
Θεός - God

θεω - to run.

θεωρώ - observe, study.
θεωρός - member of official spiritual representation of a city to receive the oracles χρησμό - necessity, later having to do with god’s reply to a query.
θεωρία - Theory - connected to the yearly ritual of seeking the God Apollo in Delos, encircled by the islands Cyclades {Κυκλάδες} - encirclers.
The island must have been formed by the gradual rise of ocean waters , after the Ice Age.
To observe as a god, to seek the illumination of Apollo.
Δήλος - birthplace of Artemis and Apollo.
δήλος - he who appears.

Creating self-referential, self-consistency is difficult, but easier than connecting words to world, in a consistent manner.
Star Wars creates a self-consistent universe, and so does Star Trek.
Lord of the Rings is a self consistent world.
DC and Marvel offer their own self-consistent realities.

Their self-consistency, their own particular self-referential logic, is what makes them a pleasant escape, a ‘realistic’ alternative to reality.

But philosophy does not only have to be self-consistent…it must be consistent with what is independent from mind.

As I’ve mentioned repeatedly, memes emerge from genes.
Language represents the particular adaptation of a particular people within a particular environment.
Its forms, sounds, sequences, reflect the attitude that emerged through this relationship of man with world.
Nevertheless, all languages must refer to the same world, and so whatever symbols, words, sequences, sounds they use, they must correspond to a real phenomenon, because words, no matter what language they are an expression of, are representations of noumena, or abstractions, and abstractions are the product of an interaction of mind with world.

World dictates the abstraction, and language is an expression of this, and how the particular organism reacted to it.
Language does not shape world, but world shapes language, and the methods and successful of those who use them to orient and direct their activities.

Absolute: Whole, Immutable, Independent, One, God, Perfect, Nil, Indivisible, Complete.
Absolute can be used as a metaphor to accentuate one’s sense of certainty.
Absolute can be used to refer to a relationship, a fact.
These applications are not my own.

What is the absent-absolute?
It is the foundation of Nihilism.
It is the projection of a noetic construct, into the phenomenal world of (inter)activity (Flux) and then its presumption as already existing outside the mind, and the naive expectation of its discovery, or as what “exist” in some beyond existence realm, in the above, below, , internal, eternal immanent future.
It is the externalization of an esoteric fabrication, rooted in emotion, in the mind’s ability to mix abstractions, to rearrange them at Will.
It is a metaphor for perfect, whole, static, complete, total, one, Being, God, indivisible, immutable, unchanging, omnipotent, omniscient, certain…order, predictability buried in complexity, masked by confusion, hidden by ambiguity, vagueness, insinuation.
It is what is “missing” in the cosmos, for a Nihilist: his needs, desire projected outward, or the inversion of his esoteric private, subjective universe, into an presumed external one.
It is the sensation of need/suffering, of endless change, or interactivity - Flux, producing friction upon order, causing attrition…ergo it is a metaphor for the end of need/suffering, for a final end in Being.
It is an end, a telos…and entirely non-existent - the very definition of non-existence.

Meaning = how patterns relate.
The recognition and appreciation (judgment) of how phenomena relate to each other.
Meaning is not arbitrary.
A misinterpretation results in costs, no subjective hoping, or redefining of words, can protect you from, but only an external entity, such as an institution, or another individual who correctly judges and evaluates can intervene, if it so chooses, and with its own motives, to protect the mistake from being experiences as cost, or as negative consequences.

Meaning is how the noumenon, the abstraction harmonizes, agrees with, the interacting patterns.
Meaning is about relationships between external, to the mind, phenomena, patterns, and how the mind can translate them into internal mental models, or abstractions.
Therefore, the arbitrary use of symbols/words referring only to internal constructs with no external references, are meaningless to all but those sharing the same arbitrary constructs.
In such cases one must understand the meaning only if and when he or she buys into the esoteric arbitrary connections, corresponding to nothing external.
They are totally subjective, and based on fabrications, emotion, shares needs and desires, common weaknesses and insecurities.

Realists require no arbitrary meanings, because whatever names you give the same observable phenomena, how they relate is not based on the whims and preferences.

