I don't get Buddhism

Yo, Gib!

About you becoming the 4th “stooge”…

That’s when I reduce you down to responding retorting like Curly above.

You’ve been warned! :laughing:

She wrote how morality and immortality work for Buddhists right here:

Which got dismissed as a “world of words”.


Actually, my reaction was a bit more substantive:

Given my points here, how is her assessment not basically encompassed in a general description intellectual contraption “world of words”?

No it wasn’t. You asked a bunch of questions which effectively dumps the burden of demonstration/proof on to the other person and lets you to sit there and pass judgment on their responses.

You do this often.

Yo, Lucy! :banana-dance:


You can’t accept feedback.

healthline.com/nutrition/12 … n#section1

The profit of meditations is a real thing.
Most people don’t do it because they don’t do it.
There is no experience to encourage activity.
I know meditation has changed my life.
And I do not do it a lot either.
I want to do more.

Oh! that’s good… which perimeters were they, exactly? for referential purposes, you understand.

…in relation to… what?

You seem to have described an environment of conflicting goods occurring, and to reconcile the disparities between self and environment… so-as to achieve a dharmic point in time and continuum, would mean to appease those conflicts through gaining much more mindful thoughts on the impact those conflicts are causing… so some hindsight and forward-thinking would be helpful at this point, in achieving that state, and thus the required reconciliation.

“The possibility of death is something that is my own, and at any time before the power of today, I can reveal that the possibility of “I” is of death, particularly “I”.” -Heidegger.

What do you see your fate as? what would you wish it to be beyond the grave? isn’t that nothing but a legacy?

…a case of ontic versus ontological, in finding the mean that suits you?

Heidegger would say -“the notion of existential identity and that of world are completely wedded.“

So you see, living morally, as a ‘presumed religious narrative’ that brings ‘comfort and consolation’ no matter what the situation? Angst and despair know not of conceptualised boundaries of comfort and joy… if that’s what you’re getting at, and wondering about.

I have always been well aware of my true self and nature, in relation to the artificial instilled-values of my politico/religious upbringing… it wasn’t as harsh a process as to diminish or eradicate one’s inner ‘I’ as you think… it wasn’t Christianity. And so… the politico-religious aspect, ran parallel to the innate ‘I’, so making for an intertwined socio/moral experienentiality of an existence… as I was growing up.

…good post, btw.

I think it’s more controversial. At least if I google the subject I find physicists on both side of the issue, and also those advocating that the past and future exist have this position framed as a new position - though Einstein had it, I believe.

The stuff that we have now can be measured. Science is all about measuring. Some things can sort of be measured in the past, like say a star by its light NOW. But other things we cannot measure since we cannot measure them. In science if you cannot demonstrate the effects/measurements in experiments you can’t really say it exists. And if it exists, where is it? It can’t be in the same place as things now. And yes, I do understand block universe type ways of viewing this, but it needs to be pointed out that we are now making an exception in science. X exists but we cannot test it, measure it, and cannot interact with it.

Iamb is afraid of death. If the past exists and this now that he is afraid of death is going to be a part of the past, he will always exist. There will be places in the block where he does not exist - though that’s not dead, dead is the quality of something. But he will always exist (in the past).

IOW in the block universe model, it is only a matter of WHERE you exist in the block. The block and all that is in it exists always. Sure, he won’t be everywhere in the block, he’ll be in those parts where he is.

I doubt he can actually be openly vulnerable and look at any POSITIVE consequences of his beliefs, but that is one. He will always exist, if the past exists because he existed in the past.

You decide. Choose a context, a set of behaviors that is important to you. My aim here is to explore Buddhism [as another religious denomination] in terms of how Buddhists understand enlightenment, karma, reincarnation, and Nirvana in a manner such that I might be able to translate that given the manner in which I have come to understand human interactions in the is/ought world given the arguments I make in my signature threads. Morality here and now/immortality there and then. As that pertains “for all practical purposes” to the lives we live from day to day.

In other words, to reconfigure an assessment of this sort…

…into a discussion involving actual behaviors that Buddhists choose, insofar as “general description intellectual contraptions” of this sort are made clearer in descriptions of “sets of circumstances” such that the words you choose above can be linked to the lives that we interact in socially, politically and economically. As that is then linked to the fate of “I” there and then on the other side of the grave.

I don’t know how to make it any clearer.

More to the point, what does Heidegger himself think about this “here and now”? Is he still sympathetic to the Nazis?

What “I” believe is that my own death will result in the disintegration of my body back to “star stuff”. I also believe that I have no soul to carry on with in Heaven or Hell. Or in one or another reincarnated state. Why? Because I have no demonstrable arguments or evidence from those who believe the opposite.

But, as well, “I” have no more capacity to demonstrate this than do the Buddhists of Nirvana.

Unless, of course, there are Buddhists here among us actually able to explain how exactly reincarnation and Nirvana work in their No God religion. That in fact their beliefs are not just a psychological device to comfort and console them all the way to the grave.

