weird facts

A human brain operates on about 15 watts.

Men can piss standing up straight, and with some trouble, so can women.

A Roman woman recently crossed to the middle of the street as I approached, lifted her long skirt and just let it rip onto the cobblestones.
I felt like I was in the exorcist.

that should be plenty.

The center of the Milky Way smells of rum and tastes like raspberries. … spberries/

Now that is more an interesting fact. There can never be an end to what we can learn.

Fact: in Arizona, it is illegal to promote the use of or own more than 6 dildos.

Trees suck up the water from the ground by negative pressure, distributed throughout the near molecular scaled vessels in the leafs.

Meaning they can suck much harder in summer, so the growing of leafs is like a quasi self-perpetuating mechanism. Which is maybe why trees grow fruits, excess of negative pressure.

So because they have leaves, they are able to suck up water to such great heights as to grow leafs there. A tree 100 m tall must generate 10 atmospheres of negative pressure to get the water to the leafs, which are coming into being in order to embody the work of bringing up the resources for their coming into being.

Negative pressure is, roughly speaking, the tendency of water to stick to other substances rather than to itself. To witness this principle in action, now watch a Canadian wring out a washcloth in space.

We are all in space.

That is a nice thought…

This is interesting to me though, that resin is apparently somatopsychic. The leaves will it upward.

That does explain somewhat the working of orgonite.

And it exposes what psychism really is.

Tardigrades can survive exposure to one degree above absolute zero

Congratulations, that is probably the weirdest fact so far.

Seems to check out. I mean I havent tried it but there are some claims being made to this effect.

Rubidium has a half life of forty nine billion years which is more than triple the age of the Universe

Fifty per cent of the members of Mensa are left handed

Newton invented the cat flap

The Theory of Relativity predated Einstein.
The basic ideas of the theory pre-existed and had a different name.

All of Einstein’s children wound up in mental institutions or disappeared - one reportedly placed in an orphanage.
His first wife did all the complex math, and was not accredited - she was a Serbian woman, with a limp.

There was a poorly designed wooden door at Auschwitz within the gas chambers.

Traditionally, a mohel must draw blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohels do it by hand with a suction device, but some follow the traditional practice of doing it by mouth.

The symbolism of being “chosen” and of removing piece of the male sex organ is obvious. A ritualized symbolic castration, indicating total submission to the one and only alpha-male, i.e. Abraham’s one-god.
Abraham is the central symbolic figure of all three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, but is by no means the originator of monotheism, nor of the spiritual nihilism monotheism represents.
His readiness to put to the knife - sacrifice, make sacred - his one and only son, is another indication of complete and utter emasculation. The male’s children do not actually belong to him, but he has been chosen to stand-in for the one-God.
This is also what is implied by nihilists concerning determinism and the absence of free-will. They imply their own representational essence; power through association.
This anti-family, anti-pater (anti-paternalism) dogmatism is symbolized in many parts of the Bible - a document that begins theocratic ethics, or differentiate evolved moral behaviours from man-made social behaviours - morality/ethics: genes/memes.

Where Hellenism taught European man how to think, Judaism, morphed into Christianity, imposed a behavioural rule, training him how he ought to act.

Blood letting is also associated with cleanliness - kosher.
A barbarous practice that bleeds out an animal, instead of quickly killing it.

Contrary to popular beliefs - cultivated by particular sources - the ancient Greeks looked down upon males who enjoyed being anally penetrated, referring to them as ‘soft’ {μαλακος}.
Modern Greeks over-use the term μαλακας like many Americanized westerners do with the word ‘fuck’, and misunderstands it as referring to ‘masturbation’ - wanker, jerk-off etc. - when, in fact, the term refers to homosexuality.

This is a truism. I mean the guy who was pitching had to look down at the guy who was catching, didn’t he? Unless they were standing up or doing the cowboy.

I wouldn’t’ know, but if you can, please, do tell.

As for that particular weird fact…I’ve experienced it first hand when I lived there.
A curious dichotomy between catcher and pitcher…common in that part of the world.

How weird is this…

The Roman salute was adopted by the Nazis.
Weirder still, the ancient Spartans would be far worse than any nazi.
The difference is that they lacked the technologies to produce the numbers of dead and the levels of destruction todays modern armies can produce.

And the Athenians were no better.
Today they would be banned from all social media and called bigoted fascists and nazis by those who pretend to be their admirers.
The dead and the past is idealized - cleansed and selectively interpreted to abide by modern moral and social standards.
Romans would be worse than Nazis.
Vikings would be abominations. Brutish, vulgar, not politically correct, anti-Semites, racists, sexists…and on and on.
How weird is that?

We love to paint pretty ideal pictures and selectively sample from reality and from history, to feel like we are honest and have integrity.