Champagne Socialism

For me, one of the most interesting things in all this is how liberalism has evolved over the years in America and the ‘Commonwealth’; the British Empire.
Liberalism has come in 3 waves.

The 1st wave or classical liberalism began in 1688 with the Glorious Revolution and 1776 with the American Revolution and lasted till the ascendance of the Labor Party in 1922 and FDR’s New Deal in 1933.
The 2nd wave or social democracy began in 1922 and 1933 and ended with her highness Shillary’s defeat at the hands of DJT in 2016.

In my view, social democracy was at its best from FDR’s new deal to the ascendance of JFK.
Fiscally it was moderate and socially it was still classically liberal, conservative and patriotic.
Somewhat understandably things took a turn for the worse after JFK’s assassination.
This is when liberals began questioning, and trading in some, but not all of their socially liberal, conservative and patriotic values for socially progressive values.
The Commonwealth went through a similar phase.

With the ascendance of Bill Clinton after the Reagan, Thatcher and Mulroney revolution, liberals became more fiscally conservative but remained socially progressive.

Throughout all this, liberals remained moderate, with one foot firmly planted in classical liberalism, conservatism and patriotism, and the other in progressivism, but that all changed in 2016.
Ever since then, liberals, and neocons; fake conservatives, went completely batshit; 4th wave feminism/‘me too’, the Russian collusion hoax, the covid hoax and the Antifa/BLM insurrection.

If the 1st wave of liberalism in the Anglosphere was classical liberalism, the 2nd social democracy, I’d characterize the 3rd as corporate Marxism or woke corporatism, a synthesis of corporatism, Marxism, critical theory, Malthusian environmentalism and germaphobia.
It’s plain to see liberals have been radicalized.

Their new agenda (actually the oligopoly have been at this for over 2 centuries, they’ve gradually taken over liberals and conservatives and replaced them with neolibs and neocons, it’s just DJT took a few steps towards ousting some of the neocons from the republican party, there was no parallel ousting of neolibs from the democratic party, henceforth the democratic party is their new favorite and they’re accelerating their agenda), is agenda 2030, the great reset, the green new deal.
If paleoconservatives don’t reign liberals and neocons in at some point, either that or secession, I believe we will lose our republics before the end of the century.

What is Corporate Marxism?
It’s akin to corporate fascism, corporate fascism’s leftwing counterpart.

In the 20th century, Marxist revolutionaries took over what later came to be known as the 2nd world.
Most of these countries were socioeconomically underdeveloped before the takeover, they weren’t liberal democracies.

Marxism in theory is democratic state socialism, Marxism in practice is autocratic state capitalism.
Contrary to Rousseau’s political theory, there’s no such thing as absolute democracy, without free speech, the right to bear arms, due process, equality before the law, the rule of law, at least some semblance of individual liberty, private property and so on, there can be no democracy, nor equality and fraternity, instead you get guys like Oliver Cromwell, Napoleon Bonaparte, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong.

In any case, why would the corporations want to relinquish all their wealth and power to any state, whether it be a ‘democratic state socialist’ or autocratic state capitalist one.
Why would the corporations adopt Marxism, what’s in it for them?
The answer is they’re Marxists in exactly the same way as the pope, bishops and cardinals are Christians or in other words, they’re not really Marxists.
They’re corporatists 1st and foremost, on the inside, Marxists 2nd, on the out.
They’re just using Marx to eliminate their competition.

These’re their aims:

[b]Militarily it’s hawkish, altho it wears the mask of the dove.
Politically it’s autocratic, plutocratic and technocratic, absolutist and authoritarian, altho it wears the mask of liberal democracy.
Fiscally it’s champagne socialism.
In theory it favors progressive taxation, but in practice the overclass pays none of the taxes and big business is underregulated while the upper, middle and working classes pay all the taxes and small businesses are overregulated.
Corporations receive superlative welfare while the poor receive subsistence.