Meaning is found, out in the world, not constructed in the mind, without considering the world.
Meaning is world interpreted, not world created.
World is, and mind emerges as a connection of body, the physical, to its dynamism.
Mind is the point where the fluid is converted to static abstraction (image) or into sensation, emotion, and then given a symbol, given a word/number to represent it.
Mind is the point of contact of past, manifesting as presence/appearance, with an ongoing interactivity (flux).
The nervous system, with the brain as its hub, is the dynamic point of conversion, from body (physical) to mind (abstraction), with the symbols are the nervous system’s representation of the dynamic fluid interactive.

Organism is in continuous dialogue, interactions interpreted continuously, between otherness and self - presence/appearance, and past/nature.
The idea(l) is the meaning projected forward as prediction, offering choices, options, of probability to the organism.

Idea refers to mental abstractions combined into more sophisticated mental models corresponding to external interactive phenomena.
Ideal refers to the judgment, evaluation of ideas, projected as desirable, or good, in relation to other ideas considered undesirable, bad, or evil in the Abrahamic Nihilistic paradigm.

Time - not a thing, a force, existing in the world, part of the world.
time is a human concept, referring to a relationship of man with world, using human biological processes as a standard for evaluating interactivity or change.
If no life is present, no consciousness, there is no time, but only interactivity.

Space - does require a consciousness.
It is the projection of possibilities in relation to interacting energies.
Without a conscious mind space would be a field of interacting patterned and non-patterned energies.

Christian scripture states it openly:

Word being the English translation of the original word ‘logos’.
ΛΟΓΟΣ - From the word ΛΕΓΩ - to speak, later generalized to mean to reason, to explain, to think…
ΛΕΓΩ - to gather, collect and to centralize, to give a centre to.

In Greek it has no insinuation other than to give a word to what the mind does - gathers, stimulation, collects them and then gives them speech, acoustic resonance representing these mental collections.
As with the word ΑΛΕΤΗΕΙΑ - un-forget, the Romans took it and translated it into Latin, losing its original connotation and imprisoning generations of Latin based tribes in a linguistic error.
Word became a representation of the noumenon that was now placed before the phenomenal world, as pre-existing the apparent.
Since then words/symbols have been used to try to escape reality.
Artistic minds immersing themselves in the power of symbols and words, feeling liberated, saved, free to remake reality by recombining words/symbols in a pleasing, invigorating, inspiring synthesis. One that can trigger an emotional psychosomatic effect.

In the west we live in a world of symbols and no substance…words with no accompanying deeds.
we live in this world of words we were given - an idealized world where language does not discipline itself to world, but plays, fabricating fantastic new alternative worlds.

God = word…and word is still God for Moderns.
They worship it.
They surrender to its power, as they do to all forms of art - judging it by how it affects them emotionally and through mind how it affects them physically.
They do not worship nature, world, through symbols/words but stop at the symbol itself…like hedonists stop at the effect, at pleasure.
Moderns stop short.
They remain fixed on the symbol, or pleasure, or the effect, not daring to go further into the cause.
They stop at noetic abstractions and interpretations given a name, a symbol, and do not proceed towards the phenomenon, the apparent.

Symbols/words are like toys for infants.
Magical…bedazzling, bewildering, mysterious.
In them they can become anything they dream of, and if they can gather their friends to play they can create a game that can become a universe on its own.

What is language?
A sophistication of grooming, among primates.
When we speak, we gather and groom, establishing alliances, positing ourselves within a group.
What is a word, written or spoken?
A projection outward of an internal construct; the externalization of an abstraction constructed by gathering, collecting, stimuli from interactive phenomena; an externalization of an interpretation.

Verbal language has great space effect.
One can gather at a distance.
It shrinks spatial distances.
Written language shrinks temporal ones.
Now you can gather and groom, across greater expanses, long after your death.
Your words remain effective, potent, as long as there are minds trained to decipher them, and be triggered by them.
Word = God.
He’s not dead…he’s Word - code.
And how magnificently Moderns are affected by words, and symbols…because God, the Abrahamic one, did not die.
He changed his names.

