The story of Violet

Whay are you capable of, violetta?


What is she capable of.
What are You capable of?
What are You capable of?
What is she capable of?

D-O-I–I–I-N-G ?

She smirks, and dribbles out. few cacaphonous sounds that don’t resemble any form of dialect, instead bows to the East with great reverencd and closes her eyes for a while

She is in trance now. This becomes a trance into the very depth of being. Hers is a world of saintly encounter with others of her kin:
Her sainthood may land her into the August world of holy embrace with those saints who have been

But oh no please not that. No no no, not those to be found in the book of saints. St. Gellert comes to mind and this is a description of what happened to him.

They took an ordinary wine cask the Romans , and they hammered with nails from the outside, then pushed Gellert into the barrell, hammered shut and rolled him thus down the mountain into the blue Danube.


The next day, Marseille greeted Violet with a long list of autistic. noteables, and here is the list that I was able to acquire from her.

Violet was elated, caused she previously was merely some weird negative personality attribute:

Here is a copy:

Famous Autistic People in History
Dan Aykroyd – Comedic Actor
Hans Christian Andersen – Children’s Author
Benjamin Banneker – African American almanac author, surveyor, naturalist, and farmer
Susan Boyle – Singer
Tim Burton – Movie Director
Lewis Carroll – Author of “Alice in Wonderland”
Henry Cavendish – Scientist
Charles Darwin – Naturalist, Geologist, and Biologist
Emily Dickinson – Poet
Paul Dirac – Physicist
Albert Einstein – Scientist & Mathematician
Bobby Fischer – Chess Grandmaster
Bill Gates – Co-founder of the Microsoft Corporation
Temple Grandin – Animal Scientist
Daryl Hannah – Actress & Environmental Activist
Thomas Jefferson – Early American Politician
Steve Jobs – Former CEO of Apple
James Joyce – Author of “Ulysses”
Alfred Kinsey – Sexologist & Biologist
Stanley Kubrick – Film Director
Barbara McClintock – Scientist and Cytogeneticist
Michelangelo – Sculptor, Painter, Architect, Poet
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Classical Composer
Sir Isaac Newton – Mathematician, Astronomer, & Physicist
Jerry Seinfeld – Comedian
Satoshi Tajiri – Creator of Nintendo’s Pokémon
Nikola Tesla – Inventor
Andy Warhol – Artist
Ludwig Wittgenstein – Philosopher
William Butler Yeats – Poet
meno - philosophic poet

Wow, she thought, wow wow, guess you aire in pretty good company.( he thought)

So synchrenistically, does it begin to be obvious that things are coming together for her, so that she can in the confusion to make sense of things, relating to her story?

but rest awhile dear , and take up your load later.

So discouraged for everything , for this messy sketch, but I’ve got the spine not to dissolve into a jellyfish, and I have to, even if it take years, to come to any characterization, that may bring her alive.

You cannot quit for the problem, her problem has to transpire. Whatever, may I be damned or banned.

Justinian no just. Just.
She discovered Phylo

Look into it and the many faces of satyr. So little time.

Last night at mass the priest talked of seeder and holocaust in Christ IN terms.

2day go get records of the medical history behind my prostate. See what’s with that.

Must continue to search …

Dont really no much, must talk with Violet and how she goes on about as usuAl without making a mess of it.

And I showed her this, and when she glanced at it, she became exuberant. Here it is: but like a chess game coming to only an an-passant move, she snatched it away as an absurd thing to do.

No one cases about crap like this, course it means a life to me, she quipped

Here I reproduce this seemingly haphazard and time consuming waste nobody will café about.

And she says, " worry and boredom are stranger bedfellows yet. Its really absurd that You should entertain the thought.

