A Grey Day

Boy howdy do I know that! Some of the scars will never disappear… :laughing: :laughing:

LoL tent, I can’t imagine it bothered you that much, being as fond of bitches as you are.

Anita, some people really deserve it, and you’re so good at it. When I get pissed, I can’t calm down enough to bitch someone out eloquently, I just get down and dirty with it :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Maybe, but you don’t get pissed very often. I generally try very hard not to let my Irish temper get the best of me, but some people just don’t know when to quit.

If someone is given every opportunity to gracefully make her exit, and she insists upon staying and making an ass of herself, then let the chips fall where they may. You don’t barge into someone else’s somewhat personal thread and start bashing people left and right.

As sangrain has said, she probably has issues she’s working through, but you know what, we all do, so don’t take it out on us.

A couple pics from the storm. No great pics, but it was a lot of fun anyway :slight_smile:

A few more

OK. Pandora, the same shot. The first is un-retouched color. It’s OK, but not nearly as good as Anita’s pics. The second was photoshopped as a black and white. The first is kinda humdrum, but the second has an air of mystery… Are those silhouettes of the trees at night? If so, what is that light? The second pic is about form and shapes. It is the absence of color that makes it different in an interesting way. Anita’s pics would have been just as good in black and white, just different.

But what is beauty is is individual taste. There is no accounting for how other people see things. You don’t like grey? OK. But don’t pass judgement on those that do.

It’s true. I splained why, didn’t I? But… couldn’t you bitches let me win once in awhile? (sniff)

Showing people black and white pictures are psychologically distorting, hypnotizing, transforming, and controlling people it seems, pandora just don’t get it. It’s art person so just grasp a hold and feel the feel and go with the flow and let others know. Besides people had so watch black and white on television so get a grip of your self for every-bodies sake you’re killing the moment.
Great pictures don’t mind pandora he’s in a bad mood i guess.

Hey I’d put up some good pics if you explain how to and need to know how to get pictures up on the website…
So I’m going to go there now :smiley: ------------------>

Blurred, nice storm pics - that pounding rain looks like it could hurt. Your choice of subject matter - the approach of ominous dark clouds, the fog enshrouding the lighthouse, the rain pelting the water and pock-marking the sand - all really strong photojournalism. You’re a natural.

JT, your photographs are gorgeous. Where the color version is warm and serene, the B&W is a little eerie; hauntingly beautiful. Excellent, both technically and artistically. Any more where those came from?

But you are bad at photoshop. People photoshop because ‘natural’ is not good enough, so they ‘enhance’ it…and some people just get carried away with it, even to the point where they end up in cartoon land. And then they turn around and call it beautiful and natural…and give themselves a pat on the back.

You can be defensive all you want. Go ahead. I’m just saying it how I see it.

Well, if there is beautiful, then there must be an ugly and then there must be something in between, right? You don’t just throw beautiful left and right haphazardly. Again, on what account is brown water and grey beautiful?

Okay… where is beauty in one complete grey non-competing color?

Us again?

Not all colors complement each other, and grey in absence of another color does not compliment anything because there is nothing else to complement it with.

Which brings me back to my question: what kind of person finds monotonous grey beautiful? And why?

I have already seen your photoshop work, Anita. And it says a lot more about your color theories than you can ever say yourself.

You know, last time I was accused of this I was discussing someone’s (won’t mention names here) anal mystique theory. So, when someone assigns depth to their aesthetic theory, I usually assume they’re full of shit. And usually, they are.

But you do have time for passive-aggressive sarcasm, don’t you? You are no saint yourself, Anita.

Oh, is that where you learn about beauty?. . Let me get this right, you actually need a degree to have an aesthetic sense and be able to appreciate beauty? I’d be darned!

Thank god I can still breathe for free.

Sorry honey, you’re just not worth expending any more time and energy on. Go see if you can provoke someone else.

I have made my point.

Pandora, there’s a very simple solution to your problem.

You see, we aren’t in this thread to debate about what person thinks is beautiful and another doesn’t. It’s fine if you don’t like my photos, or Anita’s, or Tent’s. You think they are boring, I get that, but don’t worry – it doesn’t bother me, and I’m pretty certain it doesn’t bother Anita or Tent either. All you need to do is stop trying to argue with anyone who doesn’t see things the same way you do. It’s fairly simple. You don’t really have to say anything at all, considering how much it bothers you. You should probably just stay away. However, if you really feel so strongly about the issue that you feel you must say something, try starting a decent conversation rather than acting like an asshole. You’d be surprised at how much more you can get out of a conversation, even if you don’t agree with anything the other party says, if you just don’t act like an asshole.

I was being decent until people started resorting to sarcasm and condescension. I don’t see storm clouds as 'beautiful’ and inviting, and they don’t ‘tease’ me with mysteries. I said it straight up. Most people don’t see it that way, either. And those who do still have not explained to me why they perceive it this way.

The philosophy forum was not designed so that we can spend time complementing and agreeing with each other. This place was designed for members to contest other people’s views. If you can’t handle it, then maybe you should find another (friendlier) forum where people will spend more time complementing you than contesting you.

I believe we have somewhat answered your question, but you don’t seem to have much real interest in knowing our answers. Tent said storm clouds tease him with mysteries. That is part of the reason he thinks they’re beautiful. Get it?

So you don’t understand the difference between contesting someone else’s view, and acting like an asshole? Ah, now I see why you act the way you do. You just don’t know the difference. How sad.

Cool pics, Blurred.

Wait, is there more than one person posting under the Pandora handle? You know what? I think I’ll just stop myself here. Anyone into Maxfield Parrish is usually okay with me.

Anyway, yeah, cool pics Blurred.

Oh, and I like that middle one, Anita. [size=50](and by middle one, I mean the picture. Just making sure. I don’t know how you guys might run with that)[/size]

Tent, you’re just showing off. You have to realize that at some point the whole ‘look ma no hands’ thing makes the rest of us look bad. (not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just, you know, kinda hard to live up to. I guess I’m just asking you to quit messing with the bar. Okay, you can mess with it to inspire the rest of us, but don’t do it just to screw with us. That would just be mean. Then again…)

Okay, I’m done.

What kind of a person feels ‘teased’ by clouds when most do not? What kind of a person finds beauty in overcast skies, when most see beauty in sunshine and sunset colors?

This is not me being an asshole (I promise you). I think you are being way too sensitive.