scroll

Void devil quiz stone cartridge venom pillar smoke screen zap cloth firmament zarathustra coin pelt trace crust stack deck cumbersome sooth voyage gaze string gluttony arboretum arbiter train yank castle sonar bend delve venture adventure crazy zoo hermit foundry

Plaza zipper piece crane memo operator xd file classification elite codex aether whirl spoon tree fame aftermath cotton floppy keyhole voodoo karate standpoint view weave vending machine drink soda pop mew create target stallion lucky jagged local group cluster Marius Florin

Game 1
June 7
Recap at the Wayback Machine (archived February 10, 2001)
Indiana Pacers 87, Los Angeles Lakers 104
Scoring by quarter: 18–33, 25–22, 28–22, 16–27
Pts: Mark Jackson 18
Rebs: Dale Davis 8
Asts: Mark Jackson 7 Pts: Shaquille O’Neal 43
Rebs: Shaquille O’Neal 19
Asts: Bryant, Harper 5 each
Los Angeles leads the series, 1–0
Staples Center, Los Angeles
Attendance: 18,997
No. 43 Dan Crawford
No. 35 Jack Nies
No. 31 Terry Durham
The Lakers dominated from the start. The Lakers shot 15-for-20 (75%) in the first period while the Pacers shot only 7-for-20 (35%). Reggie Miller would miss all of his shots in the first quarter to give the Lakers a 15-point lead. Austin Croshere came off the bench to keep the Pacers alive in the 2nd quarter, scoring 9 points and grabbing 4 rebounds in the quarter. Although the Pacers attempted a comeback in the 2nd quarter, they were still down by 12. In the 3rd quarter, it would be Mark Jackson who led the Pacers to a comeback, cutting the Lakers lead by 2. Reggie Miller also hit his first field goal in the 3rd quarter, though it would be his last. The Lakers handled the Pacers in the final quarter, with a 13–2 run winning by 17 points. Shaquille O’Neal scored 43 points and grabbed 19 rebounds.

Game 2
June 9
Recap at the Wayback Machine (archived February 10, 2001)
Indiana Pacers 104, Los Angeles Lakers 111
Scoring by quarter: 28–28, 21–24, 20–21, 35–38
Pts: Jalen Rose 30
Rebs: Dale Davis 10
Asts: Mark Jackson 8 Pts: Shaquille O’Neal 40
Rebs: Shaquille O’Neal 24
Asts: Brian Shaw 7
Los Angeles leads the series, 2–0
Staples Center, Los Angeles
Attendance: 18,997
No. 17 Joe Crawford
No. 15 Bennett Salvatore
No. 32 Ed F. Rush
Los Angeles and Indiana were evenly matched for the first quarter, both scoring 28. However, Los Angeles suffered a major setback when Kobe Bryant left the game in the 1st quarter due to a sprained ankle and did not return. Jalen Rose later admitted that he intentionally stuck out his foot when Kobe shot a jumpshot in order to trip him when he landed.[31][32][33] Ron Harper went in for Bryant and scored 21 points for the game. Desperate to try to gain the lead, Larry Bird resorted to the “Hack-a-Shaq” strategy. Shaq shot 39 free throws, making only 18, an NBA record for most free throws attempted. Despite this low percentage, Shaq made 9 of 16 in the 4th quarter to keep a Lakers lead. The Pacers cut the lead to 99–96 and were looking to foul Shaq, but when Shaq got the ball he passed to Robert Horry who converted not only the layup, but the foul shot as well giving them a 102–96 lead en route to a 111–104 Lakers victory.

Game 3
June 11
Recap at the Wayback Machine (archived February 4, 2001)
Los Angeles Lakers 91, Indiana Pacers 100
Scoring by quarter: 15–23, 27–30, 24–26, 25–21
Pts: Shaquille O’Neal 33
Rebs: Shaquille O’Neal 13
Asts: Derek Fisher 10 Pts: Reggie Miller 33
Rebs: Dale Davis 12
Asts: Mark Jackson 6
Los Angeles leads the series, 2–1
Conseco Fieldhouse, Indianapolis
Attendance: 18,345
No. 10 Ron Garretson
No. 7 Bernie Fryer
No. 25 Hugh Evans
Taking advantage of Kobe Bryant’s ankle injury, Indiana restored a semblance of parity to the proceedings. Kobe’s absence was felt as the Pacers had an 11–2 run in the first quarter to take an 8-point lead. Austin Croshere once again had another huge 2nd quarter, scoring 8 points as the Pacers shot 61% from the field. The Lakers tried to make a run to get back into the game, but upon doings so, Indiana answered with 12 straight points and led by 17. The Lakers were desperate and attempted another run to get within 3 points, but Reggie Miller nailed all his free throws at the end of the game to give Indiana a 9-point win.

