a new understanding of today, time and space.

it is clear… there can be no debate… America is in crisis…

a simple look at this election shows us how much of a crisis
we are in…

the left and the right are threating to plunge this country into civil war…

and what is the cause?

the problem isn’t what you think it is… the left and right begin at
the exact same place and that is why the country is in crisis…

that exact same place the left and right begin with is in its
wholesale and complete belief in materialism…

the left believe in the materialism of getting people to the base, the bottom
of the Maslow’s pyramid… that basic belief that everyone should be feed, have
water, shelter, clothing, an education and health care is holding to a
materialism view of the universe…that we must give people material goods
for them to survive… the left begins in materialism…

and of course the right beliefs in a slightly different form of materialism…

but materialism nevertheless…to achieve wealth at all costs, that is
the materialism of the right…

the one and only function of existence is to get and hold onto wealth
and materials goods…

the two sides, although in the midst of a death struggle, still hold onto
the same basic fabric of thought… that the answer lies in the procurement
of material goods…

this fallacy of both the left and the right extend into the ism’s
and ideologies of both the left and the right… the fatal flaw of
communism is its devotion, complete and utter devotion to
materialism… communism is the we of capitalism which is I…

communism says we in regards to materialism and capitalism says
I in regards to materialism… that is the only real difference between
the two…

both ism’s begin and end in materialism…

but I say unto you…

“There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in
your philosophy”

the philosophy in question here is materialism… and there is more to existence
then just a devotion to acquiring wealth and material goods…

we seek wealth and material goods to live out our lives, to be able
to retire, to pass onto our children… and what if, what if…

existence is something more then just the acquisition of wealth and material goods…

and the fundamental aspect of the modern crisis lies here because we don’t know
what else there is in existence outside of the acquisition of wealth and material goods…

and one avenue of pursuit we human beings have attempted has been to
reach toward the spiritual avenue of human belief…

but in case you haven’t heard, apparently “God is dead”…

and we are his killers… just as Nietzsche said, we have yet to hear
the news that we have blood on our hands… it is only a matter of time though…

so we cannot continue our failed path toward the acquisition of wealth
and material goods nor can we escape into that tired old path of

and hence, the crisis of modern times…

what other path can we follow that will bring us closer to salvation?

for that is what we are seeking, searching for, salvation…

and what is the point of this salvation? to be save in regards to
having a purpose, a goal, a point in our existence…
we are seeking some meaning in our lives and salvation is finding
that meaning or goal in?

and that is the question isn’t it?

and we reach one such possibility for salvation…

the Aesthetic possibility of existence…reaching and seeking purpose
and meaning in the Aesthetic… ART…

and what is ART? Is it a means of showing us our possibilities in existence…

we read Science Fiction for example… that is about possibilities… I read
the “Foundation series” By Asimov… that is really just showing us what is
possible for us if we can get there…Science Fiction is really just a road map
for us to reach, to become…it lays out possibilities for us to seek…

we can also seek out possibilities in poems and novels and painting
and buildings and sculptures…

that which is possible is possible in ART…

is there “TRUTH” in ART? only as so much as it brings out
and identifies the possibilities inherent in human beings…

I can become whatever I want… or so goes the ad, but that act of
creativity is really what we call ART…

in the song, send in the clowns… there is one line that goes like this…

“I make my entrance again with my usual flair”

the entrance with my usual flair… that is ART, that is the Aesthetic…

we, if done right can be Aesthetic, we can become ART … in our actions, in
our lives, in who we are… if we just understood that life and ART is really
the same thing…

the search for meaning and purpose can be found in discovering the
ART that lies in us and that can be displayed by us in our daily actions…

forget the path of materialism… embrace the path of becoming Aesthetic…
become ART…


ART can be used to explore out possibilities but ART can be of even
more use…

when I look at today, our world, our time… what do I see?

