Continuation of my topics...

My point is that Heaven was very similar and most near death experiences are also the same, light, peace. If the numbers report the same place and the same experience with minor differentiations, why are you insisting they are different?

You’re talking about NDE’s here? (Near death experiences)?

Most people don’t have them. You are psychotic if you think ALL people are like YOU!

Stop getting your panties in a wad being defensive. Many people visit the plane of peace and feel whole there, why are you resistant that they all go to the same place and share the same heaven?

No. That’s not the way it works.

Every single being has a different heaven.

If you can’t except that, you’ll be pulled out of your white light and sent to hell.

Stop fucking with me Wendy.

If anyone is in hell, you’re not in heaven!

Your the one who can’t accept that people are going to the same place, experiencing the exact same thing…peace.

I’ve heard this idea before: faith. That everyone has the same heaven. That’s narcissistic. I’ve been to those heavens before. They’re not for everyone. Some people like them, not everyone does.

I consider it my job to send everyone to the heaven that matches their spirit.

You quit. You stopped working. You told yourself that everyone needs this and nothing else and it happens for everyone, so my work is done, I don’t have to think about it anymore.

I’m the guy who has to think about it.

Cherry Blossom Rain: Addendum 32

The point of our disturbed imaginations (not substantiated)… is to teach us the value of peace and love. We can learn all the great values without harming others to our greatest capacity, we can feel these lessons without doing any actual harm. The greatest blessing in existence is to be able to contemplate it.

You don’t need to do something to learn, the tools are all there for you. When you act out against someone, you are depriving them of their contemplation. You can work and contemplate at the same time, but try not to interfere with the contemplation of others. Acting out disturbs them. Life is about love friendship and peace… and the beauty, sheer beauty of contemplation.


I said, “to the best of our ability”

It’s impossible to not violate consent when you say true things, exploring truth, lying to protect others etc…

Being perfect in a zero-sum world is impossible, that’s not a reason to not try our best (which is getting along with as many people as possible)

I’m going to wager that you are a MUCH greater hypocrite than me… but that’s neither here no there.

I will debate you on it if you’re interested.

Cherry Blossom Rain: Addendum 33

Here’s how I am at my core…

I am not fully appreciative until everyone is loved by everyone for who they are.

This requires a patch to existence. It can be a lot to hold, but it’s also rewarding. We will get this done. I hope you join me. The old plan needs an upgrade moving forward,

no because i am not making any claims
to then act in discordance with

You’ve quit. You’re afraid of this very difficult and dangerous job. Someone has to clean sewers … fucking horrible job. I took on a job as horrible… working to understand existence, contemplate existence and make a plan that works better than the current one.

Claim: zero sum realities never work (it’s a true claim)

Job: make a new plan

If you don’t want to be awake yet, that’s OK!!

My life story is heart crushing and heart shattering, but I still pick up the pieces and keep going.

Cherry Blossom Rain: Addendum 41

Know that this is your spirit:

You are not great until everyone is great

You are not smart until everyone is smart

You are not wise until everyone is wise

You are not good until everyone is good

You are not in heaven until everyone is in heaven

That’s who you truly are.


More questions came up from the cosmos for the new upgrade to the cosmos…

I answered again.

Platonic forms are not sentient:

We have a column of platonic forms that an infinite number of hyper dimensional strange loop realities are connected to.

This means that we’re all apart and all together in the manner each individual desires.

Cherry Blossom Rain: Addendum 57

Now, let’s be realistic here:

Nobody is perfect until everyone is in their individual heavens / paradises / utopias forever.

There are so many stories in the various religions about their being, being perfect. They are untrue.

Reality does not require dualism to exist, it only requires otherness to exist.

People are selling themselves short here.

I’m just going to point out the obvious here; every being in existence in some way, shape or form is having their consent violated. That’s a really bad idea. Also… the way that hell logic works is that winning sends you to hell and with losing, you’re already in hell. Heaven sends you to hell eventually when everyone is not already in heaven forever. Again, another bad idea. This means that everyone will be in the deepest hells forever (eventually).

Speaking personally as someone trained in the hell arts from the spirit world, I can assure you that it’s not a place you ever want to go to, let alone, forever. You never get used to it. I always explain to people to never, under any circumstance, get cocky about hell.

Once you know what I know, it’s the point of no return, and you devote your life to achieving this goal.

I can give you some advice about how to stay out of the worst hells… the major one is breaking someone’s heart. Say, someone murders me or torments me, my loved ones would be devastated… that kind of hatred can sear your soul. The most common thing that breaks hearts are exclusive sexual relationships; the advice here, stay the fuck away from sex. I know people think that’s absurd, but it’s true.

