Hate these people (maybe feel sorry for them!)

I’m not sure what this would accomplish. If you had infinite fucking beings making fucking judgements, all possible fucking judgements would at some point be made… in which case there would be as many good fucking judgements as bad fucking judgements… not only that… each would be fucking infinite in number.

Judgement is not like you think it is. They all have to live your life.

Not a judgement - more, an observation! Lately, I have noticed your liberal use of the ‘h-word’. Here, a brief selection from the past couple of weeks. Each letter represents a different post.

A. I fucking hate all those bitches and assholes that say crazy shit to me on the street.
B. That’s logic! Fuck moral nihilists hate logic! So you’re a hypocrite to hate
me, because your hatred requires logic!
C. IQ 45 is a moral nihilist which is why you hate him so much; you hate your reflection in the
D. I hate those fucks, I hate you actually. My hate is
not me projecting, I really hate people that cry out loud that if god
doesn’t exist, morality doesn’t or can’t exist! You’re trolling the god concept.
E. I used to hate message boards where all they said was “cite”. Fucking hated those fucks!
F. Yes. You are an asshole and a hypocrite. Deal with it! By the way. I fucking hate trash like you
that doesn’t have their personal consent violated when a 6 year old girl is raped! Fuck you! Go to fucking hell! And when
I say that you cocky piece of shit, it means something!
G. Context assumes you’re talking to me, because you said something hateful and you hate me, and you’ve many times
stated that you love iambiguous. Here’s the deal: post modernism and post structuralism is hate speech.
H. Think you’re pretty smart huh? Then stop fucking talking ever… the courts hate hypocrisy.
I. People who seek revenge hate you
J. Hate these people

omnia vincit amor :wink:

You really dug for all these! I have to show you an embarrassed honor for that!

Yes. I’m tired of all the bullshit.

I have a temper when it comes to post modernists and post structuralists, partly because everyone on earth sent me to hell, and then deny consent violation occurs.

Now that I’m (somewhat) out of hell, I can lay into these postmodern / post structuralist pricks!

I earned it! (As much as anyone earns anything), but I have now, this allowance!

Sometimes, I’m literally the breath of hell, sometimes I’m the breath of ‘god’… I’m really just a human who’s lived a supernatural life for decades!! I’m an atheist … but having been to hell, I most certainly believe in it.

What’s heaven !!! Bullshit! If anyone’s consent is being violated, everyone’s consent is being violated … douchbags in heaven? People who can’t understand that!

Nope, didn’t take long at all! Just searched the word ‘hate’ - up you popped! There was a moment when I questioned my actions. Removing hatred from the world is not going to happen overnight! Every little helps!

Please forgive the wink! I hope you saw the funny side. :wink: :laughing:

Consent violation? How does that differ from the golden rule?

The golden rule (nor any religion including the Bible) doesn’t state that when any being in the cosmos is having their consent violated, then so do all of us.

Why? Because not only does this falsify an omnibenevolent creator (god created the earth and said it was good) it also makes “our father in heaven” a psychopath. Who the fuck ignores all this shit forever? What’s god doing in heaven? Feeling good and banging lots of bitches?

The fact that this world even exists in the first place should cause every being in existence to not enthusiastically state “this is a great day!”

I take it you are not a great fan of Karma. The ongoing process of judgement - every moment of every day.
Nature’s retribution for lost harmony.
He/She had it coming.
A pity. Such a vision would enable you to live your life without getting your knickers in a twist every time you see something that you perceive as bad.
Someone says, “Nice Day.” You could reply: “Isn’t it just.”

‘Karma’ Is like a fucking RPG Nintendo game. That trivializes life’s sufferings. Nobody with a conscience would walk away from this and go to heaven leaving everyone behind.! Only sociopaths don’t have their consent violated from others having their consent violated. And even at that! Sociopaths have their consent violated all the time!