I don’t see the yes of a great GDP and I don’t see the yes of
a growing stock market and I don’t see the yes of the American dream…

ART can be used to explore the possibilities that lie between the yes that
believes itself to be of value… Whereas I don’t see the greatness of those
yeses…and the no’s… I see the homeless man lying on the street…
I see the single mother trying to raise her son, I see millions struggling to
make ends meet…where the average person is two paychecks from being homeless…

but I see something missing from our world…

what is missing is hope and what is missing is people being able to
reach for the stars and if they fail, they are cheered up and send back out
to try again… and we can only reach that if we
succeed in reaching, for everyone, the basic bottom line of
human existence…to feed everyone and to house everyone
and to send everyone to get free health care and free education…

that is the bottom… the bottom line of human existence…and then
we must reach for more… it isn’t enough to just meet the bottom
level of achieving the basic necessities of human existence for

much of what I have outlined as reaching for the star to reach our
becoming is out of reach for millions because they are trapped in
just reaching the necessities of existence, food, getting water, shelter…
if you spend all your energy on getting just the basic’s, you don’t have the
energy to reach beyond yourself… you don’t have the energy to overcome
which is not a physical engagement, but an emotional, mental, psychological

but who has time for that if you are in a daily, 24 hour struggle to get just
get the necessities…

so how do we reach the next level of engagement?

that is the question of the modern era… how do we allow everyone
the space, time, leisure to reach their next level of overcoming
and becoming who they are… to know thyself takes energy, time
and room enough that one, in our modern age, spends on getting
making ends meet…

it isn’t enough to get just those with leisure and time to make the next step
into growth from animal to animal/human to finally becoming fully human…

we must begin to include everyone into this leap from animal to becoming
fully human…

so, that is what I see… what do you see?


one of the crisis point over the last 200 years has been the
crisis created by Darwin…

the point of Darwin was simple, we are biological creatures… and
we have yet come to an understanding of that basic, fundamental
point… we have yet come to grips with Darwin…

my evidence for this? why look around the world and the way it
functions… at my work, I am treated as a machine, not as a biological
being… I arrive at work and I put on my PPE gear, my gloves and my face shield…
I then clock in… around two hours, I get a break then if I am working more then
6 hours, at some point between 3 and 4.75 hours into work, I must take lunch,
after lunch, I get another break… breaks are only 10 minutes…

at work, we have a “profile” and this “profile” is a list of what we are to do
and what time we are to do it at…so, the profile might list me doing
self- checkout or perhaps I might be in a checkstand…or on very rare occasions,
I might be listed as courtesy clerk… or sometime in one day, I might be listed
to engage with all three possibilities…

so look at how regimented my work is…I am not given an option to pick and
choose…at every step I am told what to do, where to stand, what to focus on…

very machine like… I must play a role in the smooth running of the store
and the way I play that role, as others play it to, is by following the
strict roles I am given… we are treated like machines… not biological

but given what we know from Darwin, we are biological creatures, not
machines… so what happens if we are, as millions of people are, treated
as being machines…not people, but machines…

at work, they keep track of all kinds of things… for example, I am
measure, timed, compared to other checkers… My drawer is
checked for overages or shortages… and that information is kept tracked
of…how fast I check is kept track of as well as how many people I
engage with…on a busy day, I can ring up up to 250 people…
and every single one of those 250 transactions is timed, measured,
compared to other checkers…we are “encouraged” to have a checker
score of over 100%… that is a number that takes into account my speed,
my accuracy, my “downtime” not ringing and the length of time for every
single transaction…

and on a board in the break room, we can look up our numbers…

and all of it very machine like… we have our quota’s we have to meet…

now at work, I am treated like a machine… but I am not a machine…

I am a biological being who feels and loves and hopes and dreams…

and that means nothing at work… my only function is to
increase the store profits… nothing else matters…

if we continue to treat our workers like machines, then at some point,
the biological nature of us must either be killed or we must engage in
some sort of rebellion against being treated like a machine…

I am human… and work/society treats me as a machine…

we cannot continue to engage in this dual nature… something must
back down… either the human nature, the being human part of us,
or the attempts to turn us into machines…

so which path should we follow?

the path into profits demands that we follow the machine
aspect of America and the path to becoming human, demands
we treat people as human beings, not machines…

so, what path will you follow or engage with?


so let us further understand this concept of
people being treated like machines and
Darwin’s understanding that human being are
biological beings…

so, what happens to people who are treated as machines instead
of human beings?

I hold that is part of the crisis of the modern age…part of…

when profits have more value to companies then the human beings
who created those profits, what happens to the human beings?

