Pedro's Corner (Part 1)



The original is actually a sort of celebration. It really puts you in that place, throwing on some bluejeans to stumble onto a big city sidewalk in a beer-attenuated hangover haze. And it’s really, with all the emo thoughts, that’s actually a nice feeling. A kind of privileged closeness to the sun (sleeping city sidewalk).

But then Johnny Cash turns it into a fucking emo anthem.


What a fucking downer that guy was.

God bless his soul.

You are missed Johnny.

I dare you to listen to this in a lazy morning and be angry.

That’s quality music.

Them Italians in the late XVII century didn’t fuck around.

And then sometimes a draw is a win.

Check out this game … 5fcadXHig9

Have you made up your mind yet which corner of the cage you will crap in?

Gee dan. That’s extremely hostile.

Would you prefer to bring you gripe?

It’s Pedro’s Corner.
I didn’t mean it as hostile.
I thought it was funny.

Maybe you need a long walk through some woods or something. That was not a healthy thing to say if you didn’t mean anything by it.

Maybe it was a mistake.
Like hot dogs and pancakes together.
Bacon goes well with pancakes, though.
I’m terribly confused :
Hot dogs or bacon?

No dan, not a mistake. I’m just worried about thee.

What corner of the cage I want to crap in?

If your hostility is unintentional, you got some things in your life you need to address.

You are one strange hippie, Dan~.

Why do i seem like a hippie to you?
I thought maybe I was new-age in a way.
Is one of those confused with the other?

Yeah in most cases they are pretty much used interchangeably.

Would you be terribly offended if I asked what you do for a living?

It won’t be taken as a slight if you don’t answer.

I’m on AISH due to my schizophrenia and depression.
AISH is support money for people that can’t handle work. In Alberta.
I still do tasks each day, but most scaled up jobs are too much for me.
I moved out of my group-home.
My meds are good right now.
I take the bus to get to places.
I have what i consider to be a lot of friends. Some only slightly, but it still counts to me.
I’m not sure what the future will hold for me.

Not easy, reading people’s minds. I hope the pills aren’t too invasive.

Have you ever looked into tree nursing?

Are you serious?
Maybe someday I’ll have a green-house.

Yes I’m serious, son. There’s good money in that. And 0 psychic mayhem. Only the caring psychic vibes of trees, which are awesome creatures. And a little plot of land is what, couple grand? Five? Clear some space, then you can buy seed or even just take clippings from other trees.

People pay good money for a 6 year sapling.