The Fourteen Cosmological Arguments for the Existence of God

How does evolution occur in this mirror reality?

It used to until man succumbed to temptation.

But then the Apple did per chance hit Newton in the head, and that is kind of a redemptive sign, to switch hard drives.

Maybe wrong thread here, but may fit in somehow. Sorry.

Every organism has within it desire. Desire to be greater than itself! Even an amoeba has this instinct!

In a non-zero sum (no winners or losers) hyper-dimensional mirror reality attached to our individual desire matrices (no losers, only winners), every being gets what they want forever without the possibility of harming themselves or another being.


It’s a perfect answer. Why don’t you ask a question about this!

Ok. Why didn’t you explain how evolution would work in the mirror world?

I did. You missed it. That’s on me, not on you!

John, you’ve always been impeccably polite on these boards… me, not so much, but you raise the bar for me. I appreciate you for that (not withstanding that MagsJ thinks I’m writing all of your messages as well, which is an insult to us both)


In hyperdimensional MIRROR realities, I stated that every organism seeks to be greater (even a simple amoeba!)

If this amoeba is the only non reflected being in its own cosmos, and it desires to be a algae (multicellular organisms), it will be, if the spirit mirrors are attached to its ‘desire matrix’

In this way, every possible being can evolve at its own pace, suited to its own desire, without being subject to someone else’s desire to evolve us at its own pace.

What are spirit mirrors?

I am not your sock puppet. Lol!

Hyper-Dimension literally means ALL (infinite number of dimensions) being REFLECTED!!! (Not the actual being or spirit)

Spirit is obviously the highest dimension of reflection!

Your dead grandfathers life in spirit can be guiding you here! You can also REFLECT his spiritual guidance if you enjoy his spiritual guidance.

I have zero doubt that spirit exists!

So, a spirit does the evolving? But, that’s not even remotely close to how evolution works.

Even an amoeba has a spirit! It has hopes and dreams. But this type of reality forces constrictions upon its spirit (and ours as well).

I don’t want to kill anything. Every time I take a sip of coffee I’m killing lots of bacteria!!

We live in a zero sum world! For ever ‘win’ there is a loser. Reality doesn’t have to be constructed that way!

You did not address DNA or survival of the fittest.

We’re living collectively in a zero-sum reality. Humans are at the bottom of the food chain, viruses and bacteria are at the top. Those are the most fit to survive, they survive on meteors traveling trillions of miles in space! The rest of the animals are a nothing! That’s survival of the fittest!

DNA … ???

You’re trapped in so many illusions of what life HAS to be that you cannot see what life could have been or can be.

Every organism can be sent to its OWN hyper-dimensional mirror reality attached to its individual desire matrix FOREVER!!!

Like I stated before, I know what’s in ‘gods’ toolbox, and this is a horrible construction! Given what’s actually available!

You’re not addressing evolution. How does a mirror reality affect genes?

If you can bend the shape of the mirror to change the consciousness signature to flip a switch to make someone who will NEVER give you the time of day, suddenly love you and be infatuated with you, (the hardest thing in all of existence), then DNA alteration is a joke compared to that.

In hyperdimensional mirror realities attached to individual desire matrixes - anything you want will come to pass, forever. DNA is just another signature, like a thumb print, each is unique. In mirror realities, ALL of your DNA is mirrored!! If you want different DNA, you just change the shape of the hyperdimensional mirror, and it will change.

DNA is hard fought for. It’s not easy.

Interesting. That’s tangential to what I’m bringing up, but let me address this anyways.

Let’s say someone kidnaps you, locks you up in a basement with no means to kill yourself and tortures you for 30 years before they let you go.

Hard as fuck!!!

But once you’re released, what the fuck did YOU DO???

Nothing, you just endured it, did you have a choice in this scenario? No. You didn’t do shit.

That’s what this system is to me, absolute torture, and you have no choice in the matter. There’s no capacity to derive ego from this. You’re still living in the ego of DNA as if it actually makes you important, you didn’t do shit, except to endure what you had no choice but to endure.

And this ego of yours worships on the alter of DNA, otherwise known as Stockholm Syndrome … you’ve become allied with your torments to give you self esteem.

What I’m explaining to you, is that it never had to be this way - that challenges yourself esteem, your ego and most importantly to you: god.

You would have ego regardless of whether God exists. Does an ant have an ego? Evolution can proceed without ego - but for certain organism there is strong ego. Besides, why wouldn’t God relate to humans in a fashion humans understand?


Unless you’re a narcissist (which is a clinical personality disorder), you’ll realize that you have nothing to do with your success (evolutionarily speaking) —- it wasn’t only that hard, it was zero percent hard!

You’re assuming everyone has an ego like you.

To say that some ants don’t have egos shows that the doors of perception have yet to be lifted as a veil over your eyes. This speaks more about YOU than the animal ‘kingdom’ at large!

I don’t agree with your thinking because it has logical holes.