I hold that human beings react as biological beings… we learn to
hate our jobs, we learn to rebel against what we see a system making us
machines instead of treating us as human beings…

we react by the usual suspects, drinking and drugs and sometimes,
sometime active engagement against the business world…

in our rebelling against the corporation… people will simply allow
such things as letting others steal from the corporation…
sometimes we engage in minor acts of rebelling against being
treated like machines… small acts like not charging for bags or
not charging full price on merchandise…

the point is that people don’t feel any need to defend or have
any loyalty for the companies that they work for…

it is almost, almost a running battle between the company
and the employee’s… and why?

because companies treat their employee’s as machines
and expendable parts… the employee is simply a means to
profits… they have no value in themselves…

and it is clear that companies have no interest in treating its
employee’s as human beings… for hopes and dreams and love
cannot make a company any profits… so it has no place within
a company… the very thing that makes me human is the very
thing that a business will not accept or tolerate…

and as business are parts within capitalism, we can see that capitalism
has no interest in people as people, with hopes, dreams, desires and needs…
all of which is not important to a business/company…

the search for profits means businesses simply deny human beings
the opportunity to be human…for being human doesn’t increase
or make any profits… Darwin is denied in place of making human
beings, machines…

and the natural human response is to fight back against any attempts
to deny our human nature… and so we fight back against businesses
and against the ism that powers businesses… we attack capitalism…

now one might ask, Kropotkin… isn’t this just a confession of yours?

perhaps, perhaps… but I am not alone in my hatred in being treated
like a machine instead of being treated like a human being…

where I am considered to be expendable to the cause of profits…

where it is unimportant for me to hold human needs like love and hope
and dreams because they don’t make profits

or said another way… how do we fight the nihilism of the modern world
as exemplified by the seeking of profits over human beings?

and that is the question? how do we fight the very nihilistic
nature of our modern society?

how am I to be saved from just being a means to profits?

how do I become human in a world that is not interested in me becoming


in my last post, I spoke of the silent and undeclared
war between the workers and the businesses that employed them…

a war that focuses upon the way business treat employees as
a means to an end… where employee’s have little value outside
of being a creator of profits…

and that is their only value… not as being human beings with hopes,
dreams, values or love… for values do not make or increase the only
goal of business’s which is profits and everything is devoted to making

so, what is one possible response an worker can make to this attempt
to negate or dehumanize workers?

by ART… Aesthetics… we can redeem our values in our attempts
to create and become something different in our attempts in creation…

I can declare my dreams, my hopes, my love in ART and in living
an Aesthetic life… where I seek beauty and seeking what “TRUTH” that
lies in ART and the Aesthetic…

in the act of creation, I proclaim my human needs, that rise above my
value as a worker… I am no longer a consumer or producer…
I am a human being when I seek ART or the Aesthetic…

so, Kropotkin, should everyone just quit their jobs and sit around
the house and paint? that isn’t such a bad idea…and it would
cause people come closer to their human side…

the goal of existence is the creation of material goods that can be sold
in which someone makes a profit at… no, a thousand times no…

the point of existence lies in the overcoming or going from
animal to animal/human to becoming fully human…

the goal of existence is to find out what it means to be human…
not to put food on the table because that is a lower level function
that is no different then what the animal do…

and I am above animals because I can dream and hope and love
and seek justice… it is these values which makes me human, not
the day to day existence of putting food on the table or making ends meet…

because we think the basic function of being human is to engage in the
lower level of existence, of fulfilling the lower needs of food and water
and shelter and education and health care… no, that is living an
animal existence… to become human I must rise above that and
seek such goals as love, belonging, safety/security and self esteem,
and when those needs are met, I can reach the highest level which
is the level of reaching the self-fulfillment needs… of achieving
one’s possibilities and potential… be like Goethe or Shakespeare and don’t
be like an animal… just seeking the lowest possible level of existence…

reach above the lower level of existence by making your existence about
getting food or water or shelter or education… but seek your higher
possibilities by going beyond such lower levels…

the act of work… the business of being a producer keeps us from
achieving our possibilities… of becoming human…

our seeking is no longer the seeking of the lowest level but
of seeking the higher levels of love, self esteem, of safety
security, of belonging… and then reaching self achievement…

think of becoming human…not just a worker or a consumer…

but think about the act of creation which is the act of becoming


but Kropotkin, you are wrong… here is my “truth”

and so you offer up your interpretation of facts…

and that is all we have… interpretations… not “TRUTHS”
but interpretations of the “TRUTHS”…

