Joe Biden is an Embarrassment

Who hurt you?

I don’t think anyone has to worry about Biden; he’s just being used a space holder.

I managed to get my Russian friends to hack the DNC server (couldn’t get Seth Rich to do it anymore :cry: ) and they came up with this:

Stage 1: Use Biden to knock out the most likely candidates then gauge the voters response to Biden (it’s luke warm)

Stage 2: Give the go ahead for the MSM to unleash the sexual allegations against Joe which have been conveniently ignored up till now.

Stage 3: Drag Hillary back – against her will (cough, cough, cough :stuck_out_tongue: )

Stage 4: Tell Biden he’s too damaged and senile to take Trump on and tell him to step down for pro-war, pro-wall street, pro-Zionist, pro-corporate, pro-big-pharma Queen Hillary Rotten Clinton as the peoples’ choice :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Stage 5: Get the CIA/FBI, Military Industrial Complex, Wall Street, International Bankers, Zionists Lobbyists, social media corporations and the Liberal Media Industrial Complex to re-write history and promote the auspiciousness of crowning Hillary on the very day 100 years ago when women were given the right to vote in the U.S. of A.

“Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.” ― Frank Zappa

How pathetic of a human being do you have to be to vote for Biden?

Do you deny his Dementia? I mean, it’s pretty obvious. Even small children know something’s wrong with the guy. Are you a small child?

K: here let me fix this for you…

How pathetic of a human being do you have to be to vote for Trump?

Do you deny his dementia? I mean, its pretty obvious. Even small children know
something wrong with the guy. Are you a small child?

fixed… your welcome…



Explain the video, Commie

a couple of things…

a. I am not a “commie” if you knew about
Peter Kropotkin, you wouldn’t make this very rookie mistake…

I am actually much closer philosophically to my name sake, which
is anarchism…

B. which communism are you referring to? Marxism? Leninism? Stalinism?
Trotsky? Luxemburg? that there are several different types of communism as is
well known, well, maybe not to someone who is ignorant like yourself…

C. I don’t engage with pretend philosophy that uses video’s, youtube, or anything of the
like to practice philosophy…this is a philosophy site, not a video site…
if you are to engage in real, actual philosophy, then you must use words,
not video’s…I do not watch video’s nor you tube or anything else like that…

if you got an argument, make it…and I will read it… and then I will laugh at your


I’ll take your response as admission that you cannot defend Biden, LOL.

Can you believe THIS is the best the liberal-left can put up against Trump, out of the entire country???


K: apparently you suffer from a reading disorder, so I shall explain again…

I don’t view video’s or youtube vids or anything of the kind… it isn’t philosophy…

it has nothing to do with defending Biden or not… I simply don’t engage with video’s…

never have and never will…


The video shows Biden and his blatant Dementia.

The fact that the Liberal-Left-Elite (including you), support this body-on-a-stick, obvious puppet, demonstrates the weakened and degenerated state of the Liberal-Left-Elite in 2020.

It’s a detriment and severe liability to the United States, and Western Civilization in general.

On top of the pandemic, weakened spiritual strength, weakened mental state, weakened health of the general population.

On top of the extreme rise of Fascism, Authoritarianism, and Corruption, this is a sign of the time. And it’s a very, very bad sign.

I just like to see your selective-mentality try to do loops of logic trying to ignore and explain it away.

People who say things like, “little lamb” or “pathetic human being” aren’t good at making arguments. Just throwing that out there. Carry on.

I don’t like Trump but he can be really funny sometimes, especially his tweets trolling the left.
It’s good to see he’s bringing back ‘Make American Politics Funny Again’.
Check out the error page on Trumps website. Here’s an example. :laughing:

lol this mf posting Mark Levin videos.

I always vote for myself. I’m not taking the fall for an idiot, by backing them.

Say what you want about me, my entire family writes me in too.

Say whatever you want about them, you’re the ones stuck with spineless creeps

People who can’t write more than a few sentences, aren’t good at making arguments. Just throwing this out here, as well.

You mean you contradicted your own post!?

Is this an argument?

This will be really interesting.

I just saw Biden call Obama “Captain Africa” in some kind of attempt at a sentence.

I believe this dementia is reflective of Americas dementia concerning what they did to the natives, the greatest mass murder ever committed on Earth.

All the current worry about white on black and black on white racism is also just a distraction from the true racism.

America is split almost entirely, and now only bipartisan in one way: pretending they didn’t steal the land and killed the original inhabitants.

Biden represents this desperately upheld national dementia. Which means that, unless Republicans make an issue out of the Natives, he will probably be elected.

I don’t care who gets it but yeah sleepy Joe is old as the hills and it shows in his cognizance. All I care about is socialized medicine. That’s wtf I need because I ain’t tryna pay hundreds of dollars a mont when I ain’t sick, and co-pays that are egregiously high.

I’ve already lived the first half of… the part when you dont need healthcare. But now I’m on my last fifty piece and a muhfucka gonna need a doctor when he hit seventy.

You put a guy in there who can do that and we got a deal. (Read in Joe pesci voice)

I hear that, I suppose. Trump was trying to bring down costs of medicines, and abolished Obama’s Obamacare-penalties, he has been trying to do what he can.
But big Pharma is essentially the core of the US’ eugenic nazi heritage, and they’re very tough and without any scruples. A president who is constantly beleaguered by treasonous criminal politicians and billionaires and who has the entirely state media against him can not and make world peace, and root out the global adrenochrome addicted pedophile ring, and defeat big Pharma in one term.
But give him a second term and Im sure health care costs will go down as well. Trump knows this is an issue that needs to be resolved.