More than intent, words can now insinuate and through their ambiguous insinuations of intent, of ideals, they can trigger imaginative, emotional, reactions to them, as if they were divine.
Have we not all experienced their power in movie theatres where they, in combination with fantasy imagery and music, can transport us into alternate realities we then refuse to leave?
The ancients used narration to gather the children and paint fantastic world using words - myths, full of metaphors.
In our time we have music, movies…fArt.
We enter the ‘cave’ to watch shadows on the wall, and be transported - ΜΕΤΑΦΈΡΩ - out of our bodies, out of our minds.

Language has the multiplying power of musical soundtracks…the myth takes on a life of its own.
A simpleton does not need an imagination, because it is provided for him.
Mythology is not connected to experience, but experience to mythology.

Symbols/Words have such a profound effect on immature, undeveloped minds, on feeble, needy, inexperienced psychologies, on psychotics…and on the effect they want to stop and stay.
They want to live in the mythology - in an idealized reality.

Δαίμων = divides, separates. distribute - originally meant the deity that distributes fate.
Δαημον = He who is knowledgeable and experienced.


οργω - extreme desire.
οργασμος - orgasm.
οργη - rage.

Through the extreme desire I accumulate excess energies, storing them, and keeping them on stand-by.
The storage itself requires effort - control, stress.
Nervous energies, kept in-the-ready, by the nervous system for the fight/flight mechanism.
Rage and sexual ecstasy closely related.
The release is the returning of what is stored back to world as (inter)activity.
It is accompanied by spasms, hyperventilation, or to muscle movement, converting the energies to action.
The organism is triggered by a stimulation to begin the process of releasing the accumulated energies.

We see here the relationship between ‘need’ (lack), and, ‘desire’ (excess), as one indicating success, or virility in relation to world.
The organism accumulates and stores energies only if it is successful in appropriating to deal with attrition produced by (inter)action (Flux).
Eros/Thymos = the creative force of (inter)action (repulsion/attraction).

Eros relates to momentum – cosmic vibration.
The ancients conceived of eros as the striking of a cauldron, where cauldron is cosmos and eros the force that produces the process of (inter)activity – vibrations/oscillations. The ‘at work’ of energy εν-εργεια.
Similarity of orgy and ergo, is hard to miss.
The letters comprising the words are not accidental.
ΕΡΓΩ - ergo begins with the open ended epsilon and concludes with the omega indicating a towards an end, a conclusion, an objective. The omega is also open ended, from bottom/up. An expanding o.
ΟΡΓΗ - orgy begins with the omicron and ends with a upsilon. An accumulated whole enclosed, leading through a vibrating tongue and a clenched throat to a long release.

Dumbing-Down corrupts the utility of language, internalizing it.
Retardation of spirit.

Dumbing-Down shames the mind for perceiving patterns, and for thinking them relevant.
Dumbing-Down makes the individual doubt his own senses.
Regression of mind.

ΔΕΛΦΥΣ = woman’s womb
ΑΔΕΛΦΟΣ/ΑΔΕΛΦΗ = brother/sister

From this we get Delphi, world’s ‘navel’ or world’s womb.

ΔΕΛΦΑΞ = young pig, piglet.
ΔΕΛΦΙΝ = newborn.
ΔΕΛΦΙΝΙ = dolphin, because it looks like a young piglet.

All from the root word ΔΕΛΤΑ, meaning door, and the letter of course.
There are hundreds of combinations that can be produced with the root word DEL-TA…synthesizing them with other words, each alluding to the root.

We see here an example of how Greeks follows a logic. From a root word, referring to something tangible, real, all kinds of synthetics can be produced.