Which is based upon the “mental contraptions” of
the accidental traits of birth, of one’s family, of one
accidental place of birth, of one’s accidental birth of being
male or female or of being born white or black…

we see things in terms of age, or income, our nationality,
who we love, of our indoctrinations in childhood…

all these “mental contraptions” have a influence and impacts
upon our strongly held beliefs…

my accidental traits of birth give me a perspective, just
as your accidental traits of birth gives you a perspective…
and that means we engage in a discussion of values or truth’s
within our interpretation of our accidental traits…

there are no “TRUTHS”… just interpretations based upon
our “mental contraptions”


so what is “real?” “What is reality?”…
what is the “first” principle of existence, that was
sought by metaphysicians since Plato?

Nothing is real, or within reality… it is simply an interpretation, which
is one of many interpretations about what is “real” and what isn’t “real”…

the search for “reality” is simply a search for a stronger interpretation of

everything is an interpretation…even reality…


But Kropotkin, what about science?

yah, what about it?


[quote=“Peter Kropotkin”]
in my last post, I spoke of the silent and undeclared
war between the workers and the businesses that employed them…

a war that focuses upon the way business treat employees as
a means to an end… where employee’s have little value outside
of being a creator of profits…

and that is their only value… not as being human beings with hopes,
dreams, values or love… for values do not make or increase the only
goal of business’s which is profits and everything is devoted to making

so, what is one possible response an worker can make to this attempt
to negate or dehumanize workers?

by ART… Aesthetics… we can redeem our values in our attempts
to create and become something different in our attempts in creation…

I can declare my dreams, my hopes, my love in ART and in living
an Aesthetic life… where I seek beauty and seeking what “TRUTH” that
lies in ART and the Aesthetic…

in the act of creation, I proclaim my human needs, that rise above my
value as a worker… I am no longer a consumer or producer…
I am a human being when I seek ART or the Aesthetic…

so, Kropotkin, should everyone just quit their jobs and sit around
the house and paint? that isn’t such a bad idea…and it would
cause people come closer to their human side…

the goal of existence is the creation of material goods that can be sold
in which someone makes a profit at… no, a thousand times no…

the point of existence lies in the overcoming or going from
animal to animal/human to becoming fully human…

the goal of existence is to find out what it means to be human…
not to put food on the table because that is a lower level function
that is no different then what the animal do…

and I am above animals because I can dream and hope and love
and seek justice… it is these values which makes me human, not
the day to day existence of putting food on the table or making ends meet…

because we think the basic function of being human is to engage in the
lower level of existence, of fulfilling the lower needs of food and water
and shelter and education and health care… no, that is living an
animal existence… to become human I must rise above that and
seek such goals as love, belonging, safety/security and self esteem,
and when those needs are met, I can reach the highest level which
is the level of reaching the self-fulfillment needs… of achieving
one’s possibilities and potential… be like Goethe or Shakespeare and don’t
be like an animal… just seeking the lowest possible level of existence…

reach above the lower level of existence by making your existence about
getting food or water or shelter or education… but seek your higher
possibilities by going beyond such lower levels…

the act of work… the business of being a producer keeps us from
achieving our possibilities… of becoming human…

our seeking is no longer the seeking of the lowest level but
of seeking the higher levels of love, self esteem, of safety
security, of belonging… and then reaching self achievement…

think of becoming human…not just a worker or a consumer…

but think about the act of creation which is the act of becoming

K: and to continue on this line of thought…

I have called my job, as checker, factory lite… all I do is scan items
and weigh produce and put in a code… bananas is 4011… organic
bananas is 94011… and I am judge by the corporation if I am wrong
in putting in the wrong code…

not too long ago, a gal from corporate came to our store… they have
been pushing, hard, the fact that we have to scan all produce
and they keep track of that and If I am not above 70%, I could
be considered to have a “work issue” which is punishable…
I could be given a verbal warning, a written warning and then
fired for not scanning in all produce…this is very machine like…
to ensure that every worker does the exact same thing which is to
scan produce… and you doubt my factory lite description…

you might say, what is the problem? just scan the dam produce…
easy said then done because a vast amount of produce do not
have stickers on them to scan… for example, take Garlic…
where and how, would you put stickers on a glove of garlic?
you really can’t, so you must manually enter the code, 4608…
and thus you are in violation of the rules which can lead one
to being fired… but if you can’t scan produce, how are you supposed
to follow their orders? you can’t… but that isn’t important to them…
the fact is they don’t give a shit if there are stickers on the produce or not,
you have to follow their orders without reservations or that is insubordination…
and that is the greatest crime in America today…

