on the use of the ignore button....

Left a sinking ship for greener pastures?

I swallowed a fair amount of tear gas in my life, for someone like you to question me. If someone walked into your house, killed your family and locked you in the basement, and you broke out, you wouldn’t be “leaving a sinking ship for greener pastures.”

Have some respect.

And I was there when the shortages happened, and I had to pick people’s unfinished lunches from the sidewalk (never stole or robbed anyone, so the old socialist trope means nothing to me, just an excuse for cowards to be cowards) and be abused (not sexually, two people would have died) by the communist police and military, I ate my share of shit. I saw what generations of people had built get taken over and destroyed in matters of months, an entire oil extracting powerhouse be taken to bankruptcy, everybody I knew with money fleeing, everybody I knew without a cent fleeing also a few years later. Fat motherfuckers whose curriculum was having been a syndicate thug take charge of whole industries and run them to the ground, while living in multimillion dollar mansions in Miami, with billions in the bank, universities that use to churn out world-sought after graduates become squat houses. I saw that shit, not because someone told me, but with my very own fucking eyes.

For someone like you to question me. Who never wanted for nothing. Who gratiously accepted the gifts of a global economic powerhouse without questioning where any of it comes from.

For me it’s like when the Jews started getting rounded up in the first towns in Germany, and they fled to some other town telling horror stories about the nazis, and people going 'oh they just say that cause they had a bad experience." Yeah no shit. But maybe those people saying that, deep down, believed those dirty Jews should have been rounded up. Maybe it’s not so much that they thought the escapees were biased, but that they were actually down with the system.

I met this cocksucker the other day, old friend of the girl I was with, but the girl was not an absolute idiot and aware that the China cold lockdown is a hoax, and he was saying how he wouldn’t agree with people becoming outlawed iof they didn’t get a vaccine, and we pointed out that it was already happening, and his answer was “well maybe he should get the fucking vaccine then.”

What happened in Venezuela didn’t open my eyes to the horrors of communism, I was aware of those already. What it opened my eyes to was the cowardice of people who pretend to be sane, but will find any excuse to legitimize thugs and murderers. Just how few decent people exist in the world. That’s what it opened my eyes to.

And for the better. Now I know.

That’s cuz them capitalists and fake-ass marxists fucked ur whole country up, bruh.

You get a pass because you are straight up traumatized and not the brightest.

Mags doesn’t have that excuse.

I’ve always known mags wuz smahter than me.

Indeed. Here is another man’s take on the situation there. At least through 2018.

nacla.org/news/2018/05/18/unite … -venezuela

The evil capitalists. The evil socialists.

And it’s not like they can ignore each other.

Lol, she’s not walking around talking about ghosts and spirits.

You don’t even have the balls to say any of what you have to say as yourself. You need an avatar to say anything.

You are the lowest of the low. Scum.

I smell dasein here. :laughing:

Yeah, I guess it’s all dasein in the end anyway, fuck it.

But what if we are spirits in the material world?

You’re just a material girl?

Prom, I’m a psychiatrist.

Only boys who save their pennies make my rainy day-ays.

Yo, seriously, listen to this whole album and tell me how many rappers could spit freestyle like that?


Actually, it’s not dasein if the question is “did you put someone on ignore – foe them – here at ILP?”

You either did or you didn’t. It’s not just someone’s personal opinion.

But: the reason someone does choose to put another on ignore is, in my view, often rooted in dasein. Why did you choose to do so when others do not? What factors in your life led up to you making this choice?

Also, if the discussion shifts to whether putting another on ignore is rational or justified, that too, in my opinion, is rooted largely in dasein.

Another example:

Mr. Reasonable plays the stock market. That can either be confirmed as true or false. Objectively.

But if the discussion shifts to why he plays the stock market while others do not, that is more in keeping with my own existential understanding of the “self” as the embodiment of dasein. Given a particular historical, cultural and experiential context.

And, in turn, if the question is, “Is capitalism evil?” the answers we give as individuals are also derived in large part from the subjective parameters of the lives we lived.

There does not appear to be an objective answer that philosophers or ethicists or political economists can provide us.

Hope that helped. :laughing:

Covid-19 is a hoax. True or false. Objectively.

Covid-19 is a harmless virus. True or false. Objectively.

People have natural immunity to Covid-19. True or false. Objectively.

Covid-19 is a conspiracy to . True or false. Objectively.

Ignore this.

Seriously, however, regarding answers to questions of this sort, this thread would seem to explore the part where, depending on how outraged someone becomes reacting to the answers that another gives, they put them on ignore.

An objectivist might do this because he or she has become so attached to their own Coalition of Truth, they can become quite incensed when others don’t eventually come around to it as well.

The “psychology of objectivism” I call it.

As for the answers to questions like this, what else is there other than, to the best of our ability, making an attempt to demonstrate that what we believe is true in our head about covid, others are obligated to believe in turn if they wish to be thought of as rational human beings.

What actual hard evidence do they have that covid is a hoax, that it is harmless, that people have a natural immunity to it, that this or that conspiracy is credible regarding it.

Demonstrate to Wendy that Covid is not harmless.

You’re going to run into the dasein wall.

So much for the simple split into dasein/not dasein.

A curious thing about Wendy. As I recall, in her signature, she used to note she was member #2 in obsrvr524’s Coalition of Truth. Now that is no longer there.

So, did she quit, or was she kicked out?

Maybe over covid?

And you don’t demonstrate anything to the fulminating fanatic objectivists like her, you only toe their line or what might be described here as the equivalent of being spat on.

Now, I made a number of points above regarding your post. Points that you ignored.

Give it another shot, okay?