Languages evolve to reflect the development of human awareness. From cave drawings, where image represents an entire phenomenon, more complex forms arise such as linear-a, and linear-b, script where each image represented entire concepts, abstractions and/or syllables, and from there alphabets evolve where each symbol corresponds to a sound, and a sequence represents what a single image represented in the past, and then mathematics evolves where each symbol is entirely abstract, and represents an idea with no external reference so it can be used to represent any external reference.
A process that mirrors the evolution of human thinking from word of mouth narratives, to insinuating mythologies, and then to more precise philosophies.
The gradual ascent in complexity is accompanied by the gradual ascent from broad, ambiguity, leaving much to the imagination, to more precise symbols representing more precise concepts that leaves less to the imagination but expose the mind to a level of complexity where it becomes aware of how much is unknown.
Like ascending up a mountain. At the base all is intimate, but close-by, restricting your view. You hear sounds, see shadows, but you cannot discern accurately what lies a few meters away. The imagination goes wild, with anticipation, fear siding with caution, imagining the worse, the extreme negative, and then needing the opposite, the extreme positive to deal with it.
As you ascend up the mountain you begin to see more, and further. What sounded mysterious is now exposed, but what you gain in view you lose in details. You see more, and further away in space, but you see less precisely, but more generally.
From the intuitive to the intellectual, corresponds to alchemy giving way to chemistry, minerology etc., and astrology to astronomy, psychology, biology etc., and mythology to philosophy, spirituality etc. The simple produces multiple spin-offs dealing with specific categories within the general. But with each advancement upwards more parameters emerge, more possibilities, more categories.
This is exactly what language reflects. This gradual advancement requiring more precision. Hieroglyphics become symbols of syllables or entire words, and then symbols/letters representing sounds.
With each step up many superstitions are left behind. The imagination no longer has to speculate when the mind can discern.
The ancient Greeks believed in Olympians gods, representing environmental phenomena. When man understood what caused them then the same deities became representations of natural forces, such as electromagnetism. Knowledge and understanding increases the illuminated regions of reality, and superstition, and tis obscurantism, is forced to the edges, where light merges with darkness and produces shadows it can exploit to manipulate human fears.
The more man sees and understands, the less he is mystified and manipulated by fear and hope. Then a new frontier of mystification is produced with new superstitions, and fears to be exploited by charlatans and priests.
Language evolves to accommodate this advancement of human awareness and the emergence of new mysterious frontiers.

Theoretical Unification in Obscurantism
Magic of symbol/word.
With an icon/idol two contradictory concepts can be merged into a singularity.

Jesus, as the synthesis of two opposing and contrary world views, i.e. Judaism and Hellenism.
Universe, as the synthesis of two contrary states, i.e. chaos and order.
Chaos, as the synthesis of two contrary definitions, i.e. complexity and randomness.

The synthesis encloses the oppositions into a singular whole, something contrary to experience where nothing is ever finalized, enclosed made into a ‘whole’, a oneness.
Cosmos, unlike the concept of a universe, is an open-ended concept - the contradictions are defused as an ongoing expansion that is never finalized, i.e., completed.
The contradictions are not dealt with but are converted to vague obscure ideas - placed in noetic twilight where all merges in shadow, and all distinctions bleed into each other.
The idea - ideology - of a Messiah promising a release from the contradiction in some ‘beyond’ space/time, or projected as an always immanent future.
Paradise, or Utopia…is never finalized as a presence. it always remains vague and somewhere other than here and now.

Clarity, the shedding of light, is avoided, because this would reveal what is being concealed.

Obscurantism. occultism, uses language as a tool for mass manipulation. Like teaching the masses how to purchase fish from a fish monger, who becomes, to them, the messianic priest.
Paganism teaches minds how to fish, liberating them from their dependence on others, and to come closer to the natural world from where the fish come from. They eliminate the middle-man, the priestly miser, who is presenting himself as the source of all fish so as to feed himself through the efforts of others.

According to Spengler the Faustian spirit is about boundless space/time.
An open-ended cosmos not an enclosed universe - ergo for the Greeks Alethiea described an uncovering, contrary to the Roman veritas

The Romans corrupted the Hellenic through the process of interpretation - i.e., in the process of reproduction mutations arise and are passed on to the new synthesis, the new organism.
Our Anglo-Saxon centred world has inherited this corruption, in the form of ‘truth’ and in the term ‘universe’.
We no longer conceptualize a kosmos but a universe - an enclosed space/time which necessitates a noetic leap ‘into the non-existent’ outside space/time.
This noetic leap is taken literally, and not as a method producing paradoxes - dissonance between mind/body, [physical and mental - that are passed on and symbolized via semiotics, i.e., linguistically.
This is where the Magians find fertile ground to exploit the illiterate, the untalented and the cowardly.

Words lose their meaning.
The masses become degenerate, using words to conceal their own degeneration.
The simplest, most self-evident, concepts gradually become incomprehensibly complex, and too abstract to use to come to any conclusion.