I don’t see how I can get around their demand that I scan all produce when
half the produce do not have stickers…and yet I am still accountable for
scanning the produce… this is how corporate America works… holding
employee’s responsible for actions taken at the corporate level…
and punishing those who fail to accomplish which is clearly impossible
to accomplish… but businesses and corporations refuse to hold themselves
accountable… and thus must hold employee’s accountable for the corporations
failures…to escape accountability by upper management…

and yet, where do the vast profits go to in corporate America?

certainly not to the employee’s who do the actual work…

it goes to those who have done the least to do the actual physical
work of making a business succeed… the CEO of my corporation made
over 10 million dollars a year last year… I made, roughly 33 thousand last year…

and who among us did the actual physical work? certainly not the CEO…

and with his golden parachute, he can fail and still make millions, whereas I simply
get fired without anything including unemployment benefits…

how is that right, fair or just?

I am a expendable factory lite worker… with no possibility of
changing it…not at my age…


I have been hard at work of late and haven’t had much of a chance to write
here…but an idea that has come to mind of late…

the connection between one’s philosophical viewpoint and one’s
political viewpoint…how I view politics in terms of what I
hold to be true philosophically…

given my political viewpoints, can you understand my philosophical

I consider myself to be a continental philosopher…
which means what?

that I hold to certain viewpoints that identify me as a continental philosopher…
I hold to people based philosophy… I write about German idealism and existentialism
and I hold to some, not all, but some Hegelian, Freudian and Western Marxist ideals…

or to think about it a different way… I don’t believe in language analysis or
use of formal logic or mathematics is the way to engage with philosophy…

to engage with philosophy, to me anyway, is an engagement with people…

what it means to be human and how do we engage with our possibilities…

the word “possibilities” is the word that identifies me as a liberal…

the word “Power” is a word that identifies one as a conservative…

I have no interest in such banal things as money, power, fame,
titles… only a conservative would engage in such baubles…
or so says my liberal viewpoint…

or said another way, what is the point of existence? what is the meaning
of life?

I believe that answer hold true for both philosophy and, and politics…

to seek out philosophy is to seek out my individual possibilities and
to seek out the political is to seek out our collective possibilities…

philosophy is one way of understanding one’s individual place or role
within the universe…the political is to seek out our place or role
within the universe…

for me anyway, the philosophical and the political are two sides
of the same coin…we are here and where do we want to go?

that answer is both philosophical and political…

if you look at philosophers in the past, most were on some level,
also political philosophers… Locke and Hobbes for example…
they were both engaged in both philosophy and the political…

Descartes wasn’t a political philosopher and yet, Spinoza and
Leibniz were both philosophers and political…

Kant was not and Hegel was…and Marx studied the law and
Philosophy in school…and over the years it has become harder and
harder to separate out one philosophy and politics…

20th century philosophy is full of philosophers who engaged in
some level or another with the political…not so much the Analytic
philosophers but the Continental philosophers…from Heidegger to Sartre to
Camus to Foucault to Derrida…were all in some way, both philosophers
and engaged with the political…

the best American example is Noam Chomsky…who is far better know for
his political beliefs then the fact he is a first rate linguist and cognitive scientist
and philosopher…

so what should the role of a philosopher in the political?

so, I equally engage with philosophy and the political… and I make no
bones about it…I see them engaged with the same vision of the

who are we and what does it mean to be human?

for me, that is as much a political question as it is a
philosophical question…

and I think sometimes, sometimes, the two, the political
and the philosophical cannot be separated from each other…
the two are deeply and irrevocable connected to each other…

so what are your political beliefs and how do they connect to your
political beliefs?

what do those beliefs mean as far as the questions that should engage
us which is, what does it mean to be human and what are our possibilities?


now let us add this third component, religion…

I am clearly an atheist… so how does this connect to my philosophical
and political beliefs?

