weird facts

Counter it?
I support it.

Read my critique, 68% European.
It’s far more harsh than your venomous stings.
Did you think I was prejudiced in my judgments?

Weird fact…
Ligers are better than both tigers and lions, and mules are better than both horses and…asses.
Mixing is always good.

Like if you want to breed a fast horse…you just throw the dice.
That’s how natural selection works.
It’s all part of a divine plan, fate…it’s all determined.

Well now you’re just talking shit.
Better at what? Better at looking like a German Shepherd?

Oh yeah I noticed how you ignored that post. Was wondering if the cat got your tongue.
Or maybe it was just dementia.

Your obsession with age, exposes you.


Many think that what can hurt them, will hurt others.
This is what I said when I explained the difference between empathy and sympathy/antipathy. They are not the same.

Don’t know…she didn’t explain. I think they’re smarter.

You know, like mulattos compared to Caucasians.
That why I used Brazil as an example of race mixing producing genius. The future of mankind.
A highway to heaven.

Holy shit, is that why you’re so hung up on race? Are you… a… TURK?

Did your friends tease you when you were little cuz you stayed a little too long in the oven?
It’s ok, you can talk here. It’s a safe space. Let it out.

Well, I guess that’s it for creative banter.

Here, touch the doll where they hurt you.
offers freakishly anatomically accurate doll

I’m happy that mongrels will one day save mankind from stupidity.
Star Trek reality.

Come on, tell us of your experience growing up as a dark skinned child in an European country.
Your story will inspire many.

I didn’t grow up, entirely, in a European country.

Life is so unfair to agean.
Here I am sitting on almost 13% of sub-saharan A grade booty genes, and yet I have fair skin and blue eyes.
What would he do for fair skin and blue eyes??

Have you considered getting an ancestry lab test printed onto a shirt, and then wearing it?

68% and 32% produces some unexpected synthesis.
Blue eyes and back mind.
Who said the eyes are the mirror to the soul?

It produces future consequences.
It dilutes and regresses. Like 32% water in 68% oil.

Weird fact
The only things that matter are…
Eating - Drinking
Shitting - Defecating
Sleeping - Resting
Playing - Enjoying life
Fucking - Fornicating
Home - A safe dry place to keep your stuff in and to sleep and fornicate.

Nothing else ought to mater.
Like manimals we ought to revert back to our animal state, and be cynical and indifferent towards anything that does not impact the six important things about life.
Then pray for the circumstances that ensure these six things to remain accessible. I say pray because you ought not to care about anything that may threaten them if it doesn’t immediately do so.
Miscegenation in action. A regression.

More people believe in aliens than they do god.

Weird…US pilots and Russians have reported strange vehicles, able of performing speeds and maneuvers no earthly technology can.

Yeah lol, and also that aliens have been visiting and shaping Earths history for millennia a’la Ancient Aliens… an addictive series to watch.

Some years back, there was a televised NASA broadcast, in which one of their top guys said that in the near future they would be revealing what’s really been going on and etc., to the public.

A few years back, there were 3 beams of light in a row hovering over London one night, but the odd thing was that they were floating in mid-air, and sweeping across the area. After almost an hour or so, they instantly disappeared… not fly off, or shoot off into the night sky, but simply vanish. Not the Met, nor the Aviation Authorities, or anyone, knew what they were or where they had come from. Most of London saw them, but we never got answers.

In Battleship, the way the alien missiles rip those ships apart is ruthless… especially the spherical missiles that rip through them like butter.