Please permaban my account.. thank you!

MagsJ, you quoted mentally ill health problems just several posts up as one of your reasons.

That you can’t call me by name or you don’t want me to call you by name… that’s a mental health issue.

You’re unraveling. You’ve been unraveling for almost a year now. I’ve unraveled many times in my life.

My guess is that this board is over stimulating you and you’re a compulsive poster.

But you’re not living in reality. After your “permaban”, a simple email to Carleas will make you a member again.

This is hystrionics on your part.

What a bore, and a sneaky one at that, in hoping that something he says will stick… this has been his very-obvious attempts for a long while now, to exonerate himself at my expense, over an imagined vendetta that arose in his mind.

The dude needs to move on and stop projecting his ails in this direction, as he certainly ain’t no Dr or Therapist, and is unaware that the medical profession looks to me for advice and guidance… because I’ve always got my shit together, but I do have the odd moment. :wink:

I’m done here!

The End.

Still unraveling. Why don’t you tell me exactly what I’m exonerating myself from? Apparently I committed a great sin in your eyes (so this isn’t imagined at all!).

What exactly was that sin? I’m curious.

I don’t like contradictions. You are a walking, living, breathing contradiction on a scale I’m not anywhere near. Your entire posting history is just endless massive contradictions (one after the other).

You’re testing my no consent violating ethos to see if I walk the talk. You are a very abusive person. That’s why I still speak to you. Sounds odd, but that’s how my mind works sometimes.

If what happens here on this board upsets you that much I suggest that even though you probably think that politics in the UK is bad you should never ever … ever ever ever watch the US Congress telecasts. I’ve never seen so much “sock-puppets, ergo lies/liars = lack of integrity … ill-mental health” on public display.

C-SPAN channels have become somewhat of a farce now… which is really sad because that’s the standard for informative public access in the United States.

What if I wished he didn’t speak to me…

INTP/J the most contradictory Type of them all…


Not so much upset, as… got p’d off, and UK politics will never be as bad as that which I’ve seen televised from around the world.

You know what I like about this board?

Moral nihilists (who are supposed to be the most tolerant people on earth)

And objectivists — all doing their thing together here.

I’m clearly an objectivist. I’m also bothered by contradiction in my spirit, just like moral nihilists are bothered by objectivity.

But fuck, we’ve made it through a decade together.

A message from The Most Honorable and Distinguished Collegiate of the Permabanned, addressed to Her Disgraceful Lowness of Eternal Turpitude, Toothless and Most Smelly, Magsj of, on her most recent request to ascend to our ranks:

After much talk amongst ourselves, long winded examination of the maze of confusing and confounding statements you’ve uttered over the years, we have come to a general agreement that you have not yet earned the status of our distinguished group, much less even that of philosopher, as you are in so lacking the sparks identifying one as a philosopher: intellect as exhibited by reason, wisdom or creativity, as to merit transcendence to the elevation of the Blessed Permabanned. Your many past actions against the best thinkers of this forum have justified in our modern age that of ancient Heraclitus’ rage against the stupid ignorant masses (you among them) who are quick to exile the best men amongst them, for jealously and confusion of the mob against silver tongue men capable of great action and ideas, embracing the essence of hate against those great things for which they do not understand.

You are today in our age the very model of wrathful ignorance, gracing our former forum in grotesque feminine form, like a shade from hell aping the opposite ideals of virtue. If Einstein was to stand chalk in hand before you and write E=MC2 you would most certainly snatch that chalk out of his hand, breaking it against the floor and cursing him for his written profanities, and then lie to all after his disappearance saying he is free to return, but better learn his lesson, only to permaban him again when he tried to resume. What lesson would he be expected to learn from your shitzo outbursts? To stoop to the same narrow minded level of your stupidity? Only the cockroach crawls that low, and lets be honest, only the cockroaches still ply the threads of these forum discussions at this point- if you can even call this place a philosophy forum, for all the philosophers and thinkers have long ago left this pisswater oasis of dread and drool mindedness masquerading as a fountainhead of great thinking.

You ever notice a idiotic topic title gets hardly any views, but one properly worded title gets thousands- but the engagement of new people is almost zero in the topics, for once clicked they see nothing but shit? Nothing worth replying to. Almost the same fucking same crowd I knew here years ago still post in their lonesone, and hardly any new- and it is all because of you. Most I’ve known have fled, you’ve kept only the deranged idiots in your moderatorship around, mental diseases and druggies claiming they are the ubermensch, forever walking uphill pulling on their painful balls like the Nietzschean hero Syphilis, never changing their method, forever doing the same mindless shit as before. The acceptable standards brought inexcusably low, while the higher thinker mocked then banned in this circus. You drove away anyone capable of doing better. Those not banned left of disgust and boredom, and those new and lurking disappointed and confused, unwilling to join.

