What it does is what it Is

Not things I did not know. Please honor my wishes and absent yourself from this thread.
Your approach to the matter at hand is severely limited. Your posts, never without ad hominem. If you could only have posted on subject at hand and not about me—oh well. Please be gone.

You are ignorant.
Read Ethics, or fuck off

Please honour my wishes and learn something before you speak of it.

Bye Sculptor.

What it does is what it is.

You must be “farewell”.


“This argument is amusing and seductive, but for all I know, the Lord may be laughing over it and leading me down the garden path.” – Albert Einstein in a letter to a friend

A theory that addresses the object ‘science’ in this sentence but not the object ‘Lord’ is lacking.

Is there determinism without a purpose? Give me an example in Nature.

All of it.

Obsrvr is inherently stupid as demonstrated by this post.

You are not stupid. What do you wish to say about design in evolution?
I find evolution deterministic and creative. We owe to it as we are all involved in it.
I have had God experiences so I know God exists for everyone regardless of their personal beliefs to the contrary.
But this thread is not about me. It’s about purposeful design in Nature and how that implies a creator.
Michael Behe was scoffed at by other scientists because he found instances in nature of “irreducible complexities”. Some scientists seem to forget that Darwinian evolution is theory. That at present it has not been refuted does not mean it never will be.

He wants to get a room with you!!

And also it sort of has been. No scientist uses Darwin as a reference. Even though some general concepts he laid out are still mainly what are used today, too much of his actual theory has been refuted and replaced for imperfections and oversights that are part of the normal course of scientific theoretical progress.

If Darwin read “The Selfish Gene,” he would have an aneurysm.

Darwin is more of a symbolic figurehead.

Darwinism is used throughout science, not just biology, but computer science, neurology and more.
Examples can be found in anthrolpology, sociology, even psychology.
Darwin changed everything.

I know you feel very strongly that it is true.

I wonder what Darwin would have thought of the modern synthesis (Julian Huxley) or of Stephen. J Gould’s '“punctuated equilibrium”, revisions of the early theory, mostly in light of Mendel’s findings on genetics.

Deep within existential awareness lie clues to the secrets of evolution. These clues are of a designer. Most atheists I have met neglect these clues in favor of attacks on religious fundamentalism, attacks that stem from personal problems with religion as they have experienced it or from belief that religion in general has always been anti-science. On the one hand there is the lumping of all religions together as if religion itself has never evolved. On the other hand the approximately 150 years of the war between science and religion has rendered only losers on both sides, but science is still credited with all advances of the human race. Attempts to reconcile science and religion are usually met with scoffing and derision from many. atheists.
For me, Thomas Henry Huxley’s agnosticism is a much more honest approach to religion vs science than atheism is.

I always feel strongly to challenge the ignorance of people who just do not know, - that is you in this instance.

It’s not a “revision”. Gould was perfectly aware that he was building on Darwin.