Is God there in any Situation?

Actually, the Buddhists have no god (in the sense of monotheistic or pagan religions); so by “a Buddhistic God” I meant a god in the sense of a mix of Buddhism itself and a god or the God. … m-of-god-2

But did Buddha became a god or not?

“But did Buddha became a god or not?”

This question contains at least one undefined word (‘god’), so a clear answer cannot yet be given to the question.

If u wish to converse with ILP, define ur terms, madam - Voltaire

Buddhism is not very thorough. But, in Buddhism the god realms are one of the 5 realms of people who aren’t enlightened yet. Samsara. (Illusion) (falsity)

Buddhism claims that buddhahood is greater than the god realm.

Is God there, is God the situation when a man rapes a woman, when a pedophile sexually molests a child, when a bomb is dropped on innocent people for the sake of winning a war or ending it more quickly, when millions of people are murdered and gassed because of their beliefs?

My opinion- Yes.

God is the consequence for not attending to danger.
God is also the reward for compensating for natural disorder and disaster.

If you are not trying - if you are not attending - if you have disregard for what is - you are anti-life and God is your rebuke, condemnation, and curse.

God is what draws the line between mindless and heartless urge versus the effort that is life itself.

The innocent die because you and those many before you did not try.

I am not a dyed-in-the-wool theologian, but in my opinion, many people are falsely convinced that God is only allowed to be good, as if they themselves determine how God has to be, namely in such a way that he pleases them, while they themselves, however, are allowed to be as they want.

I am also not a theologian but I think what they mean to be saying is that God defines what good is. Good is not above God and some standard to hold God to - but the other way around - if it is against God it is not good.

That is my own reasoning based merely on the idea that God is God and there is nothing anyone can ever do about it - so accept it as a fixed, immutable barrier to any effort made against it. Fighting that which cannot ever be changed is insanity and thus - not good.


But why bring God into this equation? This is all on humanity.
I can see cause and effect here but God?

This I can go along with. We take responsibility for what we do or do not do.

Behind this insanity is usually the will to be like God.

Perhaps God IS “cause and effect”?

In my Pantheopsychic revision of Judeo-Christian theology, God is in every situation depending upon which of His three personalities is dominant, and upon which state of consciousness He resides.

Perhaps God is the First Cause, the Origin of Everything but that does not mean that God is the cause and effect of everything which has occurred from the beginning of time ad continuum.

Things happen, people make things happen and others are the catalysts who respond, for the good and the bad.

Did God create some kind of built-in contraption whereby the world would evolve through cause and effect? Who knows!

Do we blame this God for the evil which has transpired within the world because we do not understand and are not capable of observing how this came from that, how we ourselves have caused this because we were simply not paying attention and did not care. We have reason, intelligence, consciousness, reflection, ad continuum lol and yet we walk around with eyes shut.

I suppose that it comes down to one’s own perspective. Should Alexander Graham Bell be held responsible for every idiotic, negative, cruel conversation that comes over the phone? Is he there in any situation? That may not be a good analogy.

This is always fascinating to consider. After all, if we go back to the final, definitive explanation for the existence of existence itself, God may or may not be included.

My own current best guess: we just don’t know.

Of late I keep coming back to this:

“Each second there are about 100 billion ghostly solar neutrinos passing through the tip of your finger, and every other square centimeter of your body, whether you are indoors or outdoors, or whether it is day or night, and without your body noticing them, or them noticing your body.”

So, if a God, the God, your God is responsible for the existence of existence itself – the whole shebang – why on earth would he make this a part of it? Why not 10 billion or 1 billion? Why neutrinos and not something else?

God and the laws of matter? What to make of that relationship?!

And what was God thinking when He came up with this:

[b]"Light travels at approximately 186,000 miles a second. That is about 6,000,000,000,000 miles a year.

The closest star to us is Alpha Centauri. It is 4.75 light-years away. 28,500,000,000,000 miles.

So, traveling at 186,000 miles a second, it would take us 4.75 years to reach it. The voyager spacecraft [just now exiting our solar system] will take 70,000 years to reach it.

To reach the center of the Milky Way galaxy it would take 100,000 light-years.