I have lived in my current house for thirty years. I could give you a pretty detailed description of it’s layout.
You report that you recently spent three million years in hell. Please provide a detailed description.
You talk about going to heaven. Where is it?
Concerned for your welfare, I took the trouble to draw your attention to some of your hate-fuelled diatribes - less than ten minutes later you begin a post to Kropotkin thus: “You fucking idiot.”

Question: Do you drink alcohol on a daily basis? Do you drink excessively on a daily basis?

There is nothing unusual in Ecmamdu, he belongs in a class of thinkers that Maldoror belonged to centuries ago. Except his optics changed focus from the creator to the created.
It is a hate of post modernism from the point of view of a baby, crying for attention.

There aren’t words in the English language to describe non terrestrial hells. Even most terrestrial hells!!! I tried in one thread to describe “the attempting to destroy existence” hell

The reason this particular hell is designed that way, is that all you end up doing is destroying your spirit. There are worse hells than this hell BUT! (So it’s tempting when you’ve been to other terrestrial and non terrestrial hells… ) I mean it really fucking sucks beyond comprehension , but actually seems like a really good deal at the time! Usually someone’s conscience kicks it to prevent this hell from occurring (because other people are at stake too), you have to REALLY want to destroy existence to bring you there, to the precipice/ decision point for that hell. Not many people are as motivated as I was. I chose against it at the last moment.

You have to understand what I had to become to survive things that would crush you in days, that I endured for years. When I see people doing stupid shit, I want them to know that I think they’re doing stupid shit.

I’m going to be blunt with you, existence is very straight forward. All negative zero sum memories are going to have to be regretted by every being in existence, except for the memories of working to fix that specific problem. If you do fix that specific problem, you won’t have to regret anything!

That’s all this is man! In the absence that, I will put hell bait in its place with words, sometimes with spirit.

Please can you provide a link, Meno.

Meno is getting desperate. I’m not a Maldoror.

I’ve never once in my life seen life as absurd. I’ve seen it as consent violating and evil, but never absurd.

I’m not an existentialist. I’m not a post modernist.

…that’s why I’m reading, but won’t be replying to this thread. There is something about you’re and mine intellect or personality, or both, that the guy takes issue with, but I’ve never claimed to be globally appealing to all minds… have you?

I want to make this very clear to meno especially:

Trump is postmodernism embodied. Meno has a whole thread about how crappy trump is, but defends for himself and shames me for not being post modern.

No that would be me.


Think this through. If we become nothing after we die here, then for good people, the most logical choice is suicide. This earth hates goodness. You are not a good person so it doesn’t hate you. Suicide requires what ??? 5 minutes of suffering max? And then oblivion? Good trade off!!

Unfortunately for me, I know we don’t die.

I get it, you think post modernism is cool, so does MagsJ … all postmodernism is, is using referents to say referents don’t refer.

Do you walk off a cliff just because referents make no sense to you? NEVER!!!

What you and mags are doing is digging into people who’ve actually been to real hell and telling them that nothing refers. That’s some psychopathic shit, and all psychopaths are sadists by nature.

But that’s a label! gasp

I hate both of you like I hate the “they” and “them” movement.

“Why does he hate us so much, obviously we reduced this specimen to that level. All we do because we’re afraid of judgement is state that referents don’t occur, what’s wrong with that?”

When your being tortured and someone keeps repeating (when they’re not only not being tortured, but you and MagsJ actually are enjoying torturing you) that you’re just a ‘mentally ill objectivist who believes torture exists.’

You two are the lowest of the low in the human species. There’s a lot of people like you. I’d even say as much as 100 million.

Problem is. You’re outnumbered. Problem is. We don’t die.

Godammit ecman you’re cracking up.

What I call his “condition”. And by posting here he consents to our reacting to it.

I hate you fucking god people. Iambiguous is a god person too (there’s no morality if god doesn’t exist - exact same argument every theist uses!).

My entire life is non consensual. I’m not consenting to idiots reacting!