Also, try not to be extreme in certain respects as the Buddha taught… “ the middle way”.

Cherry Blossom Rain: Addendum 60

Psychopathy evolved so that we would eat plants and animals (murder of sentient beings with pleasure) Psychopathy evolved so we would have sex in a negative zero sum reality - something that always hurts the feelings of at least one other person who wants that sexual relationship as well.

The difference between the continuum of psychopathy is that ‘non psychopaths’ feel hurt by doing these things rather than joy, ignoring this part of them…

Life is ultimately about friends (respect) and not bosses. The concept of disgust is reserved for those who seek to rule over another.

And to top it off: negative zero sum realities (the current cosmos) is unholy.

The only unboring thing to do in existence is to make so that we’re all in our personal paradise forever. Everyone else in this life is dull, taking the dumbest route.

Cherry Blossom Rain: Addendum 69

The deepest truth about heaven is that every being in existence has a precisely different one.

Once this is understood, then it is understood that everyone needs to be in their own reality while being able to interact with that reality (others) without impinging on someone else’s heaven. That is the task set before us.

This is an adult discussion about existence, even though a child can understand it.

I’ll be perfectly honest with you. There is no ultimate heaven for you unless everybody is in their individual heavens forever.

The thought that people misunderstand this, that in an ultimate sense, they think people deserve hell while they’re having a great time is rather thoughtless about existence.

Disempowering abusers is the better of options (if at all possible), while we work this out. Abuse makes work harder to do. It’s not in the best interest of beings to be abusers.

Cherry Blossom Rain: Addendum 70

People say, “but I love my wife or husband, isn’t that enough? I go to hell for that? That’s crazy talk.”

Actually it’s not. That’s why I’m here.

I even give relationship advice to couples because I know they don’t fathom what I understand… as I surreptitiously try to protect them.

All the negative zero sum shit is 100% hellbait.

Your soul is worth so much more than that. It really is.

Because I know this, I’m kind to you, not angry at you.

I had to learn the hard way. Nobody should have to do that!

Negative zero sum realities don’t fit my personality.

This type of reality construction is a waking nightmare for me. I’m not going to “lord” this shit over you… I used to. It meant nothing.

Once you realize like I do that our mistakes have massive consequences, you try as hard as you can to stop making them. But… how can I judge a person who’s never seen hell? It’s impossible. It’s like trying to explain the color green to the blind.

To this regard I try to be kind and slowly nudge others to understand that negative zero sum realities don’t work in the grand scheme of things.

I’m guarding myself big time right now, most people on earth don’t do this… and I like them. So I take it upon myself to figure out how to help them.

I’m not the only person who does this.

My mind exponentially grows every day. My cognitive age is way older than you at this point and it still keeps growing.

Cherry Blossom Rain: Addendum 80

Life is not about making carbon copies. Actually, that’d be super annoying to most people.

We just need to get along enough to have deep discussions about how we want to live forever.

Very simple.

There is no such thing as “world peace” in a negative zero sum world. Understand that to the depths of your soul. I’m not offering world peace to you, I’m just attempting to change the nature of the discussion and bring us to a place where we can ultimately feel good about existence to the depths of our hearts and not be lying every time we say, “I’m doing great”.

And trust me: you’re lying.

Cherry Blossom Rain: Addendum 82

I’m a homo sapien. But I’m more than that. I’m also human. Horrible, horrible things have been done with this concept.

To be a human, a full human, is to care. Caring for every being in existence is the most difficult job you’ll ever do. Existence is boring without doing the most difficult. People are boring who don’t do the most difficult. Hell or not, and we don’t need to get into that, being boring is shameful.

Cherry Blossom Rain: Addendum 98

You know?

People often ask me about objectivity or moral objectivity. I am not a nihilist.

Here’s something objective:

It doesn’t matter what your fucking opinion is, if you jump off a very high cliff… you’re dead. It’s true regardless of your opinion. People may agree with this.

After this:

So then people don’t understand MORAL objectivity.

Here it is:

Nobody who has ever existed wants their consent violated. Your opinion doesn’t matter here either.

So people then ask, “what is consent (violation)?”

It’s very simple: “I don’t want this to happen”

Then people say that their consent is being violated by me saying this; clever, but not true.

There is a HUGE loophole for consent violation, you can always speak to abuse and take action to disempower abusers.

Of course it violates the consent of a rapist to go to prison. If we didn’t do things like this, this world would be a nightmare for everyone.