
Being enrolled here doesn’t mean a whole lot Meno.

Course I should hope it would generate some credit toward some transfer into something, or somewhere, not that i’d want to.

I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to read three chapters. It’s actually very interesting. I think you’ll get something out of it.

Forgive me for not making the following flow to absolute perfection - right now I do not feel like being a pre-programmed high logic robot or an otherwise brainwashed twit. As you also know, I like to get a little experimental with humor at times and it should be obvious after knowing me for a while that I do not delude myself with the notion that any such humor is fully received - only partially, hahaha.

Still, you should be able to partially derive something here - I am still thinking about Russian dolls too…

…but for now, let us just let the dominos fall or throw the dice or see whatever else we can pile on top of this…


Meno, you and others here have given me a lot. Some people here are not even aware of what they have given to others. Some people might give others a headache or something to treasure for the rest of their lives. People might get great enjoyment from music too but people can survive a long time without music. It is a really empty thing for me to say that spending time on ILP doesn’t mean a whole lot - I could also say that being alive doesn’t mean a whole lot(we have both come across people here that say it or allude to it). To some people being on ILP does mean a whole lot - I have been reading a conversation between two people here that shows me that these two people are getting a great deal out of it - which is to say that using ILP for their conversation does mean a whole lot - I get a lot out of their conversation just by the simple act of reading it. We could illustrate this for a long time with many examples and not just apply it to ILP but many areas of life but let’s not do that. There are things that mean more to us than other things - my family means more to me than the internet or books for instance.

I am not going to tell you that being enrolled here doesn’t mean a whole lot. Whatever reason you have for coming here Meno is a reason attached to you alone that is intentionally diffused to others as you see fit(I had to say it, lol). Perhaps you have got a lot of meaning from this place - we could only know this if you were to share it with us - there is no requirement for you to share anything with us. I am glad I am not on this planet alone. I don’t have to know why I socialize to know that I socialize and it feels like it means something - on the other hand, I do know why we socialize, lol. I get the feeling that a narrow exploration provides an unhealthy explanation(I am hopeful this is not genetically derived) and this should make sense to you by the end of this post if you are indeed capable of such magical wonders as social cues and detecting nuances(more forms of derivation) - but I can not guarantee it given the sender and receiver are not always synchronized in such cases(or should I say never given different net results?).

This is something FC wrote in recent times:

You don’t have to agree with the man on everything to get something out of this. You don’t have to like him to get something out of this. The only condition that is to be met to get something out of this is not to be shut off to others. Of course, this makes sense just like Newton’s laws make sense but the best thing is that FC said it and I was able to read it. This meant a lot to me.

The universe is a weird and wonderful place Meno. We all come here for different reasons. The internet is a weird and wonderful place and we all do different things with it.

If we may remind ourselves of the idiom: weird and wonderful < to provide some partial context

  1. adjective - Having an unusual or strange appearance or design, but ingenious, attractive, or desirable nonetheless.
  2. noun - That which has such a strange likability.

This whole post is not meant to be some sort of proof of anything - I intend on this post being a human exchange to which anyone, can if they wish to disagree with it…and through their answer, the rest of us may even learn something. After all, this is one of the reasons I come here, to chat. I can not chat with all of my loved ones about just anything which for the most part includes nearly all of what I discuss here - that is the beauty of places like this. I am enrolled in a bunch of different places and I like to think that furthermore, I am enrolled in life. We don’t have to know everything to be happy and we don’t have to understand how the whole universe works for us to live. Before all we know, the act of seeking meaning is why we believe that there must be a meaning to life in the first place. If I want to shut my brain off to others, there are many choices in the world for that too - I could become a Jehovah’s Witness for example, and simply follow their doctrine. I am exploring life and places like ILP have helped with that exploration and added much meaning. I have now come to the end of this intended exchange and I am just as sure now as I was when I started writing it that I am not really going to be telling you anything new in this post - a mere reinforcement of what we probably already partially know.


Oh yes - I am hopeful that some of what I write is genetically derived in some families and some of what others write is not genetically derived in other families.
Of course, I am partially hinting at memetics but mostly at genetics.


Partial derivation complete…

I did make a post, one post back.

Now of course there are other equally plausible explanations.

We could go on like this forever. I am of course happy not to want to either…

Transfer via social activity? Humanity is like a team in that we are all in this together.


Russian dolls, dominoes, dice, and whatever else we want to pile on top to confuse things even more. Hip hip hooray!

I don’t know if we will ever be able to know. This may be the last frontier - the last of humanity’s unsolved mysteries about existence. Seriously though, some people just don’t have the time. Keep in mind that what is interesting to you may not be interesting to others. I get something out of nearly everything that I read. But for me peacegirl, it goes something like this…I have a family that I want to spend time with every day, I have to go to work each day, there are household chores that need to be done and a whole bunch of other stuff that occupies my life including a little time for entertainment and keeping up with what is going on in the world and also a bunch of books already on my reading list. Yep life is pretty busy and ILP gets a little bit of my time but most conversations here do not require a huge amount of effort to take part in - a lot of my posts are done while I am at work - I work in front of a computer nearly every day and am able to post on different forums and social networks in between tests of what I am working on and experiments that I am working on that require no interaction. At the end of the day, it is nice to spend time away from the technology that I use the most. Barbeques, beaches, mountains, and forests…so much to do.