I seek what is our possibilities… both individually and collectively…

so, in seeking those possibilities of what it means to be human, I deny
that god or theology or religion offers us any meaning, either
individually or collectively…

I put the human possibilities ahead of the theological possibilities…

when I think about what is possible for human beings, I think philosophicall
and I think politically, but I don’t think theologically…

I hold that the belief in god and religion actually prevents people from
exploring what is possible for them, either individually or collectively…

a belief in god or a belief in religion fixes on into a place where
there is only one possibility… that which is defined by the religion…
whereas I see human beings holding a vast amount of possibilities…
which is best explored by us in relation to the political and
the philosophical, not the religious…

now many are able to connect their religious possibilities with
their philosophical and/or their political possibilities… but I don’t see it…

MLK and Gandhi were both able to connect their profound religious beliefs
into a coherent political and philosophical system…

that religious belief of both was part of their strength…
part of their core belief systems… and more power to them…
for their religious beliefs gave them a base, a home from which
their political and philosophical systems were possible…

I am a modern child… unable to hold onto religious beliefs… of any kind…


Finally you state something that is observably true.

K: as we are all born after 1800, roughly the start of the modern era,
we are all modern children… kinda the way it is…


so once again to return to this question of
our political, philosophical and religious beliefs…
and how we come to hold them…

as I have noted before, we are indoctrinated into a set collection
of beliefs that our society, our family, our religion, our state holds…

as I was born in 1959 in the upper Midwest, because of those very
facts, I was indoctrinated into certain beliefs that others born in
the south or the west or on the east coast wouldn’t hold to…

the question is not whether we are indoctrinated, that is a given,
no, the question becomes what do we do to overcome our indoctrinations…

today I hold X, Y and Z beliefs… how much of those beliefs are
part of my childhood indoctrinations and how much are my beliefs
really my own, given that I have overcome my childhood beliefs to
a point… Now in my own family, my mom believes in some sort of
god, where as three of her kids do not and I am one, one sibling kinda, sorta believes
and one totally and completely believes…how do we get from having
the same family to having such a wide spread belief system?

I must note that the 5 children were born over a 25 year stretch and
three different states… family believer was born right in the middle,
3 of 5…to keep track, I am the second of 5…

once again to keep track, my brother is a science/computer geek,
he has a grad degree from the university of Chicago, I am a philosopher/
historian, the soft sciences, my younger sister is a psychologist… so within
one family, you can have a wide spread belief system…
one is retired trying to become mayor of a small Midwest town,
and the other sells houses, the believer…to complete the history…

so how do we, each of us, reach our belief systems given our shared
family history?

so let us look at me… I hold very liberal values, I was an anarchist for
years… roughly 10 years… no one in my family has been or ever will
be as radical as I was…everyone else in my family holds fairly moderate
values with the possible exception of my mom… who might be the second
most radical person in my family… at 85…but she was born during the
depression and thus lived in times that were radical and the country came
as close as it ever did to revolution…

once again, family history must be understood within the overall history of
the town, state and country that one lives in…

my childhood was during the 60’s… I watched TV and heard
Walter Cronkite report the death tolls during the Vietnam war…
and I lived during the era of school drills that had us hiding
under the desk in case of a nuclear war… as if that would do us much good…

I watched TV and saw the entire 60’s play out… I was old enough to have
seen the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show on Feb, 9th, 1964 and I saw
the riots in the streets and the anti-war protests and the marching for
civil rights for the blacks and the women and the gays…

so how much of that plays out in my belief system?

I am a firm believer in the two basic injunctions of philosophy…

One: know thyself

Two: the unexamined life isn’t worth living…

I believe the two injunctions are connected… to know thyself
is to lead a life that is examined… I can only know who I am
by examining who I am and what I hold to be true…

the election of Ronald Raygun radicalized me in ways that no one
else in my family was radicalized…I had lived in California long
enough to see the damage that idiot left here and I was opposed to
him for that reason…it took years for California to recover from
the damage he left…as it has taken years to recover, and in some
ways we still haven’t recovered from the damage his presidency created…

to understand my beliefs deeper, I hold that the collective
is as important as the individual… I cannot hold that the
individual rights are superior to the collective rights…
but I cannot hold that the collective rights are superior
to the individual rights…

Kierkegaard was right to explore the individual aspect of human existence,
but he failed to include the collective aspect as well… you need both to
have a clear understanding of the individual and the collective existence…

for existence is about both the individual and the collective…

I am one and I am part of many…how do we fit the two together?

that is the question we are faced with today…

the conservative holds to the individual and the liberal
holds to the collective… but what is the right balance?

and how do I use my beliefs and value systems to reach
an understanding of that right balance?

I begin with knowing thyself and I examine my life
and my history and my place within the collective…

how will you undertake your understanding of “knowing thyself”
and a understanding of the “examination of existence?”

if the “unexamined life isn’t worth living” how do you understand
what the “examined” life is?


let us see every age as an attempt to solve the “crisis” of
that age… what is the crisis of our age?

whereas the “kids” around here believe in conspiracy theories
and pedophilia, I hold that the “crisis” of our age lies in more
normal terrain…

we can see our age in terms of several different types of

one: in terms of understanding how the individual and the collective
fit into each other?

two: we live in “nihilistic” age where systems like capitalism
and communism and Catholicism/ which stands for religions like
Buddhism and Hinduism… promote nihilism that undermines
the values that we should be seeking… which is the positive values
of love, hope, justice, peace, honor… etc, etc…

whereas the current nihilistic systems encourage the negative
values of hate, violence, anger, injustice… etc, etc…

part of the nihilistic systems is the pursuit of negative and false
goals like money, titles, fame, material goods… seeking goals
like these leads us down the nihilistic path… kinda like in Star Wars
where anger leads one down the road of the dark side…

our internal values should dictate to us our actions, not our actions
dictate our values…and this is important…we need values to
dictate to us what our actions should be… so if I hold to love,
then my actions should conform to my value of love…
if I hold to justice, then my actions should conform to the value
of justice…the values decide the actions…

but in our nihilistic society, our pursuit of baubles like wealth
and titles and fame and material goods, decides our values…

such baubles as wealth and titles are empty, valueless…
because they have no goal to reach, no direction that
engages us…they are simply actions that have no goal…

to seek wealth is to seek wealth… there is no other point
to wealth… to seek titles is to seek titles… there is no other point…
to seek material goods has no other point… you simply seek other
material goods and so on and so forth… what is the final value of
seeking material goods? it has no end or point to it…

so we are seeking the wrong thing and that might be another “crisis”
of our age… as I see it to be…

but we have other “crisis” we must face… for example, our
nihilistic system of the pursuit of baubles means that we
have become alienated and disconnected from others
and ourselves…in our seeking this individual goal of
wealth and power and titles and material goods,
we discredit any pursuit of the collective… we speak of
of one, me… instead of pursuing the collective, us…

and once again, what is the proper relationship between
the “me” and the “we”?

in seeking the “ME” instead of the “WE”, we engage in
a form of “Solipsism” that makes the one, “ME” the primary
focus of our attention… we forget that “ME” does not and
cannot be our sole focus of attention…

we survive because of our existence within society, within the “US”…
we cannot survive alone… that is a fact… alone we die…
and so we cannot engage in the mental game of “I” that
separates us and divides into “ME” and the “others”

we need the “OTHERS” to survive… and so we must in some fashion,
include “OTHERS” in our understanding of the world… hence,
we cannot hold to such “SOLISISTIC” values like capitalism and communism
and Buddhism and Catholicism…

It is about “US” and not about the “ME”…


I have written about one possible means to escape the
“nihilism” that infects our age…here is another possible escape…

by the act of creation… ART… which is the decision between
two or more choices…to decide which path to take is ART…
It is creative…to choose between two philosophies is ART…

and within the act of creation, especially within a conscience
decision to create, lies one possible escape from the Nihilism
of our age… to create is to exist outside of the nihilism
of capitalism and the nihilism of religions of Buddhism and Catholicism
and the nihilism of the political, communism (which isn’t even the political,
communism is economic, not political)

to escape beyond the nihilism of our age requires us to do something
outside of and beyond our nihilism… that is to create something…
ART is the means by which we can go outside of the ism’s and ideologies
of our age that is nihilistic …

in making a choice, which is ART…
we go outside of ism’s and ideologies…

I create, therefore I am…

that is a cure, one possible cure for our modern crisis…

to see the possibilities that lie outside of our current choices…

that is ART…

I construct my thoughts into a creative pattern, that is ART
and that is done by making choices about which thoughts
I put out there and emphasis…to make choices as to which
of my thoughts I shall present here today is ART… to make a choice…

so to escape our current crisis… we must begin by understanding
that to create ART is to create possibilities outside of our current choices…

it is to include the “ME” and the “WE” into a mix that is create by me…
which is ART…