Or consider this:

“To get to the closest galaxy to ours, the Canis Major Dwarf, at Voyager’s speed, it would take approximately 749,000,000 years to travel the distance of 25,000 light years! If we could travel at the speed of light, it would still take 25,000 years!”

The Andromeda galaxy is 2.537 million light years away." NASA[/b]

And this:

“It turns out that roughly 68% of the universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27%. The rest - everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the universe.” NASA

Go figure?

The definite explanation for the existence of existence itself is the existence of first-person subjective experience in the form of a particular person, the only form in which existence demonstrates itself to exist, and the only form existence has ever demonstrated itself to exist.

Honestly speaking, this is the best guess. Everything else is imagination backed by belief in the content of one’s imagination that may or may not objectively exist.

Answer: “Just because”. Existence exists in the manner in which it exists, either in the form of God and the going’s-on in the mind of God or something else…for no other reason that out of all the ways existence could have exist, it happens to exist in the way in which it arbitrarily presents itself.

And solar neutrinos, if Panpsychism is true, may not actually exist, but are constructs made up of first-person subjective experience that is the “Sauron-shape” of a particular person’s consciousness.

It may be, given that existence only appears in the form of first-person subjective experience in the form of a certain person, that matter i.e. physical matter, i.e. something that is not/is other than first-person subjective experience may not exist. Thus there is no relationship or contradiction in a relationship between God and non-existent matter.

Just imaginative stuff God puts, through the replication of others of the content of His lucid dreaming, in the consciousness of others for artistic arbitrariness. The objective Canis Major Dwarf, objective light, objective galaxies, planets, etc., however may not actually exist as only persons exist and as such the Canis Major Dwark, black holes, nebulae, stars, planets, etc. are only constructs composed only of a person’s subjective experience of them and only exist within the person, i.e. the person’s consciousness and have no existence outside the person or exist as something other than persons.

Eh, dark matter and energy probably doesn’t exist, as there is only first-person subjective experience in the form of persons.


Of course all of this speculation is just another example of your very own first-person subjective experiences.

Now comes the hard part: reconciling it with all of the first-person subjective experiences of millions upon millions of others such that we can finally pin down who actually comes closest to explaining fully the relationship between God, the laws of matter, and the existence of existence itself.

Starting, for example, with actually demonstrating why what we believe about it all “in our head” is in fact the obligation of each rational man and woman to believe in turn.

You start, okay?

The problem with that is that there could not have ever been an “origin of” the entire universe. The only thing that makes sense is that God represents the principle that dictates the process of creating - “The Creator”.

And of course that process is ubiquitous.

And when whatever that process is “says” that you must act this way or that in order to get what you want - then you certainly should do exactly that. But always be suspicious of who is really representing what that principle says.


True, the part that is speculation anyway. However, it’s not speculation that existence demonstrates itself only in the form of a person and that which the person experiences. It’s observable fact, as you and I prove this to be true by our very existence and the nature of our existence (first-person experiences that experience).

Well, we can’t really determine who comes closest to explaining the relationship between God and the existence of existence itself. At the end of the day, its imagination believed to objectively exist, with everyone competing with each other not in terms of actual observable fact (as the only observable fact about existence is that it always appears in the form of a person and that which the person experiences), but in terms of what is imagined to exist outside one’s consciousness.

(The laws of matter doesn’t factor, at least not to me as it probably does not exist as the only thing that may exist, inferred from the only thing that demonstrates it exists, is first-person subjective experience.)

There is no obligation ‘of each rational man and woman to believe in turn’ when it comes to propositional imagination. One can only present what one believes to exist outside one’s consciousness (re: in the absence of one’s consciousness) as something that, for all anyone knows, could actually be true provided what one presents is (1) logically possible and (2) logically non-contradictory.

What any rational man and woman should believe based on observation, however, is that existence only demonstrates itself in the form of a person, and as such existence only demonstrates itself in the form of first-person subjective experience.


That “existence only demonstrates itself in the form of first person subjective experience” is counterintuitive. We manipulate matter for our own uses. We eat or have sex with what is other than ourselves, proving the efficiency of our senses. What is out there beyond the body is knowable as real and solid, not ephemeral as an idea. If the senses presented us with false information, we would not survive.
“I refute it thus.”–Ben Johnson, kicking a stone.