The Rise Of Emotionality

I already gave you one:

Or choose your own context. From your own personal experiences or from the news. Just make it one that most of us here are likely to be familiar with.

Note the sheer irony here. A thread created to address the rise of emotionalism and what does he give us? An intellectual contraption that encompasses human emotion thusly…

The closest he comes to a context is to speak in general about lust and love, parents and children.

Well, let him intertwine these general descriptions in a particular context in which actual conflicting value judgments precipitate conflicting behaviors that precipitate conflicting emotional reactions.

In other words, as I noted with Joker and/or Wendy:

My own example was the impeachment of Trump. Let him choose his own though.

And, because love, evolving from lust, is a strategy of tolerating and bonding, to allow for an efficient cooperative strategy to become successful, the emotion of ‘love’ becomes deified - felt as a connection to a greater whole, a past that was near-absolute - a return to the duality of the binary Yin/Yang state: chaos/order.

What inhibits this escape in other - i.e., the continuity of self and the memory that binds it - is deemed ‘evil’ or illusory. A hang-up to be overcome on the path towards uniform oneness.
Salvation lies in forgetting self, and returning to the faceless, distinct-less flux.

See what I mean? It’s like, philosophically, he is on automatic pilot or something.

Or, sure, maybe it’s a genetic defect.

All I can do is to ask others to read his point above. Then attempt to connect the dots between what you think he means and how that is applicable to the life that you live.

In other words, given your own interactions with others involving love and lust, does he make sense here? Cite an experience that you had which more or less illustrates his point.

As that relates to the rise of emotionality in this day and age.

If this is not a circus full of clowns, then what is?

Worse than his intellectual contraptions alas are his attempts to be clever.

Unless of course I’m wrong. :wink:

With no empirical foundations to justify its beliefs, the nihilist substitutes them with emotion, or sensation.
Always positive.
Always pleasing.

Hedonism. A reversion to the manimal state.

Gathering in safe-spaces - memetic barns - herbivores of many kinds, - each harmless to the other - gather in enclosures that protect them from the wilds, or the predators that lurk there.
Safe in the enclosure they regurgitate and feed on their respective vegetarian diets, and willingly surrender the product of their body to the farmer who maintains the enclosure safe and clean.
Survival of the fittest does not apply in here.
Dynamics have changed, from natural to social - supply/demand.
Farmer demands his pound of flesh, and the farm manimals willingly give it, knowing that in the wilds their memes would quickly fall prey to their weaknesses.

the only reason one could characterize people of ages past as more ‘spiritual’ is because they hadn’t yet acquired an abundance of material and technological surplus, and they were no less hedonistic than the present age. believe me, if they had video games and movie theaters and fast food restaurants and disco clubs, you’d find far less profound philosophical contemplation going on and much more indulgence. so there was nothing intrinsically unique about those people that gave them special powers of spirituality. and they sure as shit didn’t have some privileged access to deep philosophical truths that only those from a golden age could have.

part of this myth of ‘desperate degeneration’ you subscribe to depends on your romanticizing the past. it’s a sentimentalism grounded in a fantastically unrealistic vision of history.

Desperation= lacking identity, a sense of self, the individual si desperate for an alternative.
Degeneracy = in their search the individual finds it in supply/demand - in society. Desperate for an identity it finds it in trends, fashions, in hedonism.
One product replaces another…and none satisfy; none satiate the mind’s need for a foundation.
No family, no father figure, no mother worth shit.
The mind turns to materialism, and finds identity in being useful to as many others as possible.

No romanticizing of the past…they weren’t great.

sure i can work with some of that, but i’d have to put another angle on it… one that might surprise you. suppose these people weren’t degenerate, or couldn’t be degenerate i should say, because their natural state in this perceived degeneracy is in fact a statement of the perfection of their design. or let me try to say it like this; they are unable to have depth, so there is no absence of substance where one can only be shallow. to call something ‘degenerating’ is to say there is a greater state away from which the thing is moving. but these people never had this greater state to move away from, see. they are literally modern capitalist/consumerist constructs incapable of being other than they are, and as such, they must be considered perfect at being what they are.

the thing to consider is that any one of these subjects wouldn’t ‘feel’ like the reasons and explanations you present in describing their condition are actually true. so this begs the question; how real is such a diagnosis to the first-person if they are neither able to understand it or describe their own behaviors as such? take one of the three musketeers here - you, ecmandu or jakob. in my mind, none of you are ‘ideal’ models that i wouldn’t consider to be degenerate in some way. and yet to call you degenerate would mean that i would first have to expect you to be cognizant of how to not be degenerate, or else this perceived degeneracy is, actually, your natural state. that is to say, you can’t be otherwise, and therefore you aren’t, in fact, degenerate, but perfect at what you are.

see but this stuff could be poked and prodded so much that it would fall apart (if the power of deconstruction compelled me). and these things are not unique only to modern people. it’s in our very nature to want to make our lives meaningful and rich with purpose by finding some cause to identify with that transcends ourselves. one guy identifies with the nazi cause and another with the zionists. both are doing the same thing.

its only the context of the various forms of indulgence that have changed. today we indulge in ‘products’ to satiate that emptiness… yesterday they indulged in ‘ideas’ to do so. actually i should say that today, people indulge in both. but this is worse, because those of yesterday didn’t know any better, while those today who still call themselves philosophers have merely adopted another fetish to fill the void. where they can’t fully occupy themselves with other activities to keep themselves distracted, they enter into these mental reveries and convince themselves that their on to something.

but none of this can be classified as degenerate unless we are able to say they could be otherwise. but they can’t; the western world literally mass produces such people and drops them off the assembly line as if they were toaster ovens.