They claim to be fighting ‘misinformation’, ‘climate change’, ‘pandemics’, ‘patriarchy’ and ‘white supremacy’.
In truth they want an increasingly dumbed-down, infertile and sick population totally dependent on pharmaceuticals, divided against and isolated from one another, incapable of thinking for and organizing itself.[/b]

Corporate Marxism is a synthesis of corporatism, Marxism, critical theory, Malthusian environmentalism and germaphobia.
I believe Corporate Marxism will become the preeminent form of totalitarianism in the 21st century.
Left unchecked, I can see it taking over America, and the west, in much the same way Marxism took over Russia, and the east.

Yes. This is an ideal circumstance for them.


Nicely refined, I like it.

As have conservatives, in reaction.

If I play the devils advocate or the cynic, I wonder if you really ever truly had it - I wonder if the People have at any point been truly prepared to stand their ground.
But, personally, I see plenty of signs that you do have it.

Ive been prognosticating a giant legislative event end 2023-throgh 2024, since 2011, when I developed the notion of self-valuing logic and started looking for interesting nodes in the future, and Ive consistently said that in order for such an event to occur, a social-political crisis of unparalleled degree must be ongoing on Earth by then.

In the aftermath of WW1 and the depression, liberal democracy, especially in continental Europe, was hanging by a thread.
Whereas the Commonwealth and America were making moderate reforms to liberal democracy with the ascendancy of the Labor Party in the former, Teddy Roosevelt’s square deal and FDR’s new deal in the latter, in 1917 Marxists took over Russia and in 1933 anarchists nearly toppled the Spanish government.
That was the far left, as for the far right, the fascists came to power in Italy in 1922 and the Nazis in Germany in 1933.

I mention all that because I believe we’re about to go through a similar era.
History never repeats but often rhymes.
The Thatcher/Reagan era to 2016 was like our gilded age, where some people got filthy rich while many were left in the dust.
People are losing confidence in liberal democracy again.
Increasingly we’re going to see them turn to reformers and revolutionaries, some left of center and others far left, some right of center and others far right.
Many of these reformers and revolutionaries will have ulterior motives, be controlled by special interests.

One of the things that interests me most this time around is how radicalism appears to be coming to America most of all.
Another is how big business and the upper classes are embracing Marxism when historically they embraced either (crony) capitalism or fascism.
If big business and the upper classes overwhelmingly embrace the far left this time around, will the working classes overwhelming embrace the far right?
Will we see upperclass leftwing fascists (socially far left, fiscally far right) square off against working class rightwing communists (socially far right, fiscally far left)?
That’d be one of history’s great ideological reversals.
Another would be if left, and rightwing radicals took over the Commonwealth and America this time around rather than continental Europe and Russia.

Im glad someone made the connection between the Trump movement and grassroot Communism. The name-game distracts very much from the essential conflicts.

America in its design is in part a commune-ism, but with a suprastructure of Enlightenment based Romantic logic.

I think too many labels - and a bit too scrambled and conflated.

He’s coming from different paradigm, from the one that has suffered the most damage; the classicist interpretation of politics in terms of priority hierarchies of virtue and merit.
It still makes sense, but there is an underlying war that is less virtuous and code-like, and more instinctive and fearful/fearsome. Its only now that we are feeling the absence of God, now that the shine of technology has turned dark on us.

Capitalism is becoming increasing crony.
The oligopoly, the ones most responsible for its corruption, are going to try and incrementally replace it with what I’m terming corporate Marxism or leftwing fascism, which’ll appear good to the naïve.
All mainstream academia, media and politics are beholden to the oligopoly.
We oughta turn our backs on the establishment, but who do we turn to?
As our socioeconomies decline, extremists such as anarchists and rightwing communists will offer alternatives.
While constitutional democracy is very far from perfect, I think it’s the most viable system we have to date.
It needs renovation, not demolition.
My suggestion is support competent, grassroots/populist reformers, whether they’re conservatives, libertarians or progressives.
People who don’t take handouts from big business.
People who’re ignored or hated by the establishment.
Preferably 3rd parties, independents and people from working or lower middleclass backgrounds.
Myself I’m a national populist, fiscally center left and socially center right.

This is my favorite thread in SGE right now.

Loving the different angles being explored.

Thanks all for the good reads.

Thanks, G for starting this one up.


The most powerful and bold way of resisting is simply Thought. This is the true resistance, the actual power that shapes the aeon.
Even the great moguls as well as the deep state must obey Thought.

Thought mobilizes most men, as Marx mobilized them so does sounder thought - and it is the challenge of philosophy, its royal right, as it alone has the might to take it on, to produce an inevitable fortune for mankind as a whole. The founding fathers of the US have produced the foundation for this fortune, their intellect produced the power to sustain a political revolution that overturned and overtook the entire human world. Thought is required again, and it is present, clear and present. Philosophy is very much alive now.

A cool term I heard is “the intellectual dark web”.
It was in reference to Joe Rogan and others, but I think this place qualifies as well.

First destiny sought to destroy (in terms of) whatever was imperfect about it. Now, it must be reformulated so as to withstand whatever it has had to endure so far
and then it will be ready to govern the planet and whatever planets we seek to colonize after weve put this thing in gear.

Everyone does what they can. Be aware of that. People are stupid and dangerous out of not having anything solid in their psyche. People go mad with rage because theyre overwhelmed by the injustice of their puny lives. Try to find solutions for people who are lost in righteous rage, some way for them to click into place with their own capacities. Make people see that, in a sea of unjust chaos, the simple decision to be straightforward and honorable to themselves is as powerful as the creation of a world.

Nobility arent bad to have on your side either. Also military, police, politicians, diplomats, think tanks, - no limits, never imagine that Liberty doesnt like diamonds.

Welcome :slight_smile:

I tend to view history cyclically, altho man, could be progressing in the log run, if he is, it’s at least a gradual, upward spiral, not a straight line.
It’s also possible we could make the world a much worse place to live through nuclear war or meddling with nature.

Marxism has a life span, Russia is no longer communist and FTMP neither is China, but republicanism has a life span too, and civilization as a whole.
The oldest surviving republic I’m aware of is a city state called San Marino in Italy, it’s lasted nearly 2000 years, but most didn’t last longer than Rome, which lasted 500 years.
If the American republic survives this century, at the very least it’s going to have to struggle, plainly America’s elite no longer believe in the constitution, they go to war without declaring it, and both the war on drugs and terror have undermined it in all sorts of ways.
For the elite, both critical theory and scientism come before free speech and freedom in general.
Anyone who challenges the status quo in any way, from DJT to Tulsi Gabbard must be a Russian asset, a traitor.

Civilization itself has already collapsed twice as far as we know, altho some revisionists believe civilization is far older than our history books suggest.
The 1st collapse known as the bronze age collapse and the 2nd the fall of Rome, Persia and many other civilizations in and around the same time.
We are in the age of republicanism right now, I believe this age will be followed by an age of dictatorships, then partial or total collapse.

If there is a way for man to live with himself and his environment sustainably, long term, I don’t believe we thought of it yet.
If history and science are right man is young and civilization, when apes decided to live more like eusocial insects than apes, an infant, it may take us thousands, or even millions of years to perfect this thing, or maybe we never do, and this is as good as it gets.

If civilization collapses, theism, whether monotheism, pantheism, polytheism or something else, will likely make a comeback.
But is humanism not also a religion?
Have we not just exchanged faith in the Gods with faith in man and his scientific and social achievements?

Omg no u guys monitheism’s origins in philosophy and logic was the result of an examination of the logical problems involved in polytheistic systems. Monotheism makes more sense than polytheism even though neither are true. Aristotle, the mad Arabs, Aquinas, Anselm, Leibniz, Spinz (really only Spinz and Aristotle… they pwned everybody)… these guys made a quick history of paganism. In fact we got another irony; to still hold on to paganism even in this age as anything more than a hobby or arbitrary conversation piece, is to be even dumber than the people of ‘the book’. And that should not be possible. I mean go to a baptist church in kentucky, watch those people, and then say ‘i’m even dumber than them’. Duddint sound right, does it?

Monotheism, polytheism, wat dat?
These’re my saviors right here:–~B/aD02MTk7dz0xMTAwO3NtPTE7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/–bill-gates-global-warming.jpg–N6BQ6ctabIK84O-Q8mVmOTdKAb7/file#

Promethean you ape, shut the fuck up man.

That point has a flip side too. Technology is in the process of making us hyperconscious. Us as in those that resist it, those who still have phones as their accessories rather than the other way around.
This is one facet of step in evolution that is unlike any that we might try to relate it to - this is new territory, mankind has never had so much power to mobilize. Trump was elected by using twitter mostly. That explosiveness can develop in many directions, especially as the absurdity of the spectacle increases.

Marx, slave morality, the idea that the self is but an instrument of historical forces, pure determinism overlooking the primordial fact of being standing against chaos, of self-agency, of the development of the future by actions rather than by the passively undergoing the fiction of universal necessities and plunging in goolike absence of spirit, meaning - the utter degradation of the proletariat, the ghetto of the molecular world.

I don’t think we are in the age of republicanism, we’re in a technocratic mayhem with absolutely zero democratic or constitutional behavior in it. Less than zero if that would make sense.

A lot of people have come up with good ideas on this, but it’s not on the program - it’s not in the mindset of the powerful - it’s not relevant.
Because we as People submit to this uprootedness that the religions of the day command, we aren’t capable of ‘Dasein’ on the Earth. We’re not worthy of it because we aren’t pagans.

I mean I am a pagan obviously but we as People. Return to Earthy worship is the only way to teach mankind to be sensible, to have honor before himself, to not be marxist or otherwise fatalist, to not be a cretin.

Im very far past that question. Ive exhausted humanism in 2011. It was either die or let it go for me then.
Paganism is simply the recognition of reality. We are here, on this planet, with all these gigantic beings around us most of which we can certainly not perceive, of course, with our very specific machinery, but most of which can influence us.

Its a bravery that the self-inwardness of what ill euphemistically call monotheism has bred out of our behavior.

Lacan he has this term The Real, which refers to that which cant be directly experience because it, basically, too real -
too undivided and too violent essentially, but also too lacking in whatever it is that makes us human, all too human -
paganism represents the engagement of this Real.
Therefore, because it happens by necessity out of the language that the (human, all-too-)human world consists of, symbols are created, sigils, ritual actions - performances of being that stand between subjectivity and non-subjectivity, of which in the basic human and natural world, dance is in general an example.

Paganism is a dance with reality beyond the intensity that language can carry. Its of a higher voltage, and thats literal even. Ive often enough caused light sot go out in meditations, even whole rows of streetlight after Kabbalist pathworking, not to speak of whole buildings and once a whole neighborhood when fiddling with ///

edit -

sorry for this interruption – this post itself is an escape from the language body of our paradigm, which is corroding and cracking -
it cant contain what is happening. Consciousness is mutating as is the material fabric of humanity. Politics had acquired a different meaning.

“Promethean you ape, shut the fuck up man.”

Typical conservative fascist cancel culture and censorship combined with a homocentric bias against apes.

The lifespan of an organism, of an object, machine, world, or political (thought) system, depends on the structural integrity that they allow.

Republicanism sec must die die because the world is unified under technology - it’s no longer possible to completely isolate the politics of a country.

Deep below the Republican structure of the US, the Netherlands and France (the three main modern republics) is a value set, based on the antichristian idea of individual determination, liberty. All three these republics are secular, of them the US is the most Christian qua population, but the founders were masons, meaning they were certainly not gospel-believers.

The value set that gives rise to a constitutional republic is the same set that wil give rise to a constitutional planetary alliance. Elements of republicanism will survive, elements of tyranny as well, as will elements of anarchism, but not revolutionarism - that logic will have been exhausted.

Communism has no pursuit of happiness outside of the pursuit of the destruction of Ownership. It has no other pursuit. Does it?

It has no value unto itself, no kingdom to rule once it has met its aims, there is no content to its quest, other than that it must go on until the end of history.