Schizopost #7: Philosophers as "Gods of the Earth".

From the first day I met you until you mentally collapsed for some reason, I treated you with nothing but respect. But one day you just out of the blue started insulting me, saying things to me you never had before. Like seriously calling me a racist for making fun of Al Sharpton’s fingers. Like calling me a traitor to my own political ideals because I didn’t get much out of Steve Bannon’s podcast. Like calling me un-American for not agreeing with you that Trump was playing 4-d chess with his loss to Biden. You’re absurd. Challenge? What the fuck is your challenge, I reply and qualify everything I say whenever you try to make a half-baked point. Every time I articulate my position or argument you run away like the fucking little cuck that you are, and yet you turn around and tell me I’m running? I’m right here, faggot. Every time you try to “challenge” me, I make my response, like I did with regard to the sciences. What fucking challenge am I not responding to? I laid out very easy to follow arguments about how nothing I have said or done is “traitorous”, about how Trump is simply not (contra. your assertion) somehow still the president,- even if it could be proven that Biden’s victory was illegitimate. You just stopped replying in the thread after I laid all that out. Every fucking post you make, makes me lose more respect for you. You’re a fucking loser, dude. It hurts because nothing you’ve said to me lines up with reality and you are, at whatever unconscious level, aware that you’re taking your own intellectual inadequacies out on me, and you know you threw away every friendship you had for literally nothing. See, nothing about this hurts me. You’re ridiculous and you don’t have any point behind any of this animosity, you’re just mentally unstable after realizing you don’t really have anything original to contribute to anything. Go fuck yourself dude, seriously. Over and over again I gave you the chance to grow up and admit you were being a cunt, but you can’t,- because cunts can’t admit when they’re being cunts. You fucking disgust me.

Dude, read your DMs…

I am the one disregarding friendship? You fucking little pissant. Despite me treating you with nothing but respect for ten years, you just started calling me racist one day, you called me unamerican for not agreeing with you, and a traitor. Man, just go fuck yourself you little fucking loser.

Sometimes I don’t want to hear anything and I am trying to enjoy my solitude. Anyway, to Fixed: I am the one disregarding friendship? You fucking little pissant. Despite me treating you with nothing but respect for ten years, you just started calling me racist one day, you called me unamerican for not agreeing with you, and a traitor. Man, just go fuck yourself you little fucking loser. You’re fucking gas-lighting me now too? By trying to confuse me about if it was me or you that started this? You motherfucker I have the chat archives. Just fuck off right now, I am sick of hearing you. Fuck off. I am done with it. I’m done trying to re-connect with you, just get the fuck out my face right now you fucking miserable loser fuck.

What challenges? Every single time you say something, I respond and counter, then you stop responding. What challenges? And the gas-lighting is the final straw. You dare try to tell me I am the one that started this? You motherfucker, that’s it, that was the last bit. I’m done with you. Go to fucking Hell. You fucking make me sick.

Yeah the gaslighting was it, the final straw. I’m done dude. Go rot in your own failure and inadequacy. Gaslighting is literally the lowest, most bitch move a person can pull, and that is where you’re going Fixed.

Gaslighting is about as low as you can go buddy, and that’s where you went. You lost the right to say pretty much anything after that. Go wallow in your own failure now because I am done trying to reconnect with a fucking worm who’d rather stew on their own entitlement than admit they treated a friend wrong who always treated them correctly.

At first you were merely irritating- now you’re gross. I succumbed? You fucking cunt, you started all of this one day, not me? I fucking damn you for trying to confuse me about who started it. You did you fucking piece of shit, even when I tried to re-ground the respectful atmosphere of our interactions, you just kept on calling me a racist, calling me a traitor, calling me … Fucking gaslighting piece of shit, everything you just said APPLIES TO YOU. I wish I had never fucking met you dude. You’re as low as a person can get.

You’re supposedly a fucking MAN, trying to GASLIGHT another MAN? Oh do so kindly just fuck off.