'course you’d not understand where i’m coming from when i explain things in such shorthand. i’m talking about an all-pervading force that affects every aspect of human life and conditions people to be this way… without them being able to know it. and you know what i call this force in the west. it starts with a C, and it ain’t captain crunch.

See how it works?

I ask of him this:

And he comes back with this:

From his frame of mind, apparently, this is actually how “serious philosophers” were meant to address the “rise of emotionality” as broached in the OP.

The only appropriate response is admitting fallibility, humility, so as to belong to the collective.
We are not omnipotent, so we must be equally feeble.
The specimen must receive this validation.

No certainty, no pride, no arrogance. Only humility.
Admit that you may be wrong, to belong to the collective of equally wrong.
Either omniscient, or ignorant.
If not absolutely good, then absolutely evil.

He wants to ‘bring it down’ to a simpleton’s level - emotional, feminine. Let’s talk private matters.
Dumb-it-down = bring it ‘down to earth’. Lower it to mediocrity. The median.

He doesn’t mean connect it with reality, but simplify it and degrade it to a level he can relate to - make it emotional so he can feel it.
This is how he understood Dasein. Thrown into a private universe of subjectivity, seeking inter-subjectivity to belong to, to validate its own delusions; to create the ideal world, populated by ideal humans, with no conflicts, no disagreements.
Uniformity in and through nil, where the oneness is attained…like the sinner dies, leaving behind his fallible, sinful body, to find completion in the absolute idea - oneness.

Abrahamic narratives using different lingo.
From Christianity to Marx and then…crypto-Marxism - post-modernism.
The power of the nil.

You cannot automatically determine someones psychology just from their politics
I regularly read people from the right and none of them make me remotely angry

Donald Trump is the person that the left love to hate the most but I am indifferent to him
He has never made me angry at all and if he has not then no one on the right probably can

I fully support the First Amendment even though it only applies to the government and not private companies or individuals
I would not be a member of this forum if I did not like being exposed to opinions which are fundamentally different to mine

Now I may not necessarily agree with you but that is not remotely the same as actually wanting to deny your absolute right to free speech
I have never once seen you say anything controversial here so it is academic but you should still speak your mind anytime that you want to

So not all lefties Wendy are anti free speech - only the postmodernist social justice warriors are
But I am not one of them - I am a classical liberal who fully supports the principle of free speech

DNA wise ALL humans are “programmed” to survive at all costs at least till the inevitability of mortality. The exceptions to the above are the mentally ill.

Among other primal impulses, the emotions are one set of the impulses that facilitate the individual to survive to meet the above objective.

The emotions are triggered when their respective receptors are triggered to drive the individual to act accordingly but unfortunate these impulses are crude. Example, in the event of a perceived threat, the person is triggered to be fearful [flight] or angry [fight] depending on various circumstances.

Crude impulses pose a moral issue, thus humans are ‘programmed’ with an evolving moral faculty with an “impulse control” facility.

Example of the need for good impulse control, note Aristotle on the emotion of anger,

Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.

To develop of the power of impulse control is not easy and it needs some degrees of effort on the part of the individual.

Generally, the normal individual will have some degree of control over their impulses and this control is very flimsy and can easily to overpowered by an unmodulated surge of emotional impulses.

In the cases related to Trump with snowflakes lefties, they lost the impulse control when driven by a surge of emotion of anger when they experienced a terrible cognitive dissonance which gave rise to the Trump Derangement Syndrome.
When one suffer a cognitive dissonance which generate terrible mental pains, one will strive for consonance.
These snowflake lefties are driven to seek consonance with an out-of-control surge of emotional anger as childish tantrums and refusing to accept rational arguments.

During bouts of cognitive dissonances, the primary activities are focused on the primal brain which overrides the higher rational brain. This is the reason why the snowflake lefties are behaving like animals.

Social justice is effectively the secular equivalent of a belief system that comes equipped with its very own moral code
This allows social justice warriors to assume a monopoly on wisdom and so anyone who disagrees with them is both wrong and morally weak as a consequence
The outrage therefore is a consequence of said moral code being violated by events that are beyond their control such as the result of an election for example

The puritanical element within social justice is very damaging indeed even if its core principles are fundamentally sound
Everyone must abide by the rules of identity politics and so no one can think for themslves individually only collectively
For anyone deviating from this will be publicly demonised for their betrayal from the script which is simply not allowed

However anyone can be a snowflake so it is not something exclusive to the left even though it is predominantly associated with them

Sometimes the rigidity of the moral code will defy logic but it must still be upheld by all
To reject this is to be labelled a derogatory term simply for refusing to toe the party line

The emphasis is on solidarity rather than any fundamental acceptance of reality as it really is
Idealism is therefore more important than pragmatism regardless of how unrealistic it may be

Seriously, you get into a discussion regarding the rise of emotionalism in today’s world. As noted in the OP.

Someone reacts to that by noting this:

He calls this “serious philosophy”.

Now, you tell me:

In regard to your own interactions with others, some liberals, some conservatives, what would be the use value and exchange value of an assessment of this sort when the discussion does in fact precipitate all manner of fierce emotional outbursts. From both sides.

In regard to the impeachment of Trump. Or Jews. Or race. Or gender. Or homosexuality.

Et cetera.

Back to this:

What emotions are appropriate and to what degree in regard to what particular set of circumstances? Why don’t you start by noting experiences you have had of late in which you felt that the emotions expressed were not appropriate, or, if appropriate, not to the right degree.

I think the phenomenon you’re describing is called cultural neoteny.

Maybe he should be tortured in hell forever.

Nope. Because I got him off for being an ignorant retard.