Discussion: is Carleas secretly a white supremacist a nazi?

Is it true that the victors write the history books?

That’s a loaded question. :astonished:

Do they need to be completely innocent of unjust business practices or can they be just as guilty as some other identifiable group?

Are Jews trying to overtake governments through communism?

There appear to be a significant number of Jews who support capitalism. Ironically they are accused of being both ruthless capitalists and communists. :open_mouth:

Are they solely behind communism or does communism appeal to non-Jews as well?

Not entirely.

If you are going to say that the entire holocaust was fabricated by the victors, then you are out of touch with reality.

Is it true that the victors write the history books?
Not entirely.

If you are going to say that the entire holocaust was fabricated by the victors, then you are out of touch with reality.
The Holocaust happened on a much smaller scale than has ever been purported. Other genocides have been larger in volume like the one in Russia perpetrated by the communist Jews. Have numerous movies and books been dedicated to that atrocity? Supposidly that genocide was tallied at 11 million non-Jewish Russians.

What other identifiable group is kicked out of country after country for such practices?

Yes, they are. Capitalism funds the leverage, but the overall push is towards communism with Jews at the helm.

Didn’t Karl Marx, a Jew, pervert socialism converting it into communism? Communism appeals to sheeple and those who want to rule the sheeple.

It’s a total perversion. Even the thought of those who produce controlling the means of production gives me hellish nightmares. Something like that’ll happen over my dead body you sonofabitch commie pinko bastard!

How do you know that?

Do you have some evidence that shows that the “official” numbers are exaggerated?

That doesn’t alter the ethics of the Nazi holocaust. Nor does it alter the numbers in that holocaust.

Sure, Communists have done awful things in the Soviet Union and elsewhere.

It’s not about a particular ideology, it’s trickier than that.
Many Jews are communists, many are crony capitalists, but what unites most of them is 1, their opposition to other people’s nationalism, not their own people’s nationalism, and 2, they don’t want to labor, in crony capitalism they can siphon resources through corporatism, fractional reserve banking and usury, and in communism they can siphon resources by pointing a gun at your head and telling you what to do.
They want to lead all these movements so they serve their national interests.

They want internationalism for everyone else and nationalism for themselves.
At the very least they don’t want the nations they occupy to exclude others based on culture, race and religion, but for most of them that’s not nearly enough.
They want open borders, and to prop up minorities, particularly themselves, at the majority’s expense.

Why did you drop the Jewish part of the communist identifier? You don’t believe that the Bolshevik uprising was dreamt up and organized by Jews and their financing, that the original communist party was led by Jews?

In the documentary, the 4 million number from the '80s Nuremberg trial was disproven, name and dates included, so how could it now be 6 million? In another twenty five years will the number grow to be 8 million or 10 million?

And I still don’t know if this supposed 4 million includes all the other non-Jewish people rounded up and killed? Was it the Nazi Holocaust (including every prisoner) or the Jewish Holocaust? Where is this explained?

Lenin won’t no sonsabitchin Jew!

They’re clowns, ideology is the makeup they wear.
It’s about having one standard for themselves, and another for everyone else.
They want Israel to be xenophobic and every other nation to be xenophilic.
They want to practice crony capitalism (corporatism, fractional reverse banking, usury…) while we practice capitalism.
In communism, they want to be equally rich while we’re equally poor.

He wasn’t?


Nope. Paper work means nothing. It’s what’s in your head that makes you a Jew… and vlad didn’t believe any of that nonsense.

Of which nonsense are you speaking?

And like ideology, they make use of religion.
While they hate Christianity, because pacifist and xenophilic Jesus was the opposite of what they imagined their messiah to be, they infiltrate it and emphasize its Zionism.
Their true religion and ideology is Judaism and Zionism, religious and secular Jewish supremacism.

Which part? Is it significant?

Communists killed millions in China and Cambodia, etc. They were not Jews.

Lenin was not a Jew. Nor were many high ranking party members. Jews were disproportionately represented.

Lenin was also supported by the German High Command in order to undermine the Russian war effort.

You’re basing everything on the David Cole documentary?

Is 4 million okay?

Let’s say that I agree with that number. (Because frankly after passing a certain hideous point, the exact number no longer matters. It’s horrific crime. )
Now what?

There are estimated numbers available for non-Jews. Like here :
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holoc … ersecution

Thanks for the info. Was it the Nazi Holocaust or the Jewish Holocaust?

I don’t understand that question. What are you asking?

I think that you are mistaken.

What does that mean?

That number makes no sense. It’s completely at odds with census data, train records, gas supplied, and structures and equipment in the camps.

Again, what does this mean?

This article is from a Jewish apologist website (it’s hard to find articles from truly unbiased websites, since google has been subsidized by government and subverted, curtailing free speech), but nonetheless I’m going to use it to make a point.


Rosa Luxemburg wasn’t a Bolshevik, but only because she was a German Jew, not a Russian Jew.
She was still a communist.

No one denies Jews were vastly overrepresented in European and Russian communism.
The question is, was the majority of communist leadership in Europe and Russia Jewish?
At the very least, Jews made up a large minority of the leadership, like 20-30%, if not the majority of the leadership.
And the founders of the movement were Jewish.
So if Jews didn’t exist, neither would communism, or at least its most successful variant, Marxism, and without Jewish leadership, it wouldn’t’ve been anywhere near as successful in Europe and Russia as it was, it may’ve never took off at all, and if it didn’t take off in Europe and Russia, it wouldn’t’ve taken off in the 3rd world.

Are all Muslims terrorists?
Are all terrorists Muslims?
No, but so what?
Per capita they commit more terrorism than anyone else.
If you deport Muslims, per capita terrorism substantially declines.
Likewise if you deport Jews, per capita communism in addition to anticonservatism, antinationalism (because these people aren’t just unconservative and unnationalistic, they’re anticonservative and antinationalistic) and crony capitalism substantially decline.

Furthermore, just because not every Muslim commits terrorism, doesn’t mean many or most of them don’t support it, one way or another.
Not every Jew commits communism, but many or most of them supported it, or some other scheme to erode our monetary, national and social integrity.

Jews love ideologies, but one ideology they never get into is nationalism (save their own nationalism, Zionism).
They like international crony socialism and libertarianism, but not national socialism and libertarianism, especially ethnonational, for they’re an ungrateful minority, and they do everything to undermine it.
They resent others having their own home, because until recently they haven’t had one.
Furthermore they require unrestricted access to our home to siphon its resources.

How does census data reveal who was killed? Where can I find all this uncontested evidence?

Jews are small in numbers, so it can be difficult for them to be the majority of anything, but they try very, very hard, and they’re usually very, very successful at being the majority of a thing’s leadership, if not a sizeable minority.
Especially if the thing is rotten, like communism, 2nd and 3rd wave feminism i.e. misandrist feminism, anticonservatism, antinationalism, anti-white sentiment and crony capitalism.
Pit bulls represent only a few % points of all dogs, but nonetheless they bite more people than any other breed, by far and away, and they are banned in some countries, regions because of it.

If, they weren’t the majority of communism’s leadership, and its minions, they were at least a sizeable minority.
They were overrepresented many, many times over.
And that in and of itself makes them uniquely responsible for it.

Furthermore Marx was a Jew, and so were most of Marxism’s (early) theoreticians.
If Jewish intellectuals were restricted, no Marxism.
Or if Jews and their activities were restricted after Marxism’s formulation, it would’ve lost much, most or all of its impetus, wouldn’t’ve been anywhere near as successful as it was, if at all.
We could’ve saved tens, perhaps hundreds of millions of lives if we reigned the tribe in.