After trying to gaslight me- another male- oh, man. You could come to me crawling on your knees asking to suck my uncircumsized cock in forgiveness and I’d still tell you to fuck off. Enjoy being nothing and no-one, you fucking loser. And I answered every one of your little “challenges.” You just never replied to my rebuttals. Because you don’t have a reply.


After trying to gaslight me- another male- oh, man. You could come to me crawling on your knees asking to suck my uncircumsized cock in forgiveness and I’d still tell you to fuck off. Enjoy being nothing and no-one, you fucking loser. And I answered every one of your little “challenges.” You just never replied to my rebuttals. Because you don’t have a reply. I value friendship almost more than anything else in this universe: so I de-value when a friend tries to manipulate and gaslight me just as severely. I don’t even know if you possess the self-awareness to understand what you’ve fucking done, but I don’t even care anymore. Bring your little faggoty challenges bitch, because every time I answer publically on the forum you just disappear. Come on motherfucker, challenge me.

As many times as you scream it at me, it’s still an extremely banal lie. That has nothing to do with what I accuse you of.

The fact that youre so angry only tells me that you know I am right in what I actually told you.
Im glad you have it archived, so do I.

Most people are racist to a degree, or say racist shit now and then. Youve done it in the past, not maliciously I figured, Ive said racist shit in my life as well. Maybe this wasn’t racist. I dont even care, it was just some crappy hateful shit you were throwing at me disregarding, as you still are, my points to you. I was pissed off and still am at your lies about this.

If the anger is about the racism remark, then it’s about that. But for the last time the accusation of traitor had nothing to do with 4d chess. I had no idea what Trump was doing.

I dont care for going into what I did mean, as I dont care to reintroduce that pressure on myself.

I have accepted what has happened. And Im not telling anyone what I think it is.

Yeah dickface, I was that angry because you distracted me, made me lose a train of thought while I had been writing, and ruined a really great high I was riding last night, and I ended up wasting a bunch of pills and a whole bottle of good whiskey on your fucking nonsense. I’m not angry now, wasn’t angry before. But when you fucking get in the way of my high, yeah I can get really fucking pissed off. The last message you sent to me on Gmail was this: “Don’t send me any more of your traitorous horseshit”, “shut up and make room for the true Americans”. So is all of this just me mis-reading that? Am I lying? The 50 pages of courteous counter-argument I was having with you leading up to you collapsing into your own asshole was ‘traitorous horseshit’, (I didn’t insult you in any way leading up to that, I, in very respectful language, laid out what I thought and that is what you came back with: that everything I was saying was traitorous horseshit and I need to shut up and make room for the real Americans. Those. Were. Your. Exact. Words. Fuckface.) but I am wrong for taking that as you basically calling me a political traitor. And I am the one somehow doing bad by my friends. That’s me. Man, you’re a fucking piece of work, you know that? Yeah I haven’t read anything you sent me on gmail after that shit. At any rate, that response of yours was a response to me simply pointing out that nothing Styx did or said was unamerican, traitorous, etc. I felt the need to defend him because the things he had said that prompted you to start talking ill about him WERE THINGS THAT I SAY/SAID/STILL HOLD. So by silent implication, everything you were accusing him of, you were accusing me of. Of course, you then explicitly accused me of all that nonsense, so it is a moot point. So maybe you really are confused about what you did and who started what.

As to the accusation that I am the one not meeting your ‘challenges’. Dawg, every single point you’ve ever raised against me on this forum, I write detailed responses to, sometimes multiple pages, and then YOU duck out and stop responding. What the fuck are you talking about? You made a point against my ‘anti-scientism’, then I wrote a 10 page counter, and then you didn’t respond to it at all and simply said I was refusing your challenge. Uh, WUT? You’re the fucking one not responding to argumentative challenges. Do you mean to accuse me of that because I take a break for a few days in between my appearance online? Aww, did I hurt your feelings by taking too long to get back on the fucking computer and reply to something of yours? When I do get back online, I respond. The fuck is it to you how long I take? I told you a fucking thousand times I’M FUCKING BUSY, when I am not online I am writing, researching, studying, and the shit occupies massive amounts of my time and I end up too tired at the end of the day to get on the computer and do this shit.