To discover the “how” that is the point of our continuing relationship
between the “ME” and the “WE”… The connection between the “ME”
and the “WE”… how do we, you and me, the individual and the collective,
act and interact together?

ART can show us the way because it lies outside of the “usual suspects” that
we depend on to answer such questions…ART can show us possibilities that
we might otherwise miss which are possibilities that can lead us out of our
current, modern crisis…

in seeking ART, we no longer seek the baubles of our modern times,
money, fame, power, material goods… in ART we seek the possibilities
of existence and therein lies the TRUTH of ART…


in the modern world, speech is glorified over writing…
we see this in the love of the young for video’s over
using words/language…

but I am hard of hearing, I cannot put speech over writing…
I must put the writing before the speech… which makes me
“Old school” as it were…

my current situation dictates what format I exist within… and my situation
dictates that I work with words and language before speech and the much
hated video’s…

so I engage with writing…what format do you engage with?


one thing to note, that I don’t refer to “history” as such…
my words, my pronouncements, as it were, are isolated,
separated, outside of history…

that is in fact, wrong… history underlines every word I write…
the foundation of my writings as it were…

you must see what has come before and what will come after, to
make sense of everything I have written…

I not only seek the past, the beginning of the journey, my journey
as well as your journey, but I seek some sort of goal, both
an individual goal as well as a collective goal…

when I write about the indoctrinations of childhood, that is our
individual and collective beginning and when I write about
possibilities… that is our individual and our collective goal…

I am a amateur historian… I have read as many history books as I have
read philosophy books… my understanding of the world comes
from my understanding of history and philosophy… I just don’t often
mention this fact… but I begin with history and end with philosophy…

that is me…


I am reading a Biography of Heidegger…by Safranski,
“Martin Heidegger… between Good and Evil”

It is talking about Art around 1913 or so…

“Vision, protest, transformation- this was the holy trinity of Expressionism”

Vision… to seek that which is above the current modern vision of
the ant…we are ants and we see life, possibilities, love and everything
else from an ant’s perspective…when we should, should learn at times to fly,
to look at life from eagle heights… a bird’s eye view of life and love and

Protest…yes, we should protest more often… express our opposition to
what bothers us and what endangers us and protest the banality of life that
we suffer through in our current life…

and the most important word, Transformation…I see man as yet to
transform into being human… in other words, I await man to become
a butterfly… transforming like a caterpillar to a butterfly…
the method of this becoming/transforming is in our overcoming…

and the path as I have laid out is clear…to being with the two basic,
fundamental principles of existence formulated right at the beginning of
our history… one, to know thyself and two, the unexamined life isn’t worth living…

it is through our examination of our values, our experiences, our indoctrinations,
our education that leads us to an reexamination of our values, experiences,
indoctrinations and education…and in our reexamination of existence that
we, slowly discover who we are, who we really are…what values and experiences
and education, doctrines are really ours and what have been implanted into us by
society, the state, religion, family, media, education…

this is reevaluation of values is our path to a transformation of animal/human
to becoming fully human…

and I await for our transformation to arrive, both individually and collectively…

how how are you going to transform from the current modern Ant existence we
lead to overcoming and by doing so, transforming from ant to human…

vision, protest, transformation… the words that can set us free…


Husserl phenomenology is a study of consciousness…
and who is at the same time studying unconsciousness?

why it is Freud… the very question of the consciousness and the unconsciousness
are being worked out at the very same time…

this cannot be a coincidence…

these two studies are related to each other, because of the
times they were in… deep into the industrial revolution,
deep into the political and economic and artistic and philosophical
revolution going on at the time…the years from 1890 to the war years, 1914…
and it was during and just after the first world war that phenomenology
became the field of study in philosophy…as Heidegger himself was a
assistant to Husserl from 1920 to 1923…