What can be more alien, more of an otherness to an organism, than chaos, defined as randomness.
Order = patter of repeating consistency.
Random = non-pattern inconsistency.

Both represent forms of Energy - Greek for εν = in, in the midst of, in the process of… εργο = work, creation, Proto-Indo-European *wérǵom, state of agitation, turmoil, i.e. flux, experiences as need/suffering - agon.

γυρο -
Etymology 1

To be in the midst, in the process of an encircling agitation, turmoil, a constructing, creating.

Χαος =

The nothing that is not nothingness - but the strange other. Other than order.
Not complexity, because in this linguistic (mathematical model) chaos is but a higher or lower order. Not “other than” but “same as” but hidden…not yet discovered, not yet revealed - revelatory, immanent revelation.

To an organism dependent on consistent, predictable processes, i.e., ordering, chaos is the terrifying, strange incomprehensible otherness.
Often incorporated into metaphysics as a monstrous strangeness, and in spirituality as the evil, or the mystifying, occult - ion monotheism it is implied that it is of order - complex, mystifying - but still order, part of the one-god representing absolute order - often called “good”, because of the aforementioned.
Occultists often present themselves as ‘knowers’ of the mystifying, to the many, complex - the root of superstition is this farce, using language to imply a complexity via nonsense.
The initiate is mystified by words of order expressing nonsense, using triggering imagery to seduce reason and to help it suppress scepticism - often easy because the psyche needs to believe in a hidden order, an absolute reason for its need/suffering. The charlatans uses a desire/need already present in the initiate, to help him or her overcome the last remnants of doubt.
His presence as an other which is offering a gift - salvation, deeper truth etc. - adds to the seduction. By surrendering its will to this presence, as other, the initiate feels it is coming to terms with the mysterious and terrifying.
The charlatan becomes the proxy through which the individual surrenders or comes to an understanding - strikes a deal - with the chaotic.
This is why morality is always an underlying factor.
Through the proxy the initiate establishes a relationship of reciprocity - he/she believes.
Cults are born in this way, and then develop into what we call religions.
Hinduism Buddhism, are not religions.
There are three actual religions, presently, in the world - or three that dominate.
Zoroastrianism is the source, but it is not practices by enough followers to be called a religion - it is a ex-religion that has returned to the status of cult.

No-ting is literally what Being is.
No thing.
Heidegger differentiates nothing from nothingness, which is what Nihilism worships.

There are two references that limit the utility of symbols/words.
The first is conventional use - a shared meaning - facilitating the communication of ideas (dictionary); the second is a worldly reference - a shared reality - facilitating the connection of mind with reality (noumenon with phenomenon).
The most common misuse is in the second.
Words being collectively defined and also collectively validated. Words connecting mind to other minds, via their spoken and written expressions - inter-subjectivity, i.e., collective solipsism.
Humanity as world; world as humanity. In this context all is conscious and ordered - with an intent - will, and an end - purpose.

Rejecting objectivity is the refusal of anything outside this inter-subjective, self-referential, enclosure; a refusal to place the standard of validation outside human minds.
With no one-God - in the Abrahamic sense - the alternative is terrifying to the desperate degenerates of the world; their desperation leads to their degeneration - sheltering atrophies.
Nature is frugal. She creates in abundance so as to then weed most of it out of existence (culling) - trial and error, where there is no conciousness it is the most effective method of adaptation to changing environments.
Nature’s superfluity is a method of adjusting life to fluctuating environmental conditions.
Life is superfluous; world is frugal - ergo the conflict.

In this case Nature can be used to mean both life (wilful matter/energy) and non-life (will-less matter/energies).
This is where cowards and hypocrites - self-deceivers - become conveniently confused - the multiple utility of single words.

Another word I like to use when dealing with Desperate Degenerates, is the word ‘love’ This is a particularly effective word with them, because they are emasculated and emotional thinkers…effete to the core - to such concepts can influence their feminized minds - not that I hold any hope with them, because most are so entrenched and invested in their won variant of nihilism that all they do is dismiss ignore and are so defensive that nothing gets through.
No secret that I’ve been using them to explain my positions to others - those silent observers who visit this forum but do not participate - dozens of them, daily…and I see them. Most come here from that other FaceBook page…which shall remain unnamed. They understand…even if Desperate Degenerates don’t or pretend not to.
This is for their benefit…an excuse, if you will, using degenerates and their predictable desperation to make my points.
So, love.
The Desperate Degenerate - positive kind - will idealize, romanticize, mystify the concept. He will paint it using prose and innuendoes and seductive words - each selected to impress, to manipulate and to exploit weakness - to sell itself. They will define ‘love’ outside existence - in a magical realm that exists underneath or above this experienced world.
The Christian variant made ‘love’ synonymous with their one-god - a divine cosmic force…replacing the attractive force, and ignoring the repulsive one. Later demonizing the latter, creating their binary dualities - God/Satan, good/evil.
Attraction = good; repulsion = evil - see all is united in god - absolute unity held together by the magical force of love. All soothing and comforting. All so feminine.
A girl can be swept off her feet when a gentleman comes a calling with such words in his mouth.
The antithesis is the cynic…I call him a ‘pure nihilist’. He dismisses the previous romantic drivel, as well he should. Replacing it with nothing…literally nothing. He may reject the naïve idealists prose, and claim that ‘love’ is a subjective thing, a social construct…and that it doesn’t really exist.
A human idea.
But both are wrong.
Love refers to an observable behaviour, found among many species - particularly those using heterosexual reproductive methods and those using cooperative survival strategies - so there’s a link here.
It isn’t an illusion, nor some divine cosmic force - a magical power.
In my view it is an evolved chemical reaction dealing with the fight/flight mechanism…but if others disagree with my theory they can offer their own, and then both can be compared to observable, falsifiable, empirical data. Not words and more words…not easy negations, on the ground that no theory is absolutely perfect and absolutely complete…but empiricism.
Which theory is more probable. Survival of the fittest in philosophical contexts.

My definition of love is not arbitrary; it is not based no my private preferences and personal tastes; not based on my upbringing and my traditions.
It is based on an objective interpretation of behaviours that occur outside human cultures and systems.
Shit gets added, over time…but if we begin with the act, the behaviour, we can cleanse the concept of its emotional and cultural baggage.
Love is an esoteric process - processes - which is externalized as particular behaviours…just as thinking is an esoteric phenomenon that is externalized as action.

Love between a parent and a child, or between friends, is not the same as erotic love - lust - yet there are connections which one of the chosen (Freud) exploited to discredit family relationships…as that type is known to do, viz., the sense of melding identifies - loss of self in other - commonality, shared destinies, shared values, purposes, interests…
Agape/Eros…both forms of Love - distinct but related.
Neither magical, mystical, nor nothing.
Love is an activity - interactivity.
Not my invention; not my preference. Nothing to do with what I prefer or hope or want.

But Desperate Degenerates don’t like this rational approach - this objectivity - because it disarms them of their mystical obscurantisms, used to cope with existence - or it negated their negative defensiveness.

Transvaluation of all values, is not the detachment of values from reality…but the return to the triangulation of subject/object/motive which is the origin of the meaning of ‘evaluation’.
Nietzsche - if I dare to interpret him in contradiction to men-children - called himself a ‘nihilists’ because he was so in relation to nihilists.
As I am.
True Nihilists, on the other hand, are so in relation to reality - their positions attempt to negate and usurp and replace reality. In relation to their delusions a realist, like myself, is a nihilist - negating, nullifying nihilism, i.e., realism.
I am negative towards nihilism…but nihilism is not negative toward me and my personal preferences, but towards reality, which I am a part of, and I try to understand as objectively as possible.
Transvaluation is contra conventional understandings and definitions…which in our Age are distinctly nihilistic - anti-real, anti-nature.
If we return the concept of ‘value’ to its original meaning, then it indicates a relationship between observer/observed and motive, i.e., goal.
A relationship based on a triangulation. It has no other meaning.
Nihilism corrupts this, by replacing one part of the triad with nil - producing a dualism - the absence of what has been negated is compensated by its replacement by the remaining two, or by covering it up with mystifications, and obscurantism…leaving a duality.
In effect the triad of value judgements is converted to a binary duality that is self-referential - solipsist.

