channeling Q & A

The creatures that reach me are made of consciousness, will, vitality, and tiny higher dimensional particles.

It is much easier for them to tell me a variation of something i already know.
Completely new information has no physical path way to manifest in my mind.

What they tell me depends on what i ask to hear.
Their general message is to do self improvements, meditation, eat healthy, work out, etc.
Anything positive and life affirming.

Well I’ve seen things while on cocaine and I’ve had night terrors before; when you wake up paralyzed and horrified (fear like u have never known) and there’s this black writhing cloud the size of a basketball hovering across the room. Think of something out of The Ring or wait no think of Venom. THAT black thing, but not a figure… just a blob or pulsating mass. I was so terrified I shrieked like a leetle girl, bro. Silent Soliloquy knows, she wuz there. U remember her shirley.

Now. I would of course dismiss all this is either drug induced hallucination (in the case of the visuals while on coke… shadows and shit, the light plays differently… hard to explain), or half awake mental states, a peculiar level/kind of consciousness when most of your brain is still asleep. In the night terrors, I was awake, and aware of being awake… and as certain the black thing was there as I was aware of being awake.

But even supposing any of this was real and ‘paranormal’ or whatever, I can’t know what to make of it or anything about its importance, because it too, transcendental and supernatural as it might be, is rooted in dasein and conflicting goods in a political economy, however those shadows and black things do whatever they do (other than freaking me out).

Bro this one time I wuz smoking coke I cooked up myself in the woods and I wuz so sure some strange creatures were closing in on my perimeter that I literally pulled my knife out and started yelling out challenging them. I was parked on one of those public utility access roads that run under the main power lines, way away from any houses and shit. It was like something out of Predator, dude. I wuz like that Indian guy, but I didn’t cut a line across my chest. I wuz on coke, not meth.

The woods incident occurred after the onset of the initial period of the quickening, which is the first minute and forty seven seconds experienced after taking the blast when the eidetic functions of the cognitive mind are greatly accelerated. She is basically accessing a non-non euclidean hyper-brane information complex that can only be accessed by the use of the alkaloid itself (or a synthetic version).

WARNING: Nudity. video shows bare breasts.

If that dude would shut the fuck up and leave that bitch alone, she might figure out how to make cold fusion. Her brain is like a quantum computer there, I’m trying to tell you.

Not to mention the other way around, right Dan?

Well, if not on this planet.

And, I might add, when you’re not in la la land. :sunglasses:

Dan, I take it you were not on drugs when you channeled.
Read Aldous Huxley’ s two small books—Heaven and Hell and The Doors of Perception in which he tells of his mescaline experiments and reports on what he calls the “hinterlands” of the mind or see the Lilly immersion tank experiments. These references show how chemical changes in the brain produce distortions of conscious awareness. Lilly actually thought that he was in touch with aliens.

Yes, this is one possible explanation.

Or is the OP more in the way of tongue in cheek?

I mean, do you really believe that you can “channel alien souls of the dead”? In other words, believe “in your head” that you can rather than being able to demonstrate to others that in fact you can?

And then the possibility of a “condition”? Like in regard to some of the things that others here believe that seem to be all but “supernatural”?

There is no image in drug induced "Trips’ or in distortions of consciousness brought on by illnesses that is totally unknown. As is found in surrealistic paintings these images are misplaced parts of reality,. What is missing is the logical placement of order of things as dictated by the neocortex. I had a friend who, on LSD, saw headlights coming out of the hill by the road. The hill, the road, and the headlights were. independently, normal images; their paranormal effect suggests a breakdown in logical connections.
Julian Jaynes suggested that the ancients saw and heard gods because their minds were similar to those of modern day schizophrenics; that when brains evolved past that early stage, the gods began to disappear.
Jaynes–The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (!976).

There seems to be a big reptilian presence on the lower spiritual levels of the earth.
I am guessing this means there may be a physical presence as well,
giving off these fractions and emanations.


I thought that God was supposed to be ubiquitous.

Where does God reside?

So, what is it, Dan, that you think separates those who will possibly be reincarnated from those who might not go this way?

We’l l wait for Dan to answer that.

Meanwhile to the question of nothingness that awaits afterwards, the answer is incredibly complex while being. astoundingly simple.

The simple one says it all: that nothingness is no where, ever because it does not exist, even in the here and now.

That state is not like here today gone tomorrow, but it is more like here today and here tomorrow.

We really don’t exist in any shape, size or form as well, we just think we do. The thinking part belongs in that same state, and as time as we come to understand it starts to disassociate from what appears as thought, we start to see exist ence drop away from something we call ‘being’.

The cause of this nihilistic dropping away must be yet different and the scholastics cane to under-stand it as ‘essence’ or formally reinvented , essentially.

This ideal formal substance does make sense for a while to underscore the need to fell it aside, and then it all seems to create sense: I am a transcendent idea of myself.

But that can’t be so, God becomes the author in a vast book in which we are the characters that wrote the book to begin with.

So there. nihilism is felled by the wayside, leaving merely the Void, which does not exist either…
And than non-existence >>>>>>

fades along with the rest of it: leaving everything else as we see it.

And what is that?

And how does that relate to the ‘hardware’ , of this seemingly insoluable problem?

And which can not yet be universally connected to the software , seeking some correspondence with it.

Plainly : God-anatomy exists in many forms and functions.
God has some omni present parts, and also some local parts, in his / its anatomy.


How are you using the term “anatomy”? Nature, the Universe?

Reality, nature, the universe, etc.
It all has many parts. Reality is in part, alive, and in part, sentient.

You said: So to meet God, our soul must travel a large distance.

You also said: I think reincarnation is possible, but isn’t always the case.

I want to know what large distance you are talking about? I can kind of understand if you are speaking of reincarnation here in terms of multiple lives … if not, what are you referring to …but what of those who are not reincarnated? What is the case there?

From here to the center of reality, is the large distance i am talking about,
to finding a deeper part of the God-anatomy.
Only certain kinds of spirits need to reincarnate.
There are so many kinds of spirits that i can’t list 'em all.

At the risk of myself sounding ridiculous, are you being serious about all of this?

Yes I am.

I’ll intercede here.

In the current plan people can exist as disembodied spirits or embodied spirits.

When you’re a disembodied spirit, Dan is correct, you don’t incarnate.

It’s like watching a camera that pans in a Hollywood movie… but there’s no camera (no body).

I channel everything, including “dead” ancients, what dan is calling aliens. Lots of them are from other ‘dead’ planets.

Just call them ancients.

Can you tell me when you began to believe or see all of this? What you were doing at the time? Was there some kind of a catalyst that lead you here or there?