Dutch Divorce Rate Skyrockets In Response To Alimony Reform

Gloominary has said, several times, countless times, that females are different.

Can you read?

I presume that what looks different, behaves differently, smells, feels, sounds different, must be ….the same.

Classic neo-Liberal “logic”.
This, of course, only applies to humans, because if it applies to all life then Evolution Theory is debunked, and we’re back to Abrahamic Cosmo-theory.

I’ve talked to enough women in a single lifetime to assess that a majority of women are the same across the whole full spectrum.

Today I’ve come up with a new label, 'biological natural prostitutes ’ or ‘BNP’ for short regarding women. :sunglasses:

Women will never go for any of that voluntarily.

It’s like an old saying I’ve come to understand, "Don’t ever count on a woman to volunteer herself for a lifestyle with less entitlements or a lesser standard of living especially after she’s acquired the opposite.

No, there is only forcing women to meet such terms as your pathetic democracy is unable and inefficient to convene what is necessary.

Alimony and no-fault divorce make things really easy for women.
A lot of women will marry or cohabit with a working or lower middle class guy for a while.
They may even have a kid or two of, his (we hope).
Then, if he’s failing to move up the socioeconomic ladder or if he’s just not physically attractive or charming enough and she’s got looks and charm, she’ll dump him, take much or most of what he has, raising her socioeconomic status in the process, and try to go after a middle or upperclass guy.
She may even date the middle or upperclass guy while she’s still with the working or lower middle class guy before moving in with and marrying him.
The working or lower middle class shmuck will pay spousal (and child) support for years while she gets to enjoy a higher standard of living on top of it.
She may even try to raise her status in this way a third or fourth time, why not?
Let’s face it, the system is rigged in favor of women, caters to their most ignoble instincts, and they wouldn’t be able to rig it without the gullibility and naivete of men, and the twin ideologies of feminism and chivalry.

There’s only one way to change things and your democracy isn’t the answer Gloominary.

One of these days you’ll see things my way, that I’m certain of. Give it time :sunglasses:

And to top it off, women have the audacity and nerve to call this, oppression. :laughing:

And millions of soy boys and white knights believe it. :astonished:

Unbelievable :confused:

Of course some of them are just playing along, and that’s part of how men play women.

Women and men play each other, but men don’t have the system behind them.

If this is oppression, I hope I never live to see what the, emancipation of women looks like. :confused:

In the history of humanity men will say or do anything to acquire pussy, a known fact. Hence all the soyboys and white knights nowadays. I just can’t stoop myself to that level, when I eventually do acquire myself a trophy wife [fulltime professional hired prostitute for cash money] to breed with it will be on my terms, not theirs.


I normally don’t like colored people’s music, however in the eternal words of Tina Turner, “What’s love got to do with it”?!

She knew… :sunglasses:

Today’s music doesn’t convey that type of honesty anymore.


You’re probably right, but I hope you’re wrong, because a rightwing dictatorship would disempower us in many ways, but of course empower us in others.
It’s a trade off.
If we can’t have illiberal democracy, then I’ll go for autocracy.

You will come to see my way of things soon enough my dark sith apprentice. :sunglasses:


It’s unfortunate men would rather compete than organize for their interests.
Everyone else is organized for their interests except white men, but sooner or later that’ll change.

The inevitable collapse of nations, societies, and civilizations throughout the west basically will achieve that.


I agree, within every tragedy lies some opportunity.
White men had it pretty good for a while.
Things will have to get pretty bad before there’s a backlash.

The feminists, plutocrats and progressives won’t stop, they just keep pushing and pushing.
Something’s gotta give sooner or later.

Very soon it will arrive. :sunglasses:

Their insane ideology and rhetoric will be swept away with total economic collapse. :sunglasses: