Discussion: is Carleas secretly a white supremacist a nazi?

Which part is the “subtle exaggeration”? The number of Jews killed or something else?

All of it. Subtle hyperbole, meant to maintain the victim identity.
The victor’s write the history books.
Do you believe in the good intentions of the official narrative?

Over 9 million Germans died. Over 20 million Russians.
Shall we go into the numbers, ro can you do ti yourself, even from these official narratives?

Sure. They died during a war.

But the holocaust is targeted industrial killing. It’s not the killing if enemy combatants or the unintentional deaths of civilians in a combat zone.

So, you believe the official narrative?
You only doubt what challenges it, as you ought to?
What makes you certain they did not die of diseases and famine - you know the usual things one dies from during times of war - and only a few of organized slaughter?

What bout the official 9/11 explanation, or those weapons Hussein had?

I believe that Jews were rounded up, sent to camps, starved and worked to death. Some were executed immediately upon arrival in the camps. The numbers are in the millions.

And yeah, Jews were not the only ones … criminals, homosexuals, political opponents, priests, gypsies, Russian POWs got the same treatment.

Some form of mass extermination did take place, but most of it through passive causes, like absence of food, or the usual diseases that occur in contained areas where too many people are placed in a small space…
Many Germans, and Russians also died due to malnutrition, and the same diseases that kill in such times of destruction and mass death.
I also do not think it was the original plan, but forced by the war’s limitations. He wanted to throw them out of Germany…but how many people have done the same over the centuries?
Do a search.

My own short search gives me 109 times.

How many accounts of the death camps do you need?

How much Zyklon B does a concentration camp need to “get rid of lice”? How much does it need to get rid of people?

Did you read what I posted?
You are using emotion.
Did I deny some form of mass extermination did occur?

They wanted to ship them off but nobody wanted to take them.

Therefore, Plan B.

Reread what I post, before you ask me questions.
I said, and I’ll repeat.
The best lies do not manufacture events, they exaggerate them.
The most convincing liar believes in his own lies.
The victor writes the history books to glorify himself and to demonize the vanquished.

If you do not understand the implications….then we’re done.
You follow the official narrative religiously. I understand.
Good luck with that.

I wonder why nobody wanted them if they offer such a benefit to a people.

The plan was Madagascar.
But after the war began how could he ship them off to that place?
Plan B was incarceration…mass death due to the consequences of confinement and increasingly lack of nutrition.
No doubt some mass extermination did begin during the time when he realized the war had turned.

I read this :

And it suggests that there is little reason to believe in large scale gassing. Maybe even to the point that there is no evidence for gas chambers … as Gloominary says.

I have nothing more to say on the issue, given the religious-like fanaticism associated with it.

You can continue to worship the official narrative, if you like. Just believe whatever they tell you, and never use your own judgment.
Doesn’t matter.
History repeats.

More objective history is written as the events distance themselves form the participants.
It’s a basic principle of objectivity. The closer, and more intimately tied to other, or to an event, the more subjective and emotional it is for you.

I’m waiting for the next Hollywood movie on it. It’s long overdue. I think that they are intentionally giving it some time, because overexposure can be fatiguing. Like how they stopped Star Trek movies when they were losing money because they were making too many of them.
Marketing principle.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder.
It’ll come. Victim status has to be maintained.
Finkelstein, a Jew, said that it has become a religion. Nothing unifies Jews more than the Holocaust. It has become a religious iconic event.
Like the Crucifixion is for Christians.

Okay. You can continue to worship your unofficial narrative, if you like.

Phyllo, why wouldn’t any country take the Jews if they have always been innocent of unjust business practices and are highly productive and contributive without trying to overtake governments through a religion driven ideological conspiracy known as communism? How many nations have asked or forced them to leave?

They continue to be expelled, their most recent one: 2014.


Is it true that the victors write the history books?

That’s a loaded question. :astonished:

Do they need to be completely innocent of unjust business practices or can they be just as guilty as some other identifiable group?

Are Jews trying to overtake governments through communism?

There appear to be a significant number of Jews who support capitalism. Ironically they are accused of being both ruthless capitalists and communists. :open_mouth:

Are they solely behind communism or does communism appeal to non-Jews as well?

Not entirely.

If you are going to say that the entire holocaust was fabricated by the victors, then you are out of touch with reality.