Adages & Proverbs

This is neither an adage nor a proverb but it blew my mind when I came upon it so I shall take the liberty of inserting it.






What a meditation or mantra that could be.

Its my own words, not a quote.
Read well: it doesn’t say “there is only one truth”.
It says “truth is a one way street”.

Can you please explain to me how truth can only be a a one-way street, FC?

It is so obvious to me that I can’t see what I have to explain. But Ill try.
Think of truth like time, or just reality. You can’t turn back on truth.

Hmmm…but what have you actually said there, FC?

You can, in a sense, turn back on time. You can reflect on your past (time) to grow from it. You can discover that things which you believed in, things which you absolutely knew to be true, were not really true at all. You come to see this because you have grown and your perspective has changed.

The way that I look at it, you can “turn back on truth” because being that humans are imperfect and fallible, truth changes as we change. Then, sometime in the future, you might again turn back on time and discover that your previous truth or Truth was not altogether truth or even nearly truth.

Why do we need truth to be written in stone? How do we grow that way ~~ when we are so convinced of this or that or everything.

Can truth not be fluid?


Wait that was me

I should try to be less pedantic.

Still what I say is good sense.

What’s the difference between Buddha and Jesus?

Jesus was poor and Buddha was rich so they had differing inceptions to enlightenment.


Ya think…

What of Mahomet?

And Moses?

Odin: Live! Be Fearless! Learn! Fulfill! And take these mighty staves that I found under the World Tree!

Jesus: You, like every single man woman and child, are per definition guilty. But I (and only I) will forgive you, if you submit your soul to me!

What is “enlightenment”?

“Every soul… comes into the world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its’ previous life. Its’ place in this world as a vessel appointed to honor or dishonor, is determined by its’ previous merits or demerits. Its’ work in this world determines its’ place in the world”


There is no softer pillow than a clear conscience.
-french proverb

Borne that way

Lady Gaga

“A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong , gives it a superficial appearance of being right.”

Thomas Paine, Common Sense

My passions, concentrated on a single point, resemble the rays of a sun assembled by a magnifying glass: they immediately set fire to whatever object they find in their way.

Marquis de Sade

“Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility; for it thinks all things lawful for itself, and all things possible.”

Thomas a Kempis

“Privacy is not something that I’m merely entitled to, it’s an absolute prerequisite.”

Marlon Brando

His life was never his own, once fame fully struck He… imagine a life like that… years lost in hiding, never to be regained, so unable to be relived… proof, that going back in time is an impossibility.