"Indeed, in a way the best argument that Quine at least implicitly raises against the analytic and its kin is precisely that they perform no serious scientific explanatory work, and this he attempts to show by providing what he takes to be a satisfactory explanation of human language without them. In his (1960, 1973) he sketches a behavioristic theory of language that doesn’t rely on the postulation of determinate meaning or reference. He argues that translation (i.e., the identification of two expressions from different languages as having the same meaning) is “indeterminate”; there is “no fact of the matter” about whether two expressions do or do not have the same meaning (see Indeterminacy of Translation). This would appear to imply that there are pretty much no facts of the matter about people’s mental lives at all! For, if there is no fact of the matter about whether two people mean the same thing by their words, then there is no fact of the matter about whether they ever have mental states with the same content; and consequently no fact of the matter about the content of anyone’s thoughts. Quine himself took this consequence in stride—he was, after all, a behaviorist– regarding it as “of a piece” with Brentano’s thesis of the irreducibility of the intentional; it’s just that for him, unlike for Brentano, it simply showed the “baselessness of intentional idioms and the emptiness of a science of intention” (1960, p.221

.and, this remarked the brazen limits of her reliance on the cutoff method, as somewhat more indiginous then say, fee association.

( Knowing well enough that this ’ method ’ PR state of mind was prophetically foreshadowed way earlier, bu decades perhaps…


Were the Timekeepers of the Ancient World Autistic?
Archaeologists ask where ancients got the math for complex calendars.

When we read of ancient civilizations, there are many mysteries. One perennial question is how societies with (supposedly) no technology, no system of writing, and no known system of calculation managed to develop the mathematical ability to calculate movements of stars and planets. There is overwhelming evidence that many early civilizations did this with great precision; we did not surpass them until quite recently.

One question I’ve never seen asked in that context is this: Is there reason to think those early mathematicians and engineers were autistic?

During the past few years I have been studying the role of autistic people in history; particularly in the church. There’s a good body of evidence to suggest that churches have been home to autistics for thousands of years, and indeed we neurodivergents may have had a hidden hand in shaping many of the world’s religions.

For example, Isaac Newton is widely believed to have been autistic, based on accounts of his behavior and his own written words. Today we know Newton for setting down a description of calculus. Some say he invented calculus, but there are many autistics (me included) who can manipulate waveforms in our heads, and the written calculus may just be a way to share that ability with others. If that’s true in Newton’s case as well, then what he did was lay out for others an ability he was born with. In that sense, he didn’t invent anything. Instead, he described his different way of thinking.

But that’s “Newton now.” In his time, Newton wrote considerably more on theology and religion than he did on science. In his day he was more known as a theologian than a mathematician. When we go back in time, we find most scientists and deep thinkers were supported by churches. Prior to 1800, churches were the world’s centers of logic, reason, and abstract and scientific thought.

With that in mind, we can find many descriptions of autistic behaviors alongside the achievements of early churchmen. We even find evidence of accommodation. For that, look no farther than the silent orders of monks, or the reflective orders that spent their days in cool shade. Today we’d call that sensory-friendly. What did that call it then? It’s reasonable to ask how far back that connection may reach. York University archaeologist Penny Spikins posits that sustainable autistic traits made their appearance in the human genome some 100,000 years ago.

When we reach back a few thousand years, the written record gets mighty thin. There are few descriptions detailed enough to retrospectively consider whether any particular person of that day was on what we now call the autism spectrum. Yet there is a very strong sign that autism was there in the background. We see it in the calendar. And remember – the calendars were traditionally kept by the priests.

Ancient civilizations had very sophisticated calendars that were tied to long and short term celestial events. They forecast the years and the seasons with extraordinary accuracy. They also noted much slower changes in the sky – the cycles of precession that unfold over thousands of years.

It’s interesting to consider how calendars have changed over the ages. Today we use calendars to plan our days and weeks. We schedule what we will do at 10, and where we will go at 3. We note the day of a birthday or an anniversary. The events we record seem trivial, except to ourselves.

The ancient calendars recorded dates of more moment. Calendars counted the days since the beginning of the world, or they counted the hours till the end. They forecast the changing of constellations and the arrival of comets. Calendars told our ancestors when to plant, and even how to navigate. If you’ve never done so I encourage you to explore Mayan, Egyptian, or Indian calendars – you’ll find them incredibly fascinating.

Early calendars tended to be far more complex than the calendars we use today. They were also harder to maintain and calibrate, in the absence of electronics and standards such as we rely on in the modern era. At the most basic level, ancient calendars were tied to the sky, and built upon knowledge that must have been gathered and passed down for many generations.


