Discussion: is Carleas secretly a white supremacist a nazi?

It isn’t just a modern day Jewish conspiracy to inflate the numbers, I believe the communist soviets under Stalin made up a majority of the evidence which they didn’t release or give access to most of it for 30/40 years. The Soviets wanted to be heroes, so what better way to look more heroic than to make the Germans look more and more evil with human soap and skin lampshades. Stalin’s bizarre relationship with the Jews needs investigating. One year he spoke out on behalf of Jews against anti-semitism, the next year he assassinated groups of Jews. This happened throughout his rule. I think the longer he was in office, the more he understood how the Jews operate and the less he liked them for it.

Not only autocratic systems. So called Democracies also use propaganda.
See how the US went to war against Hussein.

Inflating and/or deflating data, interpreting statistics to produce a desirable effect.

History is written by the victors implies that they would exaggerate the enemies ‘evilness’ and their own ‘saintliness’.

To get a better picture use multiple sources, not only the official narrative of your own nation.
Cross reference and then compare them with your own understanding of life and reality.

Desperate degenerates always stick to their nation’s official narrative, because that’s all they can tolerate. A protective shield, like institutionalization offers, can become addictive.
The prisoner becomes his own jailer.

The narrative has been so successful that nowadays all you have to do to dismiss a perspective is call it ‘Nazi’.
After decades of films and indoctrination, the reaction is automatic. The mere mention of the word creates defensive repulsion.

You see it on this forum of uncommonly collected geniuses.

Very Pavlovian.

Ain’t that the truth. I see the forum geniuses doing the same thing with Marxism, too.

The sources are from all over Europe including Germany itself.

Germany itself, you say?
Well, imagine that.
You can’t think of any reason to doubt it?
I can. Germany would be the least reliable source.
Are you this naïve, or do you play one on the internet?

So you think it’s two conspiracies of communists and Jews. :confusion-shrug:

Do you have any actual reasons for doubting the evidence or are you just dismissing it without reason?

I bet you use FOX or CNN to find out how the US is promoting Democracy around the world.

What about during Desert Storm when they attacked Hussein’s Iraq.
Were you convinced he had WMD’s, because it was the official narrative. They went to the UN, serious looking officials, to declare it. remember Powel a the UN?
Recently we found out that chemical attack in Syria was a hoax. Trump was urged to go to war then.

Yeah…you are a worthy member of ILP.

Interesting…you edited “trolling” from your response.
You are pathetic.
Every age has majorities, like you,. Minions. Manimals.
Herd psychologies.

Just think…this guy uses multiple sources…like Germany, France, the U.S., Canada, Britain, maybe even Australia to really get a different down under view.
And they all agree!!!
Imagine that!!!

Sad, but true.

I have neither channel on my TV.

Tomorrow cross reference the US official narrative by watching Iraqi TV…or Israeli news.
You know, get real objective data.
If you lived in the Soviet Union would you accept the official narrative and only cross reference it by watching East German news, or Uzbekistan news?
If you had lived in ancient Inca civilization would you sacrifice humans because that’s what the majority did?
You would put Bruno to the flames…you would be cheering as he burned, because he challenged the official beliefs.
I bet you would.
My god your funny.

Carry on…you bore me…and that’s hard to do.

Why switch the subject?

Now you’re a mind reader??

You have no idea what I believed about WMDs in Iraq.

Why do you post as if you do?

You’re right. I initially wrote “trolling” but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt.

My doubt is now removed. You are trolling.

Are you sure you doubt without the official judgment on my intentions?
Wait and see what Carleas says, and then accept his judgment.

Pretentious claims that you know what other people are thinking.

Are words expressions of your thinking?
Or is this a conspiracy and not accepted by the official narrative?

I bet you did believe the story about WMD’s.
Do you believe they invaded to bring Democracy to the region?

I bet you only doubted the official story when the lie was uncovered.
After the war.
I bet the next lie they tell you, to justify their next humanitarian war, you will swallow like a seagull swallows garbage.
Yes, I’m also a prophet.

At first you’ll resist, as they feed you propaganda day after day. Images of dead babies, girls crying, destruction; pundits will debate how atrocious this ‘evil dictator is’, how inhumane his practice are, how it is our duty, according to our ‘western principles’ to step in and put a stop to his massacres and tortures.
Evidence will be presented - photos, eye witness accounts, serious looking experts, and slowly you’ll begin to yield.
If not us then who will step in and put a stop to such ‘evil’?

It’s not about the resources or global dominance it’s about principles; it’s about humanity.
Gradually your skepticism will erode, as everyone is talking about it; repeating the official line. Family, friends…neighbours strangers from across the world.

That’s a good comparison, they’re like gypsies.
Both are clannish, itinerant and parasitical, but whereas the gypsy peddles unsophisticated superstitions and commits blue collar crimes, the Jew peddles sophisticated ones (Abrahamism being a theistic superstition and Marxism being a kind of atheistic superstition) and commits white collar crimes.
The gypsy makes just enough to scrape by, whereas many Jews are filthy rich.
Gypsies are from India and Jews from West Asia, but there’s actually many more clans like them from all over the world.
For example Irish and Scottish travellers.
Some people think they’re descended from gypsies, but they’re not, they broke off from the Irish and Scottish several centuries-a millennium ago.
And there’s many more from all over, but the Jew is the only one with such prominence on the world stage.