The triad subject/object/movement-motive is converted to a duality - subject/movement,motive, and the missing object is replaced by the subject - subject/motive/subject.
Subjectivity. the world is excluded from the relationship. Everything is reduced to a subjective mind and its motives, i.e. political, ideological claptrap.
A circular self-referential inter-subjectivity replaces the triad, which includes world/reality as the standard connecting the other two in the triad in a relationship.

Okay, I’m getting metaphysical here…so I’ll stop.

The meaning of the word ‘race’.
Race is a word denoting type, kind, a sub-category of a specific species, in this case the homo sapient specie.
‘Breed’ is used in reference to the same in canines, horses, etc.

What does specie and consequently race/breed mean?
It means inherited potentials, exhibiting a particular physical symmetry, proportionality, pigmentation, size, mass etc. - ergo a potential for every conceivable and observable trait.
So, race, like breed, kind, means a potential falling within parameters - a higher and a lower - which is considers ‘normal’ or as categorizing a breeds, races, median - its average potentials.
Exception to this rule re to be analysed separately, and in relation to this median average rule - this normal range - so as to ascertain the reasons, the causes of this falling outside the normal range.

So, race is about potentials, a range, a degree, of potentials…in all traits - physical and mental, psychological, behavioural…

It cannot be a social construct because civilization is 6,000 years old…let’s say 8,000 years to be safe.
Man has been evolving for hundreds of thousands of years. Scientists claim the specie homo sapient is 200,000 years old, maybe more.
Now compare 6,000 of primitive developing towards the current social structures, with 200,000+ years…and more because evolution goes back further to a common ancestry with other primates, and then further back to a common ancestry with all living organisms on earth. It is estimated that life on earth is over 4 billion years old…and all those billions of years are participating in present day men and women of the human specie.

This is what I call the ‘sum of all nurturing’ which is ‘nature’ - as a reference to human nature, and not to be confused with nature as a general concept to include planets, galaxies and so on

The body’s configuration its presence - interpreted as appearance - is a manifestation of this past; it is past made present.
How we look is not arbitrary or superficial…but we do try to cover it up with superficiality - including language redefinitions - or to alter appearance, surgically or cosmetically, precisely because it is so revealing of essence.
Breeds, races look different because they are different. How?
To a degree of inherited potential - a median.

Why do we value beauty?
Because it is difficult to attain, and difficult to maintain - ergo it is rare. The higher its order/functionality the more rare it is…and the more difficult it is to both attain and maintain - representing power, struggle, endurance and whatever probabilities this implies.
In organic life, displayed as symmetry (order, and proportionality (functionality), beauty represents higher potentials, or objectives that require effort (agon). This agon is what gives it value.

ἄξιος < ἄγω
Ενεστώτας ἄγω ἄγομαι
Παρατατικός ἦγον ἠγόμην
Μέλλοντας ἄξω ἄξομαι & ἀχθήσομαι
Αόριστος ἦξα, ἤγαγον ἠξάμην & ἤχθην
Παρακείμενος ἦχα, ἀγήοχα ἦγμαι
Υπερσυντέλικος ἤχειν, ἀγηόχειν ἤγμην
To drive, direct.

Notice the common root of agon {ἀγών}= gathering, battle, struggle, competition; axion {ἀξία} = price, cost, value.

It is the objective in relation to the path towards it - objective via world - that bestows upon it its value to the actor, the subject. Without a subject with a projected objective, a motive/intent, there is no value - even using science as an objective subject, the value is a product of a measurement, in relation to a standard; a product of a comparison, a juxtaposition.
The idea/Ideal is what establishes the relationship with reality which value is to be measured by.

We cannot say if intelligence - in whatever way it is defined - is more valuable than idiocy without a goal, an ideal; we cannot say if strength - in whatever way it is defined - is more valuable than weakness, without an idea/ideal.
If it remains abstract, theoretical (ideological) then it can be considered valuable or valueless; but if it is applied, it is put into practice, then its true value and that of the objective itself, are both revealed…objectively.
No theory survives reality intact.
Beauty is appreciated because it implies probability in a sea of increasing possibilities. It makes it precious as potential.
Its value is a product of this appreciation, evaluation.