Flexible Brains and Adjusting to a Changing World
Archaeologists ask why early societies needed such complex and far-reaching calendar systems. While that is a good question, a more interesting question (to me at least) might be, what kind of person could build and run such a calendar?

To find that answer, we need only turn to the autism community. Psychiatrist Michael Fitzgerald has studied calendar calculating abilities and other savant skills. He’s found that calendar skills are almost exclusively the province of certain autistic people. In his experience the people with the greatest calendar skills were often quite disabled in present society, but they could tell you the moon phase or day of the week for any date 500 years in the past or present with complete accuracy.

Archaeologists and historians have puzzled about where ancient people got the mathematical skills to construct and run their calendars. After all, they were not even known to have written language. So how could they have higher math? The answer is simple. The math was in the autistics. It was inborn, in their minds. Practice makes better, but formal teaching was not needed. That’s evident in today’s calendar calculators.

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Need evidence of that? Ask an autistic with calendar calculating abilities to show his work. He (she) can’t. It’s like asking me to show my work when I added musical waves in my head. It’s a thing we can do, but we can’t necessarily set down a written path for someone else to do it. Newton did for calculus, and changed the world. I’ve yet to see something similar for calendar calculation.

In the absence of that, it’s reasonable to turn the traditional archaeologist’s question around and ask: Who but an autistic person could have run the calendars of ancient times in his (her) head? The historians say, “there was no evidence they had math” and they may well be right. They didn’t need math. They had autistics.

And yes … science does suggest that. We may not have found evidence of computers in prehistory, but for some of us, the autism is in our genes, and for genetic evolution, prehistory was just the blink of an eye away.

So look where it’s brought us …

Dr. Fitzgerald noted that most of the autistic calendar calculators he found were living in group homes or institutions. They were said to be totally disabled, with average IQs below 70. Yet a Mayan or Egyptian calendar would be play for them. Indeed, play is probably a very apt term.

2,000 years ago, would that person be disabled or venerated, for the same ability?

It’s an interesting cultural commentary. We talk about all our challenges. Seizures, depression, language. But if you could keep a calendar in the time of the Pharaoh, there might well be some honor and accommodation beyond what we see today.

Not that it makes life easy – the lives of early shamans and priests are often described as tortured and painful. Honored didn’t necessarily mean comfortable. But it means we had a place in the world; something many of us feel we’ve largely lost today.

What do you think?

John Elder Robison

John Elder Robison is an autistic adult and advocate for people with neurological differences. He’s the author of Look Me in the Eye, Be Different, Raising Cubby, and the forthcoming Switched On. He serves on the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee of the US Dept of Health and Human Services and many other autism-related boards. He’s co-founder of the TCS Auto Program (A school for teens with developmental challenges) and he’s the Neurodiversity Scholar in Residence at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.

John Elder Robison is the author of Look Me In The Eye: My Life With Asperger’s, and Be Different.

Do Environmental Changes Explain the Rise in Autism Diagnoses?

Do You Think of Narcissism as an Autistic problem?

Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC

She took my gun away. Was trying to do well …now I am … but im reluctant this story.

Not making it up. This is no fiction. But gotta get it off my chest. Carleas knows about it.

I needed a gun. For self protection. And i hope this guy, my ex son in law who has got my grandson deals. He took my daughter’s life because she dumped him , found someone she lived, and could support her.

He moved in after her ex moved out.

Then on one Sunday night he took the little kid the apple of my eye, on Sunday night.

There was a flurry of communication between my Isabella my daughter and alwx, my son in law for the delivery.

It was supposed to be the unicorn

We didnt know a thing, not a thing, until it became too late.

The gun thing set it off. Originally I bought it for he is a rough crowd and it is a family business.

But she found me cleaning it, and says afterbdecades of marriage " It’s either the gun that goes or You will.

So i gotta get at least a quater of the price back fof I gotta fix her car’s door handle, someone tried to break into it. So I go sure, for i can’t afford to be thrown out at this stage.

Plus I love her cause I promised not to make the same mistake like my old man made walking out on mom.

But back to the story, just get to sidetrack at times?
Now I don’t feel that bad, cause I am not afraid to be shot, and now I’m clean in their eyes.

And Natalia says, that’s my wife, that if I get mad I’d shot her.

