stay tuned!

Thank you, I could get most of this, I think.

To me people in power have always been capable of the most horrendous abuses. Adn this does not require believing in what get called conspiracy theories, but rather consensus historical facts ( with some outlier deniers). And this includes by US administrations.

Sure, possible. But we have a news organization that dismisses CTs as only coming from deluded hatefilled racist minds, now projecting a conspiracy that hasn’t even happened yet. And making no comment on the discrepency.

Not to me. But my focus is on the discrepency and the lack of proactive reaction. Whether he does this or now, if there is a lockdown widespread participation in democracy is threatened. I think it’s an oligarchy, but for those who don’t which includes the organization writing the article, they could start a dialogue about how to solve the core problem and eliminate the excuse for a power grab. I think it is telling that they don’t.

Right. They have been considered insane. I don’t know what history or what planet led to this kid of blanket conclusion, given that we know horrific conspiracies have been carried out, even by democratic administrations - Kissinger/Nixon illegal bombing of Laos and CAmbodia as part of a war started via a false flag operation (all just plain old textbook mainstream history), the bs justification for Iraq war 2 as a couple of american examples.

We know what countries are capable of doing to even their own people. But it’s only when Trump comes along that suddenly CTs are possible, but, again, only in relation to Trump.

I think most people are deluded in this area.

On the other hand… … leave.html

‘If Trump could get away with refusing to leave the Oval Office, in order “to extend his autocratic power,” as Cohen put it, he probably would. But he wouldn’t get away with it; those around him would almost certainly advise him against it, if he asked; therefore my guess is, he won’t try. Then again, in recent years many things have happened that I would have bet against.’

Fast forward…

[b]'So it’s the morning of Jan. 20, 2021. Trump doesn’t meet President-elect Joe Biden and his wife in the White House driveway, nor does he attend the inauguration on Capitol Hill. Instead, he proclaims, as he has many times by this point, that the election was a fraud (he has set the stage for this with his false claims about mail-in ballots), and at noon, instead of acceding to the transfer of power, Trump proclaims that the swearing in was FAKE NEWS and that he remains the president.

Here is what would happen next.

On the dot of noon, the nuclear codes, which currently allow Trump to order and authenticate a nuclear attack, expire. The officer who has been following him around everywhere with the “football”—which, contrary to popular belief, is not a button or a palm print but rather a book filled with various launch codes—leaves. If Trump and whatever lackeys stay with him prevent the officer from leaving, another officer, holding a backup football, would join Biden at the inauguration ceremony.

By the same token, the entire U.S. military establishment will pivot away from ex-President Trump and salute President Biden. The principle of civilian control is hammered into American officers from the time they’re cadets—and the 20th Amendment of the Constitution states, “The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January”—no ifs, ands, or buts.

If Trump orders the military to do anything, they will refuse his order. If any officers obey his order—say, to circle the White House to keep him in power—they would certainly be tried and convicted on charges of mutiny and sedition, and they would know this before taking the leap.

Meanwhile, the Secret Service will abandon Trump, as they do every president whose term is up, except for a small detail assigned to protect him and his family for the rest of their lives.'[/b]

This part in particular:

‘The principle of civilian control is hammered into American officers from the time they’re cadets—and the 20th Amendment of the Constitution states, “The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January”—no ifs, ands, or buts."’

That’s really what it comes down to: Will or will not the military hierarchy play by the rules? In fact, right now there is talk of Trump using the military to quell the protests and riots revolving around the death of George Floyd. How far will that go?

Stay tuned.

[b]'Mr. Trump suggested that he might not accept the results of the election should he lose. Mr. Wallace, who spent the interview grilling the president — a tactic he has used in other high-profile interviews — pointed out that Mr. Trump said the same thing in 2016.

'“You don’t know until you see,” Mr. Trump said. “It depends. I think mail-in voting is going to rig the election. I really do.”

‘Mr. Trump, who has voted by mail, has repeatedly warned, without evidence, that mail elections would involve robbed mailboxes, forged signatures and ballots printed by foreign countries.’[/b] NYT

As of now, we are 106 days, 7 hours and 38 minutes away from the election: … 20Election

So, what are the odds here…50/50?

