Joe Biden is an Embarrassment

Is this an argument?

This will be really interesting.

I just saw Biden call Obama “Captain Africa” in some kind of attempt at a sentence.

I believe this dementia is reflective of Americas dementia concerning what they did to the natives, the greatest mass murder ever committed on Earth.

All the current worry about white on black and black on white racism is also just a distraction from the true racism.

America is split almost entirely, and now only bipartisan in one way: pretending they didn’t steal the land and killed the original inhabitants.

Biden represents this desperately upheld national dementia. Which means that, unless Republicans make an issue out of the Natives, he will probably be elected.

I don’t care who gets it but yeah sleepy Joe is old as the hills and it shows in his cognizance. All I care about is socialized medicine. That’s wtf I need because I ain’t tryna pay hundreds of dollars a mont when I ain’t sick, and co-pays that are egregiously high.

I’ve already lived the first half of… the part when you dont need healthcare. But now I’m on my last fifty piece and a muhfucka gonna need a doctor when he hit seventy.

You put a guy in there who can do that and we got a deal. (Read in Joe pesci voice)

I hear that, I suppose. Trump was trying to bring down costs of medicines, and abolished Obama’s Obamacare-penalties, he has been trying to do what he can.
But big Pharma is essentially the core of the US’ eugenic nazi heritage, and they’re very tough and without any scruples. A president who is constantly beleaguered by treasonous criminal politicians and billionaires and who has the entirely state media against him can not and make world peace, and root out the global adrenochrome addicted pedophile ring, and defeat big Pharma in one term.
But give him a second term and Im sure health care costs will go down as well. Trump knows this is an issue that needs to be resolved.

And those people aren’t native Americans, they’re hative Americans. jealous that we Europeans had guns and small pox and all they had was tomahawks and poison sumac. Plus that one guy looked to me like a Sioux or a Cree. Apaches and black foots wouldnt be whining because they lost.

The same was happening with the UK / EU relationship, in not only ourselves, but our voices being stifled.


I have seen videographical evidence, of Biden’s racial outpourings…

1 …not sure why the Dems selected him, to run.

2 …there’s no way he’s winning this election.

3 …having always admired Trump, I’m very pleased that he’s doing very admirable things.


Sun breaks through right now.

I’ve also seen footage of Biden stroking the hair, face and neck of a 6 year old girl, and he had to be led away, by the arm, by one of his political Aides. He was quite provocative and sensual about it, too. :neutral_face:


Biden looks like he’s got an uncooked pancake plastered to his forehead. Or like one of those androids from the 90s scifi movies. The one in aliens. Like his head doesn’t look real. He looks like something an amateur special effects artist from the 90s would come up with in the studio.




And your point is?

Same as yours.

Well that was a non-event, then…

Joe Biden is known as “creepy uncle joe”

This isn’t really news.

Trump is hypersexualized too. It corrupts his mind.

Yeah, so either way it swings it’s embarrassing. Trump has his own special “brand” of embarrassing.