  1. Who started with the belligerent insults? You.
  2. Who tried to re-establish the air of respect? Not you. See, that would be- me.
  3. Who blew up their friendships over politics and then just, literally nothing, whatever the fuck you’re ego-tripping about? You.
  4. Who’s being the fucking cunt? You.
  5. Who doesn’t address who, who isn’t offering counter-arguments to actual SHIT THAT MATTERS? You’re the one that doesn’t respond to me when I lay out very clearly and in great detail, counters I have to your ideas and points, like the one about my estimation of the value of the natural sciences. I fucking go out of my way to respond to every point you make. So who isn’t meeting challenges? You.
  6. Who has a needy demand to be praised? You’re the one blowing up because I apparently take too long in between replies to you with my actual life, you’re the one that seems hellbent on getting some kind of affirmation. I never gave a fuck about any of that. I never demanded you praise me, demand you “meet my challenges”, demand you write back to my arguments, demand you do this and do that, BECAUSE I DON’T GIVE A FUCK. So who has the need to be praised? You.

Dude you specifically called me a “Chinese defector” for admitting that Trump likely lost and that Biden is going to be elected. That is the specific two-word combination you used. Then you went on an insane tangent about how Trump is still somehow the president, and I devoted an entire thread to pointing out 10 different ways that just isn’t true, even if it could be proven in the supreme court that Biden’s victory was illegitimate. You of course didn’t respond, but then again, I’m the one not answering challenges. At any rate, when I jokingly refer to Trump’s 4D chess, I am referring to your concept of his still somehow being the president. Perhaps you no longer hold that idea. So what the fuck am I lying about?

Bold tactic gaslighting and attempting to make ME feel bad for everything YOU did. But it’s not working dude. I didn’t lie about anything. I laid out in this post the exact flow of events and your exact words. Just stop trying to confuse what is a very simple reality, the reality of you deciding to be a fucking cunt. Because so far, here’s your line of thought, and I am going to paraphrase for the audience:

[b]Me: I think it’s unfair to accuse Styx of political insincerity and being a Chinese defector shill just because he admitted Trump lost and he decided to temper some of what he was saying so as not to get thrown off youtube until the shit dies back down. I believe that you are purity spiralling, it’s what happens when one guy in a group tries to ‘out-pure’ another, then someone has to out-pure that guy, and so on and so forth. It’s what destroys leftist groups from within because it all just becomes this endless competition to see, in our case, who is the most ‘real american’, the most ‘not a shill’, etc.

You: Don’t send me any more of your traitorous horseshit, shut up and make room for the real Americans. (That bit isn’t a paraphrase, it’s the direct quote from you.)

Me: Dawg why are you calling me a fucking traitor now too? What the fuck is this?


never mind.

What do you consider to be the greatest book?

If Nietzsche did not make an advance, then what do you make of of his Superman (because it’s not just a return to the Greeks)…And how do you relate the Superman to your image-of-Being and the transcendental subject.

“Never mind”, is that it, Fixed? Motherfucker, all I asked was for some respect following your stupid outburst, which I quoted. Tell me to be quiet for the ‘real Americans’ and that I am spouting ‘traitorous horseshit’ because I didn’t agree with you on some irrelevant shit? I’m not letting anyone talk to me like that, I don’t give a fuck if it was a member of my family. You say that shit to me, you either apologize, or go get bowel cancer and die and fuck off. But you’re too much of a cunt to apologize for anything or ever admit you were wrong, so here we are. Excuse me for demanding some pretty basic respect from my friends. But excused or not, I’m not letting it go or forgetting it; that isn’t going to happen.

As to Nietzsche- well he made an advance, it was just that he did so by making an… un-advance. He took a step backward so that we could all find a way forward, it was quite necessary. As to the Ubermensh, it is not without precedent. Many thinkers have advanced ideas concerning man’s potential evolution. Giordano Bruno came up with the mens heroici. Lull came up with the homoficans. List goes on.

I thought of something in my books where I loosely relate such concepts to myself:

"The Nietzschean conception of the passions turning inward and, in conformation to the repressive demands of morality, becoming toxic, is one that echoes much of our very early psychology,- and, like all early psychology, does not hold up well to modern scrutiny. Even at the level of experimental evidence, it is known that “repressing” emotions and instincts does not in fact cause them to ‘build up’ while looking unconsciously for some kind of release; in the case of the sex drive, after a great deal of time the person tends to simply stop thinking about sex at all. There’s no great putrefaction of the inward, ‘ensouled’ self occurring, and no consequent self-hatred of the body produced as the result of such psychologizing. A better model of how the inward or ‘self conscious’ subject develops is Girard’s mimetic desire and, moreover, its fusion with generative anthropology, as per my own model of the hypomnemata. Beyond that, as Proust said, all artistic genius owes itself to ‘neurotics’. Every great work of art, philosophy, and science that has yet been conceived was the result of repression and sublimation. However, the nature of this repression was of course only hinted at in the early Freudian work. The libido is properly an undifferentiated affective surplus that, only after being differentiated by Eros, emerges as the procreative instinct at war with Thanatos,- Eros being a secondary instinct molded through mimetic desire and enculturating or ‘ecotic’ codes, which differ from era to era and society to society. The ancestral libido itself has no sexual connotation, it signifies what I call organo-affective unity,- the total energetic potentia of the organism’s neurodynamics, which Spare believed existed as a primordial will, beyond the male-female sexual differentiation, to consume,- like that of the early bacteria which swallowed the earth up to the extent of poisoning themselves in their own waste. In my own work, the daemon serves as a mediating psychic entity that submerges Eros in this ancestral libido (Voegelin’s 'Depth) and in turn moves surplus affect upward from the libido toward the conscious mind (via the ‘intellective circulus’) which inheres it in artistic forms and philosophic ideas- a novel model of sublimation. All libidinous surplus that is not brought up successfully into the conscious mind signifies a neurosis, a potential psychological trauma or danger.

To be sure, there are dangers in experimenting with sublimation of this kind,- in experimenting with the ancestral libido. The mens heroica, a kind of perfection of the philosopher-type, has brought the totality of the ancestral libido into consciousness through a single all-embracing artistic vision. The daemon serves here as a Lullian homoficans: through noesis, completing what Plato calls the metaxy, it ‘makes human’; it ‘makes human’ the contents of the primordial libido, and that through a variety of techniques, namely transcendental reflection, artistic forms, the eideia, etc. The daemon’s role is a liminal one, existing between material and ideal. It brings the concept of a category of pure reflection back into psychology,- the role of abstraction and philosophy in the formation of the human mind, leaving behind the purely drive based psychology, as well as reductive neuroscience. "

“You say that shit to me, you either apologize, or go get bowel cancer and die and fuck off.”

Dude what if that Chinese rocket fell on him?

Yo that thing is like two school buses big man. I can totally see some shrewd ass Chinese scientists and diplomats in a conference about how to get the rocket back to earth safely… and one’s like ‘too expensive… just let it fall wherever.’ that’s gangsta as fuck man.

The Chinese rocket can penetrate his BUMHOLE for all I give a fuck, everything I said stands,

Such banter. Would be even more manly if you hadn’t voluntarily stuck the Chinese rocket up your own ass.

Your reply would make more sense if it made more sense. Fortunately for you, I wasted 10 minutes of my day replying to all three of your posts in my latest threads. So pick one buddy, try again in one of the other two.

You do make very ornate straw men.

You’ve not sincerely addressed any of my points at least since the summer of 2019 though. Which is when I started noticing you had literally not a single clue of what value ontology is and were perfectly incapable of understanding my messages. Which is when I started to consider that I might have overestimated your power. Which is when I started testing you, seeing if you had any clue whatsoever - you didn’t. Which is when I started growing annoyed, and that built up to your behavior in November, which is the same behavior Zeroeth Nature recently attributed to Heidegger. You cant actually understand Being if you aren’t able to resist tyranny. So now you can try to wrap your mind around the quip about the rocket!