K: as this president always, always previews his own strategy and his own crimes,
is telling us that is exactly what they intend to do… mail in ballots from other countries,
say, you know Russia… and forge signatures from, you know Russia and other voter
suppression tactics…the GOP is very well known for…

they are already trying to steal this election… a statement from Russia is quite
interesting: someone in the Russian Parliament has said, that without Facebook, they
couldn’t have stole the last American election… and its true… I have seen quite a bit of
anti-democratic party and anti-democracy stories on facebook already… they are setting the
story of how they intend to steal democracy by posting anti-democratic party postings…

so the odds of them attempting to steal the election, by one form or another is
100%… for example, in the 2000 election, Gore actually won the election but it was stolen
by the United States Supreme court in bush vs gore…

of the last in 5 out of 6 elections, the democrat won the election by winning the
popular vote… the only election won by the GOP since 2000 was the 2004 election…
every other election since then has been won in popular voting was a democrat…

2016 was no exception, Hilary won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and
given the current GOP stealing elections mission, she most likely won by over 4 million
votes and that needs to be the way it works… if you win the popular margin, you win the
election…just like in every other single political race in America…

so, the attempt to steal the election is going to be 100% by the GOP…

but here, given how historically unpopular IQ45 is, he may lose by historic
margins and I hope to never see a republican president again in my lifetime…


Its beyond worrying over constitutional issues, its the military industrial complex is the most pressing issue to unravel, ex pres Eisenhower predicted it.

Despite the war against intelligence, the re position of military chiefs being only ploys to further depose and displace ideologically vacuous spaces, - which constituted inviolable gaps in simulated conflict- the prez 45 among them, it is the geophysical reality of how the NWO may look like, even if it comes to That.

What that is is left to Your optically subsumed Fata Morgan’s of illusive opinions.

Of course I may be effected here in low Vegas.

High crimes and misdemeanors are surely in need of a provisional revision, as some scholars are sure to think.

This… … e=Homepage

[b]'Headline: Trump’s Occupation of American Cities Has Begun

'The month after Donald Trump’s inauguration, the Yale historian Timothy Snyder published the best-selling book “On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons From the Twentieth Century.” It was part of a small flood of titles meant to help Americans find their bearings as the new president laid siege to liberal democracy.

One of Snyder’s lessons was, “Be wary of paramilitaries.” He wrote, “When the pro-leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle, the end has come.” In 2017, the idea of unidentified agents in camouflage snatching leftists off the streets without warrants might have seemed like a febrile Resistance fantasy. Now it’s happening.’

‘The Trump administration has announced that it intends to send a similar force to other cities; on Monday, The Chicago Tribune reported on plans to deploy about 150 federal agents to Chicago. “I don’t need invitations by the state,” Chad Wolf, acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, said on Fox News Monday, adding, “We’re going to do that whether they like us there or not.”’[/b]

…may or may not be related to Trump’s reaction if he loses the election in November.

But: Let’s face it, given 1] the coronavirus 2] the economic crisis and 3] the social unrest of late, we are at a pivotal juncture in American history. Who can really predict how far things will go? If, in the Fall, all three are enflamed all the more, well, given Trump to date, you do the political math.

This video is included in the op-ed: … trump.html

K: I for one, don’t believe this issue has been highlighted enough…
IQ45 has taken dictatorship 101 and that starts with troops in the streets…
to allegedly to “prevent anarchist and liberals” to destroy property…
and what weak excuse that is… is property more important then
people? Well yes, to a conservative… the preservation of property
is the highest value of the conservative… see Locke for that…

the value of the state is to protect property…

lives, not so much… we see time and again, conservatives approve
of capital punishment for a variety of crimes and we see conservatives
approval of the American gun culture which is predicated upon the
use of violence… to own a gun is to approve of violence for that is
what a gun does… it is a means of violence… it has no other use…

the continue militarization of America comes from the conservative
fears… to militarize the police is to escalate the violence the police
can use…

if the right fought for peace as much as it does for violence,
the world would be a far safer place…

the use of troops in democratic cities isn’t to deescalate violence, it
is to increase it… for political purposes… to 'prove" that the greatest
criminal ever elected for president is the “law and order” president…

and more importantly, this trial run of sending troops into democratic
cities seems to me to be a trial run for when IQ45 loses the election
and he sends troops into the streets to hold onto power…

I fear for our country because if he sends in troops into cities,
that it could lead down the path of dictatorship… using troops to
hold power is an old trick by dictators… one that both Stalin
and Hitler used…nothing good, absolutely nothing good can come
out of sending troops into cities… it is dictatorship 101…
and a preview of our very near future…