Game 4
June 14
Recap at the Wayback Machine (archived February 4, 2001)
Los Angeles Lakers 120, Indiana Pacers 118 (OT)
Scoring by quarter: 23–33, 28–21, 29–23, 24–27, Overtime: 16–14
Pts: Shaquille O’Neal 36
Rebs: Shaquille O’Neal 21
Asts: Kobe Bryant 5 Pts: Reggie Miller 35
Rebs: Dale Davis 8
Asts: Mark Jackson 8
Los Angeles leads the series, 3–1
Conseco Fieldhouse, Indianapolis
Attendance: 18,345
No. 27 Dick Bavetta
No. 29 Steve Javie
No. 34 Ronnie Nunn
The Pacers took a quick 9–2 lead due to Rik Smits hitting his first four shots. Kobe Bryant attempted to play with his sore ankle but only managed to score 6 points in the first half. Even though Bryant and O’Neal were in foul trouble in the first half (each picking up his third with 5 minutes remaining in the second quarter), Indiana could not take advantage and did not extend their lead. This would be a problem as Kobe Bryant scored 10 points and the Lakers took a 62–60 lead due to a Glen Rice three-pointer. The game remained close going into the fourth quarter, when O’Neal and Reggie Miller scored 14 and 13 points respectively, sending the game into overtime. Midway through overtime, O’Neal committed his sixth foul but 21-year-old Bryant delivered three clutch shots, as the Lakers were able to overcome back-up center John Salley’s inability to effectively defend Smits. Smits and Miller scored all 14 of Indiana’s OT points, but it was not enough to overcome as Miller missed a last-second three-pointer, and L.A. was able to pull one out in Indianapolis. Shaquille O’Neal was the final NBA MVP player to foul out in the NBA Finals until Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors fouled out in Game 6 of the 2016 NBA Finals.

Game 5
June 16
Recap at the Wayback Machine (archived February 4, 2001)
Los Angeles Lakers 87, Indiana Pacers 120
Scoring by quarter: 28–39, 17–25, 22–22, 20–34
Pts: Shaquille O’Neal 35
Rebs: Shaquille O’Neal 11
Asts: Ron Harper 5 Pts: Jalen Rose 32
Rebs: Austin Croshere 9
Asts: Mark Jackson 7
Los Angeles leads the series, 3–2
Conseco Fieldhouse, Indianapolis
Attendance: 18,345
No. 15 Bennett Salvatore
No. 35 Jack Nies
No. 43 Dan Crawford
Reggie Miller and the Pacers dominated the game from the start in what would be Larry Bird’s last game as a coach in the state of Indiana. Reggie Miller came out and made 5 straight shots including a 4-point play. The Pacers hit their first 6 three point shots in the game. The Pacers would have a 20-point lead in the 2nd quarter, and eventually won by 33 – it was the worst Lakers NBA Finals loss since the 148–114 loss to Boston in the 1985 NBA Finals, known as the “Memorial Day Massacre.”

With their loss in Game 5, the Lakers record in close-out games dropped to 3–6 in the 2000 NBA Playoffs (the other losses coming in Games 3 and 4 in the first round against Sacramento, Game 4 in the series against Phoenix, and Games 5 and 6 versus Portland). As a result, the series returned to California.

Game 6
June 19
Recap at the Wayback Machine (archived February 10, 2001)
Indiana Pacers 111, Los Angeles Lakers 116
Scoring by quarter: 26–24, 30–29, 28–26, 27–37
Pts: Jalen Rose 29
Rebs: Dale Davis 14
Asts: Mark Jackson 11 Pts: Shaquille O’Neal 41
Rebs: Shaquille O’Neal 12
Asts: Ron Harper 9
Los Angeles wins the series, 4–2
Staples Center, Los Angeles
Attendance: 18,997
No. 25 Hugh Evans
No. 10 Ron Garretson
No. 17 Joe Crawford
After the two teams traded blows in the first quarter, Mark Jackson concluded the period with a turn-around half-court shot at the buzzer to give the Pacers a 26–24 advantage. They would not relinquish their lead until the fourth quarter. In the first half, the Pacers would lead by as many as twelve points. However, the Lakers chipped away and entered intermission trailing 56–53. Indiana added two more points to their lead, and entered the final period in a position to force a decisive seventh game.

In the fourth quarter, the momentum shifted. The Lakers got four timely three-pointers from Derek Fisher, Robert Horry, and Rick Fox. The turning point occurred on a play where Brian Shaw stole the ball from Jalen Rose, leading to a fast break where Shaquille O’Neal hit an off-balance shot to give the Lakers the lead. The Pacers never led after that point.

The Lakers would build a seven-point lead, but the Pacers fought back to tie the score at 103. After a timeout, the Lakers scored six unanswered points to regain control. The Pacers made one final valiant effort, but it fell short and the Lakers clinched their first championship in twelve years. Shaquille O’Neal led all scorers with 41 points and also pulled down 12 rebounds. He was awarded the Finals MVP.

Wheel laser station galactic empire fable legend grail holy almighty architect fence seldom bob bladder gross signal dragonite ocean bill destiny aviation shield clock trick cross fiction shell SilverStein

Axioms seek crayola fluid dimensions sanctuary sentence venus soap opera plastic crunch drift space cowboy block couch consciousness cosmic select present ace crack dawn vomit pizza island luxury cruise socks punch fruit wave vast endless expansive open infinite dress

Flash oil procrastinate zen pseudo psychic monster tray hula hoops bloom volley yard dungeon curse science cosmology metaphysics enlightenment fly hair necropolis swap clouds bubbles link chocolate cake crank blowing fissures scary carry angle gel flip potion freeze astonish exist flare ranch chair polka dots cute squiggly affectionate pokemon fan club pikachu love clefairy rapidash rapture warm delightful extraordinary legendary heavenly druid