
I’m not asking anyone to purchase the book. Just read the first three chapters. If you like it, great. If not, you lost nothing. … APTERS.pdf

I’ve been observing partial derivations since being ‘enrolled’ here. If that is not foundation enough, …

There is a point when the book becomes a direct example of the expectation of how it’s methods pan out, after which the proof becomes in the pudding of it being cconnected to the first three chapters to later ones, how many are there?

I can not guess, but in a way I hope it may not be less then nine or much more then twelve.

OK then. Not the expected response, given what I myself wrote. I will give it a read when I have some time. That any event is completely determined by a prior event(most basically put) is not a completely unuseful concept/tool for further thinking. Somewhere in the mix is the feedback into the loop that further determines the next set of events - in the case of decision making this is driven, of course, by the mind-brain circularity to put it simply. Generally speaking, things are a little more complex. But with this in mind(figuratively put) human beings should be able to make good decisions that affect the outcome of others in a “good” way whether they ask for it or not. Fortunately, this is nothing mysterious and incredibly easy to follow. Then of course we stumble upon quantum physics to which some feel we must add super-determinism to and to which I have no doubt in the human ability to further complicate matters by throwing something on top of this too - oh wait, I have actually already witnessed this(on this forum too, so I did not have to even go far) so throw something else on top of that too then.

Peacegirl: here is a 200 page narrative by 5 philosophers touching onthis topic
I hope to print it out and read it and try to allude to and compare it with the intent of Your grandfathers book

Rick Repetti
Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010

I hate posting videos unless it is music.


She is an interesting and cute kook < that was for PY - I know he would probably disagree with interesting…well maybe even cute…every man is different and maybe she is too old for him.
I am happy for her to womansplain this to me.


fuck you bro :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: thats a very nice lady, very elegant and feminine bro. i am up for her experiments, where can i sign up??? :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
free-will is a bit of an idiotic concept to be honest…fuck this free will discussion…is there nothing better to talk about???

lol - in Yankeeland


At least not Canada.

I love Canada, I love America even more… The last Western country that still carries out the death penalty and takes freedom seriously, fight the Commies and the bureaucracy with teeth and claw and dont take a step back!!! I love you encode too!!!wherever you are from!!! :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :confused: :confused: :confused: unless you are friends with this chomo piece of shit promeathen and his Yank friend mr. pedophiles best friends…fuck these two Yank degenerates!!! let them ride their bikes and flirt with 14 year olds!!!fucking chomos!!!

I try not to be too specific with certain things PY - I do my best not to attract unnecessary attention from certain kooks. Fuck, it does not always work.

Canada has some beautiful landscape - and yeah I agree with you about America.

And, believe it or not, this is actually what he construes to be an intelligent and substantive rejoinder:

And then of course…

Once again, I can only challenge him to come here and defend his point of view more, well, substantially.

Surely, he’s not a chickenshit is he? :sunglasses:

as long as I am here he will not come, when I am gone, he will not come for some time so it doesnt look like he was ducking me and then come becuase he is a paranoid kook and cant help himself. anywhich way, i dont give a shit since this idiot is too boring…too much noise, too little substance. he just pulls shit out of his arse and dresses it up as some profound insight…

This idiot is DEFINATELY reading what I write…why wont he come around??? I will explain to him why he is a dullard…

Course it may be catching or go viral: any 1 ever had tea in the empress hotel in Victoria?

Yo, Nature! Explain yourself here!!
Have you no shame?!!!

For her, none whatsoever!

Being enrolled here doesn’t mean a whole lot Meno.

Course I should hope it would generate some credit toward some transfer into something, or somewhere, not that i’d want to.

I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to read three chapters. It’s actually very interesting. I think you’ll get something out of it.

Forgive me for not making the following flow to absolute perfection - right now I do not feel like being a pre-programmed high logic robot or an otherwise brainwashed twit. As you also know, I like to get a little experimental with humor at times and it should be obvious after knowing me for a while that I do not delude myself with the notion that any such humor is fully received - only partially, hahaha.

Still, you should be able to partially derive something here - I am still thinking about Russian dolls too…

…but for now, let us just let the dominos fall or throw the dice or see whatever else we can pile on top of this…


Meno, you and others here have given me a lot. Some people here are not even aware of what they have given to others. Some people might give others a headache or something to treasure for the rest of their lives. People might get great enjoyment from music too but people can survive a long time without music. It is a really empty thing for me to say that spending time on ILP doesn’t mean a whole lot - I could also say that being alive doesn’t mean a whole lot(we have both come across people here that say it or allude to it). To some people being on ILP does mean a whole lot - I have been reading a conversation between two people here that shows me that these two people are getting a great deal out of it - which is to say that using ILP for their conversation does mean a whole lot - I get a lot out of their conversation just by the simple act of reading it. We could illustrate this for a long time with many examples and not just apply it to ILP but many areas of life but let’s not do that. There are things that mean more to us than other things - my family means more to me than the internet or books for instance.

I am not going to tell you that being enrolled here doesn’t mean a whole lot. Whatever reason you have for coming here Meno is a reason attached to you alone that is intentionally diffused to others as you see fit(I had to say it, lol). Perhaps you have got a lot of meaning from this place - we could only know this if you were to share it with us - there is no requirement for you to share anything with us. I am glad I am not on this planet alone. I don’t have to know why I socialize to know that I socialize and it feels like it means something - on the other hand, I do know why we socialize, lol. I get the feeling that a narrow exploration provides an unhealthy explanation(I am hopeful this is not genetically derived) and this should make sense to you by the end of this post if you are indeed capable of such magical wonders as social cues and detecting nuances(more forms of derivation) - but I can not guarantee it given the sender and receiver are not always synchronized in such cases(or should I say never given different net results?).

This is something FC wrote in recent times:

You don’t have to agree with the man on everything to get something out of this. You don’t have to like him to get something out of this. The only condition that is to be met to get something out of this is not to be shut off to others. Of course, this makes sense just like Newton’s laws make sense but the best thing is that FC said it and I was able to read it. This meant a lot to me.

The universe is a weird and wonderful place Meno. We all come here for different reasons. The internet is a weird and wonderful place and we all do different things with it.

If we may remind ourselves of the idiom: weird and wonderful < to provide some partial context

  1. adjective - Having an unusual or strange appearance or design, but ingenious, attractive, or desirable nonetheless.
  2. noun - That which has such a strange likability.

This whole post is not meant to be some sort of proof of anything - I intend on this post being a human exchange to which anyone, can if they wish to disagree with it…and through their answer, the rest of us may even learn something. After all, this is one of the reasons I come here, to chat. I can not chat with all of my loved ones about just anything which for the most part includes nearly all of what I discuss here - that is the beauty of places like this. I am enrolled in a bunch of different places and I like to think that furthermore, I am enrolled in life. We don’t have to know everything to be happy and we don’t have to understand how the whole universe works for us to live. Before all we know, the act of seeking meaning is why we believe that there must be a meaning to life in the first place. If I want to shut my brain off to others, there are many choices in the world for that too - I could become a Jehovah’s Witness for example, and simply follow their doctrine. I am exploring life and places like ILP have helped with that exploration and added much meaning. I have now come to the end of this intended exchange and I am just as sure now as I was when I started writing it that I am not really going to be telling you anything new in this post - a mere reinforcement of what we probably already partially know.


Oh yes - I am hopeful that some of what I write is genetically derived in some families and some of what others write is not genetically derived in other families.
Of course, I am partially hinting at memetics but mostly at genetics.


Partial derivation complete…