And there are times that I take long breaks from a lot of social platforms, be they forums or any other format.

I am pretty sure I will be able to get around to reading the three chapters of the book though, even if I still have no real idea of what I am getting into.
I only really have your word for it being a good book - maybe someone else who has read it will be kind enough to go into here on ILP.

I will also have to trust that the link you provide does not lead to some malware being installed on one of my computers via some fancy malicious redirect.

Thanks for sharing. You certainly have a well rounded life which is healthy. But I want to emphasize that this is a discovery not just any book. That’s why I’m so passionate about sharing it in the hope that people will want to spread the word. I can’t reach anyone in the field (like Sam Harris) who could put his stamp of approval on it and get more people to study it. I know you don’t know me from Adam but you can trust me. You don’t even have to download the chapters onto your computer. Just read it online. The only thing I ask is that you don’t jump ahead. Read each chapter in the order it was written.

Sam Harris? As in four horsemen fame?

Surely people that work in similar fields are not too hard to access. I know the “field” I work in is even smaller than his “field” and it has close to one thousand people from around the world.

The well known philosophers are impossible to get in touch with. It’s like a treasure is right next to them but they don’t know it’s there.

Sorry guys. Even unknown philosophers at times are hard to understand notwithstanding.

My reasons for being here ade manyfold but #1 is that I love philosophy and philosophers.

The others follow, … And I like Russian dolls, too and enrollment to social places particularily, and I say this with all honesty, I like to like those who do the same without regret.

Note to nature:


If I’m compelled to ask you myself.

There was a couple of inside jokes in it. Nothing to be concerned about. I have been thrown into the world just like everyone else.

Yes, but this thread concerns itself more with grappling with who – God? – or what – nature? – threw us into it.

Then the part where once we’re thrown, we grapple further with pinning down whether, among other things, the exchanges on this thread themselves are only ever as they could have been. In the only possible reality given a wholly determined universe as I am either compelled or opt freely to speculate about it myself.

Inside jokes themselves would seem to be no exception.

Then the part where, compelled or not, we go all the way out to the very end of the metaphysical limb and grapple with all of this ontologically and teleologically.

It’s just that to the chagrin of those like peacegirl, I suggest this must go all the way back to the complete understanding of existence itself.

But this in particular discourages some because it begins to dawn on them just how utterly futile this task actually is. Like me, compelled or not, they pursue it only because they can’t “will”, will or peacegirl’s “will” themselves not to.

And then, I ask myself, how could that frame of mind not be rooted in dasein?

It’s rooted in each person’s heredity and environment.

See what he does? Here or there, he completely avoids addressing the points that I raised above – in or out of dreams – and just goes right on assuming that his own conclusions about victims and God and the universe are the only ones that all the others in his own masters class are obligated to preach in turn.

And, again, the sheer irony embedded in all of this!!

He loves to go on and on about “herd mentality”. And yet he demands that others must think exactly like he does about free will in his very own KT clique/claque. And if they don’t? Well, compelled or not, he sentences them to the dungeon. And, even there, he “disappears” entire threads.

So, how is KT not then itself just another herd?! They become the “one of us” masters and those who are “one of them” become the “desperate degenerate” slaves.

In other words, just another sad, pathetic rendition of the Ayn Randroid Syndrome.

And yet here I am having thought myself into believing that he was never able not to be other than what he could only ever be in the only possible reality.

In other words, as with polishyouth, he’s off the hook too!!!

Note to nature:

Compelled or not, explain yourself!!!

Of course I can partially derive it after some thought but it will have to be a play, of words or even a play within a play kind of like a rarely staged Tiny Alice, rather than a less structured wait, as for godot.

This partiality broadens an impartial characterization?
May be.

Yes, right up to the point where I think how differently my father and son are to me and wonder whether their environment may have had something to do with this and furthermore how relevant this is to my being. We have some unresolved entities here but before I think, I have to be - I also have to occasionally check that I am not falling into the traps that others unintentionally/intentionally lay down for me. Whether others are intentional or not is not the point here because within the next few seconds whatever I have just considered is gone to give way to that which comes next. What is important is what is now.

The question of god or nature…hmm…

What threw me into this?

Then, of course, there is the problem of our language…the biggest roadblock in this discussion…and…there are infinitely different ways to think about things…

Well, it sounds good to me. Right now, at least.

Language is important because clear communication is dependent on the words being used. That’s why defining terms is so important. The truth I’m sharing is an invariable law. There is no other way to think about the fact that 1+1=2.

Language is important. Definitions are useful especially when we consider how often we all fumble with the use of language.
Part of the problem is inherent to how our language is built - how it is structured - in its grammar, however, I will leave this for another discussion in some other thread or instance in my life.

I was referring to what some perceive as Heidegger’s problem with language.

This perception if used the right way(whatever this means) can intelligently show that we are not masters of language.
Of course, this whole idea can also illuminate much more than this(again if used the right way).