All that is left if Magsj. This forum has lost the Bohemian Spirit of the Philosopher:

Instead we get endless dribble of sock puppets, drugged up infantile idiots who ALWAYS managed to survive you. You weeded the garden of paradise of all the fruitful plants, keeping only the weeds- and now you’re pissed there is nothing to eat in this wasteland masquerading as a garden, and now that you fucked everything up that you want to go elsewhere. Fuck No! If you escape you might end up amongst far better people who don’t deserve your predatory bite, to receive your disease. Not all forums have banned your name yet Incase you try to sign up yet, they shouldn’t in their innocence of your threat be forced to accommodate you, when you can just stay here in this nest you’ve long ago made. This is the hell you created, ‘been the pilot so long at its helm, that all the imposter personas and rotten personalities here are now are more your kin than blood relations ever could be. You can’t escape them, you broke this place, and now you must keep it, for in here, this is the level of hell you deserve. This hell of other people who drive you mad, those minds you so long groomed and kept together. The time for sanity has long since passed- you’ve banned it away. There is no place you more deserve to wallow in the pigsty of, for it is absolutely full of your filth!

I would reply, but the post content is lacking the correct facts and information, and so I won’t, as that’s gonna take much more time than I care to take… in replying.

Neither Carleas nor I, were big on banning… so take it from there, and proceed.

Though I must say… thanks for all the compliments :smiley: #blushing :wink:

Yo, Turd!

Here’s what I propose:

As with Mo and Moreno and others here, I offer you this opportunity:

The only difference being that the exchange is conducted through Maia.

Just say the word, and I’ll start the thread.

So basically he’s saying, “you’ve made your bed, now sleep in it” :laughing:


No, basically he is insisting that others make their beds only in the manner in which he himself encompasses it.

Sure, he makes points that others might share, but if you don’t share them, the declamatory inflection itself seems to suggest that you become just another part of the problem.

He is, after all, an objectivist. Or he was when participating here.

That’s why I invited him to dispense with the huffing and the puffing and, through Maia, engage in a more civil discussion in which we explore the components of our respective philosophies as they pertain to our own moral and political value judgments.

What could be fairer than that?

That was a surreal experience, reading ‘Maia’s’ post. I kept trying to believe she suddenly communicated like this and this trying wasn’t working. And then I wondered if Satyr had somehow hacked her account, since they seemed an unlikely friendship where she gave S the log in info. But then, of course, I realized who it is. There’s a lovely ornateness to his posts and I daresay he’s gotten even better.

Well, he too made his bed and now must sleep in it.

He chose to persistently act in the way that he was made fully aware would result in the way it did.

He doesn’t get to participate here any more, neither through Maia nor any other means - and I think Maia should respect that too. So no, I don’t think it’s fair for you, iamb, to invite him to discuss anything with you on this forum.

I do think it’s fair that Mags accepts her part in making this forum what it is today though.
I don’t miss the Bulverism and “proof by assertion” that all the indistinguishable permabanned encumbered everyone else with, and all the belligerent narcissistic insistence of superiority to cover up for the projection of clear insecurity and to compensate for lack of content and substitute for content. All the extraneous self-congratulatory and circle-jerking personality contest nonsense basically - that shit was toxic and did nothing but harm actual philosophical discussion, despite rampant protestations to the contrary, except it did rope people into posting to join the circus show of defending themselves from endless character assassinations and tedious slanderous accusations.
But for better or worse, Mags was involved in the outcome and she’s left with the repercussions of her actions. Her attention-seeking public outburst doesn’t do much to accept this, so I think the commentary on her performance was fair.

We are all responsible for our own actions and reactions, and our own individual thoughts on any given matter, and I am not oblivious to the subliminal sub-text in Maia’s/Satyr’s/Turd’s post. Most’s mental health isn’t great these days, but self-control is free and would be of great benefit in certain situations.

During my last visit to PhilosophyNow… too many months ago to remember when… the number one complaint being raised in every single thread was regarding the amount of sock-puppets, and people instantly stopped posting and left, as did I… quietly.

And no Silhouette, I am not responsible for the current state of ILP… everyone that contributes, or has, is… though I have played-up in the past, when I knew others were taking the piss, and of which I don’t regret in the slightest.

You are included in “everyone that contributes, or has, is”, correct?

Yet in addition, not everyone who contributes is equally involved in terms of the amount that they contribute. Some were more involved than others in terms of the amount of posts, the effect of their posts, whether they were moderators, and the effect of any such moderation.

So given that you are included in “everyone that contributes, or has, is”, you have a huge post count, you were a moderator and you acted on that status - and it’s you specifically being called out, I’d say it’s unfair to say “you are not responsible for the current stats of ILP”.
Sure, you’re not solely responsible, we’re all to some extent responsible - just some more than others.

Anyway, forum politics doesn’t interest me, just giving my two cents whether welcome or not. Enjoy.

But he does “participate” here. Through Maia. Just as Satyr “participates” when I bring his posts over from KT. Only Satyr’s “contributions” revolve basically around his actual philosophy of life. He’s not attacking anyone here there because no one here is there. His own objectivism revolves around an assessment of nature that I challenge.

But, in my view, Turd does inject his “declamatory inflection” against members here. And I figure that in a debate devoid of huffing and puffing I can whittle his own objectivism down to to size. After all, among other things, that’s what I do here.

Also, over and again I have argued for a rendition of the “dungeon” here. If only because former ILP members who actually did have a “thought out” philosophical outlook on life were kicked out of ILP. Leaving the place crawling with more of those that I construe to be Kids and “social media” types.

Though, sure, this is no less a “personal opinion” that does not make your own objections go away. But that’s just part and parcel of how I construe such “conflicting goods” rooted in dasein. The fractured and fragmented “I”.

And, in my view, the Turds and the Satyrs have one too. They just don’t know it yet. :wink: