Do you tend to dislike people who step on bugs?

I think so.

Hmm… If someone chooses to perform an action, it must be meaningful, you say? Hmm… tell me, what does it signify when someone puts their pants on their left leg first vs. right leg first, or switches between? What does it signify if someone puts water then toothpaste on their toothbrush vs toothpaste then water? What does it signify if someone trims their right fingernails before their fingernails? There are such things at choices are not meaningful or consequential.

Activity I could have done instead? You make it sound like people are constantly running some sort of computerized cost benefit-analysis so that each action is preplanned and well calculated. If you think so, you’re very wrong. Some actions are spontaneous, irrational, and pointless. The decision to skim a rock across a lake isn’t “meaningful or consequential.” It’s pointless act of idle boredom.

That’s not fair; I didn’t read the emoji. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is false parallel that might even be dishonest. In the case of a child wanting to kill squirrels, my concern would not be “why is he choosing this activity over others.” It would be, why the hell is killing a squirrel at all? That actually would be cruel, unlike mindlessly stepping on non-sentient ants. Your concern of making a “slight extra effort to kill something” (your words) would not be on my radar. It wouldn’t matter how much effort it took for him, how much energy it expended, or what other “activities” were turned down. You’re fixated on this ridiculous economy of time and effort and missed activities, when YOU are missing the boat by not appreciating why killing a squirrel is messed up. Hint: it has nothing to do with any of the nonsense you mentioned.

When someone kill a squirrel, there is DEFINITELY a reason behind it. Killing a squirrel takes a certain type of nerve and morbidity, a lack of empathy, and a disregard for another animal’s pain. Stepping on bugs, on the other hand, is business as usual. They don’t experience those things.

Notice your examples: In both cases the person in question ends up with the same results. The SAME results. They want to get their pants on and they do. And so with the others. So your examples
are talking

In your example you repeat a behavior of killing bugs when you could do something else. You could kill them or not. Most people do not kill bugs ‘for no reason.’ They do it accidentally by walking and stepping on them or they kill them for a reason. We have given reasons: pests in the house, pests on food, etc. You do it ‘for no reason’ which means the bugs are not causing you pain (bites) potentially messing up your food, keeping you awake and so on.

I am asking you why you do this.

I like skipping rocks across a lake because it requires some skill, which I got better at, even as a child. I like the way it looks. I like the challenge. I can, unlike you, admit that I like doing it. It is a choice based on what I prefer doing in that moment.

I can take some responsibility for choosing to do it. For you it is a spontaneous impulse out of nowhere, random, not connected to your likes and dislikes, like a tick or a spasm.

You present a straw man argument above I did not make. Put words in my mouth. Cost benefit analyses…etc.

Earlier give the example of the cars, and I point out that you have not yet done what people do when they choose the color of their cars. I specifically said they would say they like a certain color more than another. It is a choice with consequences they like. You can’t manage to do what the people would do IN YOUR OWN EXAMPLE. When this is pointed out, you admit nothing.

Then you give the examples above that are not analogous to your choice to kill bugs because the results are different. And now you can’t even imagine or present yourself as not being able to imagine why someone would choose to skip rocks. It’s a spontaneous random reaction like someone saying fuck when they have Tourette’s.

Here’s a solution for you with your problem.

Think of the disliking of people who dislike people who step on bugs as being like your stepping on bugs. You step on bugs for no reason at all. They dislike you for as a spontaneous reaction. A tick.

So if you dislike them for disliking you, you’re a hypocrite, but the great thing is you can change. They’re being irrational and spontaneous in disliking you. Try to accept them as you expect them to accept you. You can be the Jesus of bug killers, actually accepting others for their irrational reactions just as YOU expect them to accept you for yours. Re-read your posts and find the whine in there. Then see if you are living up to your own whining about others.

Compared to those people, it took me alittle more time to dislike you. They saved time compared to me. They were spontaneous and irrational I came at my disliking you rationally. Through finding you to be a disingenous discussion partner. But you won’t experience me anymore so, it won’t be a problem for you.

I won’t waste my time with you here.

Why is killing squirrels “messed up”?

Squirrels have awareness of their environment and they have feelings. They feel pain and experience distress. That is why killing them is messed up.

People who kill squirrels can say that none of that really matters.

They draw the line differentiating what can be killed without concern, in a different place than you do.

People who object to the killing of bugs draw the line based on another criteria. Probably based on the principle that no living creatures ought to be killed. Or killed for food. Or only killed to protect oneself.

That’s one way of answering my OP, I’ll grant you. They have their own set of rules they made for themselves. I guess that’s a good reason?

At least you gave a real answer, though, instead of doing some meaningless behavioral motivation probe like karpal tunnnel. :stuck_out_tongue:

Impetuous child-minded behavior is disliked by more considerate mature-minded people because of its disruptive and often dangerous effects. Mature-minded people are disturbed by child-minded people playing with loaded guns even though the child-minded doesn’t think it is an issue.

I think this is merely an issue of more thoughtful people being uneasy around the actions of less thoughtful people.

That sort of thinking – compatibilism? – makes less sense to me. If you go from stepping on bugs for a reason to accepting that you are compelled by the laws of nature to step on bugs for that reason then how are you not in turn compelled by the laws of matter to reframe it all as “gaining self-awareness for the first time” of what you are doing?

In a wholly determined universe as “I” understand it here and now, I was never able to not type these words and you were never able to not read them. And what the words convey are also inherent, necessary descriptions of the only possible things that we can ever think, feel, say and do. About bugs and everything else.

Which, it would seem, is why [compelled by nature or not] we invent the Gods…or a God, the God, my God.

With the existence of Kant’s “transcending font” there would be the all-knowing vantage point able to explain why someone – why anyone – would step on bugs. Either for no reason or for any particular reason. And if there is a dispute among mere mortals as to whether this is something that is rational or moral, God would be there again to resolve it.

And, in my view, it is precisely in order to avoid these profoundly problematic complexities that some become objectivists. They think themselves – again, compelled by nature or not – into believing that they are in sync with their own true self able to know all that needs to be known about stepping on bugs in order for them to judge the behaviors of others that either do or do not step on them and for whatever reason. Or for no reason at all.

Here, alas, my own “I” is “fractured and fragmented”. Whereas for folks like Karpel Tunnel there seems to be this “deep down inside him” Self that just somehow knows whether and when to be revulsed in regard to stepping on bugs.

I thought that whole “determinism versus freewill conundrum” was debunked.

Without causal determinism a freewill could never come about. And once it comes about only causal determinism gives it prominence to motivate action. Freewill is never, at any time, free of causal determinism - before, during, or after. And then there is the reasonable concern that freewill was never actually about being free from determinism anyway.

So, if this is a brilliant assessment or an utterly foolish one, how would we go about determining if it was ever only the assessment that you were ever only able to make?

I don’t think that you individually are ever able to determine anything. You seem to always just want to change the subject and usually toward one person’s thoughts.

There is a difference between “What is the reason behind this” (causality/determinism) and “What is the purpose behind this” (intention/goals). There being some causality behind people disliking others for stepping on bugs is different than there being some purpose in disliking people who step on bugs.

And both of those are actually distinct from the question as to whether someone dislikes others for stepping on bugs (the actual question of the thread).

That’s not my point. If I am not able to change anything then I am compelled by the laws of nature “to seem to always just want to change the subject and usually toward one person’s thoughts.”

And, in a determined universe as I understand it, any differences that we point out are only those differences we were ever able to point out.

Just as the reasons or lack of reasons we give for stepping or not stepping on bugs was never not going to be otherwise.

Same with distinctions. We make the ones we do because whatever brought into existence both matter and the immutable laws it abides by either is or is not applicable to the human brain.

Those interactions that, among others, neuroscientists continue to explore experientially and experimentally. And, to the best of my current knowledge, the definitive final verdict here [compelled by nature or not] is not yet in.

If you are not able to change anything, you are not able to talk about it.

John steps on a bug because he was never able to not step on it. He talks about stepping on a bug because he was never able to not talk about it. Then going back to how this fits into an ontological – teleological? – understanding of existence itself.

If he stepped on a bug, he was able to change something … and did.

If I dislike him for doing so, I am able to change something … and do.

The inherent questions are only why either of us do so (either purpose or cause).

Nobody seems to object to bugs stepping on people in this thread, and that’s incredibly bias and contrary to the indifference needed to examine the facts impartially. I feel like there’s some favoritism here that will certainly interfere with a fair assessment of the ethical concerns surrounding the question of stepping on a bug whom might very well step on you if given the opportunity.

Note to others:

What important point is he making here that he thinks I keep missing?

If the laws of matter are applicable to the human brain then anything we “choose” to do and any “reactions” we have to the behaviors of others are but inherent, necessary components of the laws of matter.

If nothing was ever able to change, then the reason “why” things do change is because they were never able to not change into an altogether different reality. Which would be the case if we had to wait to see what did change given that we don’t know what those who possess free will might in fact choose differently.

How can it be “debunked?” It isn’t like you can run randomized controlled studies on subject in question.

It is an intangible and unmeasurable interpretation of the nature of the universe that you can ignore or give credence.

Because he doesn’t want to work within the framework that you’re using. It may be because he doesn’t comprehend it, but I think it’s because he just doesn’t buy into it.

If a person could follow the logic he would have done so and wouldn’t have to ask that question. Considering the question has been asked…

As always it seems - the basic question that is the topic of the thread.