I’m the most brutally honest person on earth.

They got a name for the winners in the world. I, I want a name win I lose. They call Alabama the crimson tide. Call me deacon blues.

Steely Dan came up with some very cool sounds.

Here’s the deal. When you’re an enlightened being, winning is losing and losing is losing.

Wrap your head around that!

I am a fully enlightened being now.

Actually Jesus the Christ implied that when he said, " The first shall be last, the last be first" & " he who loves his life shall loose it, but he who hates his life will gain eternal life,

Congrats, Ec,you’r moving along…

Well… Jesus didn’t count on how much it would hurt my mothers feelings if I became a bum. I know the path Jesus took. I know why he took it.

Thing is, life is not a little nicely wrapped Jesus box.

Again, I’m fully enlightened. It started happening about a week ago.

And they’re better than Air Supply.

Go on. I want to hear you say it.

There are almost no songs that neither contradict their own lyrics or contradict the real world (the external world). It’s impossible to pick based on lyrics. So you are only resorted to the sound textures, the sound emotions. Is there a better? Not really. Each sound texture is its own teacher, and teachers are invaluable.

Nuh-uh, because in Pretzel Logic it is openly admitted that napoleon was lonely even after countless consent violations on the part of the French army under his command. It therefore does not endorse zero sum realities.

Are we doing stand-up routines that nobody laughs at now? I’m sure you’re just a misunderstood genius.

Yes to the first question. No to the second.

I am a fully understood genius.

Ok. If you’re such a genius, explain this:

1.) we live in a zero sum reality. They never work.

Agree or disagree?

2.) we live in a consent violating reality. They never work.

Agree or disagree?

See… here’s the deal ‘genius’ (who has had no life exposure to spirit (by your own admission))

If you disagree with 1 and 2, you are mentally retarded. So, why flaunt mental retardation when you claim to be a genius? Hmmm…

But didnt Napoleon also say that it is harder to win over the self than it is to win a. War? Or something like that?

I acknowledge the reality of consent violation and zero sum games, but to the extent that these problems can be worked on, I believe the matter is purely material and economic, not philosophical or metaphysical.

I also believe that because of the existence of the song ‘Peg’, the universe can’t be evil. Nothing that joyful could come into existence in a universe that was intrinsically bad.

Then the shutter falls. You see it all in 3-D. It’s your favorite foreign movie…

They’re insolvent. A minor consent violation occurs: that means you live in a reality where super-major ones WILL occur.

Zero sum. When you win you lose. When you lose you lose. People who are wise know this.

Chipping away at it is never good enough. I’m being realistic with you here. Sure, I try to help here. I am however not under the grand delusion that I can fix a zero sum world in that tiny little box. It’s impossible.

C’mon, man… you’re talking 'bout a world where all is free. It just couldn’t be, and only a fool would say that.

promethean, worlds are a subset of reality. I’m talking about realities here.

I edited this message to help clarify:

I don’t know if I made this clear enough before. I want to articulate a certain point. Minor consent violations should be treated internally as major consent violations. In a reality like this one, if you even receive a minor consent violation, by the nature of that reality, at some point, you will have a massive consent violation.

I need to explain something else: regret all of your memories here. If you don’t, existence will happily oblige. Better to do it yourself than for existence to do it for you.

You are in a hell realm right now. Almost every possible decision you can possibly make here will send you to an even worse hell.

I don’t want you to learn the hard way like I learned.

I’m the most brutally honest person on earth.

I know it’s impossible to understand the spirit world if you’ve never been exposed to it. I am however, giving you easy logic about existence. We exist forever (if we didn’t, we wouldn’t be here right now).

You need to know three things:

1.) zero sum realities never work, ever, never, ever work. We live in one right now

2.) consent violating realities never work, ever, never, ever work. We live in one right now.

3.) as long as existence even has a single zero sum reality and violates consent, you should regret all of your memories and always be in a state of grief

That’s the brutal truth.

I discovered myself on earth, and in discovering myself here, I discovered that my hero’s journey was meaningless. It still is.

I’ve become better than every being who’s ever lived on earth, and I grieve it every moment of every day.

I’m not the most intelligent person to live here. I am however the wisest person to ever live here.

I hope my wisdom brings you peace here… people are terrified of my wisdom. It’s not so bad when you get to the other side… because for the first time in your meaningless life, you can have purpose and meaning, you can hold your head high in a real way. And definitely not in a snooty way.

My spirit is indestructible. Why? Because I’ll always be the truth.

You folks run around constantly trying to win. Stressing yourselves beyond comprehension in a reality that cannot be fixed in the context of those terms. Like the ‘victory’ of having sex. Reality will eventually obliterate those walls, and there, you’ll find me, giving you a much needed hug. I’m eternal, I’m indestructible … your lives are going to be ravished by existence, your walls will crumble. You know who will be there after it happens? Me. I’ll be there for you.

I’m waking up the world, including you.

Do you really believe bullshit like saint jude is the patron saint of lost souls?

I am. I’d never call myself a saint. Titles are for those who don’t know. Vows are for those who don’t know. I know. And in knowing, it is who I am. It’s absurd for me to take a vow for a natural state of wisdom. I don’t need to take a vow to keep my promises.

Next time you beat somebody at something, think of these things. You lost. Infinite win/wins is the goal and only point possible in existence.

Feel meaning flood into your soul when you know the truth, and mourn every second of our lives here. Then, only then, will you be an awakened one.

Enlightenment is not a thing. It’s a seed that keeps growing, day one: you have a glimpse… even though you are enlightened. Day 5000, you’ll understand more than you could have possibly imagined.

Day 100,000… you’ll know even more than that.

It grows and grows and grows… in all the decay, this seed I’m giving you never stops growing.

That’s why I’m indestructible. I am the passion of nature itself. Any of you can accomplish this!

Alright you can handle all that stuff. I’m more interested in modest changes like better healthcare, higher wages, cheaper education (price, not quality), lower housing costs, et set er uh.

To accomplish all of that, you need to democratize more.

I have a thing I call a co-op economy (not like the term in Wikipedia)

It’s defined as this:

Given current GDP, the cap should be 10 million a year. ( Always adjusts as a percentage of future GDP)

This means that after all your employees also make 10 million a year, you either donate to tax exempt charity, or you invest with thousands of other people to build a billion dollar building! This democratizes wealth, and all democracy really is is “better communication for better outcomes”. - the more people, the more communication!

Tax the rich, fails everytime.

How many socialism failures need to occur before socialists get the picture?

1,000,000 failures out of 1,000,000 attempts? Keep trying???

K: I am glad to see that you are ok with 400 people owning more wealth
then over 50% of everyone on earth, that the 1% own more then the bottom 90%
of America put together

those are the conditions, income inequality, that have created
more wars, revolutions, rebellions and divisive actions between
the wealthy and the poor then any other conditions…

read a economic history of Greece and see that more then
any other actions, income inequality caused civil wars, revolutions,
and rebellions……

those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it…

we are close to repeating history if we don’t level the
playing field between the wealthy and the working poor/middle class…


You have it backwards.

Equality creates war. Inequality creates peace. This is why peace has reigned since the end of the Cold War. We won. Now that things are becoming more ‘equal’, we see the violence and chaos building.