She can hardly wait for him to get arrested, but I kind of feel half heartedly sad for the kid for one time, were talking, and he says to his dad " are You also going to die daddy( for they told him, being 5 years old

Violet was here other name. She went to live in Asia, she was beautiful
She was in centerfolds. She lived her 15 minutes of fame, when with her girlfriend dressed only in lettuce, paraded near the basilica to protest cruelty to animals.

Then I got an urgent call for help. She worked six months in Manila in a TV show, and her agent, an older woman raped her and stole her wages, leaving her penilless. The maid who took care of her, wrote me that all she dies is view a movie called ’ into the wild’ , over and iver, and her flat was haunted and she was afraid to go into the sunlit street for barrages of autograph seekers tormented her constantly.

So I went, brought her back after two years of the suicide of her brother , my youngest son, fir they were so close.

She and her high school swearheart tied the knot soon after, and we were all concerned and hoped that he may help her forgett her brother.

He had issues, wrote a book , that I published under his name post humorously.

But Violet was really a gentle soul,l a sort of underlying sadness betook her, she tattooed her back in Thailand with the same pattern that Angelina Jolie did on her back.

So she goes and marries than, whom she was supposed to know, and everything unraveled for her. He was a dealer, drove i3 new infinities for which she paid, and proceeded to total one after an other.

She became an interior decorator, did well did some exteriors later on, in upscale places like along PCH, and her portfolio spoke of volumes.

Her last night . Seeking the unicorn, he was supposed to bring oxy, but brought fentanyl, and she and her current boyfriend couldn’t tell the difference for they wete both of purple color. She never woke up, and i found her as i did her brother a few years hence. Now the noose is tightening around her ex, who has costudy of the kud, and that brings it to this bitter closing.

All hoping for clisure, and I regret the Missus found me cleaning the gun, I promised to take it back and get at least a few hundred back so that I can fix the broken handle of her gun.

Why I bought it last year was a general fear if a possible social uprising where people will run out of food, and they may break into the house for food. Did not anticipate further use, but now, maybe it’s a good thing, fof now my only remaining worry, that if they get me, what will happen to my dear wife of many decades, to whom I have sort of become an emotional anchor.

I had a lot if legal hurdles to overcome, before I succeeded to gain 1 hour of visitation rights per month with the kid, my dears wonderful grandson, with whom I was supposed to attend child psychiatric sessions, but that promise became as empty and broken as his dad is.

I knew him since high school days and he passed for ok. but who would have thought he would eventually bring Violet down to drug dependency.

As it turned out, that was the only hold of control he had in her, and niw that she is gone along with her financial support, he is back with his son, my grandson living with his parents whom he detests.

The only comfort I have here that soon Violet , as portrayed in this narrative will here be soon firgot, her life, her sweet face, because this is only one little story within the thousands of forums buried here, and really who will unearth the volumous archives ?

I am kind of paranoid of the search my writings, but really it is my paranoia kicking in.
I know her soul is around fof we’ve had some occasional paranormal events like a strange owl staying with us, perched on the fence a few says, …

I have never seen that bird befire or since that event. Maybe she is with him now fir like i said they were cliss, very close.

The gun: I mentioned to someone here about it, but it became an obsession of retribution or protection for us, and I have to let that pass, as well, along with Buddha’s promise of redemption, if one can just let everything go, including deaf for one’s spoucd, progeny and most important : one’ self.

The story of the diamond, not flawless really. But it does have a story.

The story is simple. The diamond is not really much on terms of value. In a mall maybe 3M but maybe a third of that to sell. Ill go by the mall prize, thr gun was a glittering jewel to reflect the difference between my Christian love for him, and his otherworldly yhought, based on an ancient ethical code. That preceded the Talmud.

The story of violet and the story of the diamond can be similarly discounted" the diamond is really both shine. ,…i cannot go on tonight , the diamond has been sleeping underground, pressed against the inner layers of deeply buried diff, while violet the pure hearted kid, my grandsons mother has still can be heard as the sweet child waking to the early white glow of the sun, and the little kid on her bosom resting on the dew of promises those eternal rays.

The angels that know cant stand the burst of powder the gun emits , as christiam soldiers took back the holy land in the ages before the afterglows of civilized man.

The diamond Sutra.: