
Can You see banning Polish boy is analogous to a Trump imposition that will not simply disappear or go away? They are the minimal and maximal conversions that simply reinforce their odd contradictory messages.

Polish is autistic and Trump disdains the disabled. They are like hidden signals that have silent linkages, the patently disguised markers between their social predicators: social determinism and individual rights.

Both are deceptive in the sense that they hide below the covers of the thoughts they contain.

They will not go, because of the cover which ate easily recognized as do varience by similarity and recognition of identity.

The covers can barely contain or determine the ensuing chaos if somehow they wouldn’t work
It’s the purveying utaliterionism which gives life to their functional description, and the covers designate only a workeable matrix of function as betweem the two,

But free will becomes illusive or more defined situationally as it’s variable function can sufficiently link at some point.

This pseudo retro Kantianism categorically is subscribed which guerentees it’s staying power.

This social-communist-capitalist-human rights equilibrium is still present in its most extended symbolic underpinning , by a reduced generality, that necessarily sustains the equlibrium; uneffected by the appearent collapse of the communist system back a couple generations ago.The ideological depth of social control far outweighs the identifiable assumilad inherent stresses.

I’ve even reported myself.

Stop writing nonsense nobody can understand you wacko.

You want me to translate?

You can but I wont read it because its nonsense.

Aww damn.

I was going to translate from Meno to Thought Terror


Actually in a way he is on your side by proxy of freedom of speech and in another way he is playing devil’s advocate.

I honestly think I should be banned for my vulgarities but I cant help myself when faced with dishonesty and idiocy, fortified by arrogance. I thought this forum was a bit better that SHITthyself(and it is) but the dullards here are just as bad and just as dull.

Meno is of course rattling on about a whole bunch of other stuff. I don’t know whether you should be banned. That is a complex issue. Like I said before, you are just being honest. You and I both know that people have a difficult time dealing with honesty. Some idiocy can be falsely identified but most are easy to see. Arrogance…I don’t know…I guess, in some ways - depends on the angle one would view you.

Most people here who are upset are more upset by your cussing than anything else.

Some conversations of course take on a different set of English - there is jargon involved.

I have a rational ground because he’s being verbally abusive. We are still living in a free will environment promethean75.

You CAN help yourself if you want to, but you don’t want to because it gives you greater satisfaction to name call probably thinking you will be heard. But it’s the opposite polish. Try a different method if you really care about your message.

From what I understand, people call it trolling but I am old and don’t fully understand this concept.

Don’t real trolls want to be alone?

His language is vulgar but does not worry me. I have witnessed much worse than what polish delivers. From the viewpoint of the privileged and overly comfortable some of his behavior could be considered abusive.
For most, I think it is more annoying than anything else. He takes the stance of the antagonist - a pretty simple role to act out on the internet.

I guess it is a form of verbal abuse if you are susceptible to it. The worst form to me would be the off-balancing form - delivering a constant state of confusion.

The Canadians are such puffs they are hurt by somebody calling them an idiot.

I really feel I must reply. In fact my 'proof by contradiction’is not meant to be anything but, and the truth of the matter is in my mind beyond dispute, since the problem of attitude, arrogantly presupposed seems to be the final arbiter.

Arrogance is a optically playing metaphor which appears to eat up the contents of the dynamic manifested results of primary contradiction, which after all is at the heart of the discussion between determining and intentional factors which come into play.

That I have openly come out expressing my opposition to Polish Youngster’s ban, should be ample evidence to where I honestly stand fir a politically neutral sounding board regarding the coming objective validity of a sought after position yet not defined.

This contradictory premise is fodder to conflation thus becomes a reflection of a necessery literal solution vis one where allusion through contingency is manifested through what appears to be control; social or otherwise.

This is no longer an allusion but a manifested break. in the illusive power of contradiction.

What must happen will be seen as one that should happen rather then one that might happen.

The last is the idea of the functional utility any such reduction could have conceived,

Philosophycally speaking it is a conventional way of describing those, who explore these type of issues from the point of view toward and from this type of logic.

An example I can think of, is an MS of yesteryear: ‘Open society and It’s enemies’.


I did not know whether you wanted to go there or not Meno.

You have always struck me as an analytical type as well as a peaceful type.

You also seem to be able to weather most storms.

I also remember the confusing days of Trixie who I was sad to see go.

You are insane.

Insane for being sad to see people go?


How is that a definition of insanity?

Back in my day people used to knock each other’s heads off - something that would have happened to you, I have no doubt. You would have been put in your place pretty quickly.
But now we live in a softer society with a cushioned existence.

It is easy to be the tough man on the internet but when you have to go one on one with someone that is always a different story.
Guns and gang fights are for the real pussies.

Mouthing off as you do achieves absolutely nothing.

What the fuck are you talking about spook.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I am hopeful that you saw my post before I edited it.

Now back to what I am interested in - whether you should be banned or not.

I don’t see a reason for it yet, at least from my point of view…and dude…some things really do go over your head.

Oh yes. Trixie always wondered why she left. Thinkin’ me a shadow a dilletante standing next to her.

But yes why not go 'there, or anywhere for that matter, but definitely not everywhere.

Even explore such strange existential problems, amusing, such as the intricacies of gifted dillitantism from autistic perspectives, or how I came to love modern Italian prose.

The prof.from Umberto Ecco’s :’ Foucalt’s Pendulum’.

From confessions

Well, we should have interests outside this monstrous domain. I love music.

Yes some places, even I do not want to go.

I have an autistic friend - absolute genius - very frustrating at times…but…he picks up some things much quicker than so-called normal people.
I read one of those articles you linked to - interesting concepts - I think the label is extended a little too far - the spectrum just a tad too large.
I am sure when the world gets its own mind back, it will be adjusted.

I have discovered some deterministic aspects of the mind driven of course by the brain…
…there are some that are considered non-deterministic…
…but since this thread is not about the mind but simply named determinism…welp…