Finally, to those who do embrace a religious denomination as a foundation they are able to anchor “I” to:

Again, to the extent that you still believe in the “true self” in sync with the “right thing to do” [re things like conservatives/liberals, Trump, vaccines etc], we are on opposite ends of the philosophical spectrum…one that runs from moral objectivism to moral nihilism.

But what I would still be most interested in is your own rendition of this:

In other words, you exploring your own value judgments as the existential intertwining of personal experiences and philosophy.

In regard to a “conflicting good” that is of most importance to you. And likely to be be familiar to most of us.

I define religion as this:

“The belief that the highest state of consciousness sees everything as perfect.”


My consent is violated when any being in existence is having their consent violated (including me)

Religion is a fairy tale people tell themselves as apologetics for consent violation. To make meaning from meaningless lives. But this ‘meaning’ is hollow and shallow.

Nobody has yet in existence had a meaningful life.

So why would you define it that way?

I don’t pretend to understand what Ecmandu means by “consent violation”. All I know is that no one asked me for my consent to be born. And until someone can provide me with a demonstrable argument able to explain more fully how and why I exist going back to a complete understanding of why and how anything exist at all, I can only assume that there will always be those like him who “think things up” in their head about all of this and are somehow able to convince themselves that what they think is true makes it true.

Ecmandu just thinks things that are [to me] a lot more wacky than what “I” and others think here.

In fact, to the best of my knowledge, he doesn’t even make an attempt to demonstrate how his own ideas/ideals work “for all practical purposes” given our day to day interactions.

I ascribe it to a mental “condition” that he will either explore further himself or he won’t. We all have them. It’s just that some take us further away from whatever “reality” may or may not be than others.

And of course “defining” things into existence will always be first choice of some. For example, this thread: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=195793

Come on, does any of this intellectual/spiritual masturbation get us any closer to an actual extant God? Or, here, to reincarnation and Nirvana?

How many times do I have to say this on this fucking board?!

Just like someone can argue that the leading cause of death is birth, and that all people having babies are necessarily committing homicide…

Consent is not a concept of a fetus. It emerges later in life. Birth itself is not consent violation, and even if it was, it’s the rudimentary idea of consent that develops.

Iambiguous, I know you are full of shit. I know that you know exactly what consent violation is. Say chopping your pinky finger off, especially if you’re the best piano player on earth.

I not only think, I know you’re full of shit.

:scared-shocked: See :scared-shocked: What :scared-shocked: I :scared-shocked: mean? :scared-shocked:

How does he demonstrate any of this? Of course: in the act of posting it itself.

Note to Buddhists among us:

Weigh in on this please. Of the two of us, who has the least chance of reaching Nirvana?

Also, how do you figure that he figures “consent violation” works with reincarnation? Rounding it off to the nearest probability.

My post was slightly inarticulate (I forgot to add 1 phrase). The leading cause of life is also birth - meaning the leading cause of consent is also birth.

Also. You know that I know that you know that we both know what consent violation is. Every human on earth knows what consent violation is. Actually, even a cat knows what consent violation is. Actually, even a microbe knows what consent violation is. Actually, every possible being in existence knows what consent violation is.

Also, I know you use linguistic tokens that refer, because your post was something other than “ucpuxphs”… you’re playing a hypocritical language ‘game’. (It’s not really a game, it’s just you trolling)

Okay, connect the dots between this and the coronavirus. Then connect the dots between that and Buddhism.

Note actual experiences that you have had which served to demonstrate that what you believe here is true.

How about Youtube interviews with microbes, or reality TV segments with cats.

Also, what household experiments can be conducted with cats and microbes to confirm your point?

Poke a cat with a needle and watch it’s reaction. Use tea tree oil on a microbe and watch it’s reaction. Very simple.

You know. I’m in another thread about how syllogisms don’t work. In this thread I explain that the sequence of natural numbers can’t be proven without inferential logic! Nobody can prove in a syllogism (and not even the “is” of each part of the syllogism can be proven (let alone the inference)) (the ought). But we all know it!

My example is the counting numbers !!!

1,2,3,4,5,6,7 … etc…

We ALL know they go on forever in what is in mathematics called a “well ordered set” (that means that they’re sequential - and go on forever)

BUT!!! Because we can’t count them ALL!!! (Because they go on forever). Then we can make an argument from a lower level of cognition that the sequence of natural numbers is impossible!

Thing is, the logic of the brain is not constrained by syllogisms!

You, iambiguous, in every post, deny the logic of the brain constrained by syllogisms (while claiming that you are expressing the part of the brain not constrained by syllogisms!).

I can already think of a million ways you’ll
Reply to this. Do it !

We can then ask the cat and the microbe what they know about Buddhism.

Note to cats and microbes:

Philosophically, what’s your take on consents being violated? For example, going back to your own understanding of existence itself.