Liberals are trying to maintain democracy and conservatives
are hell bent on creating a dictatorship…

whose side are you on?


however, I must note that all those “patriots” who claim
to own guns to fight government tyranny, are really quiet…
I’m mean cricket quiet…

We have government forces on the Streets of a major American city
practicing just the thing that the gun culture in America has been
predicting for decades. Government forces pulling people off the streets
in unmarked cars and vans without any, any justification for these
“arrests” and detaining them without any legal justification…
this is a travesty of the rights of American citizens and yet, not
a peep from those who claim to uphold American rights with guns…

so only two possibilities exists, either they just don’t give a shit about
any potential government tyranny or they are just gutless cowards
who run away from from any potential conflict unless they can
have a sizable advantage even with guns… 8 guys with guns attacking
one women type of thing… which is something gutless cowards love to do…

try to feel brave while attacking people who can’t fight back…

I cannot believe the silence the right wing is doing while basic American rights
are being taken away by troops in the streets… you would think that this
is the entire point of the bill of rights… but not to conservatives…

J’ACCUSE… the conservative faction which resides in America are
really gutless cowards

J’ACCUSE… the conservative faction of America doesn’t give a shit
about the constitution or the bill of rights…

J’ACCUSE… the right wing of hiding when the government tyranny which they
have so long predicted finally comes…and they are hiding in their basements…

one cannot say enough bad things about the gutless right wing…

they cannot even follow through on the one thing they claim to fight
which is government tyranny…



Which, from my frame of mind, is the moral and the political equivalent of objectivism.

Below is a NYT op-ed that basically embraces the belief that conservatives are far more likely to embody authoritarian personalities than liberals. Something that, as an “existential contraption” rooted subjectively in my own political prejudices rooted in dasein, I have long believed.

Though I’m sure conservatives here can concoct their own “intellectual” assessment to “prove” just the opposite. … e=Homepage

What I am always quick to interject with here, however, is speculation that many politicians and Wall Street magnates – crony capitalists – are basically moral and political nihilists instead. They may come off as dogmatic politically, but their main concern is always the bottom line: show me the money. The powerful nabobs across the globe that in an amoral manner own the operate the global economy.

Donald Trump? Which one is he?

I don’t know. Not really. But if come November the coronavirus has exploded given an even more virulent second wave, the economy is at the breaking point and social unrest is at or beyond the boiling over, it’s certainly possible that Trump and/or the deep state ruling class in America may actually choose to “cancel” the results if Trump loses.

Thus: “stay tuned”.

Another take on our “what if?” scenario … Fstory-ans

[b]‘President Trump is laying the groundwork to do something that no previous president has ever done: falsely claim that an election was fixed against him in order to discredit the vote. Trump has repeatedly — and incorrectly — claimed the election will be “rigged” against him. By promoting a series of wacky, debunked conspiracy theories, he has primed his supporters to wrongly believe he is the victim of some unknown, shadowy “deep state” plot. In an interview that aired last week, he refused to commit to accepting the results in November.’

'Such crises never happen in other functioning democracies. But they happen all the time in broken countries around the world. In contentious elections from Africa to southeast Asia, incumbents who lose often refuse to accept defeat. Welcome to the club, America!

‘All the warning lights are blinking red. University of Birmingham professor Nic Cheeseman , an expert on contentious elections and political violence with whom I co-authored the book “How to Rig an Election,” normally worries when contested votes happen in Kenya or Zimbabwe. Now, he’s worried about the United States. “There are five warning I always look for,” he told me. “Organized militias, a leader who is not prepared to lose, distrust of the political system, disinformation, and a potentially close contest. Right now, the U.S. has all five.”’[/b]

On the other hand, others argue that there is a greater likelihood that the election will not be close. That Biden could win by double digits. What then if the other four lights are still blinking red?

Then this part:

‘Consider ourselves warned. The question, then, is: What do we do about it? If Trump ends up trying to torch crucial norms of democracy in order to save face, how can we prepare? Other countries offer a series of lessons we should urgently learn from, so that if (or when) the worst happens, Trump’s matches don’t light.’

Also, there’s this: … wa-mahdawi

If staying out of the slammer means staying in the Oval Office, that just one more reason for Trump not to pull any punches in November.

[b]'Now the president is threatening another crisis, tweeting that we might have to delay the election because there could be mail-in voting fraud.

'In his view, either he wins or the election is rigged. He’s trying to make mail-in ballots socially unacceptable the same way he made masks socially unacceptable for the first five months of the plague.

'The Washington Post reports that backlogs at the U.S. Postal Service are causing some employees there to worry that the Trump lackey in charge, a top donor, is intentionally gumming up the works just in time for the election. It is astounding the corrupt lengths the administration seems willing to go to — destroying the Postal Service to win the election. Ben Franklin would be incensed.

As Axelrod notes, “Whatever happened back in the Bush v. Gore recount days will seem like the Garden of Innocence compared to what’s going to happen now. Trump is not going to walk to the rostrum and say, ‘The people have spoken and I accept their verdict.’’’

Even Trump’s closest allies in Congress, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, couldn’t stomach the idea of postponing the election, and both have swallowed a lot over the last three years. Trump’s little trial balloon blew up like the Hindenburg.'[/b]

Maureen Dowd

On the other hand, I’m actually beginning to think that Trump really will refuse to step down unless Putin and others can once again rig the election in his favor. After all, are the Democrats really a match for Vladimir when it comes to rigging elections?

As always though with things like this, it’s not the moral or the political arguments that count, but what Trump can actually accomplish in regard to those who have the boots on the ground power either to stop him or to do his bidding.

Like I was saying months ago… this guy is such a perfect moron I have trouble believing all this is by accident. It almost seems staged somehow.

[b]'Gail Collins: You told me once you thought Trump was too cowardly to actually try to pull off a coup. I can’t tell you how much comfort I’ve been taking from that thought. So — just checking — is that still your opinion?

‘Bret Stephens: Still is. What I think this tweet tells us is that Trump knows in his heart that he is likely to lose in November. He’s laying the groundwork not for a coup but for an excuse, both for himself and for his followers. It creates a mythology to explain defeat, attack Joe Biden and keep the Trump family relevant in the Republican Party. The fact that he’d pull a stunt like this is another reason it’s so important that he lose in a landslide in November.’[/b] NYT

Wow, just bringing up the possibility of a “coup” should Trump lose in November is unnerving. Then the question becomes, if he goes there, how will those in the military/“tactical teams”/police etc., react to orders from him to go there?

Though, sure, he could just be hinting in that direction in order merely to have that as an excuse should he lose. He does leave office quietly [more or less] and then immediately gets behind Don Jr. – Ivanka? – for 2024.

Stay tuned.

Don’t dismiss a wag the dog scenario, as commander in chief he may consider it as a final option.

Remember, he can not pardon himself against any civil or criminal prosecution once he leaves office, wasn’t he the one to proclaim “lock her up” in reference to Clinton’s problems.

Willing up a war scenario becomes easy to conjure among the type of constituancy that appears oblivious to anything but the virtues of this administration, and violence can commence at that point both nationally and/or internationally.

Uh-oh… … Fstory-ans

[b]'The government of China prefers that President Trump not win reelection in November, seeing the incumbent as “unpredictable,” and Russia is using a range of measures to try to “denigrate” the president’s opponent, former vice president Joe Biden, including selective leaks of information and efforts on social media, a top U.S. intelligence official said in a statement Friday.

‘The statement by William Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, was notable for identifying three countries seeking to influence the 2020 election — China, Russia and Iran. But he portrayed Russia as the most active source of interference. Evanina also said that a Ukrainian lawmaker who has been in contact with Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, is part of a Russian disinformation effort.’[/b]

In other words, aside from all the accusations regarding what Trump might do to steer the election in the right direction [and what Trump claims the Democrats are up to], we have these “foreign powers” pitching in as well.

On the other hand, the stakes here for those who own and operate the global economy are enormous, aren’t they?

“Show me the money”, as it were.

Makes you wonder if how the high school civics texts portray democracy might have been a bit off.

You know, if there still are high school civics text.

Like back in my day.

Here’s the part where we assume Trump loses the election but then refuses to leave office: … -coup.html

[b]'Two retired Army officers have written an open letter to Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, basically urging him to mount a military coup if President Donald Trump loses the upcoming election but tries to remain in power on Jan. 20.

‘“If Donald Trump refuses to leave office at the expiration of his constitutional term,” they write for Defense One, a widely read national security site, “the United States military must remove him by force, and you must give that order.”’[/b]

To wit: we can discuss “philosophically” as, say, “political scientists” how nations like America are run “socially, politically and economically”. But the bottom line historically always revolves finally around who has the actual military and police power to enforce any particular interpretation of any particular context.

Sure, that’s become buried deep in the background in our modern industrial world. A world where “democracy and the rule of law” seem so deeply entrenched that nothing could possibly upend them.

But let a “crisis” [or crises] be deep enough and prolonged enough, coupled with an authoritarian leader chummy with national security factions of the MIC and, well, who the hell really knows?

Still, let’s be optimistic:

[b]'The fear that Trump will refuse to leave office, even if he loses the election, has been circulating for over a year now. I addressed the fear in a June 1 Slate column, arguing that Trump may want to lock himself in the Oval Office, but “he wouldn’t get away with it.” At 12 p.m. on Jan. 20, 2021, wherever Trump may choose to plant himself, all but a small retinue of security guards will abandon him, the nuclear launch codes will change, his Cabinet secretaries and ambassadors will lose all authority, and the entire U.S. military establishment will pivot away from ex-President Donald Trump to salute President Joe Biden. “The principle of civilian control is hammered into American officers from the time they’re cadets,” I wrote, “and the 20th Amendment of the Constitution states, ‘The terms of the President and Vice President end at noon on the 20th day of January’—no ifs, ands, or buts.”

‘The Secret Service will escort Mr. Trump out of the office. If a mob of Trump’s favorite sheriffs and militias block the doors and circle the White House—if, in short, a few tanks need to roll down Pennsylvania Avenue to restore order, then it will be Biden, the duly elected and sworn-in commander in chief, who gives the order.’[/b]

Stay tuned…

If a security risk can override the politically divisive intelligence, ( military, FBI, CIA, Interpol, them a guy like Trump may see this as easy entrance into a nuclear issue.

Using nuclear in a very general sense.

Murphy’s law suits well with the kind of constituancy he relies on, for remember it hasn’t been that long ago that the FBI director was brought to task and let go, and other assets were equally dealt with. harsh blows of the kind which formerly were in inconceivable.

Here, however, we can only imagine a particular president in a particular context with access to the football codes:

What could he do with those nuclear warheads all the way up to an election that he sees he is clearly going to lose?

Wag the dog? At home in regard to antifa…or abroad in regard to the “terrorists”?

What orders would or would not be obeyed?

On the other hand, given the existence of the “deep state” [in whatever manner it is imagined] even hereespecially here? – shit will unfold behind the curtain that none of us here are likely to have access to.

The ‘Deep State’ could incite a reversely manufactured scenario, where a sent black mail could divide military type intelligence and conquer.

This may fit the fodder of the overused distinction between fact and fiction, the accounted root of which may be lost by now. Any incidence could be invented as trigger, and the nuclear option could be initially used as a hidden possibility, as it always had

The neo Kantian approach of centering , a recurrent mode of procedure applied , could literally explode the ‘is’ and the ‘ought’, figuratively reducing the difference between a dialectic between the material and the quasi trace of the spiritual.

This mix, utilizes simplified reconstitution of familiarly resembling motives.

Trump is famous of this kind of amphitheatre of absurdity, as the incident that created an effective sense of incredulity, when he bible thumped in midst of the protestations. .

This theater appears nowadays as an unstoppable trainwreck in the making.

Then this part: … e=Homepage

‘Last week, NPR’s Lulu Garcia-Navarro asked Joe Biden whether, if elected, he could envision Donald Trump being prosecuted. Biden replied that the prosecution of a former president would be a “very, very unusual thing” and probably “not very good for democracy.” The former vice president said he would not stand in the way if the Justice Department wanted to bring a case, but when Garcia-Navarro pressed him, he suggested she was trying to bait him into a version of Trump’s threat against his 2016 opponent: “Lock her up.”’

Clearly, to the extent that Trump feels threatened – in a truly existential sense – by the prospect of prosecution after leaving office, is the extent to which staying in office “by any means necessary” becomes a prospect that cannot be ignored.

If Biden wins the election for the White House and the Democrats retake the Senate, will the Democratic Party “establishment” go the way of Gerald Ford in pardoning Nixon? In other words, claim that for the good of the country it is time to “heal old wounds” blah, blah, blah and go back to reconfiguring the crony capitalist “deep state” juggernaut so as to reflect the days before Trump.

Here we can only check in from time to time with Biden, Schumer and Pelosi and see where the soundbites take us.